Volume 80 Issue 4

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Volume 80 Issue 4 September 20, 2013


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Contemporary painter shares work on campus Booma set to speak at two events Kelly O’Dowd Staff Writer Nationally known contemporary painter Sharon Booma will share details about her career and painting process and discuss contemporary art on Sept. 23, followed by a gallery talk on Sept. 24. “The first time I went to the show I almost burst into tears over how beautiful the artwork is,” senior Lupita Moreno said. “I felt like I could connect to the paintings on an entirely different level. Not just as an art student, but something deep inside me as a human being.” The Henry Edwards Distinguished Lectureship in Art made it possible for ASU to

bring Booma’s artwork to exhibit. The artwork exhibit and lecture are part of a trust program established to provide funding for ASU’s Department of Visual and Performing Arts, as well as scholarships for visual art students. “The event is free, and I encourage students, as well as faculty and staff or anyone with an interest in art, to come out to the lecture,” Associate Professor of Art Randy Hall said. “This is the first lectureship from this trust and this is one of the best shows we’ve had at ASU.” Booma will speak for ASU’s Henry Edwards Distinguished Lectureship in Art on Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. in the C.J. Davidson Center. The gallery talk will be Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. in Gallery 193. Booma’s exhibit is on display in Gallery 193 from Aug. 26 to Sept. 25. Gallery hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Photos by Adam Sauceda Sharon Booma’s artwork will be on display until Sept. 25, in the Carr Education-Fine Arts Building, Gallery 193. The gallery is open from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday.

Catch Sharon Booma on campus

Sept. 23: ASU’s Henry Edwards Distinguished Lectureship in Art: “Beyond the Obvious” at 3 p.m. in the University Center. Sept. 24: Gallery talk, in the Carr Education-Fine Arts Building Gallery 193 at 10 a.m.

Grant to help fund education and agriculture project Program to bring more attention to agricultural awareness Allison Price Managing Editor Years of planning finally paid off for Dr. Kirk Braden and Dr. Loree Branham, two assistant professors with the Department of Agriculture, who received a three-year grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to fund a research and recruiting program. The project that the grant will fund is focused on education and spreading awareness of agriculture, Braden said. Also in the plans for the project is the recruitment of students from rural areas to teach them more about agriculture and provide them with employment opportunities after college. “The project is largely an educational project from the standpoint of recruiting and retaining students in minority populations into agriculture, while increasing [agricultural] awareness in all populations, but especially in under served populations,” Branham said. The total grant amount is $270,000, which will be split between the three years, Braden said. “For example, the first year we don’t have much to retain since we haven’t

recruited,” Branham said. “A significant amount of the money that we have allotted for the first year will go toward recruitment opportunities, including producing a video. We identified the misconception that the only occupations within the field of agriculture are working in a field and being a vet. To help address that misconception, we are going to put together a professionally produced video that talks about all the opportunities within agriculture— everything from food production, food quality assurance to food safety, which is obviously a hot topic nowadays.” Branham said she is overwhelmed and excited about receiving this grant, which will help to bring their recruiting project to life. “We have been working on this proposal for three years now,” she said. “It is a great opportunity for us and for ASU and the Department of [Agriculture] as a whole. The fact that they thought ASU was worthy to recruit students is great.” The official day the program launched was Sept. 1, Branham said. For now, there is still behind-the-scenes work to get done before anything else. “These first couple of months are primarily for planning,” Branham said. “There is a lot of paperwork. There are a lot of initial purchases that we need to get in place before we can jump into the actual recruitment effort.” Branham said the USDA has come to

