EclipSmart Solar Filter for 6” Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes Custom designed for a safe, secure fit on your telescope’s front end
EclipSmart Solar Filter for 6” Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes Custom designed for a safe, secure fit on your telescope’s front end
NexStar 6SE
See everything our Solar System has to offer, plus all the best deep-sky objects, like galaxies, nebulae, and more
Two stunning solar eclipses are crisscrossing the continental United States in late 2023 and early 2024. Be ready with a Celestron telescope and a custom-fit, ISO-certified EclipSmart Solar Safe telescope filter. You can enjoy stunning views and photographs of the eclipses, marvel at sunspots any day, and—of course—enjoy the wonder of the night sky for years to come.
All EclipSmart Solar Safe products are lab-tested and certified to the latest ISO standards for 100% safe solar viewing.
8 Build Your Own Solar Viewer With basic household items or perhaps an extra trip down to the grocery store you can build your own solar viewing tool
10 Using
12 Solar Glasses
One of the easiest and inexpensive ways to view the Sun
14 Viewing the Sun with Binoculars
In the case of binoculars - with their ease of use and portability when observing the Sun - using both eyes is just the ticket.
16 Viewing the Sun with a Telescope
18 Viewing the Sun with a Solar Telescope
Why these purpose built telescopes provide the ultimate ability to view the Sun
24 Using Astronomy Cameras for Imaging the Sun
In terms of imaging the Sun, the choice is really based on what you want to accomplish that day and in the future
If you don’t already own a telescope, viewing and imaging the Sun doubles down on the reason to get started in astronomy
20 Using Solar Filters to View the Sun
Turn your telescope and binoculars into high-powered solar instruments
22 Using DSLR Digital Cameras to Image the Sun
Use your DSLR to image the Sun? With the right set-up – yes you can.
26 Astronomy Enhanced Video Cameras
These unique cameras provide the ability to shoot live video of the Sun – and then share it worldwide
30 Astronomy Clubs and Other Local Resources
One of the best resources to learn more about how you can enjoy amateur solar astronomy can be found in your own community
32 Resource Directory
Find the best sources to buy equipment, services and more for viewing and imaging the Sun.
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Solar Astronomy Today is published bi-monthly by Parkerson Publishing, LLC Bulk rate postage paid at Dallas, Texas, and additional mailing offices ©2021 Parkerson Publishing, LLC, all rights reser ved No part of this publication or its Web site may be reproduced without written permission of Parkerson Publishing, LLC. Solar Astronomy Today assumes no responsibility for the content of the articles, advertisements, or messages reproduced therein, and makes no representation or warranty whatsoever as to the completeness, accuracy, currency, or adequacy of any facts, views, opinions, statements, and recommendations it reproduces Reference to any product, process, publication, or ser vice of any third party by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or other wise does not constitute or imply the endorsement or recommendation of Solar Astronomy Today The publication welcomes and encourages contributions; however is not responsible for the return of manuscripts and photographs The publication, at the sole discretion of the publisher, reser ves the right to accept or reject any advertising or contributions
For more information contact the publisher at Solar Astronomy Today, 3 Suite 45322, 4727 E Bell Rd , Phoenix, AZ 85032, or e-mail at info@solarastronomytoday com
Don’t have any special equipment to view the Sun? Not a problem! With basic household items or perhaps an extra trip down to the grocer y store, you can build your own solar viewing tool
With just a few simple supplies, you can make a pinhole camera that will let you view the Sun safely and easily NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab demonstrates this simple DYI project that can be made with white cardstock, foil, tape and a paper clip To read click here
These simple solar viewers are per fect for elementar y/middle schools, families or anyone who wants to actively enjoy the Sun They provide the added benefit of helping kids concentrate on looking at their project and not looking at the Sun. And it’s a per fect way for groups to view the Sun safely.
Most DYI solar viewers are d e s i g n e d t o p r o j e c t t h e S u n ’s image onto a sur face. The key to many such solar-projection projects is to provide a shade screen, so that the projected image of the Sun while also shielded from dire light This is the basis of si “shoebox” pinhole-style so viewers
San Francisco’s Exploratorium offers an exploration of science, art and human perception In this video, they demonstrate how to create a solar viewer using an inexpensive binocular and a tripod. To view click here.
T h i s t e c h n i q u e h a s been around for centuries and is a specialized form of “camera obscura,” the Latin term for a darkened enclosure with an opening through which light enters to form an image on the opposite sur face. This process has been used as f back as the 5th centur y BC!
Practice using your finished project on a sunny day in your area to make sure there are no trees, buildings, etc. in the way.
For kids and the kid in all of us, what’s better than a box of cereal? A Cereal Box Solar Viewer! To read click here.
UPS Store – Boxes to make a solar viewing tube. Office Supply Store – White cardstock, tape, paper clips and more Your Home – Much of what you need can be found around your home
Dr Sten Odenwald is an astronomer at the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center
He has written the definitive guide on how to use a smartphone for astrophotography including how to use your smartphone to take solar images He demonstrates how to maximize your smartphone’s functionality through the use of filters, zoom lens attachments, mounting options, and more To view click here.
