Ambrož Čopi: MISSA BREVIS for soloists, treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra

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Ambrož Čopi :







MISSA BREVIS , a version for soloists, treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra

Ambrož Čopi


a version for soloists, treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra

FULL SCORE - Chamber Orchestra Version

Fu ll Score


AS 34.035/0401








Ambrož Čopi


a version for soloists, treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra

Full Score


AS 34.035/0401


Ambrož Čopi

MISSA BREVIS for soloists, treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra

CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Kyrie ....................................................................................................... 3 Gloria .................................................................................................... 11 Sanctus ................................................................................................. 58 Benedictus ........................................................................................... 71 Agnus Dei ............................................................................................. 81

Two voicings of Ambrož Čopi's MISSA BREVIS are currently available: Piano / Percussion (Flute) Version [2008], scored for treble voices (SA div), piano and percussion (2 players; flute optionally instead of vibraphone or alto metallophone) Chamber Orchestra Version [2006/2017] scored for soloists, treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra

PREMIERE PERFORMANCE - Chamber Orchestra Version Choirs / Pěvecké sbory: Canzonetta, Vox Novus choirmaster / sbormistryně: Petra Nová conductor / dirigent: Jan Talich December 18, 2016; 17.00 & 20.00 / 5.00 p.m. & 8.00 p.m. South Czech Philharmonic Hall / Jihočeská filharmonie, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Ambrož Čopi

MISSA BREVIS for soloists, treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra A Full Score, Vocal Score, Choral Score, String Set B and Full Set of Parts for this version are available for purchase from the Publisher. Any additional string,woodwind, brass, percussion or other instrumental part may be purchased separately, only after a Full Set of Parts has been previously purcased.

Full Score (AS 34.035/0401) Vocal Score (AS 34.035/06) Choral Score (AS 34.035/12)

INSTRUMENTATION number of parts in the Full Set of Parts

Violin I (AS 34.035/0421) Violin II (AS 34.035/0422) Viola (AS 34.035/0427) may be replaced by: ossia Violin III (AS 34.035/0428) Violoncello (AS 34.035/0431) Double Bass (AS 34.035/0435)

4x 4x 3x 3x 2x 2x String Set B (string count of 4.4.3(3).2.2)

Flute (AS 34.035/0442) Oboe (AS 34.035/0445) may be replaced by: ossia Soprano saxophone in Bb (AS 34.035/0446) – or ossia Clarinet II in A (AS 34.035/0447) Clarinet (I) in Bb (AS 34.035/0451) may be replaced by: ossia Clarinet (I) in A (AS 34.035/0452) Bassoon (AS 34.035/0455) – ad libitum

1x 1x

Horn in F (AS 34.035/0461) may be replaced by: ossia Trumpet II in Bb (AS 34.035/0462) Trumpet (I) in Bb (AS 34.035/0465) Trombone (AS 34.035/0469)


1x 1x 1x 1x 1x

1x 1x 1x

Percussion (2 players) Alto Metallophone, Bass Xylophone, Bongos, Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Temple Block, Triangle, Tubular Bells opt., Vibraphone, Wind Chimes opt. (AS 34.035/0482) 2x FULL SET OF PARTS (AS 34.035/0420) STRING SET (AS 34.035/0419) String Set B (string count of 4.4.3(3).2.2)


ASTRUM Music Publications, Cankarjeva 7, 4290 Tržič, SLOVENIA-EUROPE. Phone: +386 (0)4 59 25 800 · Fax: +386 (0)4 59 25 801 e-mail: ·


A Selection Angel za bolne (The Angel for the Sick) (Si) text in Slovene by Tone Pavček / No. 2 from Angeli (The Angels) AS 34.1 77/01 2 SATB div. & Beatbox ad lib. AS 33.1 77/0221 2 SSAA div. & Beatbox ad lib. Ave, Regina cælorum (Lat) No. 4 from Quatuor Antiphonæ Marianæ Selectæ AS 34.043/01 4 SSATB, Triangle ad lib. Ave Maria (Lat) No. 1 from Quatuor Antiphonæ Marianæ Selectæ AS 34.043/01 1 SAATB Ave, maris stella – The Star on the Sea (L/E) [201 5] 34.1 40/01 SATB / SATB ac Ave verum Corpus [2002] (Lat) AS 34.042/01 SSAA div Beata es, Virgo Maria (Lat), No. 2 from In Domino speravit cor meum AS 34.01 2/02 SAATBB Exaudi, Domine (Lat), No. 3 from: In Domino speravit cor meum AS 34.01 2/03 SAATBB Gloria (Lat) from: Missa brevis [2008] for treble voices (SA div) and piano with optional percussion (Bongos and Temple Block : 2 players)

AS 34.035/0202 Full Score AS 34.035/021 3 Choral Score AS 34.035/0220 Set of Scores AS 34.035/0282 Percussion Score AS 34.035/0291 Piano Score Exaudi, Domine (Lat), No. 3 from: In Domino speravit cor meum AS 34.01 2/03 SAATBB IN DOMINO SPERAVIT COR MEUM Five Motets for Mixed Choir (Lat),

I. Stella, quam viderant magi / II. Beata es, Virgo Maria / III. Exaudi, Domine / IV. O lux beáta Caélitum / V. Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus

AS 34.01 2 SATB div Iubilate Deo (Lat) [2008] AS 34.044/01 SAATB Laudate Dominum (Lat) – Orchestral Version, a cantata for alto solo, treble voices (SSAA) and orchestra [2222-221 0, Perc (2 ), Str]

