Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya
April 2014
MKA Epsom & Ewell Newsletter The Holy Qur’an يل ه َِّللا ِ انفِرُ وا ِخ َفا ًفا َو ِث َق ًاًل َو َجا ِه ُدوا ِبأَمْ َوالِ ُك ْم َوأَنفُسِ ُك ْم فِي َس ِب ُون َ َٰ َذلِ ُك ْم َخيْرٌ له ُك ْم إِن ُكن ُت ْم َتعْ لَم Go forth, light and heavy, and strive with your property and your persons in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if only you knew. (Al-Taubah, Ch.9 : V.41)
Inside this issue
Qur’anic verse
Extract from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as)
Extract from Friday Sermon
Last month - overview, Regional Ijtema
Upcoming events
Health advice
Trade & Industry Interview tips
Hadith The Holy Prophet (saw) said: "Hear! Have I conveyed Allah's message to you?" They said: "Yes." He said: "O Allah, bear witness! It is incumbent upon those who are present here to convey it *Allah's message+ to those who are not present here as the latter may comprehend it better than the one who conveys it." *Sahih Al-Bukhari+
The Epsom & Ewell newsletter welcomes your comments or suggestions for improvements. We also wish to receive material for publication. In particular we would like to hear about any jama’at news or information on any subject of life. Please email us on:
Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya
April 2014
Extract From The Writings Of The Promised Messiah (as) “If it was within my power, I would have desired to go from door to door like beggars and propagate the True Religion of Allah and thereby rescue humanity from polytheism (Shirk) and disbelief (Kufr). If Allah would grant me the knowledge of the English language, I would personally embark on preaching (Tabligh) expeditions and spend my entire life in this pursuit even if I were to die in this cause.” Malfoozat Vol. 2, Pg. 219
Inside this issue
Qur’anic verse
Extract from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as)
Extract from Friday Sermon
Last month - overview, Regional Ijtema
Upcoming events
Health advice
Trade & Industry Interview tips
Extract from Friday Sermon - 18th April 2014 themselves lack power. Can such as these be gods? God is One Who is more powerful than all those who possess power.
Now the only source to reach the God of this universe is the Holy Prophet (saw). In order to appreciate the power of God one must turn to God in complete sincerity and worship Him. If this is done, God runs to embrace His servants and showers them with His blessings. The Promised Messiah (as) asked us with great anguish to connect to God in this manner and thus adorn our life in this world as well as in the Hereafter. No one can comprehend His Being. We can comprehend the sun and the moon in their entirety, but we cannot comprehend God in His entirety. Then He said: عالم الشھادۃthat is He is the Knower of the seen, that is to say, nothing is hidden from Him. It is not to be imagined that He should be unaware of anything. He has every particle of the universe within His sight; but man does not possess such comprehensive vision. He knows when He might break up this system and bring about the Judgement. Those on whom you call beside Allah cannot create even a fly, though they should all combine together for the purpose; and if a fly should snatch away anything from them, they cannot recover it therefrom. Their worshippers lack intelligence and they
The Promised Messiah (as) wrote: ‘The objective of all commandments of the religion of Islam is to elucidate the reality of the beauty that is inherent in the word ‘Islam’. The Holy Qur’an comprises teachings which work towards endearing God. They exhibit His beauties and remind us of His beneficence, inasmuch as love is created either by the observation of beauty or by the remembrance of beneficence. He is the Master of all recompense and everything returns to Him. He is near and yet far, and He is far and yet near. He is above all, but it cannot be said that there is someone below Him. He is more hidden than everything else is but it cannot be said that there is something more manifest than Him. He is Self-Existing in His Being and everything is alive through Him. He is Self-Sustaining and everything is sustained by Him. Writing about complete belief in God, the Promised Messiah (as) said: ‘Our God possesses many wonders, but they are visible only to those who become His out of sincerity and loyalty. He does not disclose His wonders to those who do not believe in His Power and who are not sincere and loyal to Him. How unfortunate is the man who does not know that he has a God Who has power to do all that He wills. Our paradise lies in our God. Our highest delight is in our God for we have seen Him and have found every beauty in Him.
Last Month - Overview Upcoming Events
MKA Charity Challenge: 4th May at London
The highlight of last month was the Regional Khuddam and Atfal Ijtema. Regional Ijtema Tahir Region
Battersea Park
Atfal Class: Every Friday, 6:30pm at Danetree School
National Khuddam & Atfal Ijtema: 20th, 21st & 22nd June in Islamabad, Sheephatch Lane, Tilford, GU10 2AQ
Epsom & Ewell won the best Qiadat award in the region, for both Khuddam and Atfal. We also had 86% attendance from our Qiadat, Alhamdulillah!
Tahir Region Atfal won the Atfal Football League, Mash’Allah!
Health Advice Protection of the Body from Filth and Foulness The Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) has reminded us in so many ways how to protect our body from foulness and impurity that no Muslim can ignore it. On one occasion, the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “I was shown a man suffering the torture of hell just because he never protected his body from splashes of urine.� Therefore, he has made it compulsory for every Muslim to: Wash his body with water or, if water is not available, with soil or clay after relieving himself. Avoid, as much as possible, touching the filth. Use only his left hand for this purpose. Clean his hands thoroughly afterwards with water or soil. Although these may seem small matters, but as far as I know, no religion goes into such details for its believers; nor has man been able to learn these matters on his own during his evolution. In spite of all the boasts of progress and civilisation, Christian Europe is still ignorant of cleanliness with water and considers it sufficient to use dry paper. Not only this, but also there is no concept of cleansing after passing water. Because of these practices, some parts of their clothes become bundles of stench and the modern medical experts keep drawing their attention to this fact. These bad habits are the reasons for many diseases. Although it seems insignificant, their civilisation has not learnt the virtues of differentiating between the work of the left and the right hand. Extract taken from 'Steps to Exercise' written by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (ra), Khalifatul Masih 4th. Originally published in 1965 under the Urdu title of 'Warzish ke Zeeney', this book gives Islamic guidance on general health, cleanliness, hygiene and fitness. /28/steps-to-exercise-0-14120/
MKAUK Job Shop
MKAUK Job Shop enables subscribed members to receive details of all job vacancies posted by their fellow Khuddam. If you come across jobs within the organisation that you work in from time to time and can help Khuddam apply, please subscribe and post details of these vacancies to the group. Likewise, if you are interested in receiving details of job vacancies from within organisations that fellow Khuddam may work in, please subscribe in order to start receiving posts straight away!
Subscription details: http:// /27/the-mkauk-job-shop-ishere--0-77456/
Trade & Industry Please visit the page below for some great job interview tips: get-hired/employability/2009/02/09/interview-tips-0-1954/ 5