The Sun Sur veyor App
The Sun Sur veyor app is a great app to know exactly where the Sun and/or Moon will set or rise in augmented reality in your location You can preview solstice & equinox paths and view horizon obstructions Plan the per fect shot with the per fect light, or adapt to real-time conditions onthe-fly. Features also include utilizing Google street view so you can plan ahead of time To view click here
Virtually everyone has a smartphone or other smart devices iPads, etc ) that er the ability to images, video d even time-lapse ideo.
Imaging the Sun with your smart device without any additional filtering could damage the device You might find opinions that differ on this subject, but our attitude is that these devices were not intended to image the Sun and, like
ing and imaging, you can purchase solarsafe white-light film and place it over your phone’s image sensor As discussed in our Solar Filter section, this will protect the device during solar imaging
A step up is to add an inexpensive telephoto lens to your smart phone. These lenses connect to the phone’s image sensor and functionally enlarge the Sun for your imaging, video or time lapse. You’ll need to place your solar safe film on the telephoto lens instead of the phone itself. A further step is to add a tripod adapter, another inexpensive accessory that will allow for steady imaging Also widely available are combo tripod/telephoto lens options
The Solar Snap offers a camera filter and app combo for your smartphone that can help you take amazing photos of the Sun, when there’s an eclipse, or any other day To view click here
elecuhey be
used when outfitted with the proper filtering. For the most basic in safe view-
The top option for using your smartphone to photograph the Sun is to image through a binocular or telescope that is outfitted with a solar filter There are numerous smartphone adapters available, but be wary of very inexpensive adapters, which can be quite flimsy. We suggest, if you are going to the trouble of setting up a telescope to image with your phone, buy an adapter from a company that specializes in astronomy products.
The vast majority of versions of the iOS iPhone operating system, as well as Android OS versions, provide the opportunity to shoot time-lapse videos. Tr y using this feature with your safely outfitted eyephone to create a once in a lifetime video!
Tele Vue Optics - FoneMate eyepiece smart phone adapter.
Meade - Digiscoping eyepiece smart phone adapter.
Orion - SteadyPix Pro universal camera/smartphone mount.
Astro-Physics – AstroSolar safety film sheets.
Celestron – NexGO Universal Smartphone Adapter.
directly at the Sun!
Eric Gentr y is an applied scientist for Amazon Formally an astronomer, he received his PhD from UC Santa Cruz, studying the intersection of computation and physics. In this tutorial, he takes a deep dive into the design and makeup of solar glasses To view click here
One of the easiest and inexpensive ways to view the Sun is with solar safe glasses These are special glasses that remove all harmful ultraviolet, all harmf u l i n f r a r e d a n d 9 9 9 9 9 p e rc e n t o f intense visible light It makes you wonder how you get to see anything at all! But don’t worr y, there is plenty of light still available with solar glasses to provide great views of the Sun.
C o m p a n i e s t y p i c a l l y sell ISO-certified Solar Safe glasses in packages of five or more Several compan i e s c a n a c c o m m o d a t e large lots from 50, 100, up t o 1 0 0 0 . S o m e c o m p a n i e s o o f f e r t h e o p t i o n t o p u t ub or company’s logo on the glasses.
The most basic (and most inexpensive) solar glasses have frames of cardboard holding solar-safe, low-cost lenses These are sturdy enough to view the Sun and fold easily to fit in your pocket
T h e y r e p r e s e n t t h e s i m p l e s t , m o s t affordable way to view the Sun
Homemade filters or ordinar y sunglasses, even ver y dark ones, are not safe for looking at the Sun! Learn why and more from NASA’s suggestions on safe solar obser ving To view click here
US Food and Drug Administration TIPS TO STAY SAFE IN THE SUN
Make sure you buy only glasses that are designed specifically for viewing the Sun and are designated as 100percent ISO certified Solar Safe. Only these types of sola harmful ultraviole light to allow you to view the Sun safely
DO NOT use regular sunglasses; they will not protect your eyes f r o m h a r m f u l s o l a r r a d i a t i o n w h e n l o o k i n g
Sun safety is always in season
Unprotected exposure to the Sun can cause Sunburn, Skin Cancer, and Early Skin Aging We all know that using sunscreen can reduce the effects of exposure to the Sun but do you know the “Practice the Art of Sun Protection”? The US FDA does and they provide an in-depth guide here To view click here
A l s o a v a i l a b l e a r e m o r e - d u r a b l e h i g h - e n d v e r s i o n s o f s o l a r g l a s s e s These can be as stylish as regular sunglasses and, unlike cardboard solar glasses which should be considered disposable, these should last for years
You can get big discounts for larger quantities of solar safe glasses. For schools, it’s a great way to share the Sun with a large number of students.
Rainbow Symphony - Solar safe viewer glasses from 1 – 500. - Bulk purchases of solar glasses up to 1,000 or more plus custom branded glasses.
Astronomy Technology Today
Astronomy Technology
Today editor emeritus Gar y Parkerson demonstrates how a pair of Lunt Solar’s SUNoculars can be used to get you up close and personal with the Sun To view click here
Binocular Sky
Steve Tonkin hosts the“Binocular Sky” website, which provides one of the most comprehensive resources on using binoculars for astronomical purposes The website includes advice on how to choose a binocular for your specific needs, what you can see with different types of binoculars and advice on using your binoculars to get the best results To read click here
Regular Astronomy Technology
Today contributor Mark Zaslove shows how supersized binoculars can provide stunning views as he dives into the functionality of APM’s 100-mm 90° ED-Apo Binocular These binoculars are the Ferrari’s of the binocular world and are better described as bino-telescopes, as they functionally have two high-end telescopes mated to together to create the ultimate astronomical binoculars To read click here
Are two eyes better than one? In the case of binoculars – with their ease of use and portability when observing the Sun –using both eyes is just the ticket And if you already have a pair of binoculars sitting around the house, with the proper filters you can safely view the Sun.
