Urban design portfolio

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Urban Design Portfolio Atefeh Mortazavi

“You can look anywhere and get inspiaration�. Frank Gehry

I am an Urban Designer, currently doing my masters degree in urbanism studies at KTH Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm. I am a self-motivated individual seeking to expand my technical knowledge and broaden my subject exposure. Believer of Urban Designing as a conscious form of art, equally driven and balanced by the science and creativity, holding the power to change the world. And, an energetic team player who strongly beleieves that growing together is the only means of human advancement.

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‘Over the Wall we Go’ - Bundesalee- Masters studio project ‘Responsive Public Space’ - Sergels Torg- Masters advanced studio project ‘Heart of a City’ -Emam Square - Masters studio project

PROFFESIONAL WORK ‘Connected Space’ - Esteqlal Square - Urban designing project ‘Identity of the street’ - Emam Street- Urban designing project ‘Passing from the past to the future’ - Safa Streer- Urban designing project


Urban Sketches



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Atefeh Mortazavi

Date of Birth

28th June, 1987

Marital Status


Postal Address

Forskarbachen 07, 1415, Stockholm, Sweden

Email Adreess



+4679 015 6940

EDUCATION 2017 - 2018

Masters in Urbanism Studies, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm,Sweden

2010 - 2013

Masters in Urban Design, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2005 - 2009

Bachelors in Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Zanjan, Iran


Cooperation with Islamic Azad University in Zanjan, Design and Organization of Safa Street in Zanjan Role in project: Head of Urban Design Team

2014 - 2015

Design and Organization of Imam Street in Zanjan, Role in project: Project Manager Design and Organization of Esteghlal Square in Zanjan, Role in project: Head of Urban Design Team

2013 - 2017

Instructor of Department of Architecture and Urban planning (B.Sc.) , University of Zanjan, Instructor No: 392123

INTERESTS Sketching,Photography,Swimmimg

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SPSS I and Expert Choice I AutoCAD I Sketch up and V-Ray I Lumion, Photoshop I InDesign I Illustrator I GIS I Microsoft Office I Windows I Internet (ICDL).

ACADEMIC HONOURS Awarded Ax:Son Johnson Scholarship 2017-18, MSc Urbanism Studies,KTH University


1. Comparative Analysis on the Approaches of Urban Design Processes with an Emphasis on the Literature, Method and Way of process, 3rd International Conference on Modern Research in Civil Engineering, Architectural and Urban Development on 9th July 2016 in Berlin, Germany. 2. The Reflection on Space Improvement to Urban Place with Phenomenological Approach, 3rd International Conference on Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning and Sustainable Environment on 10th July 2016 in Rome, Italy. 3. Determination of concept of identity timing in new cities with an emphasis on place narrative, International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Cityscape on 28th July 2016, Istanbul University, Turkey.


Design Qualiy through Urban Design and its Governance Future City 2017 Tehran, two-day workshop under supervision of Prof. Matthew Carmona

LANGUAGE SKILLS English, Farsi, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Swedish, Arabic

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‘Over the Wall we Go’

‘Over the Wall we Go’ - Bundesalee Additionally to its literal meaning this phrase can be interpreted as an effort to think and act outside the box, escape from unpleasant conditions or deconstruct the symbolical walls between people. Existing





played a signifcant role in a history of Berlin which makes the title a link between the project Existing Scenario-An intersection of rigid boundaries

and the place. Finally, Over the Wall We Go represents that our project is related to action and



The placemaking project Proposed Scenario-A network of connections

envisions creating strong community ties in making a better place out of the existing leftover spaces in Bundesallee.

Gallery and exhibition space

Neighbourhood plaza

Dog park and nature trail and new bicycle links

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A new play/workout area with installations and art work

Look out tower - a vertical urban lounge

Underbridge skatepark and community center

Varziner Platz

Placemaking Strategy spatial properties

Community building

Design Strategies

Digital Lab

parking as a prevalent street function

Physical Lab

physicl links to the other side

UrbanDesign Urban Actions


From Placemaking week to an Urban Living Room Timeline of Strategies#mybundesallee Project



More additions materialise Watch tower-a new visual dimension to the alley

Community Center Inauguration Completion of infrasructure

Launch of Placemaking Week The Green Strip is transformed Painting-The alley






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‘Responsive Public Space’

‘Responsive Public Space’ - Sergels Torg




Historical Process of changing the context around the square Sergels torg (“Sergel’s Square”) is the most central public square in Stockholm, Sweden, named after 18th-century sculptor Johan Tobias Sergel, whose workshop was once located north of the square. However the existing square is one of the cutting edge design for its era but in some cases the responsiveness of space is not quite appropeiate, therefore a new design wes proposed to improve the space responsiveness. By this mean, increasing the Permeability, Variety, Legibility, Robustness, Visual appropriateness, Richness, and Personalization are main criteria in order to obtain the main goal.

