Ne w s p a p e r o f Wa l l a Wa l l a U n i v e r s i t y
Collegian The
Volume 102 | Issue 23
Haymarket Square Riot pg. 3
“Mitochondria are my favorite.” - Jocelyn Griffin, copy editor for The Collegian
May 3, 2018
E d i t o r ’s N o t e | C o l l e g i a n W i s d o m | S e n a t e | H i s t o r y | R e l i g i o n | M e d i a + Te c h | S c i e n c e | F e a t u r e | W e e k i n F o r e c a s t | F o o d | C u l t u r e | O u t d o o r s | S u b m i s s i o n s | P o l l
Last Things First college place, wa | walla walla university
| May 2018 Issue 23
Part One: Bear Soup By Meghann Heinrich It was a delightful summer evening not too many years ago—the kind you read about in books. In fact, to save time, think of your favorite book that describes a summer evening and substitute that description here. We were having a run of bears near my northern California home, and I do not say that lightly. There was a literal sleuth of bears wreaking havoc, busting up my father’s beloved beehive and causing general mayhem under the guise of darkness. These were not your average Yogis, Smokeys or Winnie the Poohs. This particular evening my father came home with a bee in his bonnet, which is ironic because, as I mentioned, the bears had made sure there were no bees to be found. The man marched straight into the kitchen,
Hey Thanks! “Hey thanks Bomb Tacos for meeting my no-drama taco needs.” “Hey thanks Blue Mountain Mall for being the mall version of a TV reboot, we thought you were dead and honestly now that you’re back we’re not sure how to feel.” “Hey thanks literally everyone for being in love, nice to know I’m safe from that #doyourpart.”
making such a ruckus that I wandered in to see what manner of skulduggery he was cooking up in there. To my surprise, he had the largest pot we owned out on the stove and the gas burner turned up as high as it could go. I was intrigued because, up until that point in my life, I had seen my father cook exactly three different meals in my mother’s absence: fried rice, tomato sandwiches and—my all time favorite—Big Franks. None of those dishes matched the scene before me. I came to the puzzling conclusion that my father was on a tear to add a fourth recipe to his repertoire, and whatever he was making was going to be very hot and come in copious amounts. I settled in for the show. First, he dumped an entire bottle of maple syrup into the pot. I watched
with rapt attention as my father fearlessly went to the cupboard and pulled out the peanut butter and the sugar, emptying both containers into the bubbling pot of maple syrup. The fervor with which he attacked this culinary endeavor was commendable, but I knew he needed to slow down. He was doing too much too fast. It was terrifying and wonderful and, above-all, alarming to see a man so passionately pursue an art he obviously had minimal experience in. I was just about to question his choice of adding orange juice to the vat when he looked me straight in the eye and said, “Meghann, go get the marshmallows.” There was no going back now; my father had spoken. It was too late to save him from his own creation. I ran like the wind to retrieve the marshmallows for whatever purpose
they would serve. I returned in a flash and handed the bag of gooey gelatinous goodness to the cooking fiend. Without skipping a beat, he emptied the bag into the stew, which appeared to have become sentient. He stood there, stirring his goopy creation, an eerie glint in his eye. In that moment I was overcome with a terrified curiosity; I dared to ask him if we had to eat whatever that was for dinner. He chuckled, as only a man of his caliber can do, and said, “No darlin’, this here is bear soup.” There you have it folks; the visionary that is my father created bear soup, a masterpiece as complex and irreplicable as the Mona Lisa itself: a concoction used to lure mischievous bears away from precious beehives. I breathed a sigh of relief because
I knew my father hadn’t gone mad; on the contrary, he was a doggone genius. I asked him if we could have Big Franks for dinner. He said he thought that was a fine idea, as soon as we fed the bears their soup. Tune in next week for the second and final installment of the bear saga, Part Two: Bear Bottoms.
5 stages of grief denial
anger It’s week 5?!
“It’s not me, it’s you.” - Professor Brandon Beck when the violins kept messing up
It’s not week 5, is it?
“Lions mate by the roadside. Humans do that and they go to jail.” - Professor Timothy Golden discussing human free will and societal laws “It’s like Twitter except on feet.” - Professor Cynthia Westerbeck while talking about sending messages via footservants
bargaining It’s already week 5.
depression It’s only week 5.
acceptance ...It’s week 5.
“It is impolite to burn people’s retinas.” - Professor David Crawford
Email your faculty verbatim or thank yous to to be featured!
May 2018 Issue 23 | walla walla university | college place, wa
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The opinions of our writers do not necessarily reflect the views of The Collegian or Walla Walla University.
Daniella Silva Dear Reader,
Monster in My Head
It’s halfway through the quarter and the sunny weather doesn’t care about your midterm blues. On a much more serious note, in this week’s issue our feature discusses drug and alcohol dependency at WWU and what the counseling center can do to help students get whatever treatment they may need. Issues like these can be especially contentious on an Adventist campus that prohibits even casual drinking and drug use. Students suffering from addiction may feel pressured to stay hidden for fear of administrative retaliation or because they feel ashamed to let other Adventists know about their dependency. Conversations about how to quell these fears have been in progress since the beginning of the year, but not many tangible benefits have yet come about as a result. For
more information, you can read the full feature on page 5. In connection with the feature, our poll for this week asked readers whether the university is doing enough to address substance abuse on campus. You can read the results on page 8. As usual, if you have any questions, concerns or article submissions, you can send them to me at aswwu. I hope you stay snazzy in the sun.
