Amedei White Chocolate Ganache Tarts with San Ignacio Dulce de Leche Servings: 10
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Filling: 10oz. Amedei Toscano white chocolate drops 2/3 cup heavy cream 2 oz unsalted butter, room temp, cut into smaller pieces 1 tsp cinnamon 3 Tbsp prepared San Ignacio dulce de leche 20 medium La Rose Noire gingerbread shells Bring heavy cream to boil, and have chocolate and butter ready to use. Remove sauce pan from heat. Add chocolate and stir gently until chocolate is melted and smooth. Add the butter piece by piece. Ganache should be smooth and glossy. Stir in cinnamon. Pour ganache into tart crusts. Chill for at least 30 minutes. Drizzle each tart with dulce de leche.