Drake Hotel Style Guide

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~The Drake Hotel~ The Drake is an escape. It is not bikinis and beach parties. It is not about them. Its about you. All you hear is the wind and the waves. All you feel is the moment.

Mark Usage-..............................................................................................................................................1 Graphics-...................................................................................................................................................7 Type & Content-.....................................................................................................................................11 Palette-.....................................................................................................................................................15 System-.....................................................................................................................................................19 Media-......................................................................................................................................................25

~Mark Usage~ The Look is Light

Rules to Live by: The look is sun-drenched and never dark. The logo needs room to breathe. Surrounding text should respect our personal space.


The Name and Logo may be used separately. Approved combinations shown to the right.


Logo may be used in Pantone Teal, White, and varying shades of grey.


The logo may be used over photography. (Refer to Page X.) While photography may overlap, additional text should allow a 1� or 50% (logo width) margin at all times.


In keeping with a softer, sun-drenched feel of the brand, rich black should be avoided. Black should be used only when necessary for high contrast labeling and signage. Logo should never be used in white on rich black background. The darkest grey background for a reversed out logo should be 50% black.


Logo “Do”s & “Don’t”s


Use the 3-Color version with the exact Pantone match

Use the 3-Color version on a white background

Use the one-line logotype in standard situations

Use approved versions of the two-line logotype for advertisements.

Use single color logo in any approved Pantones or black under 75%.

Alter proportions in any way.


Change the type. In any way except proportionally scaling with mark.

Use unapproved taglines.

Change the color(s). Approved color formats outlines on following page.

Use the full color version on anything except a white background.

Use rich black unless specifically required.

Apply beveling or other altering effects to the logo. ~The Drake Hotel~ Shrink the logo to anything below an 8pt font.

Approved T

~The Drake H

~The Drake Hotel~



Approved Tagline ~The Drake Hotel~ ~The Drake Hotel~


Approved T

~The Drake H



no. ~3~

~The Drake Hotel~

~The Drake Hotel~ Approved Tagline

~The Drake Hotel~

Approved Tagline ~The Drake Hotel~

86% D height

Line 1 vs. Line 2 Logo Text= 2 pt. difference Smallest text should never go below 8pt.


Line 1: 14pt. Palatino Bold Line 2: 12 pt. Palatino Italic


Space height

6% Tag + Name height



Photography is a Portal

Rules to Live by: The beauty of our scenery is very real. Clip art is not. Graphics, not including photography, should be used sparingly and mainly confined to typography and icons.


Photography is never saturated. Mid-tones are high.

Saturation is low or completely de-saturated.

Black should not exceed 75%.

Scenes are soft and blown out.


Photography should not be about groups of people and smiling faces.

Photography should utilize point of view.

Scenery is key.


In keeping with a softer, sun-drenched feel, rich black should be avoided. Black should be used only when necessary for high contrast labeling and signage with specific requirements.

Logo should never be used in white on rich black background.

The darkest grey background for a reversed out logo should be 50%.


Graphic “Do”s & “Don’t”s


Use half-saturated photography.

Use de-saturated photography.

Use photography with light mid-tones.

Use duotone photography.

Emphasize textural elements.

Utilize point of view layouts.

Emphasize natural scenery.


Use cheesy clipart.

Use photography emphasizing sex appeal.

Use photography emphasizing a social atmosphere or a family appeal.

Use overly saturated photography.

Use photography of urban surroundings.

Use photography of any beaches other than our own.






no. ~9~

~Type & Content~ Short is Sweet

Rules to Live by: The taglines are flexible. The message is not.


Evoke emotion, but speak plainly.

Paint a picture in a sentence, not a paragraph.


Logo may be used in Pantone Teal, White, and varying shades of grey.


The logo may be used over photography. (Refer to Page X.) While photography may overlap, additional text should allow a 1� or 50% (logo width) margin at all times.


In keeping with a softer, sun-drenched feel of the brand, rich black should be avoided. Black should be used only when necessary for high contrast labeling and signage. Logo should never be used in white on rich black background. The darkest grey background for a reversed out logo should be 50% black.


Text “Do”s & “Don’t”s


Use Standard Logo without Tagline for every day situations.

Use Tagline Logo with approved taglines for advertisements.

Use Palatino text for standard office applications such as correspondence.

Use Franklin Gothic for applications including technical information.

Use Palatino for standard headlines on office literature.


Use non-approved fonts for applications representing the Drake Hotel.

Use non-approved font colors for applications representing the Drake Hotel.

Stretch fonts unproportionately.

Apply outlines, patterns or altering effects to type.

Use non-approved taglines.

Use logotype in any way other than those outlines to the right.

Approved Taglines & Their Uses: Dreaming

Pillow Tags, Room Decor “Do Not Disturb” Hangers

Dive In

Instruction Manuals, Entry Point Signage, Call to Action in Advertisements

Watch your cares wash away

Standard Tagline for Advertisements

Font Usage: Palatino

Standard Font in Regular

Logtype 1

Bold Palatino Surrounded by “~”

Logotype 2 (with tagline)

Italic Palatino, 2pts smaller than Tagline Surrounded by “~”

Technical Information

Franklin Gothic Regular


~Palette~ Let in the Light

Rules to Live by: Stay away from black. Revel in sunshine, seafoam and sand.