There is a monster who lives in my head, He talks to me softly he wants me dead. He tells me this time I’ll stay in control. He tells me not to let anyone know. He convinces me that no one cares, He whispers the pain is too much to bear. He tells me how wonderful I will feel. He tells me he loves me and it is real. He tells me not to call anyone, My heart starts racing, he tells me it will be fun. He tells me not to think of past times, He promises I can do it just once this time
Daniella Silva
Tickets Available Now:
“Is This Thing On?” At CommUnity this week, students were asked to brainstorm questions for the NAD visit to Walla Walla University’s “Is This Thing On?” event on May 12. This event is the perfect opportunity to ask SDA church leaders any questions you may have about the Bible, church policy, Adventist lifestyle, theology, relationships, and more. However, seating is limited! If you missed out on CommUnity, you can pick up your free ticket at any of the following locations: • The Atlas • The Chaplain’s Office • The front desk in the Administration Building • Admin. 101 If you will not be able to attend in person, you can also submit your questions on social media using #NADNOW. For more information, please visit the following link:
Who is this monster who calls me by name, RELAPSE, he waiting to start the game. Written by an addict in detox named Darla. The poem can be found at: http://addictionz. com/addiction-poems/
Job applications are now open for ASWWU department heads.
Mountain Ash Editor Collegian Editor-in-Chief Global Service Director Apply online at
SENATE PASSED BILLS PL29 — Joel Wagness for ASWWU Video Head PL30 — Chad Nelson for ASWWU Tread Shed Head PL31 — Clayton Kruse for ASWWU Photo Head PL32 — Sheldon Woodward for ASWWU Web Head
COLLEGIAN WISDOM Editor-in-chief and assistant editor of The Collegian give an amazing colloquium on journalism. If you didn’t go, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Peter Flores disrupts the normal CommUnity flow by having people split into groups and discuss issues in the church. Many confused, others just stayed where they were and played on their phones.
Today is the assistant editor’s birthday! I don’t know about you, but she’s feeling 22.
Is This Thing On? Is coming to WWU For the third time, YES the mic is on, Dan.
Pink dinosaurs were spotted on campus Wednesday Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth. Women dress as dinosaurs.
Be on the lookout for an email from your local senator containing more information. Senate meets on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. in WEC 217
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college place, wa, walla walla university
| May 2018 Issue 23
How Grover Cleveland Stole May Day By Zachary White Tuesday was International Workers’ Day, a holiday that is officially observed in almost every country in the world except the United States and a handful of others. This very fact is ironic because the holiday’s roots are largely American. On May 4, 1886, a peaceful rally was taking place in Haymarket Square, Chicago, in support of workers striking for an 8-hour work-day and 40-hour work-week.1 The U.S. and much of the world at the time had a totally unregulated free-market capitalist economy, which had brutal effects on working people. During the march, an unknown person threw a bomb that killed several police officers and a few civilians. Four anarchists were sentenced to death for this act, despite the fact that very little evidence connected them to the crime.2 The execution of these four men men sparked a global outrage, and the international labor movement was quick to establish an annual day of action in their honor.3 In the years following the Haymarket Affair, May 1 was chosen in order to coincide with the ancient European springtime festival May Day. Because Workers’ Day was embraced by the vibrant socialist, communist and trade unionist movements of the time, most national governments eventually recognized the day as a holiday. (To this day, International Workers’ Day is met with massive celebration in countries like China, Cuba, and much of Europe and South America.) After the Pullman
Railroad Strike of 1894 in Chicago, led by union leader and five-time Socialist Party presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs, President Grover Cleveland also felt pressure to recognize a workers’ holiday.4 However, in an attempt to distance the observance from its radical past, President Cleveland moved the holiday to the first Monday in September—which we now know in the United States as Labor Day. Take a moment tomorrow to think about how things we take for granted—like child labor laws, weekends, overtime payment and general labor protections—were achieved through gruesome, often bloody battles that were fought by people who were dirt poor and usually didn’t even have an education. In a world where those with the money make all the rules, working people have always had to organize, unionize and resist, hand-in-hand, in order to survive. We stand on the shoulders of those brave everyday heroes, and we should look to them for inspiration as we fight the battles of today. 1 2 3 4
Zachary White is a history and sociology major.
An illustration of the protest in Haymarket Square, Chicago, on May 4, 1886. (ILLINOIS LABOR HISTORY)
Heck Yeah, It’s On By Peter Flores Recently I did some polling at random on my Instagram account1 to gauge my peers’ feelings about religion. Specifically, the polls asked my peers to respond to how the Seventh-day Adventist Church interacts with its young members. I asked questions regarding how this generation feels about communication with the North American Division,2 what they think about the future of college-age people in the church and if they think their answers to these questions would affect the outcome of future generations’ involvement in the church. Included are the results of the four polls.3 The reason I asked these questions is not just because I’m curious but because we have a pretty big opportunity on this campus. If you didn’t notice, the last CommUnity was a little different. Every student in attendance was given a choice: participate in a productive conversation about changing the NAD or sit and wait until CommUnity was over. The reason we had this conversation is because on May 12, three leaders from the NAD are coming to our campus for an event called “Is This Thing On?”. Below is the official statement from the NAD regarding the event and pictures of the three leaders attending the event. NAD Statement about ITTO: “The North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is excited to announce a new video series aimed at college-age young adults. ‘Is This Thing On?’ invites any and all questions about the Bible, church policy, Adventist lifestyle, theology, relationships, and more. Young adults are invited to submit their questions via social media [to] North American Division president Dan Jackson and NAD executive secretary G. Alexander Bryant with the hashtag #NADnow and/or attend live recordings filmed at the various Adventist universities. ‘Is This Thing On?’ aims to connect young people with church leadership and get the concerns of the 21st century heard and answered.” 4 The NAD leadership is asking for our input as young people. They see the large disconnect between the church and its youth and are attempting to shorten the gap. This series is an opportunity to show what an organized group of college kids can do. The whole thing isn’t just about issues within Adventism; it’s about being actual Christians instead of the kind of Christians who marginalize and oppress others who are different. It’s not just about getting involved with the big picture movement but rather starting with the small picture and having someone listen to us for a change. It’s about making an organization with which we are familiar realize that some of its policies are oppressive and that we are tired of them. You probably know that Ellen G. White was one of the biggest voices in Adventism, but do you know how
old she was when she started getting involved in telling people the truth to their faces? Our age! Historically, young people have been the ones to take a stand, incite change and make up for the shortcomings of past generations. We can’t pass up this opportunity. We can’t sit idly by and give up our right to participate in important conversations about our faith. We can’t freeze when there is no gender equality, we can’t freeze when racial tensions are allowed to continue unchecked, and we can’t freeze when we’re given the opportunity to have our say about these issues. We must use our voices. The NAD is asking if “This Thing Is On.” Our answer to them should be, “Heck Yeah, It’s On.” 1 @goflostagram 2 For more information, visit 3 Full disclosure: I have about 1370 followers, and I got about 200 responses to each poll. I should also mention that my Instagram peers might include a disproportionate number of people who think similarly to me and thus might not be entirely representative of young people at WWU in general. 4
Peter Flores is a theology major.