If you don’t currently own a pair of binoculars, now would be a great time to buy a high-quality set that can provide double duty – you can use the binoculars for ongoing solar observing as well as for nighttime astronomical observing, offering
It is not safe to use binoculars to view the Sun without the proper filters As outlined in our Solar Filter section, there are a number of filter sizes available off the shelf for binoculars as well as the option to build your own custom solar filter
Several astronomy companies sell binoculars that are designed specifically for viewing the Sun These binoculars have the proper filters built-in so that they are safe to use to view the Sun out of the box
For steady viewing, a mount/tripod combination is a must for using binoculars for obser ving the Sun. Options are varied – from simple mounting of the binocular on a tripod to full computer controlled mounts that will find and track any astronomical object you want to view.
APM Telescopes - Astronomy binoculars and accessories including giant binoculars.
Celestron - Eclipsmart binoculars that are designed for safe solar viewing.
Meade Instruments - EclipseView solar binocular series.
Lunt Solar - Sunocular solar binoculars.
Vixen Optics - Astronomical binoculars, binocular telescopes, mounts and more.
Astronomy Magazine
The editors of Astronomy Magazine have teamed up with Celestron to create an easy-to-understand reference guide to help you decide the best telescope for you They answer the most common questions about purchasing that first telescope, explain different telescopes types and provide an overview of what you can expect to see with your new telescope To read click here
It might look strange to see a funnel hanging off the side of a telescope, however building a “Sun Funnel” is a novel way to allow several people to view the Sun with one telescope. Making a Sun Funnel is similar to other DYI solar-viewing projects, as it provides a way to safely project the Sun’s image The project is presented by Dr Rick Fienberg, the former Editor in Chief for Sky & Telescope and Director of Communications for the American Astronomical Society Rick presents the project with Chuck Bueter, who is active in astronomy outreach, including publishing To read click here
Astronomy Technology Today ENTRY LEVEL
The reality of inexpensive department store telescopes is that they are inexpensive for a reason. However, it is possible to get an entry level telescope that provides great functionality and allows you to view solar system objects such as the Sun, Moon and planets – including the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn Dr James Dire is an accomplished astronomer who owns some of the top astronomy equipment available. With that background, he shows that even he can appreciate the outstanding value available in entry level telescopes To read click here
I f y o u d o n ’ t already own a telescope, the chance to view and image t h e S u n i s j u s t another great reason to get started in astronomy
Over the last few decades there has been an explosion of innovative and affordable products from the amateur telescope industry, which means you can get a great telescope combination at a great price!
One of the unique aspects of today’s telescopes is their ability to be connected to your smart device Using a planetarium/telescope control app, you can pick what you want to see, press a butt o n o n y o u r phone and your t e l e s c o p e d o e s a l l t h e w o r kpointing the eyep i e c e e x a c t l y where it needs to be for you to g r a b g l o r i o u s views of planets, stars and galaxies
For solar observing, you need to remember – never look at the Sun through an unfiltered telescope! And you don’t have to, as you can view the Sun through a telescope using “white light” solar filters, which are covered later in
this guide. You can also use a Herschel Wedge (also covered later), which is a prism viewer designed for safe solar viewing with refractor telescopes.
If you are just starting out, it’s a smart idea to buy a telescope that comes with everything you need – the telescope, mount, tripod, etc While buying a telescope may seem confusing, it doesn’t have to be In the resources section at the end of this guide, you’ll find a list of telescope manufacturers and astronomy retailers that not only sell astronomy products but also offer advice on which telescope/telescope package best fits your specific needs Your local astronomy club is also a great resource for help (see our Astronomy Club section).
You need the proper eyepieces to get the most out of your telescope. There a large variety of eyepieces – and you want to make sure you have those that are specifically designed to allow your telescope to deliv-
er the optimum
v i e w o f t h e
object you are
t a r g e t i n g F o r
v i e w i n g t h e
S u n , m a k e
sure you have
a n e y e p i e c e
t h a t l e t s y o u
maximize your
Solar viewing
Solar finders provide a simple and easy way to keep your telescope aligned on the Sun – and doing so safely without looking directly at the Sun with your unprotected eyes! These handy accessories project an image of the Sun onto a screen – once the Sun is centered on the screen, it is perfectly centered in your telescope as well.
Celestron - Broad line of telescopes, mounts, binoculars, eyepieces and accessories. Meade Instruments – Manufactures telescopes, binoculars and more.
Vixen Optics – Full line of visual and imaging astronomical products.
APM Telescopes - State-of-the-art astronomical telescopes, binoculars and more. Explore Scientific - Astronomy equipment for all skill levels.
iOptron - Specializes in innovative computerized telescopes.