Logo Palette:

The three Pantones used in the Full-Color logo make up the primary palette.

Of the three, Pantone 272 is considered the primary brand color.


Secondary Palette is available including pattern.

Secondary Palette is used for details, highlights and a substitute for black.


Benjamin Moore paint colors are available for all Pantones to be used for guest rooms details but not for entire walls. Approved wall colors are available as tints of the primary and secondary palettes. Pattern is available as fabric.


Primary Palette These Pantones are used in the Full-Color mark. Pantone 272 can be applied to Single-Color Logo Pantone 272 should be considered the primary accent color for the brand.

Pantone: RGB: CMYK: Hex:

303 Pantone: R- 209 RGB: G- 220 B- 147 C- 15 CMYK: M- 0 Y- 50 K- 5 #D1DC93 Hex:

291 Pantone: R- 184 RGB: G- 213 B- 165 C- 25 CMYK: M- 0 Y- 40 K- 5 #B8D5A5 Hex:

264 R- 139 G- 193 B- 176 C- 40 M- 0 Y- 30 K- 10 #8BC1B0

Pantone: RGB: CMYK: Hex:

Secondary Palette Pantone 328 should be used as a substitute for black whenever possible Pattern is made of the Primary Palette Pantones Pattern is available as fabrics for hotel interiors.

330 Pantone: R- 209 RGB: G- 191 B- 177 C- 0 CMYK: M- 10 Y- 15 K- 20 #D1BFB1 Hex:

328 R- 108 G- 92 B- 101 C- 0 M- 20 Y- 0 K- 70 #6C5C65








~System~ Keep it Fresh

Rules to Live by: Full-Color logo is used for business cards, letterhead and envelopes.


Business cards are printed on 24pt uncoated, bright white stock.

Letterhead is printed on 28lb bright white Hammermill.

Business envelopes are ordered through Staples on 70lb white stock.





Side 1 Margins

0.5 in.

Side 2 Margins

0.25 in.

Side 1 Pantones:

2.5 x3.35 in. 32pt. uncoated

Full-Color Logo in Primary Palette

Emerald Coast Parkway, Destin, Florida 32541 P: 850.620.1212 Side 2 Pantones: background PMS 264

text PMS 328


Side 2 Text:


Name in Franklin Gothic Bold 11pt

Title in Franklin Gothic Regular 11pt

(0.3in space)

Logotype 0.2x1.5in

Address in Franklin Gothic Regular 9pt

(0.15in space)

Megan Patton Manager, Guest Services

Beachfront Resort & Spa 1600 Emerald Coast Dr. Destin, Florida 32541 P: 850.620.1212 w w w.drakehotel.com

Phone number and web address in Franklin Gothic Regular 9pt side2

Full Color Logo in Primary Palette Logo= 1.5x1 in. 0.1212


Letterhead Margins from top clockwise = 0.4, 0.35, 0.5, 0.4 in.

1600 Emerald Coast Parkway, Destin, Florida 32541

P: 850.620.1212

Address, phone and website in Franklin Gothic 9pt, PMS264


Letterhead printerd on 24pt Hammermill Stock, Megan Patton Manager, Guest Services


Standard business size envelopes are 4.125x9.5 in. 24pt bright white. Flap curve based on a 2in. radius All enveloped utilize Drake Hotel pattern on interior. All envelopes are in bright white. No other color may be used.

Contact information is in Franklin Gothic 11pt. Pantone 291 separated by bullets in Pantone 264 Logo is 1in. wide. Margin around logo is 0.25 in from the fold and left edge.



Bring Perspective

Rules to Live by: Advertisements show a point of view. One you can step into. The rest you should know by now, but here are a few reminders..

Logo Usage:

Media applications utilize the taglines as outlined on page 13.


Keep it light. Refer to photo treatments outlined on page 8-9.


As shown in the previous sections, we believe in keeping things short and sweet. We are offering an escape; a quiet beach where you can let yourself finally relax. Just show it. One sentence and one picture can capture an essence, if it uses the right sentence and the right picture.


Signage “Do”s & “Don’t”s


Use Secondary Logo with approved taglines for applicable signage.

Use Secondary Logo with approved taglines for advertisements.

Utilize point of view photos.

Use the primary advertisement shown to the right on floor advertisements.

Use the welcome sign shown to the right at the front desk.


Forget everything from the previous sections about photography, palette, type, content and logo usage.

Interior Signage Standards:


Welcome Sign on white, weathered wood at front desk. Only Primary Palette logo.

Door Hangers:

32pt. uncoated bright white.

9.5x4in. hanger with 3in wide logo

Logo centered with 0.5in margin around sides and below.

Primary Palette “Dreaming” tagline logo


Web & Interactive


Embrace white space and minimalism on interior web pages.


Utilize the “Dive in” tagline to encourage interaction.

Utilize the “D” part of the logo without the logotype for icons


Use Franklin Gothic over Palatino for web.

Don’t use text in Pantone 303, 291 or 330 for web.


~The Drake Hotel~

Approved Tagline ~The Drake Hotel~

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