May 2018 Issue 23 | walla walla university | college place, wa
ASWWU Web Launch Party By Matt Fennell Ryan Rabello, a senior computer engineering major, 1 has worked for ASWWU Web for three years, two of which as webmaster. As webmaster, his main responsibility is to maintain The Mask, which is ASWWU Web’s biggest and most well-known project. In addition, the team will occasionally build smaller web-apps like the “Ask Anything” site or the “ASWWU Jobs” page for other ASWWU departments. “ASWWU Web makes sure that all ASWWU content is available to all ASWWU members,” Rabello said about the “big picture” purpose of his department. “ASWWU Web’s general function is to be the web connection from ASWWU to students.” You may not know this, but for the past two years, ASWWU Web has been hard at work developing a new version of The Mask. The current, four-year-old version of The Mask was built by Brock Haugen as an alternative to the impractical, temporary one-year-at-max web versions that existed prior to the 20142015 school year. To understand why we need another new version of The Mask, it’s important first to understand that all of the code in the version that’s up right now is custom-built. This original code is super impressive, but it also means that the site doesn’t take advantage of any modular frameworks and, as such, is hard to expand upon. According to Rabello, “the whole thing is spaghetti-code. Everything breaks if you try to change any part of it.” When
he became webmaster in 2016, Rabello began the process of building a bigger, better version of The Mask that could serve the members of ASWWU for years to come. During his tenure, he has grown the department from two to four developers and has shifted the department’s focus from maintenance to platform development by refactoring The Mask’s core code and building it on a new modular framework that can support any number of self-contained ASWWU pages. When the new version of The Mask launches on May 8th, at 8:00 p.m., users will be greeted by a new home screen with much of the same functionality. However, a small number of additional features such as random profile viewing, birthday info per week and a “Super Duper Search,” which expands upon the current Mask’s “Super Search” and allows searches for relevant pages, people, ASWWU job applications and anything else all in one convenient toolbar. But according to Rabello, the most exciting parts of this new version of The Mask are not any of the convenience features or new search tools, but rather the infinite possibilities for additional features that the new framework allows. As an example, he mentioned the idea of support for an ASWWU Achievements feature which could award digital Mask profile badges for event attendance and change the ranking algorithm to sort Mask profiles by not only views but also how involved a student is (or isn’t).
To celebrate the launch of the new Mask and ASWWU Pages, ASWWU Web is going to be hosting a Launch Party on May 8th, at 8:00 p.m., at the Black Box Theatre. Rabello had this to say: “We’re very excited to have a new website release, and we want to invite you to come grab some food, play some video games and do a relay race with a computer theme. And we have a DJ. And prizes. So you can get money, listen to music and eat food. Everything you need!”
Behind the scenes, ASWWU Web is also launching ASWWU Pages—a Content Management System (CMS) that will allow people within ASWWU to make and distribute pages for whatever they want, whenever they want. This framework will host pages for events and departments and will also serve as the new online home of The Collegian. ASWWU Web has worked to develop
a tool that will allow ASWWU to make more content, make that content easier to access and ensure that the whole process will be scalable and maintainable. All of these elements work towards that big-picture goal of keeping ASWWU and its members connected via the web. As we wrapped up our discussion about the upcoming ASWWU
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Web launch, I asked Rabello a few reflective questions about his time at the department, beginning with what he felt were the most rewarding and frustrating parts of the job. He said, “On the rewarding side, we put in work and we already can see that this looks good, this is useful. I had a meeting with Adam [Hagale] and he said ‘Oh, I get it and see why this is useful!’ So seeing other people and my employees excited about the work that they’re doing is very rewarding for me. On the frustrating side, balancing schoolwork with ASWWU work has been tough. It’s hard to switch between college student and software engineer.” Finally, I asked Rabello if he had any words of advice or warning for incoming ASWWU Web employees, particularly for next year’s ASWWU Web head. He sat pensively and stared into the distance for a moment before saying, “Take pride in what you do. I think it’s so exciting to work for ASWWU Web. You’re working on real projects that actual people use. It’s such a unique opportunity, a good medium between internships and jobs and the stuff you learn in class. You can use your experience from ASWWU Web in plenty of real world situations, and you’re doing something really cool that makes a difference. The whole process has been super exciting—I’ve learned a lot about how to manage a team and how to figure it out. It’s been really fun. It’s fun to have a group to struggle with me to solve problems, and—as silly as it sounds—I’ve become friends with the ASWWU Web team.” 1 Important disclosure: Ryan is one of my best friends, so you’re free to take all of this with a grain of salt, I guess? Just wanted to make it clear that I’m all about ethics.
Matt Fennell is a computer engineering major.