Solar’s flagship H-alpha telescope In this article, amateur astronomer Phillip Benson demonstrates how the LS152THA with doublestacked etalon technology is truly a world-class solar observing instrument. To read click here
Sky and Telescope
As we discuss elsewhere in this guide, celestial telepes are easily rted to solar with the addiof frontunted “whitelight” solar filters While white-light filters are an affordable option, they deliver only limited solar detail, such as Sun spots This is because they pass the full spectrum of solar light, albeit of drastically reduced intensity, and the full spectrum simply outshines details that are subtler than Sun spots
Of course, white-light filters are just the ticket when you are not concerned about super subtle details like solar prominences.
White-light solar telescopes are sometimes designed with a permanent filter built into the scope or a matched filter that screws onto the which, when remo allow the telescope used for non-so observing
But there is a class of dedicated solar telescopes that are not onl capable of deliverin
Bob King is an amateur astronomer who publishes “Explore the Night with Bob King,” a regular column on the Sky & Telescope website. In his article “Observer’s Guide to the H-alpha Sun,” he provides a complete rundown on the science behind, and what you can see, with H-alpha telescopes. To read click here
magnified views of the Sun, but also of delivering much more. These are purposebuilt telescopes designed specifically for viewing and photographing the Sun. They often appear similar to celestial (non-solar) telescopes, but there is an important difference: Rather than transmit the full solar light spectrum (white light), they pass only the narrow, highly targeted spectrums that best highlights subtle features, such as solar flares
The most common of these are Hydrogen-alpha (Hα) telescopes, so named because they target the deep-red spectral line (656 28 nm) emitted by hydrogen In addition to p r o v i d i n g xcellent views e Sun – and of pots – these ated Hα es also delivront-and-cenviews and mages of the Sun’s chromosphere, a layer of hydrogen gas that exists just above the Sun’s photosphere, and this is where the real solar observing and imaging action takes place as the Sun’s surface appears as a roiling, boiling landscape of solar flares, prominences, filaments, and coronal mass ejections
Would you like your traditional astronomical telescope outfitted to provide Hα views and images? DayStar Filters’ Quark eyepiece converts your celestial telescope into an Hα wonder. When you’re done viewing the Sun, simply remove the Quark to transform the telescope is back to its original celestial configuration But note: The DayStar Quark is designed to work only with refractor-style telescopes.
Lunt Solar - Comprehensive line of H-alpha telescopes and accessories
Coronado – Meade’s division for H-alpha solar telescope packages
Celestron - Eclipsmart white light solar telescope, mount and tripod.
Meade - EclipseView products includes four levels of white light solar telescopes. iOptron - White light solar telescope mount and tripod package with computerized tracking.
DayStar Filters - Complete line of solar products for H-alpha, Calcium-k, H-beta and more.
Astronomy Technology Today
André Van der Elst’s “AstroTests” have been published in several French and Belgian astronomy magazines, critically testing hundreds of telescopes, eyepieces and other accessories With this article, he provides an in-depth introduction to the Herschel Wedge and viewing the white-light spectrum of the Sun To read click here
Astronomy Technology Today
As with dedicate d s o l a r t e l es c o p e s , w h e n investing in solar f i l t e r s , t h e t w o p r i m a r y o p t i o n s to consider are white-light and H-alpha f i l t e r s We c o v e r e d t h e d i f f e r e n c e s between these basic options in this guide’s Solar Telescopes section, so we’ll dive right into the filters themselves here
Another white light option is the Herschel Wedge prism, which offers a unique way to view the white-light spectrum of the Sun. Herschel Wedges are inserted into the focuser of a refractor telescope (at the eyepiece end of the telescope) But note: Their design is not compatible with reflector telescopes
This step-by-step article by Astronomy Technology Today Editor Emeritus Gary Parkerson demonstrates how he used a Baadar AstroSolar filter material kit to build a DYI solar filter. In fact, in the article he builds three filters for a telescope, spotting scope and set of binoculars To view click here
Astronomy Technology Today
Astronomy Technology
Today’s Austin Grant reviews
Lunt Solar’s Calcium K Filter to help learn how to utilize this type of filter to view and image in the Calcium K spectrum. To view click here.
As noted earlier, white-light filters allow the full spectrum of the Sun’s light to pass through the telescope – however they remove 99 999 percent of the Sun’s energy, for a safe viewing environment These filters are mounted to the front of a telescope or binocular and are typically made of glass or film. They provide the opportunity for both visual obser ving as well as imaging and are sold in a variety of sizes that fit many telescopes/binoculars available today. An option to buying a readymade w h i t e - l i g h t f i l t e r i s t o build your own One good reason to do so is affordability. A single sheet of s o l a r- s a f e f i l m m a y b e enough to build filters for more than one set of binoculars – even multiple telescopes You can purchase solar-safe film specifically packaged for DIY solar filters and then make the filter cells from materials commonly available at your local hardware store
With H-alpha filters, you’ll find that some are optimized for solar imaging and some for solar viewing, while some a r e s u i t a b l e f o r b o t h O f course, these are also terrific for imaging or viewing the S u n a s w e l l More information about solar filters is available in our resources section.
One quick note While we have not mentioned them previously, narrowband solar-filter options also include Calcium-K (Ca-K), Calcium-H (Ca-H) a n d S o d i u m - D ( N a - D ) f i l t e r s . U n t i l recently, these were limited to the realm of professional astronomers However, that is changing with the availability of products targeting the amateur astronomy community.
