Lazzaroni Product Line

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iTaLy's moST pOpuLaR cOoKieS!

lAzZarOnI cOoKieS Are cRafTeD fRoM wElL-gUaRdeD

rEciPeS oF GenErAtiONs’ PasT, PreSeRveD SinCe thE 1888. aS One oF tHe olDeSt AnD mOsT rEnOwnED iTaLiaN BakErIes aNd CoNfeCtIonArY cOmPanIEs, lAzZarOnI cOnTinUeS tO UphOlD tHe HiGh StAndArDs AnD cArE oF TheIr prOdUctS TodAy.

Amaretti Snaps


053939 12/7 OZ. BAG

053935 24/4.4 OZ. MIGNON TIN

Lazzaroni Amaretti Cookie Snaps are conveniently packed in a bag for ease of use, and of course, sharing! Same as the original cookies without sprinkled sugar and not individually wrapped.

Made with a special process using apricot kernels, these miniature versions of the original Amaretti di Saronno are great for topping ice cream or desserts. Try them atop a festive Italian cheesecake!

Amaretti di Saronno

Made according to a centuries-old recipe featuring hints of almonds and apricots, these airy, crisp cookies are ideal with a cup of espresso. Pairs of the cookies are wrapped in colorful tissue paper and packaged in an assortment of festive tins, boxes and bags that are perfect for gift-giving! 053933 12/7OZ. WINDOW BOX 053932 18/2.3 OZ. WINDOW BOX

For additional Information, contact: .aria Romer • 908-372-1825 •

053931 12/1LB. MINICUBICA TIN 053934 6/17.6 OZ REFILL BAG

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