Learning to Ride a Bike By Forrest Sheperd Do you remember when you learned how to ride a bike? It’s a skill that many of us learn early on and take for granted as we grow older. You may not even remember how you learned to ride. Some of us used training wheels to help us master steering before we could balance, while others just fell down countless times until we could eventually stay upright and control the bike at the same time. Which way is the most effective? Is learning a motor skill faster when we learn it in parts or when we just “go for it”? This is the question that Health and Physical Education faculty member Rodd Strobel had when he decided to investigate the acquisition of motor skills as his Master’s thesis project last fall. It wasn’t the easy path towards graduating, as primary research like this is extremely time consuming; however, Strobel was invested in this question and had some ideas of how to test it. As an avid cyclist, the obvious motor skill acquisition he looked to test was one which is widely relevant: learning to ride a bike. Learning to ride a bike is such a ubiquitous skill integrated into our society that ideas about the best method of learning the skill are everywhere; however, they are largely based off anecdotal evidence. There is a lack of empirical evidence or research to back up any of these methods, which is where Strobel’s research may lay the groundwork for the systemic investigation of the most effective method to learn to ride a bike.1 Since college students are the easiest people to recruit as participants
but almost all of them have already learned to ride a bike, Strobel had to get creative. Fortunately, a popular YouTube channel, Smarter Every Day, had released a video about a reverse steering bicycle that made riding so different from a normal steering bike that it was like learning to ride a bike all over again. The concept of this bike is simple: when you turn the handlebars to the right, the bike turns left, and when you turn the handlebars to the left, it turns right. It seems like it would just be hard to steer, right? Except upon riding the bike, we begin to realize what a complex motor skill riding and balancing on a bike is. Even seasoned bikers can barely stay upright for a couple of seconds, as small movements in the handlebars are a large part of how we balance and stay upright. When these movements, which take place in our subconscious, are reversed, the sudden changes catch our minds off guard. After getting a hold of a reverse steering bicycle made by the creator of the Smarter Every Day YouTube channel, Strobel began to recruit students for his experiment. I was among the students who volunteered to learn to ride the bike. All that we knew was that we were going to try to learn how to ride this bike either all at once or in parts. Three 10-minute sessions per week was all it took for us to begin to learn how to ride the reverse steering bicycle. Being a long-time mountain biker and cyclist, I had high hopes for my performance. I thought that my background would give me an advantage and that I would learn this skill quickly. However, after the first attempts, my
The defining feature of a reverse steering bicycle. (YOUTUBE.COM/SMARTEREVERYDAY) mind was immediately changed. At first, the bike was so frustratingly different that it took me a few tries to stay upright for even one second! It took longer than I would like to admit for me to finally stay upright for more than a couple of seconds. This experiment allowed Strobel to collect a large amount of data from video recordings about the amount of time participants had their feet off the ground or stayed within the course for a given practice session. The data will not be analyzed for his thesis project, though it will be analyzed for a future project. Strobel primarily analyzed the time to completion of what he designated to be successful acquisition of the
skill: completing the straight 20-meter course without putting your feet on the ground or crossing the boundaries of the 60-centimeter pathway three consecutive times. He then compared the average times for those who learned all at once and those who learned in steps. After analyzing his data with a t-test, he found that there was no statistically significant difference in time to completion between the two groups. However, this inconclusive data doesn’t mean that there is no better way to learn to ride a bike. With further analysis of the data collected but not analyzed for this thesis project, he may be able to find variations in individual variables between the two groups at dif-
ferent stages. In future research, using a larger sample group to study may provide more reliable data and a clearer picture of how these two methods compare. However, this research suggests that the methods used are a reliable method of collecting data about motor learning progression. 1 Strobel, Rodd. “Whole vs. Progressive-Part Practice Methods for Learning a Novel Variation of a WellLearned Skill.” Teachers College at Columbia University, 2018. Not published, preliminary draft.
Forrest Sheperd is a biology major.
Feature college place, wa | walla walla university
| May 2018 Issue 23
Drugs, Alcohol and the Counseling Center: Drug and Alcohol Dependency at WWU By Daniella Silva Drug and alcohol use at Walla Walla University is an underground topic. Because WWU is a dry campus and does not allow students to openly use drugs or other stimulants, students who participate in these activities are careful about who they talk to and generally keep their lifestyle choices to themselves. As a result, it is no surprise that when it comes to drug and alcohol dependencies, there is not a lot of conversation on campus about what WWU actually does to help those students recover and return to healthy lifestyle habits. Earlier this year, I attended a meeting between ASWWU student leaders and two of the head counselors at WWU to talk about chemical dependency on campus. The goal of this meeting was to engage student leadership in developing policies and support structures for students on our campus who are struggling with addictions to various substances. In addition, a task force, chaired by Dr. Doug Tilstra, was set up to include more students in
conversations about how to better meet students’ needs at WWU. Fast forward to spring quarter, and I hadn’t heard any updates about the meeting we had participated in fall quarter, so I decided to do a little digging. I also gathered more information about the types of services currently offered to those struggling with chemical dependencies as well as what is being done to address a larger culture of shame within Adventism that prevents students from getting help.
Counseling in town or to Comprehensive Healthcare, which deals with substance abuse coupled with mental health problems.
