Second house and money career astrology

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Website: Email id: Second House and Money (Career Astrology) According to Vedic Astrology the 1st house indicates our experience of life dictated by the Ascendant. On the other hand the 2nd house is associated with how we survive. How we develop life as well as our independent entity is generally determined by the 2nd house. It also indicates the talents, assets, strength, value and resource. In order to build a good career and to maintain stability in it, all these aspects have to be developed properly. An astrologer mainly takes into account the 6th House and the 10th House, the Lords of the houses and the planets that reside in the Houses in order to predict the career. The 2nd house indicates what one must practice to realize the full strength and potential in one self. A planet in the 2nd House would indicate the assets and the values of the person and how he is likely to earn and spend money. Hence, your sign in the 2nd house will tell you what you must learn and do in order to have a good career and maintain it in that way. Aries as sign on second house: Aries is a sign with Pisces Ascendant. Hence if you are an Aries you must know how to deal with financial affairs and how to make money. As an Aries you must know how to be independent as far as your resources are concerned. As your sign denotes individualism, courage and action you will easily develop these characteristics in your persona. In fact, these traits are going to be your base for a good career. You can rely on yourself and your strengths for a good career. Courage is your asset and your intrinsic ability to create something new is going to push forward. Develop leadership in order to be successful in life. You have got courage and so it should not be a problem for you. You will develop a tendency to stay active for a longtime and you will not decline from hard work if it means good results. Industries like construction, architecture, mechanics and engineering have a good potential for recognizing your talent and strength and you can build a good career in these fields. Some other occupations like woolen industry, munitions manufacturing, fire-fighting, military and police can also have good prospects for you. Taurus as sign on second house: Taurus is a sign with Aries Ascendant. So, if you are Taurus and have Aries Ascendant you must know what it will take to build a successful career. Learning practical things as well as productive output can be the mantra for success. You may find it necessary to entrench in the materialistic attitude of the world in order to deliver what is being asked from you. You may find it difficult to persevere and so you have to make sure that you stick to a project as long as it is not finished. Producing results will be essential for your survival. You have got the gift of determination and so you have to utilize it in order to arrive at the desired goal. You have the ability to manage funds properly and you can work out with your money quite well. Hence you will find professions at brokerage houses, banks and financial institutions quite suitable. Your instincts will never fail you as far as financial strategies are concerned. You can also build a good career in fields like entertainment, music, painting and sculpture.

Career Astrology, Career Horoscope, Career Prediction, Vastu , Numerology, Love Relationship, Horoscope Compatibility, Zodiac sign, Marriage match Health and Education Related Solutions

Website: Email id: Gemini as sign on second house: If you have Gemini as a sign on the Second House you are Taurus Ascendant. Hence, you must know how you should approach resources and money. Being Taurus Ascendant, rigidity and stubbornness is your inherent characteristic hence Gemini on the 2nd House would require adaptability and skills. Pursuing curiosity and your versatility in different subjects can help you survive in the world. If you still do not own these traits you better develop them as soon as possible. Learn how to communicate with others and how to cope with the changes. Flexibility and communicability are the two main keys to success in professional life for you. Learn to establish intellectual connection with different factors so that you can turn them into an asset. You have a gift of inquisitiveness and intellectual adaptability. In order to earn a good name in your profession you will have to learn how to tackle different projects at the same time. This would also help you enhance your expertise. You may have a good career in the travel and tourism industry, the transportation industry, writing and giving instructions. However, your tendency to change jobs may lead to changes in your financial affairs. You will constantly try to figure out ways to enhance your income. Cancer as sign on second house: Cancer as sign on the 2nd House means you are Gemini Ascendant. You better know how to approach resources and money in order to build a good and successful career. You have to develop certain skills so that you can live your life independently. Lack of concentration may make your task tougher, though your love for freedom and for variety in subjects that you deal with can be an added advantage. However, you must stick to the projects that you handle and take every possible initiative to sustain it until it yields fruitful results. You are sensitive and you have nurturing skill. You also have a firm emotional foundation which can give you a sense of personal security. You are concerned about the security and stability of your financial affairs. Though you are not extravagant and know how to manage finances, you like to spend on things that would bring you safety and security. Due to your sensitive nature you may contribute in charity. Investing in fields like milk products, drilling and water rights can offer a good return on investment. However, invest wisely in order to get the best possible return on your investment. Leo as sign on second house: Having Leo on the 2nd House makes you a Cancer Ascendant and so you must know how to approach resources and money for having a good career. Leo on the 2nd House means you have to have confidence, determination, as well that the power to create something new in order to attract the attention of others. You have a gift of business skills and your approach towards life is indirect but cautious. You can visualize of what is likely to happen in future, your intuition is that strong. But, you will have to show more creative power as well as more self-confidence in order to be successful in life. Your power to create new things is your greatest asset and you can easily leave an individual mark on what you do which makes others appreciate your work. You would be more inclined to be in a profession that would help