Proposed Plan

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Proposed West Section

Proposed North Section

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‘Heart of a City’

‘Heart of a City’ -Emam Square

This study’s purpose is to return sense of place in old center of Zanjan , by space improvement into place and use of potential that this area produce. As a result, we could reach an environment with better quality, make sense of place and easy underestanding of it. Such influence turn an old center into dynamic and alive place that life flows in it. This place is respectful and important for people, so they try in maintenance and stability of it.

PHYSIAL AND SPATIAL STRATEGIES - Visual attractiveness and enhance favorable views - Increase the efficiency of public transport - Adaptation to the environment - Security and safety - Increased social interactions

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historical and valuable buildings

- Clearity in physical shapes and forms - Determine the boundary and territory - Spatial and physical unity - Repair and restoration of old buildings - Coherence subjective and physical elements

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‘Connected Space’

‘Connected Space’ - Esteqlal Square

In this project, several teams were proposing various urban design scenarios for the organization of the Esteqlal Square in Zanjan, Iran. The concept intends to locate library and research facilities as well as commercial places in the middle part of the planning area, which is easily and securely accessible in the west part of the city. Public Place

Commercial Center Meeting Places

Green Roof Children Playground

Public Library

These facilities provide shops, cultural centers and public open spaces surrounded by designed green space and buildings with harmonious facades. This area in west is characterized by its opened block structure, central green space and unique patterns of buildings facades.

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Design Features/ - The use of centralized benches in order to create meeting places - Meet the needs of disabled and elderly - Providing facilities for convenient access to the square - Create diversity in the design of the pedestrian paths

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Urban Design Concept/ The concept proposes a mixed-use area in the west that is characterized through its important position in the city and urban character. Here, a various offer on recreation, shopping and social facilities for inhabitants and users are provided. In general, recreation and leisure features In the square is obvious.

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The Facade Design Features/ - Coordinate the facade of adjacent buildings - Create optimal ratio between transparent and opaque surfaces - Create unity by using harmonious materials - The creation of desirable skyline - Optimum uses of vertical and horizontal elements (decorative columns,terraces, windows and doors)

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‘Identity of the street’

‘Identity of the street’ - Emam Street

Project Description/ Imam avenue is located in the center of Zanjan considered as a street with cultural functions such as various cultural centers and museums. Some parts of this avenue are related to the Bazaar through side streets. The old bazaar in Zanjan which offers the best cultural opportunity in Zanjan had significant impact on the formation of Imam avenue in the past, and todays functional and physical relationship between these two is undeniable. Since there is no facilities for people in this street and also because of its chaos and disorder some measure could take into consideration. To do this , several teams were collabotated for the organization of the Amirkabir Ave in Zanjan, Iran.

Strengths of the Project/ - Providing services related to tourism - Preservation of cultural heritage - Provision of services needed by the tourists and users - The physical organization of commercial spaces - Considering the important role of side streets related to the Bazaar

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Principles and design guidelinesct/ - Increasing green spaces and maintain its continuity along the Imam avenue - Meet the needs of different social groups and thus increase the presence of users - An appropriate structural design and creation of social control in space - The establishment of active functions at night and enhance the security of users at night

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The Facade Design Goals/ - Considering Iranian traditional architecture - Creating visual comfort through the coordination of building facades - Visual uniformity and continuity of forms in Buildings - Encourage public participation in the organization of building facades - Creating visual cohesion and prevent disorders in the visual structure

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‘Passing from the past to the future’

‘Passing from the past to the future’ - Safa Stree Main Aspect of Design/ - Development of dynamic commercial functions along the Safa avenue - Improving the quality of vision and urban landscape - Improveing traffic condition - Emphasizing the functional relationship and the continuity of spaces - The street as a symbol of transition from the old industry to the modern technology

Main Aspect of Design/ - Development of dynamic commercial functions - Improving the quality of vision and urban landscape - Improveing traffic condition - Emphasizing the functional relationship and the continuity of spaces - The street as a symbol of transition from the old industry to the modern technology

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Design Concept

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Existing Condition

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Proposed Condition

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Existing Condition

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Proposed Condition

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ARTWORK- Urban Sketches

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Urban Sketches - Italy Trip

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Photography - Europe Tripe

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Urban Design Portfolio Atefeh Mortaazvi Email address: Morta@kth.se Tel: +46 79 015 6940

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