Services Provided The Counseling and Testing Center offers free counseling to WWU students for a wide range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationship troubles and substance abuse. The sessions last for up to 50 minutes during which the counselors help students reach goals they set for themselves. As a professional counseling center, their aim is not to move students toward a specifically Adventist lifestyle but rather to empower students to make healthy decisions
about their own beliefs and values. According to Hilary Catlett, Assistant VP and Dean of Students, the university in general, as a institution of learning and higher education, wants to prompt students to think critically about their values. Even though certain standards must be upheld at WWU according to its official policies, Catlett stressed that staff and faculty are not here to impose a certain lifestyles, but to promote an environment of critical thinking about the students’ own values. “If [Adventist values] are not the values that are important to you, maybe this isn’t the right place for you,” said Catlett. Because the goal of counseling is not to judge the personal choices of students or to impress Adventist values on them, counselors hope that students with substance abuse issues will feel safe to get the support they need to recover. However, none of the counselors specialize in treatment for drug and alcohol dependency. Most students with substance dependency issues who come to the WWU counselors are referred to either Serenity Point
Overcoming the Culture of Fear and Shame Surrounding Substance Abuse A logical response to the overworked counselors and lack of a chemical dependency specialist is to ask why nothing has been done in the past to try to address chemical dependency on campus. According to Catlett, there have been support groups formed in the past, but none of them survived long. “In the past, there has not been sufficient student interest to maintain that,” said Catlett. The apparent lack of student interest for past support group initiatives is not an excuse for not trying again; however, it does suggest a certain culture of shame or fear about letting others know about a personal drug or alcohol dependency. Drug and alcohol dependency may be even more dangerous for students struggling at WWU because they may wait much longer to get help. Many are scared of expulsion from WWU, of letting their families down or, in some cases, openly acknowledging that their stated values don’t align with their lifestyle. “In general, when we talk about addiction, it’s difficult to put yourself out there,” said Catlett. WWU is a small campus,
and attending an on-campus support group puts the student in an incredibly vulnerable position; they would be revealing themselves and their problems with substance abuse to other students who they may not be able to trust. As one anonymous respondent said in our Collegian poll last week, “It is difficult to talk about drugs and alcohol when students feel like they will get in trouble or be judged by their non-using peers for their substance use and abuse.” This fear speaks to a larger issue surrounding what are considered safe topics in an Adventist setting and culture. These fears were reflected in many anonymous responses from our online poll last week: “There is not adequate education on the subject in Adventist education. The message of ‘drugs are bad and a sin’ is not a healthy way to deal with the drug epidemic on campuses. Secondly, women are held to a way higher standard on this campus than men when it comes to the drug policy. Third and lastly, students are too intimidated by punishments to discuss or report drug issues.” “Besides the signs by the doors
saying this is a alcohol and drug free campus, I have never seen or heard of any events to address substance abuse. Meanwhile, many students, including myself, suffer from depression and loneliness in the dorms. Combined with the normal stress from classes, it’s a recipe for disaster.” Although WWU administrators like Tilstra and Catlett have said they are actively engaged in conversations about how to better promote a campus of safety and support, students with substance dependency issues may have a natural distrust of any Adventist-based support groups because of their own past experiences. “The only view of Adventism they may have is one that silences and isolates them,” said Catlett. On top of general distrust, rumors have circulated about past counselors at WWU who have tried to coerce students into treatment for drug and alcohol dependency that they did not agree to. While none of these rumors are about current staff at the Counseling and Testing Center, they may still be holding sway with some students on campus who would’ve otherwise gone to get help. Shifting such a deep-rooted cul-
Confidentiality For students who do come to the counseling center to get help for substance abuse, it’s important to note that all counseling records are kept separate from university student records. These files are considered medical files and are legally protected under both the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations; they cannot be accessed by faculty, staff, administrators, parents or other students without the student’s written consent. The University Clinic is also available to help students with medically-related complications as a result of substance abuse, and all of those files are also protected by HIPAA. WWU’s Counselors Are Overworked What was immediately appar-
ent in my investigation was that the counselors at WWU are swamped. Of the three counselors and one social work intern currently working, none were available for an interview in the limited time-span I had to write this article. This is both good and bad news. On one hand, it means that students are fully taking advantage of the free counseling offered by the school and hopefully getting the help they need. On the other hand, it means that the counselors do not have a lot of time to plan initiatives and programs aimed specifically toward students struggling with chemical dependencies. They have even had to slightly reduce the length of each counseling session in order to make room for more students. However, such initiatives to address drug and alcohol dependencies are sorely needed. In a brief email correspondence with Michelle Naden, Director of the Counseling and Testing Center, Naden wrote, “We are not equipped to focus on the drug and alcohol issues within counseling. We would love to have a specialist on campus who
(WWU CHURCH) is trained to address chemical dependency!” She went on to say that if such a position existed, the other counselors would be referring students to them on a regular basis. Instead, counselors at WWU are only equipped to deal with these issues if they relate to some other mental health concern. Naden also noted that the “one and only” person on campus who handles drug and alcohol policy and interventions is assistant VP and Dean of Students, Hilary Catlett. Catlett is also the ASWWU sponsor and handles a wide variety of student issues including disciplinary action for insufficient CommUnity credits. Simply put, Catlett also does not have sufficient time to devote to helping those struggling with chemical dependencies. The lack of counselors and specialists to handle the large volume of students taking advantage of the counseling services has meant that little has been done to follow up on the meetings held earlier this year. While the task force still exists, the time of those involved is stretched between multiple other projects to improve student life in other areas.
ture will take time. Even though counseling sessions are confidential, some students may feel like it’s nearly impossible to get help because of WWU’s dry campus and anti-drug policies. However, these reasons should not stop students and WWU staff from pushing the university to invest in more counselors and support networks to address those fears appropriately. There is much more that can and should be done to continue the conversations that have already been started this year. Other resources: Comprehensive Healthcare (509) 522-4000 Serenity Point Counseling (509) 529-6036 Northwest Counseling Solutions (509) 525-8844 Alcoholics Anonymous (509) 522-5059 Alcohol and Drug 24-Hour Help Line (800) 562-1240 Narcotics Anonymous (509) 522-7842 Daniella Silva is an international communications major.
May 2018 Issue 23 | walla walla university | college place, wa
May 3-9 3
Dianna Woolley Art Reception @ Studio Two Zero Two, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Follow2Lead Spring Weekend
Follow2Lead Spring Weekend
tWWUnes @ SAC, 7 p.m.
National Star Wars Day
Cinco De Mayo Festival @ Yantis Park
National Orange Juice Day
National Silence the Shame Day
National Space Day
Cinco de Mayo
Smoothies are half-off with a tWWUnes director signature—just $1.50!
National Cartoonists Day
National Chocolate Custard Day National Raspberry Popover Day National Two Different Colored Shoes Day Kate Beckner’s Birthday!
