Career in astrology through nakshatra

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Career in Astrology Through Nakshatra Career in astrology in a deeper level can be assess by nakshatra and career associated house and planets. Nakshatra of Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th house lord are naturally shows interest and capabilities within you. Ascendant nakshatra shows your basic interest throughout your life. Sun nakshatra shows what your soul want to do and Moon nakshatra show where you mentally and naturally inclined and 10th house’s lord nakshatra is your work in life. Check your nakshatra of career associated house and planets, Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th lord nakshatra and guess where you are more inclined and it can be your career path. Nakshatra associated with North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu) can be your soul purpose. Nakshatra of these Lunar Nodes makes you naturally compel to achieve something in your life. Career Ashwini Nakshatra: Range 0°00' Aries- 13°20' Aries. Professions : Equestrian professions, Horse Trainers & Keepers and all those involved in Equine Jobs or Sports, Horse Racing Enthusiasts Gamblers, All types of Healing Professions, Physicians, Therapists, Chemists, Counsellors, Physiotherapists, Druggists & Surgeons, Those involved in Promotion & Motivational jobs & campaigns, Physical Arts like Dancing, Those involved in the Transportation Industry, Athletes and all Sport related Jobs, Herbologists, All those involved in Racing Professions like Motor Sports, Adventure Sports, Explorers, Stunt Men, Researchers & Pioneers, Concreters & all those involved in laying foundations in the building industry, People in Law Enforcement Agencies, Soldiers, Generals, Mechanical Engineers & those involved in Engineering Professions in general, police. Career Bharani Nakshatra: Range 13° 20 Aries - 25° 40 Degree Aries. Professions: Babysitters, Nannies, Nursery School Teachers, All professions involving children, Professions connected with Amusement, Theme Parks, Children's Toys Industry, Gynaecologists, Midwives, All professions connected with birth & death, Professions related to Fertility Clinics, Officials handling Birth and Death Records, Dancers from all schools and styles, Tobacco, Coffee and Tea Industry, Cooks, Caterers, Hoteliers, Professions connected to Slaughterhouses, Veterinarians, Film & Entertainment Industry, Models, Occultists, Judges, Volcano & Earthquake Experts, Geophysicists, Biologists & Microbiologists, Seed & Fertilizer Industry, gynecology, film and music industry, distribution, production, and processing of food. Career Krittika Nakshatra: Range 26° 40’ Aries to 10° 00’ Degree Taurus. Professions: Critics, Managers, Generals & People in authority positions, Technical professions in general, Teachers, Educators, University related professions, Swordsmen, Fencers, People who make swords, knives and other sharp instruments, Blacksmiths, Creative Arts involving the use of fire based processes, Jewellers and Glassmakers, Spiritual Teachers who promote

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Website: Email id: strong purificatory measures or worship involving the Sun or Fire, Professions involving fire like Fire dancers or Fire Sacrifices, Barbers, Hairdressers, Tailors, Work involving use of needles like Embroiderers, Cooks of all varieties, Those who make clay objects like bricks for building houses or ceramic object, Furnace makers, Those who make Cooking Utensils or Trade tools, All professions involving use of fire and sharp objects. protector, food cook, fire departments, use of fire to make things like a blacksmith. Career Rohini Nakshatra: Range 10°00 Taurus - 23°20 Taurus. Professions: Farming, Agriculturists of all types, All professions relating with growing, processing and handling food, Botanists, Herbalists, Artists, Musicians, Entertainment and Leisure Industries, Fashion and Cosmetic Industry, Beauticians, Sex Therapists, Jewellery, Gemstone Dealers, Interior Decorators, Bankers and Financiers, Transportation Business, Tourism Industry, Textile Industry, Shipping Industry, Food Production, Packaging & Distribution industry, All professions connected with Aquatic products and Liquids of all types. fine wines, foods, luxuries, fashion designers, dancing, restaurant, hotel business arts, flowers, decorating, music, painter, make up, fashion, perfume, singing, songwriter, poet, beef industry, speech therapist, orator, financial advisor, banker, botanist, landscaper. Career Mrigasira Nakshatra: Range: 23°20’ Taurus - 06°40 Gemini. Professions: Researchers, collectors, forest ranger, commentators, clerks, craftsperson, teachers especially for small children, astrologers and psychics, explorers and travelers, navigators, map makers, real estate developers, forestry workers, gardeners and farmers, landscapers, administrators, advertising agencies and salespersons, veterinarians and all other professions associated with pet animals, fashion designers, professionals involved in textile industry, earth dealer, seekers and thinkers, writers, novelists, linguists, poets, painters, musicians and singers and artists pertaining to different fields of art and culture. Career Ardra Nakshatra: Range: 06°40' Gemini - 20°00' Gemini. Professions: Astrologers, professionals who need to be good with numbers, comedians, professionals who have a skill of hands in creating and building, computers, telephone, televisions, renovation, hitmen and snipers, biotechnologists, professionals associated with sales, radar personnel, X-Ray specialist, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, nuclear power plant workers, sportspersons involved in games like bridge, scrabble and chess, homeopaths and other medical practitioners who use poison to heal people, science fiction writers, researchers, mathematicians, virtual reality experts, professionals associated with 3D industry, computer game designers, professionals associated with special effects in the film industry, photographers, electronic music, technicians, sound engineers, computer software developer, computer and electronic industry, electricians and electrical engineers. Career Punarvasu Nakshatra: Range: 20°00’ Gemini - 3°20 Cancer. Professions: Poets, philosopher, spiritual teachers, mystics, publishers, writers, astronauts and other professions associated with space research, aviators, patriots, target shooting and archery, home maintenance service, religious establishments like churches, keepers and

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Website: Email id: professionals involved in the pharmaceutical and drug industry, physicists and nuclear physicists in particular, science fiction writers, photographers, trendsetters, professionals involved in the film and television sector, aeronautics professionals, rocket engineers, martial artists and instructors, radio operators, pilots, space research professionals, astrologers and astronomers, astronauts, chemotherapists, X-Ray and RADAR experts, technology experts and electricians as well as electrical engineers. Career astrology Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Range- 20°00’ Aquarius to 03°20' pieces. Professions: Pharmaceutical Industry, environmental activists, professionals involved in fields that result in environmental destruction, people who are associated with the industry dealing with waste products and toxic chemicals, all professions that deal with high temperature and fire, metal working industry, homicide squads and other police divisions, extreme ascetics like the Agoras who can perform self mortification, leather industry, dark technology professionals, black magicians, occultists involved in dark practices, weapon makers, the negative sides of the entertainment industry, science fiction, horror and mystery writers, fanatics, radicals, fundamentalists, medical practitioners and surgeons, cemetery keepers, coffin makers, Morticians and others who are involved in death related professions. Career astrology Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Range- 03° 20 pieces to 16° 40 pieces Profession: Teachers, philosophers, nonprofit organizations, librarians, historians, doormen, night watchmen, shop clerks, artists and musicians, writers, poets, researchers, professionals involved in charity organizations, hermits, monks, renunciates, divinators, occult science and tantra practitioners, healers, shaman, therapists and counselors, meditation and Yoga experts. Career astrology Revati Nakshatra: Range- 16° 40' Pisces - 30°00' Pisces Profession: Calender making, foster parents, travel agents, travel planners, driving instructors, professionals involved in road safety, saints, lighthouse workers, traffic police, air traffic controllers, professionals associated with religious institutions, transport and driving professionals, professionals associated with orphanages and foster homes, shipping and marine industry in all its forms, professionals in pearl industry, gemstone suppliers and sellers, ship stewards an air hostesses, astrologers, calendar makers, time keepers, road and rail planners and those who are involved in the road and rail construction business, watchmakers, magicians, illusionists, comedians, entertainers, actors, creative artists like musicians and painters, psychics and hypnotists.

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