AS 4.395/01 Full Score [in C] AS 4.395/1 0 Chorus Part AS 4.395/20 Set of Parts [2222-221 0, Perc (2 ), Str (32221 )] Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes (L) No. 3 from: Tres cantiones sacrae [201 6] AS 34.1 39/01 3 SSATBB MAGNIFICAT (Lat)

HARPSICHORD (PIANO) / VIOLA DA GAMBA(VIOLONCELLO) VERSION, scored for mezzosoprano solo, three-part choir (SMezA) of high voices, with viola da gamba (violoncello) and harpsichord (piano) accompaniment) [2009]

AS 34.064/01

AS 34.064/1 2 AS 34.064/20 AS 34.064/31

Full Score [Harpsichord (Piano) plays from Full Score] Choral Score Performance Set of Scores Viola da gamba (Violoncello)

CHAMBER ORCHESTRA VERSION, scored for mezzosoprano or baritone solo, three-part choir (SMezA) of high voices and chamber orchestra [201 1 ]

MISSA BREVIS (Lat) [2008]

PIANO / PERCUSSION (FLUTE) VERSION, scored for treble voices (SA div), piano and percussion (2 players; flute optionally instead of vibraphone or alto metallophone)

AS 34.035/06 AS 34.035/1 2 AS 34.035/1 9 AS 34.035/2002

Full Score Choral Score Set of Scores Percussion Score

ASTRUM Music Publications Cankarjeva 7, 4290 Tržič, SLOVENIA-EUROPE. ASTRUM

T: +386 (04) 59 25 800 · F: +386 (04) 59 25 801 e-mail: ·

CHAMBER RCHESTRA VERSION [2006 / 201 7], scored for treble voices (SA div) and chamber orchestra AS 34.035/0401 Full Score AS 34.035/06 Vocal Score AS 34.035/1 2 Choral Score AS 34.035/041 9 String Set B (string count of 4.4.3(3).2.2) AS 34.035/0420 Full Set of Parts

O lux beáta Caélitum (Lat), No. 4 from: In Domino speravit cor meum AS 34.01 2/04 SATB div Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus (Lat), No. 5 from: In Domino speravit cor meum AS 34.01 2/05 SATB div O salutaris Hostia for soprano solo and mixed voices (SATB div) unaccompanied [201 5] AS 34.1 27/01 S solo & SATB div ac QUATUOR ANTIPHONÆ MARIANÆ SELECTÆ / Four Selected Marian Antiphons [2008-201 2] (Lat), I. Ave Maria / II. Regina cæli / III. Salve Regina / IV. Ave, Regina cælorum

AS 34.043 SATB div Regina cæli (Lat), No. 2 from Quatuor Antiphonæ Marianæ Selectæ AS 34.043/01 2 SSAATTBB Salve Regina (Lat), No. 3 from Quatuor Antiphonæ Marianæ Selectæ AS 34.043/01 3 SMezATBarB She Walks in Beauty (Eng), No. 2 from: Two Byron Songs AS 33.01 9 Score - soli (SATB), choir (SATB) and guitar AS 33.01 9/95 Guitar Part only Sing Joyfully to God Our Strenght (E) No 3 from the cycle "My Soul Shall Be Joyful in my Lord" [201 5] AS 34.1 25/01 3 SSA TBB Stella, quam viderant magi (Lat), No. 1 from: In Domino speravit cor meum AS 34.01 2/01 SATB div Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht / Silent Night, Holy Night / Sveta noč, blažena noč (Ger/Eng/Slv) AS 38.01 5 SATB div Tri duhovna hora / Three Orthodox Sacred Choruses (OCS/Eng); 1 . Bogoroditse Devo 2. Ghosspodi Issuse 3. Otche nash AS 34.023 SATB div ... tu albo to pujütranjo / At Dawn ... (Res/Eng); folksongs from Resia Valley, Italy; arr. 1 . Da lipa moja Njyvycä / My Sweetest Village Njivica; 2. Da tana Sartë sëkala / She Chopped on Mount Sart Firewood; 3. Da lipa ma! Ke bëj na jë? / O Love Of Mine! Where Have You Gone? AS 33.004 TTBB AS 33.004/1 0 SATB ♦ AS 33.004/1 3 SSAA Until We Meet Again (An Irish Blessing) (E) AS 34.1 28/01 SSA & piano [201 5] AS 34.1 28/1 0 SSATB & piano [201 6] DISCOUNTS (direct sales from the publisher only): 20 copies and over 1 0% discount 50 copies and over 1 5% discount 1 00 copies and over 20% discount * Choral scores may only be purchased in choral strength, to fulfill the needs of an etire choral group. The prices are based on a minimum purchase of 1 0 copies for choral octavos. Prices valid in Europe (except Slovenia) and in the rest of the world (except USA). All prices are listed in Euro (EUR) and these are effective 1 January 201 2. Prices are subject to change. / Errors excepted. The details in this catalogue are as curate as possible at the time of going to press, hovewer prices, covers and contents are liable to change without notice. With the issuance of the present catalogue all previous catalogues and prices are no longer valid. ♦ available in 201 2/1 3 string count in a Set of Parts: (8x Violin I, 8x Violin II, 5x Viola, 5x Violoncello, 5x Contrabass) April, 201 8

39 , 9 5 EU R 46 , 9 0 U S D

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