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Raspberry Rhubarb Jam Bars By Hannah Thiel This week’s recipe features rhubarb, a spring produce that is grown locally. No worries if you don’t like rhubarb—just substitute another type of jam in place of the rhubarb sauce. Of course, I’d recommend trying the rhubarb first—after all, maybe you just haven’t had delicious, fresh Walla Walla-grown rhubarb before! One of the reasons I like this recipe is that it is so flexible. For example, you can substitute not only different jams or sauces but also different types
of nuts and flours. So, feel free to be creative with this recipe! I think this recipe would be excellent on Friday afternoon after you’ve finished all your midterms. You could make these bars, invite your friends over and serve them this recipe with ice cream on the side for a midterms survival celebration.
s w f c I h c t N c e t
Hannah Thiel is an art major.
a m p t e m c
Raspberry Rhubarb Jam Bars Adapted from Rebar Modern Food Cookbook Yield: 15 bars
Ingredients • • • • • • •
¾ cup all-purpose flour ¾ cup whole wheat flour 2 cups rolled oats 1 ½ cup chopped walnuts 2 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon
• • • • •
c w p e
1 cup and 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened 1 ½ cup brown sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten ½ cup jam of choice (I recommend raspberry) ½ cup rhubarb sauce
Directions 1. 2. 3.
Pre-heat oven to 350°F. Grease a baking pan (10 in. x 15 in. is ideal) and set aside. Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly, except the egg, jam and sauce. Set aside half of the mixture. Mix the egg into the remaining half. Press this mixture into the prepared baking sheet. Bake for about 10 minutes until firm and lightly browned. Remove from the oven and spread the jam and sauce mixture evenly over the crust. Sprinkle the remaining half of the mixture on the top and bake for 10 more minutes until golden brown. Cool and cut into 15 bars.
Home-made snack bars. (THE BOJON GOURMET)
Rhubarb Sauce For the half cup of sauce this jam bar recipe calls for, you’ll probably only need one small stalk of rhubarb. If you bought more rhubarb, however, you could definitely scale this recipe and use the rest of the sauce to put on toast, make more jam bars or just eat plain.
b a a i a b c t
s I i w
Directions 1. 2. 3.
Bring a ¼ cup of water to boil. Cut up the rhubarb into ½ inch slices, then add to the boiling water. Stir to keep from sticking. Once the rhubarb is soft, add sugar to taste.
Next week,
Bells are Ringing! By Daphne Novak Spring has sprung! I don’t know about you, but I’ve already gotten a baby sunburn. Seriously, I was eating at Cuginis outside in a tank top only to notice when I got home that I had a little sunburn! I guess that’s what I get for exposing my shoulders… Anyways, on to the real reason I’m writing. Now that all of us are crawling out from our winter hibernation dens, we need some things to do! Spring quarter is the best of the year, so take advantage of it by attending some great plays and supporting our local high schools. This week, May 3-12, Walla Walla High School is performing a story about community and connection, the 1950s-era romantic comedy musical, “Bells are Ringing.” “Bells are Ringing” follows bright and imaginative Ella Peterson who spends her days working for her cousin’s telephone answering company1 in a
Walla Walla University will be hosting the annual studentled InTents meetings on Sittner Lawn.
run-down New York City basement. To keep things interesting, Ella develops connections with her customers by having different identities for each call. For example, she once pretends to be Santa Claus to convince a young caller to eat spinach. As time goes on and chaos ensues, Ella finds herself in a position to both save the telephone answering company and help the customers reach their full potential! As the Walla Walla High School drama page says, “Don’t miss this 50s era romantic comedy.”
Monday-Friday from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday at 11 a.m. Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
Up to two CommUnity credits Worship credit at every meeting Food after every meeting Some gift-card drawings
Monday: Joey Barajas Tuesday CommUnity: Enrique Vado and Jordan Tamaleaa Tuesday night: Troy Wallace Wednesday: Austin Greer and Kisa McClosky Thursday: Matthew Coseart Friday: David Werner and Peter Flores Sabbath: Derek Glatts and Cameron Fitzgerald
1 Remember, this is the 50s when being an operator was still a common job!
Daphne Novak is a psychology major.