Ca-K is a narrowband wavelength emitted in a layer of the Sun that is slightly lower and cooler than the layer viewed in Hα. Ca-K filters present the Sun in a decidedly different way than Halpha and White Light Ditto Ca-H and Na-D filters
A snug fit is a must when attaching white-light solar filters to your telescope or binoculars. This is true whether you order a factory-made filter or build one yourself. The safety of your vision depends on the filter cell remaining firmly on the telescope.
Astronomik - Complete line of white light filters
Baader AstroSolar - Solar filter material kits, white light filters, and Herschel prisms
DayStar Filters - Complete line of amateur and professional solar filters for H-alpha, Calcium-k, H-beta and more
Kendrick Astro Instruments - Wide selection of white light solar filters
Lunt Solar - In addition to its H-alpha filters the company offers Calcium-k solar filters.
uality of workma has been internationally recognized for their q Astronomer that are proudly handcrafted in the USA, and other innovative products for the Modern controllers, lig telescopes, accessories, mounts, solar filters, dew Astroza planet. to match just about every telescope on the aluminum dew shields, with a large selection Astrozap is a leading manufacturer of flexible and
anship and customer service. udly ght shrouds, eyepiece trays and ap is also your source for w
The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has created an excellent tutorial on using digital cameras to image the Sun In addition to providing an in-depth overview of using a digital camera to image the Sun, they also provide links to numerous helpful sites that provide handy information, such as a shutter-speed calculator for solar eclipses and recommendations for ISO settings, f-stops and exposures To view click here
The Vixen Polarie is a device that rotates your camera at the exact same rate as the rotation of our planet In this article, accomplished astrophotographer Dave Snay demonstrates using the Polarie for DSLR imaging. To view click here.
For more than 60 years, Great Britain’s Society for Popular Astronomy has supported the efforts of amateur astronomers In this resource, Society member Mick Jenkins shares his technique for imaging the Sun with a webcam attached to a computer and then processing the video and the final image to bring out breathtaking solar image detail To view click here
Our editorial staff often discusses how to best use their mainstream digital c a m e r a s f o r a s t r o n o m i c a l i m a g i n g Surprised? The truth is, many of the most amazing amateur celestial photos are captured with mainstream terrestrial DSLR cameras
As with traditional astrophotography, DSLRs offer plenty of options for imaging the Sun.
When using a DSLR for solar imaging, eye safety is still paramount Don’t look through your camera viewfinder directly at the Sun without an appropriate solar filter Also, by imaging the Sun without a filter, your risk permanently damaging your camera’s sensor, certainly not the result you are looking for!
For short-exposure photos, you can
image with your DSLR supported on a tripod (with solar filter attached to the camera lens, of course) For longer exposures, you’ll want to mount your DSLR on a special tracking device that compensates for the apparent movement of the Sun caused by Earth’s rotation.
With a basic computerized telescope/mount, you can image the Sun through the telescope (with a filter attached) by attaching your DSLR to the t e l e s c o p e ’s f o c u s e r u s i n g l o w - c o s t accessories such as a basic T-adapter, along with a T-ring specific to your camera model. The telescope mount’s builtin tracking will keep the Sun’s image in the frame as long as you choose
If you are imaging the Sun with your DSLR, why not get double duty with planets, as DSLRs today are amazingly versatile
PreciseParts - Build-An-Adapter portal for designing custom adapters with a few clicks. Vixen Optics - Polarie Star Tracker tracking mount for telescopes and digital cameras. iOptron - SkyTracker and SkyTracker Pro provides computerized tracking for DSLRs. Astro Hutech - Specializes in optimizing DSLR cameras for astronomy.
American Astronomical Society
The American Astronomical Society has provided a tutorial on shooting the upcoming North American eclipses that is the nice primer for general solar imaging. To read click here
Astro World Creations
When considering a dedicated astronomy camera for solar imaging, the two primary choices are CCD and CMOS based astronomy cameras which have different characteristics that impact their performance for astronomical imaging Both can be used for solar imaging with the appropriate telescope setup Without getting too technical, the general theory in the past has been that the characteristics of CMOS based cameras were best suited for planetary imaging while the characteristics of CCD based cameras were a better fit for deep space imaging
Learn how photographing the Sun is quite different from deep sky imaging It requires special equipment, follows different concepts and embraces a unique set of success factors To view click here
CCD astronomical cameras have been at the top of the astronomical imaging food chain for a number of years and they have been the preferred choice of advanced ama teur astronomers deep space obs ing. However rec developments in the phasing out o CCD technology m a d e t h i s a m point
And CMOS cameras contain image sensors
The American Astronomical Society has provided a tutorial on shooting the upcoming North American eclipses that is the nice primer for general solar imaging To read click here
which can incorporate other circuits on the same chip, eliminating the many separate chips required for a CCD. This also allows additional onchip features to be added at little extra cost, again increasing the efficiency of manufacture and subsequent lower cost.
As CMOS technology has proved, there has been a significant increase in the number of affordable CMOS cameras targeting planetary imaging and deep space imaging They offer excellent pricing and their design is well suited for solar imaging.