a realization that its employment is nowhere near representative of the actual population of the states. This program would help introduce employment opportunities with the USDA to a bigger variety of students. “[The USDA] has identified, especially within the Hispanic population, that there is a huge discrepancy, and so they requested proposals to address that issue,” Branham said. “Particularly we are focusing on recruiting [students] into fields that go into the USDA.” Braden said he sees success for the program and knows it will help to bring more attention to what agriculture is. “One of the main goals is to increase awareness to those [rural] areas to the point that we will continually see students coming into agricultural fields from those areas,” Braden said. Branham said she wants to let the program do its job, which is to educate. “[There] are several generations of farmers and ranchers, and you are seeing that number drop significantly, yet we are seeing the population of the U.S. increase,” Branham said. “Someone has to feed those people. We are losing these food producers at every level and it addresses that big challenge. Also, [we want to] increase [agriculture] literacy. As a public, we are losing that connection to agriculture production. [There are] kids growing up in urban environ-

ments who think milk comes from the store. They don’t realize that, originally, milk came from a cow.” On top of this grant, Braden said he and Branham are working together to try to receive additional funding for future projects. “Dr. Branham and I recently submitted a grant proposal with Texas Tech two weeks ago,” he said. “It will be reviewed and hopefully we are lucky enough to get that as well. It is largely scholarship-orientated and it’s a multicultural scholarship program to where it will be a full ride for ten students split between the two universities.” Braden said the program will continue after the grant period is over. During the review process, it is important to show that the programs will be able to continue after the grant’s grace period. “In terms of this project, it is not just a three-year project and once we’re done, we’re done,” Branham said. “One of the reasons I feel they funded this is because we made a very specific purpose to explain that we are setting up programs that are sustainable through the university as a whole. Hopefully we will find some good stuff that works and share that. It starts in high school and hopefully it ends with [students] getting a job directly as an undergraduate or going into graduate school to further their education.”

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Events Calendar Get involved on campus! Here’s what’s going on this week. Friday September 20 Sharon Booma Art Exhibit continues through Sept. 25. Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in room 193 of the CarrEducation Fine Arts Building. Monthly Movie Series: The featured movie is Accepted. There will be two free showings at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. in the Global Immersion Center. Soccer: ASU vs. Dallas Baptist University, 7 p.m. in Dallas. Volleyball: ASU vs. Midwestern State University. 7 p.m. at the Junell Center.

Saturday September 21 FAMILY DAY Family Day 5K (ASU campus event). Join the Multicultural Center for its first 5K and Fun Run during ASU’s Family Day. UREC Family Day: Climbing Gym open. The Climbing Gym will offer extended hours and offerings for Family Day. Volleyball: ASU vs. Cameron University, 2 p.m. at the Junell Center. Alumni Association: Ram Jam will feature a performance by Green River Ordinance. The event begins at 4:30 p.m. at the LeGrand Alumni and Visitors Center.


Friday, September 20, 2013

‘Muslim Journeys’ collection shared All materials can be found in library Kelly O’Dowd Staff Writer The Porter Henderson Library has partnered with the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts (SAMFA) to present the “Muslim Journeys” collection throughout the month of September. “This is a great opportunity for students to get a new cultural outlook,” graduate student Sarah Sanchez said. “It is a chance to understand cultural competence through art and literature.” The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Bridging Cultures Initiative selected ASU’s library as one of 953 libraries nationwide to receive the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf, intended to provide the public reliable sources on Islamic cultures and heritages. The collection consists of 25 books and three films, as well as a one-year subscription to Oxford Islamic Studies online. Three pro-

grams will be presented to students and the community: a film screening, a reading of “One Thousand and One Nights” and a showing of Islamic art followed by discussion. “The library applied for a grant to acquire the collection to get ahold of materials about a culture that I don’t think is fairly understood,” Assistant Director of Research and Instruction Services Mark Allan said. Muslim Journeys was awarded to ASU in January 2013, but the library chose to wait until the fall semester to formally present the collection, Allan said. The library partnered with other departments in the university as well as the SAMFA to organize three programs. Dr. Chris Ellery, member of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English honor society, and English graduate and undergraduate students will present readings and commentary of “One Thousand and One Nights,” also known as “Arabian Nights,” in the library learning commons Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 7 p.m. The Multicultural Center will be there as well to provide a tasting of Arabic dishes. “I think a lot of people who

know the 1001 Nights, Arabian Nights, have preconceived ideas of about what they are—sort of this Disney idea … so their views of it would be the way our own popular culture has adapted it,” Ellery said. “I think it’s good to kind of get a flavor of the actual text of 1001 Nights to see what it’s really all about and see that there are serious issues underlying these popular stereotypes we have.” The final presentation will be a showing of the 90-minute video “Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World” in the SAMFA meeting room on Oct. 1 at 5:30 p.m. Museum Director Howard Taylor will lead a discussion afterward. The bookshelf includes volumes on Islamic history, Muslim literature, and various viewpoints on Islamic religion and Muslim culture both as a whole and as a part of American society. The books can be found in the Second Floor Stacks. The videos in the Media Center and the subscription to Oxford Islamic Studies Online expire at the end of the academic year and are available through the library catalog.

Football: ASU vs. Tarleton State University (Family Weekend). Kick-off is at 7 p.m. at the San Angelo Stadium.

Sunday September 22 Soccer: ASU vs. Mary’s University, 1 p.m. in San Antonio.

Monday September 23 Henry Edwards Distinguished Lectureship in Art: “Beyond the Obvious,” with Sharon Booma, contemporary painter. Booma will be a featured speaker of the lectureship. The program begins at 3 p.m. in the C.J. Davidson Center.

Tuesday September 24 Gallery Talk: Sharon Booma, nationally known contemporary painter, will present a gallery talk in conjunction with an exhibit of her work in the ASU Art Gallery. The talk will begin at 10 a.m. in Room 193 of the Carr Education-Fine Arts Building.

The Rodgers Awards ceremony was Thursday, Sept. 12, and three winners were chosen from the 21 nominees. Outstanding Administrator went to Dr. Andy Wallace, dean of the freshman college and professor of physics. Outstanding Faculty went to Dr. Shirley Eoff, Honors Program director and professor of history. Outstanding Staff went to Suzanne Campbell, head of West Texas Collection. Each received a $2,500 honorarium.

Wednesday September 25 Porter Henderson Library: “Muslim Journeys- An Evening of A Thousand and One Nights.” The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. in the Porter Henderson Library Learning Commons.

Thursday September 26 Soccer: ASU vs. Midwestern State University, 7 p.m. in Wichita Falls. Weekly Planetarium showings beginning at 7 p.m. will continue until Sept. 26. Submit event requests by 5 p.m. Tuesday for Friday publication to rampage@angelo.edu

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Photo by Marsalis Mahome Rodgers Awards winners from left, Dr. Andy Wallace and Dr. Shirley Eoff, congratulate each other after the ceremony ended.

Questions? Call us at 325-942-2323.

Friday, September 20, 2013


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Confessions of a waitress: All about the restaurant

Allison Price Managing Editor As college students, it is hard enough juggling school and having a social life. How about adding a job to the mix? The majority of college students work, and one of the most common jobs among students is waiting tables. What is an easier job than serving food and taking drink orders? After the fact, is it really an easy job? I have been a waitress for three plus years at a diner called Mom’s Cafe back in Carrollton, where I am from. Whenever I go home on holidays, I pick up some shifts so I can visit with

all of my old customers and earn some money to put straight into the savings account. I absolutely love working in food service because I get the opportunity to work on my people skills, and I work with some great people. There is a common misconception and stereotype that waiters and waitresses have a fairly easy job. From my experience working at a small restaurant, I can say that my job has never been a “walk in the park.” In the particular diner that I work at, I not only have to take customers’ orders, but I have to dip butters, roll silverware, clean tables, sweep the floors, take to-go orders, clean the restrooms, and refill condiment containers, among other side work. All of this work has to get done in the six-hour shifts I work. I would never complain because I know all of this work will make the restaurant nicer for the customers. I want people to walk into a clean restaurant. Other waiters and waitresses can relate because their restaurants might have similar policies. Everyone knows the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” This particular saying could go for those customers who think waiters and waitresses have very little work to do. I admit that not all waiters and waitresses are perfect. We are normal hu-

What makes your family unique?

“I have a very extended family. We all live in different areas but we’re still really close.”

Morgan Billingsley Grad Student

man beings, and when the lunch rush hits we get somewhat crazed. Customers should understand that their table is not the only table their server has to take care of. I have made the mistake one too many times of forgetting drink orders or forgetting something extra the customer asked for. After I started waiting tables, whenever I went to a restaurant, I would observe and evaluate my server’s performance. I now do that at every restaurant I go to, and I leave a reasonable tip because I understand the pressure they are under to do a good job. I don’t want to shine all the light on waiters and waitresses because we have all heard the saying “The customer is always right.” A lot of the times if a customer says his or her order is wrong, it will be wrong. It may have been the server’s fault or the cook’s fault, but either way, that mistake lands on the server. If a customer is unsatisfied with the meal and overall experience, then by all means he or she is not obligated to leave a tip or come back. I would suggest keeping in mind that servers across the board make under minimum wage and use their tips to pay bills. Especially with times getting tougher, it might be nice to at least leave a dollar or two. As waiters and waitresses we want

“We have inner differences.”

Dylan Ortega


to get to know our customers. Since I work at such a small cafe, I am able to form very personal relationships with customers. That is another reason I love what I do. I might see the same people every day, but they make my job so much better and they always put a smile on my face. My job as a waitress is to not only serve food to my customers, but also to make their mealtime a good experience. I want to make sure they get a good meal while receiving service that is up to par. When anyone goes out, whether it be a store or a bar, you want to be treated with respect from those employees. Overall, if customers are not happy with a restaurant and its atmosphere, they will not be coming back. Of course you want people to come back and enjoy the food. The two messages I want customers and servers to take away are these: Customers, remember that your server is taking care of other tables while taking care of your table. Be considerate of the fact that restaurants have times where they get busy and they can only do so much. Servers, the customer is always right. Open your ears and listen to everything they say. It is our job to treat the customers with respect to make sure that they come back.

“Our diversity makes us unique. We have a lot of different races in our family.”

“They always have stuck together and fought through everything.”

“My family is culturally different.”

Jerrica Handy

Tyler Belliveau Freshman

Madison Vega



Ram Page Staff

2013-2014 Angelo State University Editor: Mariah Powell Managing Editor: Allison Price Copy Editor: Dana Choi Online Editor: Riley Mashburn Staff Writer: Kelly O’Dowd Circulation Manager: Mariah Powell Photo Editor: Adam Sauceda Photographer: Marsalis Mahome Advertising Manager: Larissa Tonder Adviser: Dr. Cathy Johnson Ram Page ASU Station #10895 San Angelo, Texas 76909-0895 Editor: rampage@angelo.edu Advertising: rampageads@angelo.edu Newsroom: (325) 942-2323 Advertising: (325) 942-2040 Fax: (325) 942-2551 Member of The Texas Tech University System Associated Collegiate Press Texas Intercollegiate Press Association

PUBLISHING POLICY Published every Friday and available to students, one copy per student, the student newspaper of Angelo State University is a public forum, with its student editorial board making all decisions concerning its contents. Unsigned editorials express the views of the majority of the editorial board. Ram Page welcomes all letters. Please include your name, classification/position and a phone number and/or e-mail address for verification purposes. Letters must be signed and be no more than 350 words. The paper reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and clarity, and all letters are subject to laws governing obscenity, libel and privacy. Deadline is 5 p.m., Monday. Submission does not guarantee publication. Letters may be mailed, e-mailed or submitted at the newspaper’s office, Room 324 on the third floor of the Porter Henderson Library. Opinions in letters are not necessarily those of the staff, nor should any opinion expressed in a public forum be construed as the opinion or policy of the administration, unless so attributed.

