LUX : Sacred Music of Contemporary Slovenian Composers /
Sakralna glasba sodobnih slovenskih skladateljev
kot izvajajo / as performed by:
Akademski pevski zbor Univerze na Primorskem &
Ambrož Čopi, dirigent / conductor
AS 34.180/01
29,95 EUR
(c) 2018 by ASTRUM Music Publications, Slovenia-Europe
Andrej Makor: LUX : I. Aurora caelum purpurat / II. O lux beata Trinitas / III. Consors paterni luminis / Črt Sojar-Voglar: O lux beata Trinitas Light / Črt Sojar-Voglar: Victimae paschali laudes / Tine Bec: Deliver me, o Lord / Tine Bec: Ave, maris stella / Ambrož Čopi: TRES CANTIONES SACRÆ: I. Ave, maris stella – The Star on the Sea / II. Ave verum Corpus Christi / III. Alleluia. Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes / Tine Bec: MISSA PRO JUVENTUTE: I. Kyrie / II. Gloria / III. Sanctus / IV. Benedictus / V. Agnus Dei