college place, wa, walla walla university
Sunday Living History Performance: Herbert Niccolls Jr., the Youngest WSP Inmate @ Fort Walla Walla Museum, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ASWWU Spring Banquet @ Gesa Power House Theatre, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
| May 2018 Issue 23
T-Waffle Tuesday @ ASWWU Offices, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Children’s Storytime @ Plaza Library, 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Historical Tour of Walla Walla @ WWU Church, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
InTents Meetings @ Kretschmar Lawn, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
National Barrier Awareness Day
InTents Meetings @ Kretschmar Lawn, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
National Lost Sock Memorial Day
National Packaging Design Day
National Student Nurse Day
Walla Walla Food Truck Night @ Burwood Brewing Co., 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. InTents Meetings @ Kretschmar Lawn, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
National Butterscotch Brownie Day
National Teacher Appreciation Day National Beverage Day National Nurses Day
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Exegesis Niqolas Ruud This academic quarter had me scared at the beginning, but now that we’re almost five weeks in, I’m actually feeling pretty good. You see, of the 21 credits I’m taking and the four jobs I’m working, there are really only four hours each week that I’m afraid of: a class called “Interpreting the Bible.” In this class we pick one verse from the New Testament, perform this operation called “exegesis” to it and somehow end up with a 30-plus page paper about the verse.1 To say the least, I was and still am a little freaked out about it. I often find myself thinking about this exegetical process even when I’m doing other things, like doing homework for another class (which is just as important to my GPA), washing the dishes or even climbing a mountain. Speaking of mountains and climbing them: two weekends ago I was hiking in to the foot of a mountain peak, thinking tirelessly about the exegetical process. Actually, let’s rewind here. I had been sleeping on the ground, dreaming about this exegetical process, when my alarm went off; it was 1:00 in the morning. I got out of bed, made some coffee, ate some sugar-filled fruit snacks and began to hike up the trail in my stiff climbing boots. It was probably 1:30 at this point. Thirty minutes into the hike it started to lightly snow, then rain. I contemplated turning back but instead decided to continue on, for a while, at least. By the time I had reached the Hur-
ricane Creek crossing (about two and a half miles in), the rain had subsided enough to convince me to push on. I took off my boots and socks, rolled up my pants and quickly crossed the creek to the east side (thinking about that exegetical paper the entire time). After replacing my stockings and boots, I began bushwacking my way up onto the snowfields flanking Thorp Creek. A few hours of postholing later (which included taking long breaks to avoid the relentless postholing while wishing I had hiked in with some skis), I finally arrived at the base of the northeast face of Sacajawea Peak in Oregon’s Wallowa Mountains. While the elevation of the peak is not exactly high, standing at only 2999 meters, the mountain makes up for its lack of height by being one of the prettiest peaks within an afternoon’s drive of school.2 I had first seen Sacajawea’s northeast face while on another postholing expedition a year prior and then again, barren of snow, in late summer the same year. The mountain’s pyramidic shape had appeared just as appealing to my covetous eyes then as it did now. Pretty pooped from the uphill-postholing of the past four hours, I ate some more “fruit,” then started up the face sometime around 6:30 a.m. or so. The snow was solid at the base, and because of all my sugar-filled fruit snacks, I was moving fairly quickly up the lower-angled slopes. The sky had been light for some time now, but once the sun’s rays beat directly down onto the peak’s face,
things started to change. The snow began to get softer. More and more spindrift rolled down onto my head while I was climbing the rock sections. I started to get nervous on occasion. Probably 350 meters from the summit ridge, I took out my GoPro and snapped a few photos to commemorate the climb and then took a few videos to better commemorate the photos. After putting away the technology, I did my best to speed up the ever-softening face and then quickly traversed up and to the right after watching a large slide let loose below me.3 Once I gained the ridge, it was a fun little jaunt to the summit… and then I turned around and walked, bushwhacked and postholed the six miles back to the car. Passing five of my schoolmates and one of their dogs on the trail back, I must have looked and sounded a little kooky as we exchanged greetings, probably because I had been on my feet since 1:00 in the morning, and it was nearing 5:00 or so in the afternoon—but that’s just a theory. I got back to the car and decided to name the route “Exegesis” because that’s all I could think about during the hike and climb (aside from how much I love mountain goats after I saw a few on my way down to the trail).4 So the moral of the story is this: next time you’re scared about a class, be safe while you’re climbing. Yup, that’s the moral. Just be safe. 1 Exegesis in this article’s context is a critical examination and subsequent interpretation of a Biblical text.
The author resting a few hundred meters off the deck. (NIQOLAS RUUD) 2 3 An avalanche. 4 exegesis
Sacajawea Peak’s NE Face from Chief Joseph Mountain. Route line drawn by Niqolas Ruud. (EAGLE CAP BACKCOUNTRY)
page 7
Niqolas Ruud is a religious studies major.
May 2018 Issue 23 | walla walla university | college place, wa
Response to “A Response to the Whitman Swap Issue” By Anonymous Dear WWU male junior, Your letter last week had some troubling statements and arguments in it that I would like to respond to. The article you had responded to was mainly about relationships that start in college, but in your letter, you digress far from just talking about relationships to two things. First is this: love. Love is never easy. Honestly, I don’t think the best things in life are. Any relationship is going to be hard because it involves two imperfect human beings. But, I would argue, it is not “a terrible disease.” That is an opinion that sounds like it comes from great hurt. Even in
a relationship that did not last, there were likely good moments filled with care. Relationships can end horribly, but the potential outcome does not mean that love itself is horrible. I would argue that you just have not found the right kind of love yet. Second, you talk about women, and I would like to address your portrayal of women. You stated that men are often seen as shallow for “supposedly only dat[ing] women they find attractive,” and you say that not all men are like this. I do not argue against this point. It is true that not all men look only at a woman’s appearance. But, even though you are quick to dispel this generalization of men, you are even quicker to generalize the shallowness
of women. I find this generalization to be an ironic and unfair portrayal, since you have argued against this view only in the context of the male gender. Both men and women can be shallow about a person’s looks, but it is not right for you to claim that girls are only interested in what’s on the outside. From what you have said in your letter, you came to WWU with the idea that all WWU girls say what they mean and like having guy friends, yet life and people are not that simple. Some girls lie; some tell the honest truth. Some girls have more friends who are guys; some girls have more friends who are girls. The same can be said for guys. You claim that “girls don’t even seem interested in being friends with guys they don’t
find attractive,” but by saying that you are generalizing all women (when you are not even a woman yourself). Even I, as a woman, cannot accurately make claims for womankind. So, stop trying to put women into boxes with labels that don’t fit. Women are infinitely different from each other, as are men. Because of this individuality, some girls will want to date you or be your friend, and some will not. It is probably better that this second group not be in your life. When you are “friend-zoned” by a girl, don’t be angry and complain about her. She has the right to say no to you, as you have the right to say no to her if you are not interested. Honestly, men probably get “friend-zoned” more often than women