Career Astrology, Career Horoscope, Career Prediction, Vastu , Numerology, Love Relationship, Horoscope Compatibility, Zodiac sign, Marriage match Health and Education Related Solutions

Website: Email id: you earn fame and limelight. You have got superb organizational skills which would help you manage your business and finances quite effectively. You will also get involved in social, industrial and political activities, drawing the limelight wherever you go. However, you will be more inclined to risky adventures hoping for success and so you have to be very careful regarding the investments that you make. Virgo as sign on second house: With Virgo on the 2nd House you are a Leo Ascendant. Hence, it essential for you to know how you should take the approach towards resources and money. You are Leo Ascendant which means standing out of the crowd and shining in your own right is something that matters most to you. Moreover, as Virgo is on the 2nd House you have to be analytical as well as discriminating. Your desire to draw attention and extravagant nature are not going to help you out in your professional field. So you must take steps to get rid of such psychology if you want your career to be fruitful. You have to be discriminating as well as practical in order to have a successful career. You are gifted with an analytical mind and an intellect that not many people are lucky enough to get. However, you have to develop survival skills and have to get rid of the egoistic approach at your work place. It is essential for you to give equal importance to your own requirements as to your work. You have to be very careful regarding monetary issues and if you are attentive enough your investments would yield good results. libra as sign on second house: As Libra is resting on the 2nd House you are a Virgo Ascendant. You must know who to approach towards your money and resources in order to have a good career. When Libra rests on the 2nd House, it requires the person to develop diplomacy, harmony and balance. You also have to know how to appreciate others. Cultivating these qualities can prove to be an important factor in a successful career. You have a much critical approach towards life, owing to being Virgo Ascendant. Libra would require you to develop diplomatic skills that would help you interact with others in a much better way. Harmony and balance are the two greatest gifts that you have you have to mingle with others. In fact, your survival depends on how well you can mingle with others, how you appreciate others and how you communicate with others. You can have a good career in interior design, architecture, sculpture, painting, writing and other creative fields where you will have the freedom to exercise your talent. Partnership business is also likely to suit you and you can create a good career in such a field. Investments can also prove to be a source of regular income for you. Scorpio as sign on second house: Having Scorpio on the 2nd House makes you a Libra Ascendant. Therefore, you have to know what approach you should take in order to secure your resources and money. As a matter of fact, when Scorpio rests on the 2nd House you need to have a deep sense of perception as well as an intensity of purpose. Remaining concerned about personal issues would make things tough for you. You have personal power and all that you need to do is to

Career Astrology, Career Horoscope, Career Prediction, Vastu , Numerology, Love Relationship, Horoscope Compatibility, Zodiac sign, Marriage match Health and Education Related Solutions