In terms of imaging the Sun, the choice is really based on what you want to accomplish. Perhaps you would like to enjoy imaging the Sun as well as tar y objects. Perhaps you want also do deep space imaging. nd what type of telescope will ou be using? These, and a host f other questions, will impact he type of camera you choose o use for solar imaging
The best advice is to visit with an experienced astronomy products retailer to determine the best fit for you
As any seasoned astro-imager knows, using your preferred camera is only part of the process. After you capture your data, it’s time to process the image. Once you’ve determined the software you will use, you should practice on solar images, so that when you acquire that perfect image, you’d be ready to make it shine
Atik Cameras - Full line CCD astronomical camera and accessories
SBIG - Offers a diverse range of astronomical imaging hardware and software
Celestron - Offers two camera options for solar system imaging
Orion - Cameras and accessories for astronomy imaging
QHYCCD - Astronomical cameras, ranging from entr y-level to professional, CMOS and CCD
ZWO - Wide range of high speed and high sensitivity astronomy cameras
Astronomy Technology
Cliff Delacy is a regular contributor to Astronomy Technology Today He served for 35 years with the US Defense Department and is as a Volunteer Solar System Ambassador for Outreach on NASA missions His extensive work with the MallinCam Xtreme Video Camera demonstrates how it serves as a versatile imaging instrument that allows you to video the Sun and pull out details such as prominences at the edge of the photosphere as well as plages, which are bright patches in the chromosphere Click here to read
Technology Today
Jim Thompson is an Aerospace Engineer in Canada who hosts the Abby Road Observatory website, where he documents his journey within amateur astronomy He got involved in video astronomy in part to share his passion for astronomy with his son and family Here he documents his thought process on how to getting started in astro-video imaging and the benefits of this emerging technology. Click here to read A bonus tutorial offering a step-by-step process on video imaging written by Curtis V Macchioni and Nico V. Macchionican can be found here.
Astronomy enthusiasts around the globe use the Live Skies Network to broadcast nighttime (and daytime) skies as seen through astro-video cameras attached to their telescopes The free service has more than 13,000 members and 300 different broadcast channels Everyone from seasoned astro-imagers to elementary school classes participate in streaming astro videos. It’s an excellent way to see what you can accomplish with your own astro-video camera The site is available here
Astro-video cameras are unique in that they allow users to capture image data through their telescopes and then obser ve the resulting images – in real time – on a TV monitor or computer screen
V i d e o c a m e r a s t h a t are optimized for astronomy install into the telescope just like a normal e y e p i e c e T h e c a m e r a u s e s a s e n s o r c o mbined with sophisticated video-processing circuitr y h i g h l e v e l s o f s e n s i t i v i t y, i n c l u d i n g wavelengths not visible to the human eye. The results are views that rival looking through the eyepieces of farmore-massive telescopes.
A n o t h e r b e n e f i t w i t h a s t r o - v i d e o cameras is most apparent in urban areas where the high levels of ambient light have a negative effect on visual obser ving conditions Adding an inexpensive light-pollution filter in front of the astro-video camera can allow users
to see far more from their light-polluted urban skies than visually through an eyepiece.
And astro-video technology fits well in the social-sharing world of today, as astro videos can be streamed over the Internet to allow anyone located anywhere in the world to experience telescope views in real time It also works well for in-person sharing, as the TV or computer monitor can be easily seen by multiple people simultaneously – making it per fect for outreach programs held by astronomy clubs, planetariums, museums, schools or with family and
Of course, these cameras also excel at viewing the Sun Not only are they well suited for solar imaging and realt i m e v i e w i n g w h e n attached to a properly filered telescope, they also allow users to record time lapse videos of the Sun that can be displayed in real time.
If you are new to astronomy and don’t already have a telescope, you are fortunate that today’s market offers numerous affordable telescope/mount combinations, many of which include “go-to” technology – the ability to automatically center “find” the object you wish to view and then track it so the object (such as the Sun) stays centered in the telescope. Any of these affordable telescope packages will accept an astro-video camera – its virtually plug and play!
MallinCam - Full line of astronomy optimized video cameras and accessories. Atik Cameras - Atik Infinity camera dedicated to astronomy video
e most versatile The
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Watch the upcoming eclipses in safety, comfort, and style. Made with an advanced impregnated polymer filter material.
100% safe for solar viewing and available in sizes to fit a wide variety of telescopes.
Solar filters for binoculars, solar filter film and much more!
A complete go-to tracker combo with solar filter powered by the industry leading integrated Explore Scientific PMC-Eight™ system .
The Astronomical League is composed of local amateur astronomical societies located across the United States
The league’s primary purpose is to encourage an interest in astronomy (and especially amateur astronomy) throughout America. Their goal is to give people access to telescopes, whether it is through their local astronomical society, school, or their own instruments. To find an Astronomical League affiliated club near you, click here
Sky & Telescope
thousands of local astronomy clubs that are made up of individuals who enjoy sharing their passion for night (and daytime) skies.
You may be surprised to find local m e m b e r s w h o r e g u l a r l y h u n t f o r c o m e t s , s u p e r n o v a e a n d a s t e r o i d s . There are also those who enjoy specializing in solar obser ving, lunar and plane t a r y o b s e r v i n g , a s t r o p h o t o g r a p h e r y and telescope making
Most local astronomy clubs hold monthly events in which the public is invited, where you will have the opportunity to look through a number of different telescopes Some clubs offer other outreach programs such as “borr o w a t e l e s c o p e ” p r o g r a m s h o s t e d through local libraries
The editors of Sky & Telescope have created a database of astronomy clubs, planetariums, observatories, museums, science centers and other great resources. Click here to access the full list
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
The NASA Night Sky Network is managed by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, which offers a community of more than 400 astronomy clubs across the U S that share their time and telescopes to engage the public with unique astronomy experiences The ASP provides training and materials to enhance clubs’ outreach activities, and reaches more than two million people through their participation in 20,000+ plus events. Click here to learn more
One of the best resources for learning more about obser ving and imaging the Sun can be found in your own community. Across the globe, there are
Another resource for many communities are planetariums, obser vatories and science centers that offer ongoing astronomy related programming. Your local college or university may also offer public astronomy outreach.
Membership in virtually all astronomy clubs is incredibly inexpensive, in most cases less than $50US. So why not become a member!
Go-Astronomy - Comprehensive list of astronomy clubs, planetariums and science centers.
Association of Science and Technology Centers - Offers a searchable database of US science centers.
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Woodland Hills Telescope
Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope has been serving terrestrial photography and astronomy enthusiasts since 1952.
In addition to a full-service astronomy retail store, Starizona manufactures the revolutionary HyperStar system, which allows a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope to be converted into an amazingly fast f/2 imaging system.
Astro Hutech
Offers premium astronomical equipment and accessories for everyone interested in visual astronomy and astrophotography
Alpine Astronomical
Alpine Astro represents astronomy equipment lines that are the most functional and high-quality of their type available They are the official North American distributor and service center for Baader Planetarium of Germany.
B&H Photo Video
Camera Concepts
Skies Unlimited
Agena AstroProducts
Camera Concepts and Telescope Solutions
High Point Scientific
APM Telescopes
A manufacturer of high end astronomy binoculars and accessories including giant binoculars featuring an aperture of 100mm and larger
Offers a full line of terrestrial and astronomical binoculars including a line of Elipsmart binoculars that are designed for safe solar viewing
Meade Instruments
Manufactures several binocular lines including its EclipseView solar binocular series.
Vixen Optics
Offers a full line of astronomical binoculars, telescopes, mounts and more
Bresser Binoculars
Offers sports binoculars from entry level to advanced performance
Lunt Solar Systems
With its Sunocular solar binocular line, Lunt Solar brings its considerable solar experience to binocular observing The sister company to Lunt Solar, Lunt Engineering, offers binoculars optimized for terrestrial and astronomy applications
Denkmeier Optical
Fujinon Binoculars
Oberwerk Optics
MallinCam offers a full line of astronomy optimized video cameras and accessories for amateur, professional and educational use
Atik Cameras
In addition to its full line of astronomical cameras Atik Cameras offers the Atik Infinity, dedicated to astronomy video Web:
Revolution Imager
Atik is a full line CCD astronomical camera and accessories manufacturer offering a variety of products for astronomy, scientific and other applications
SBIG is a division of Diffraction Limited offering a diverse range of astronomical and scientific imaging hardware and software
Astro Hutech
Specializes in optimizing Fuji, Canon, Nikon and other digital SLR cameras for astronomy by spectrum enhancing these cameras to make full use of the bandwidth of the camera’s sensor.
As part of its broader astronomy lineup, Celestron offers camera options for solar system imaging.
Apogee Instruments
Finger Lakes Instrumentation
Innovations Foresight
Quantum Scientific Imaging
The Imaging Source
Orion Telescopes and Binoculars
Astro Hutech
The AstroHutech Hinode Solar Guider offers solar autoguiding allowing for quick, convenient setup eliminating the tedium of keeping the sun centered over a long observing session
Vixen Optics
The Vixen Polarie Star Tracker offers an affordable tracking mount for telescopes such as the Coronado PST solar scope as well as any digital camera weighing up to 7 lbs
Tele Vue Optics
Tele Vue’s Sol-Searcher offers an easy way to keep a telescope’s focus on the Sun and the company’s FoneMate smart phone adapter provides the ability to attach a smart phone to a telescope’s eyepiece.
iOptron’s SkyTracker and SkyTracker
Pro provide easy computerized tracking for cameras including DSLRs.
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Baader Planetarium
Baader Planetarium Solar Viewer
AstroSolar Silver/Gold Glasses are made in Germany to safely protect your eyes for visual solar obser vation and are available in quantities from 1 – 100 Larger quantities are available upon request..
Single solar glasses in paper and plastic as well as bulk purchases of solar glasses up to 1,000 or more plus custom branded glasses
Rainbow Symphony
Solar safe plastic and eclipse glasses
from 1 – 500
Orion Telescope and Binocular
Baader Planetarium
Provides solar filter material kits to build DYI solar filters for white light viewing as well factor y finished white light and H-alpha filters They also manufacture a Cool-Ceramic Safety
Herschel prism for white light solar obser vation.
DayStar Filters
Offers a complete line of amateur and professional solar filters for H-alpha, Calcium-k, H-beta and more.
Kendrick Astro Instruments
In addition to its dew removal and powering products, Kendrick offers a wide selection of white light solar filters for telescopes and binoculars.