since they are socially expected to make the first move. However, this does not negate the fact that women have the right to say no to a man, and they should not be shamed for doing so. Not interested is not interested. If a guy who is truly a “nice guy,” finds himself rejected and overlooked by a girl, that does not mean he can’t still find a “nice girl.” No relationship is easy. No relationship is perfect. So, do not generalize love or the whole female gender by what you have experienced on our little campus over the last three years. Sincerely, A WWU sophomore female, feminist and believer in love
Update: Recycling at WWU By Cynthia E. Ochoa Allow me to start this article by sharing something I feel somewhat guilty about: Earth Day this year caught me completely off guard, despite the fact that I had already been working on an article to promote the holiday before being informed that The Collegian was not going to publish that week. On Sunday, April 22, I was reminded that it was Earth Day when I opened my Instagram and saw several friends’ posts of beautiful landscape sceneries with the hashtag #EarthDay. The worst part is that a few months ago I had even written a feature article for The Collegian calling out our school for not recycling. In light of this recent holiday and the ongoing ASWWU petition about recycling on campus, we at The Collegian felt the need to follow up on this topic. The article I wrote, entitled “Celebrating America Recycles Day By—Oh Wait, We Don’t Recycle Here,” reported our school’s current recycling efforts and included bold claims about our school’s lack of a recycling program. Before the article was due for editing, I had tried reaching out to various staff members and employees on campus to find information about our school’s recycling program. Because no one seemed to have any answers, the article was published with some incomplete and inaccurate information, causing it to be misleading. I found that there was more to the story when, after the article was published, I received an email from the office of Dr. Douglas Tilstra, the Vice President for Student Life. Tilstra was interested in meeting to further discuss the recycling article. During this meeting, he expressed to me how the article had really grabbed his attention based on the claims that WWU does not recycle and that the recycling bins set all around our campus are only a farce. These statements led Tilstra to do some of his own research, and he was able
to find out new information about the issue. In an email exchange between Tilstra and George Bennet, director of Facility Services on campus, Bennet shared information missing from the original article I had written. In the email, Bennet listed some of WWU’s recycling efforts from his department and provided further information that had been lacking in my original article. This list, along with other information on the history and efforts of our school’s recycling program, was published in the Editor’s Note section in issue 13 of The Collegian this year. Writing the recycling article and doing research on our school’s efforts motivated me to become more vocal about the importance of recycling within my circle of friends; I even began some efforts at home to start recycling plastics. Being more aware of the importance of taking care of our planet made a difference in the way I thought about the environment. It made me more conscious about waste, recyclables and the life changes necessary to do my part to protect our earth. I found out I was not alone in my concerns when Clayton Kruse, a senior communications major, contacted me about getting together to further discuss the recycling issue in WWU. While meeting with him, I found out that Kruse had also been doing some research of his own about recycling in WWU and was working on making a small documentary film about it. We talked further about the sources I had contacted for my article, and I shared some of the new information that Tilstra had provided me with at our meeting. Kruse’s video was shown during the ASWWU CommUnity on Feb. 27. However, if you missed it, the video can also be found on the ASWWU website.1 The documentary does a great job of conveying not only the information we had previously reported in The Collegian article but also the rest of the information pro-
vided in Bennet’s email to Tilstra and documentary inspire you to action, Kruse’s own findings about our campus there are a few things you can start history and efforts to recycle. The video doing now. First, sign the recycling informs the viewer of the issue on a petition found at local level, brings awareness of the According to Kruse, the petition serves nationwide recycling problem and eduas a physical representation of some cates about why it is important to take care of our planet. Additionally, Kruse talks about what we can do each day as individuals to make a difference in the environment’s cleanliness. The video ends asking viewers to go online and sign the ASWWU recycling petition. During the interview, Kruse informed me that he had submitted his documentary to a competition run by an organization called Actuality Media and had won their top scholarship. This organization’s goal is to send out teams to document change-makers in impoverished communities or places without access to clean water. Winning this competition has awarded Kruse a $4,000 prize to pick between four countries (India, Cambodia, Guatemala and Zambia) as his destination for a Oceana pollution poster. (PINTEREST) month-long trip to make a documentary with a team of fellow student and of the support we have for a more professional filmmakers. active campus when it comes to recyDuring our conversation, Kruse cling and environmental awareness as shared that he has always cared a a whole. He says that by “you signing lot about the earth. “Growing up and the petition you are saying ‘I want to seeing all the destruction and just see more environmental awareness on careless things that people do everycampus, I want to see more recycling day [that] destroys the earth makes on campus.’” With this petition, Kruse me sad, so I wanted to do something and some others are going to make about it.” Kruse says that he is majora bill to present to Senate and the ing in film but minoring in biology so ASWWU staff to reinstate a position that he can make wildlife or environfor an environmental advocate as a mental films that can inspire people to leadership role in ASWWU. This pertake care of the earth. son would be someone who can take Kruse made this video in order to charge of a recycling program and raise awareness about sustainability bring awareness to it. They would also and recycling “as it pertains to the work with other teams in ASWWU, earth’s health.” He hopes that his such as the social team, to make documentary helps “people to think sure all events are being done in the about the little things they do everyday. most environmentally-healthy way. About their actions everyday. I just Currently, there are not enough signawant people to live more consciously.” tures to present the bill; the petition is If the previous recycling article short by about 100 signatures. written by The Collegian or Kruse’s After that step, there are some
other things you can start doing right now to help our earth be cleaner and healthier. Kruse suggested that the best thing you can do to start is to get a reusable water bottle. Other ideas on how to start practicing a more “green”
lifestyle include eating less fast food and saying no to plastics you don’t need when you come across them. Kruse says that once you get past that level, you can start on more serious life changes: “Start getting biodegradable toothbrushes, buying things that are better quality, walking, riding a bike,” etc. Like Kruse, the staff at The Collegian and I would like to encourage you to see what you can do to join those on our campus who care about our planet and want to make sure it is as beautiful for the generations to come as it is for us! With everyone’s help signing the petition, we could start to see changes in ASWWU and our school for more active efforts towards recycling and sustainability in our community. 1
POLL Last week’s questions and responses:
What to look for in next week’s issue:
Art and photography submissions centered around the theme “Transitions”
15/29 12/29 10/29 8/29
Do you think the university is adequately addressing these issues?
Mental health issues/disorders
Family/relationship problems
What are the primary causes of drug, alcohol, and/or other substance abuse (dependency) on campus?
Submit artwork or photography here: