Sagittarius sagittarius

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Sagittarius-Sagittarius With the intelligence of man and the passion and energy of horse, Sagittarius is one of the most revered zodiac signs. Sagittareans are generally affectionate and loves to be true and so when two people with this zodiac sign unite, their relationship is likely to be a long lasting and designed with delights. It is in fact an almost perfect relationship, almost perfect because nothing in this world is absolutely perfect. People with this sun sign are generally lovers of knowledge and like to engage others in a versatile conversation on a subject of their interest. If both the partners are Sagittarius they enjoy the mutual companionship and they share the same view towards the world. Though brief tussles may sometimes sprout, these are never strong enough to break the relationship. Sagittareans generally love to be independent and go easy on everything. Both the partners, if they belong to this sign, are best compatible as they know how to balance each other’s personal interests. They love to be involved in their own work especially when they are not with each other. Nurturing jealousy and fuelling disappointment is not in their character and so they can be the best friends one can ever get. They prefer to get over with even the most disappointing thing as fast as possible and for them life is always a chance of a fresh start. Jupiter being the ruling planet of Sagittarius, a Sagittarean couple never runs out of wit. New and exciting ideas always keep their life interesting. Both of them prefer to acquire knowledge and both try to support each other. However, it is better to be aware of certain overindulgences that can take a toll on the charm that is the sole essence of their relationship. The couple is not only happy with each other, but others as well can learn how to stay happy from the couple. Being a Fire Sign, the union of to Sagittareans can make the fire burn better. To them all that matters is experiencing every scene, sound and smell of the world. This is why Sagittareans are good travelers. They are not contented with sitting in the corner room and reading about different places. Whenever they would get time they would prefer to set out to see new places and to know the unknown. However, the couple may experience some difficulty in being with each other for a long time because sticking to the same thing is not their forte. They start new projects but can hardly complete them due to lack of persistence. A Sagittarean couple can seem to the best couple in the whole world at first sight. They are happy with each other and arguments, brawl and other problems are truly a rare feature. Though difference in opinion may arise sometimes, it is quickly reconciled. None of the partners want to stick to the subject and so they can get over with the issue easily.

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