Issue 1, Volume 104

Page 7

O c to b e r 1 0, 201 9 | Vo l u m e 1 0 4 | I ss u e 01 | p a g e 7


The Outdoors Why We Love it, What to Try, and How to Get Involved. By Ben Griffin

eAs summer fades into fall, new and old college students alike are looking for ways to enjoy the outkdoors. To accommodate the growwing passion for outside activities, -Walla Walla University is creating mnew opportunities for outdoor ensjoyment, like the new multi-use kpath along Whitman Drive and the weekend adventures being aplanned by ASWWU Outdoors. Whether you’re a first-year freshman or a fifth-year super senior, you need to know about the best things to do in the Walla Walla area and how to get out more! tAfter speaking to some outdoorsy ufolks on campus, we have a few -suggestions for great things to do -in Walla Walla. 1) If you enjoy evening strolls, or you just really like sgrass and birds, the aviary at Pioneer Park is an amazing place to see some not-so-wildlife. 2) Just over an hour out of town, Palouse Falls offers a short hike and draumatic scenery you can appreciate e(I’m talking to you graphic design ,majors). 3) For a full day of activhities out in nature, consider Bennington Lake and Rooks Park. The rtwo are close to one another—you gand your friends can walk a nice morning loop around the lake, then spend the afternoon in playtime and leisure at the park. h uThe outdoorswoman, senior, and eASWWU Outdoors trip leader Natalia Perry describes why she loves lthe outdoors. Perry says, “I love the Ioutdoors because the fresh air is ,invigorating, the views (no matter if you’re in the mountains, on the river, or in the desert) are amazing, and it’s a place where I can push myself. While there is rarely a dull moment and oftentimes I’ve

been pretty uncomfortable, being outside allows me to enjoy the little things in life (like a cup of hot coffee) without distraction.” As a freshman, the ASWWU Outdoors trip leader Amber Smith hasn’t been in Walla Walla very long, but is excited about the adventures she’s had. Smith says, “So far my favorite thing I’ve done in the area is rock climbing at Wallula Gap. I haven’t been to Bluewood yet, but I’m excited to check that out once their ski/snowboard season begins.” Grant Hartman, the nature-man himself and head of ASWWU Outdoors, is personally in charge of all the weekend adventures that ASWWU Outdoors plans and this is his take on how to best become involved in the outdoors. Hartman says, “The best way to get involved is to come on an ASWWU Outdoors Trip that looks interesting to you! Our team tries hard to cater to a wide range of abilities and activities, so just commit to a trip by signing up! Going with a group of friends can be a great way to unwind and explore a new activity.”

Senior theology major Natalia Perry sending it up in Vantage, WA . Photo from Natalia Perry.

So there you have it. Whether you grew up here, or hadn’t been to Walla Walla until you came to school two weeks ago, WWU has incredible things for you to try and adventures for you to go on as you step into the 2019-2020 scholastic year!

In the winter months waterfalls freeze spectacularly. Photo from Grant Hartman.

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