? e t u b i r t n o c o Looking t

s to o t o h p r o s e i r o t s Send in your e l b i s s o p r o f u d e . rampage@angelo l l a c s n o i t s e u q r publication. Fo 325-942-2323.


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Rams look to dominate Family Day game

Friday, September 20, 2013

‘Belles split Colorado Premier Challenge W 3-1

No. 3 University of Nebraska at Kerney

W 3-0

Metropolitan State University of Denver

L 1-3

No. 4 Concordia University, St. Paul

L 1-3

No. 14 Southwest Minnesota State University

Photo by Adam Sauceda Sophomore Katie MacLeay (left) and senior Kaelen Valdez (right) team up to get the ball up and over in their game against University of Arkansas-Fort Smith. The team opens the Lone Star Conference season Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. against Midwestern State University and plays Cameron University on Sept. 21 at 2 p.m., of Family Day.

Rambelles drive for more shutouts

Photo by Adam Sauceda Sophomore quarter back Kyle Washington runs the ball up the field during their game against Black Hills State game. The Rams hope for a second home win Sept. 20, Family Day, against Tarleton State University.

Team falls short, 24-45, to Colorado State UniversityPueblo in Arlington Mariah Powell Editor The Rams prepare to take on Tarleton State University Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. on Family Day. “Family Day is always a good weekend for us because we get to see our families and they get to see what we are doing on the field,” sophomore free safety Ryan Clapsaddle said. “They give us an extra motive to play our hardest.” This will be the team’s first Lone Star Conference game. After losing 24-45 to Colorado State University-Pueblo in Arlington on Sept. 14, the Rams are looking to recover with their second home victory. “We played well in Arlington but made some major mistakes that kept us from being successful Saturday night,” Head Coach Will Wagner said. “Minimal mistakes are the difference between a good team like Pueblo and us right now.” Wagner said they are excited to be back in front of their home fans this weekend. “Everyone will get to see our guys come out and perform well,” he said. “We understand how good we can be if we minus the mistakes and our guys really focus this week.”

Photo by Adam Sauceda Senior defender Trisha Killen (6) kicks the ball down the field during their game against Wayland Baptist University. The team will open the Lone Star Conference season Sept. 26 against Midwestern State University, in Witchita Falls.

Team plays hard, resulting in home split Mariah Powell Editor The Rambelles fell 0-1 after double overtime to Fort Lewis College, only to recover a 2-0 win against Colorado Mesa this weekend. “We played our best game of soccer against Fort Lewis and just didn’t get the goals that we needed,” Head Coach Travis McCorkle said. The team dominated in statistics and opportunities, but had no luck with scoring, he said. “The great thing is that we did not let Friday’s loss impact us psychologically,” McCorkle said. “Sunday, we came back and got the shutout and two goals, which is our objective in every game.” Freshman Kathleen Keoughan said she is seeing the team apply what they learn in practice to the game. “We are definitely improving and moving forward,” she said. “We should do really well [this coming up

weekend] with our pattern play. We have been working really hard on passing and moving the ball.” Sophomore Selena Alvarez said everything is coming together for the team. “These games showed us how good we can play and how our coaches expect us to be,” she said. “Games prior to this, we hadn’t played up to our potential, so we were really proud to see how far we have come.” The team hopes to give the same level of effort and come out with two wins this weekend, Alvarez said. “No matter how well you do there is always something you could have done better,” she said. The Rambelles will head to Dallas Sept. 20 to take on Dallas Baptist and then saddle up for St. Mary’s University in San Antonio Sept. 22. Dallas Baptist was one of the best teams in the region last year so it gives the ‘Belles a good opportunity to measure themselves before going into conference play Sept. 26, McCorkle said. “It’s a night game, and everyone will enjoy playing under the lights,” he said. “I believe we can pull a good crowd because a lot of the girls are from that area.”

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