Vixen Optics
Provides adjustable and threaded white light filters for telescopes.
APM’s Ceramic Safety Herschel Prism provides safe white light solar viewing and includes APM’s innovative Fastlock eyepiece clamp
Astrozap offers two kinds of full aperture and off-axis solar filters using Baader film and glass materials to fit all popular telescope sizes.
Lunt Solar
In addition to its H-alpha filters the company offers Calcium-k solar filters. Web:
Chroma Technology
Thousand Oaks Optical Orion Telescopes and Binoculars
Seymour Solar
Lunt Solar
Lunt Solar offers one of the world’s most complete, sophisticated and comprehensive line of H-alpha telescopes.
A division of Meade, Coronado offers an H-alpha line of solar telescopes, mounts and other accessories
Web: coronado.html/
As part of its Eclipsmart line of solar products, Celestron offers a portable white light solar telescope, mount and tripod.
Meade’s EclipseView products includes four levels of white light solar telescopes.
The company’s white light solar telescope provides computerized tracking built into the complete telescope, mount and tripod package
Daystar Filters
In addition to its comprehensive filter line, Daystar also offers H-Alpha telescope packages
Hubble Optics
A manufacturer of high-precision lightweight optics and complete optomechanical systems.
Offers a broad line of telescopes, mounts, binoculars, eyepeices and accessories from entry level products to advanced astronomy technology
Meade Instruments
Manufactures, imports, and distributes telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, CCD cameras and telescope accessories for the consumer market.
Vixen Optics
A top astronomy equipment manufacturer in Japan since 1949 offering a full line of visual and imaging astronomical products
Tele Vue Optics
Since 1977 Tele Vue has been a market leader in introducing new innovations in telescopes, mounts, eyepeices and accessories for the advanced astronomer.
Orion Telescopes and Binoculars
Orion offers telescopes, binoculars and accessories for every level from beginner, intermediate, advanced, to expert Web:
APM Telescopes
Creates state-of-the-art astronomical telescopes, binoculars and more
Q olar S y-Watcher Sk he T o u y t s a y e idiculousl d r an o ef t b igh e n h t t equipmen ind r f ola d s elioFin d H ente
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one t s
Designs and handcrafts high performing refractor telescopes and accessories.
Explore Scientific
Caters to enthusiasts of all skill levels with a diverse line of astronomy equipment
Specializes in the development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative computerized telescopes
Astro-Physics offers an extensive line of precision telescopes and mountings, all with outstanding performance for a variety of observing needs.
Officina Stellare
Italian manufacturer of professional grade telescopes.
Takahashi America
US based distributor of the Takahashi brand of high-end Japanese telescopes. Web:
Unitron Italia
Worldwide distributor of a variety of advanced astronomical products including Avalon Instruments and 10Micron German equatorial & altazimuth mounts
William Optics
Manufacturer of short tube refractor telescopes, binoculars, digital camera adapter lenses for telescopes, eyepieces, diagonals and other accessories.
Deep Sky Printing
Works directly with astrophotographers to offer specialized services that capture the essence of their astrophotography images
SkyShed Observatories
The manufacturer of the SkyShed POD and PODMAX, an affordable line of high quality observatories that offers a permanent or temporary observatory solution to house and operate the latest visual and photographic astronomical equipment
New Mexico Skies
Provides sophisticated amateur astronomers vacation accommodations and night skies viewing experiences.
Manufactures the ROTARION, an automatic quick eyepiece changer for telescopes
Optec is a design and manufacturing firm specializing in electro-optical products used in astronomy, atmospheric science and microscopy
Manufactures precision custom adapters and one-of-a-kind telescope accessories offering an innovative online Build-AnAdapter, where almost any custom adapter can be designed and ordered online in just a few clicks or taps
Specializes in the repair of modern telescopes and binoculars as well as refurbishing antique scopes such as Clark, Cave, Fecker, Brashear and Unitron.
Rigel Systems
Manufacturer of astronomy accessories including specialized focuser motors and controllers
Manufacturer and retailer of hundreds of useful astronomy accessories
Surplus Shed
Surplus Shed supplies surplus, used, and unused optical. electronic, and mechanical bargains.
The company’s flagship product, Deep-Sky Planner, helps imagers and visual observers plan and record their observations A large database, telescope control, planetarium program interoperation and extensive reporting capabilities are included.
Diffraction Limited
Software offerings include MaxIm DL, an integrated solution for all astronomical imaging with the ability to collect and analyze science data and creating beautiful portraits of the night sky The company also offers MaxPoint software which measures and corrects for errors in telescope mounts.
Software Bisque
Software Bisque offers a family of precision-crafted robotic telescope mounts, astronomy software solutions and embedded systems Tools that help quench the astronomers’ thirst for scientific breakthrough and personal enrichment the world over.
Starry Night
TheSky Astronomy Software
Cartes du Ciel
SkySafari Software
Player One products are now availa Astro Hutech and are fully s able through supported
to US customers.
Th i b th h d l d t h tl he cooled deepsky cameras are fu sc
APS-C sensor sizes. ull frame and , in both cheduled to come up shortly
With the SkyShed POD-S la past zenith view with cente mounted or wedge mounted for solar observation and im Sun is at a higher
ayout, you can go er mounted, offset d telescopes - great maging when the altitude!