Website: Email id: make use of that power. You know how to socialize with people and are conscious about harmonization, but your depth of perception is not that good. You have to go deeper rather than scratching the surface. Your ability to recollect experience and information would help you a lot in your career. You have to involve yourself completely in what you do in order to get the best results. Be optimistic about your financial affairs and try to work hard to realize your dreams. With the help of your determination you will be able to overcome all obstacles that can come in your way, thus helping you secure domestic comfort through financial security. However, you have to be judgmental while investing in programs that can result in development in future. Sagittarius as sign on second house: As Sagittarius is resting on the 2nd House you are Scorpio Ascendant. Therefore, you should know how to deal with financial affairs in order to have a good career. You have to be optimistic, hopeful enthusiastic as well as able to recognize the potential that future holds for you. In order to be independent in life you have to be adaptable and open to other views. This would help you understand life in a better way. However, the depth of your intensity or rather the lack of it can hamper your ability to envisage scope, optimism and hope as you are Scorpio Ascendant. You have an intensive outlook towards like which often bars your vision for future as well as your ability to conceive abstract ideas. You tendency to play with financial affairs can make your financial condition unstable, thus making it hard for you to have a sustainable career. You have look beyond the seemingly calm surface of life and dig deeper in order to have a better understanding of the potential that lies in the future. You are gifted with the ability to recognize the affairs that would bring prosperity in future, all you need to do is to exercise it. Build up self confidence and expand the horizon of knowledge through work experience. The fields that you can shine in include teaching and higher education, publishing, travel and tourism industry, foreign investments and overseas affairs. Capricorn as sign on second house: If Capricorn is in the 2nd House it means you are Sagittarius Ascendant. Hence, you must know how to deal with resources and money for securing a good future. With Capricorn on the 2nd House you have to realize the importance of order, discipline and responsibility. Try to be responsible, organized and always operate within your purview in order to live your life independently. The best part about you is that you have a goal oriented approach and are optimistic about your future, but you need freedom. Self-discipline and organization are the two things that you must constantly practice in your professional life. Longing for the future all the while ignoring the present is an inherent characteristic of Sagittarius, so be more realistic and be more organized in order to have a sustaining career in life. You can easily develop organizational and administrative talents that can help you manage your work properly. However, you have to be more disciplined as well as responsible in your professional field. You have the potential of becoming a well known public figure. The fields that can offer a good career option for you are precious metals, gems, mining, property, land developments and real estate.

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Website: Email id: Aquarius as sign on second house: With Aquarius on the 2nd House you are a Capricorn Ascendant. Therefore, you must know how to deal with money and resources in life. When Aquarius is on the 2nd House you must possess proper understanding of your goals, originality and intuition. Try to go through the vocations that life has to offer, this will increase your potential of securing a good career. Depend on your originality and never fear to change your lifestyle as only then you will be able to have a better standard of living. You have a structured and conservative and this is going to help you a lot. You know how to stick to the norms of life, but at the same time you have an inherent desire to try new things even if they require you to tread beyond the conventional social norms. You have the power to develop originality which gives your job security and self sufficiency. Your tendency to experiment with life and go beyond the conventional norms can help you a lot in sustaining your life and career. Your financial affairs are likely to flow through unfamiliar course, though you can gain a lot. You best career fields are the computer industry, research and development, invention, aviation and electronics. Pisces as sign on second house: As Pisces rests on the 2nd House you are an Aquarius Ascendant. Therefore, you must know how to deal with money and resources to have a better future. Commitment and faith are the two most important requisites when you are Aquarius Ascendant. You can go by your sixth sense in order to arrive at the desired goal. However, you may suffer from the minimal success as you may find it difficult to give a proper shape to your dreams. You have an experimental approach towards life and you have a propensity to develop new concepts. You have a love for the unknown and is willing to go over the limits in order to wonder into the untrodden places. You are gifted with the ability to make use of the power of faith. However, you have to be visionary and creative. Keep faith in yourself and be committed to your intrinsic ideals. You may find source of money at the most unusual places and your ability to look across the superficial faรงade will make it possible for you to to secure a good source of income.

Career Astrology, Career Horoscope, Career Prediction, Vastu , Numerology, Love Relationship, Horoscope Compatibility, Zodiac sign, Marriage match Health and Education Related Solutions

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