2011 - 2017
MARTA MARTINEZ Mi interés por desarrollar mi carrera profesional en el mundo de la arquitectura e interiorismo en un ámbito internacional y mi carácter inquieto, me han llevado a trabajar en proyectos de muy diversa índole y escala. Ésto me permite enfrentarme a cualquier nuevo desafío con una visión muy amplia . Al trabajar bajo presión y con tiempos de entrega reducidos, he demostrado una gran capacidad de planificación y organización. Creativa, flexible, muy exigente conmigo misma y con multitud de inquietudes que me llevan a formarme de forma constante.
Formacion Arquitecto (Premio extraordinario) Escuela Superior de Arquitectura Valladolid 2005 - 2011 Beca Erasmus BME University of Technology Budapest 2009-2010
EXPERiencia profesional Glück + Partner GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 - actualidad Arquitecto Actualmente formo parte del equipo de planificación de la rehabilitación y ampliación del colegio alemán de Bilbao encargado por el ministerio de asuntos exteriores alemán. Mi papel dentro del equipo, a parte del de arquitecto, consiste en ser el nexo de unión entre la parte alemana del proyecto y la española. Se trata de un proyecto de especial complejidad dada la cantidad de participantes involucrados en el mismo, ser un proyecto bilingüe y las diferencias entre las normativas alemanas y españolas. Paralelamente también participo en concursos de arquitectura locales y nacionales de
Idiomas Castellano Lengua materna Inglés - C1 Nivel alto hablado y escrito Alemán - B2 Nivel medio-alto hablado y escrito
CONTACTO Tübinger Strasse 97 70178 Stuttgart, Alemania +49 176 982 465 26 martamartinezmendez@gmail.com Nº de colegiado en la Architektenkammer: 134904
diversa temática donde destaca un primer premio para un nuevo desarrollo residencial en Balingen, un segundo premio en un nuevo polideportivo en Vöhringen y un tercer premio para el diseño de un nuevo colegio en Stuttgart.
MBAS, Stuttgart 2013 - 2015 Directora del departamento de diseño Como directora del departamento de diseño tomé regularmente parte en concursos de arquitectura tanto nacionales como internacionales, entre los que destacan la consecución de dos menciones honoríficas con el proyecto para la ampliación del campus de la ONU en Bonn (Alemania) y con el planeamiento y reestructuración del frente marítimo de la ciudad de Vlora (Albania). Además de las labores de coordinación del equipo, planificación y organización de mi departamento, participé activamente en el proyecto de ejecución de la tienda de CHANEL en Hamburgo. Un complejo proyecto de rehabilitación e interiorismo en el casco histórico. Así mismo participé en el diseño del mobiliario interior de la vivienda unifamiliar H36, nominada por Alemania para el prestigioso premio de arquitectura Mies van der Rohe.
EXPERiencia profesional
Autocad (2d y 3D) Vector Works Rhinoceros Adobe Photoshop Adobe In Design Adobe Illustrator Adobe Lightroom Office Diseño gráfico Fotografía gastronómica y de producto
SatijnPlus Architekten, Maastricht 2012 - 2013 Arquitecto En mi trabajo como arquitecta participé en proyectos entre los que se encuentran viviendas asistidas para personas con discapacidades tanto físicas como psíquicas, proyectos de vivienda colectiva de iniciativa privada, así como varios proyectos de rehabilitación del patrimonio histórico de la ciudad de Maastricht y alrededores. Mis tareas dentro de la oficina consistían en la elaboración de planos a nivel proyecto básico, modelado 3D, fotomontajes y la preparación de presentaciones para clientes y autoridades.
Intereses AQSO Architects, 2011- 2012 Cuando no estoy en la oficina puedes encontrarme: escuchando música, leyendo (soy una ávida lectora de novelas), haciendo yoga o en la cocina, uno de mis lugares favoritos. De esta afición nació mi blog “The BudMaaS Kitchen” una pequeña bitácora donde comparto mi afición por la cocina y pellizcos de mi vida en Alemania
Arquitecto colaborador Durante el final de mis estudios colaboré con el estudio AQSO con sede en Pekin. Fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora que me permitió trabajar en un gran equipo internacional y aprender nuevas formas de trabajo en línea, que hacían posible trabajar en proyectos comunes aunque estuviéramos en distintos continentes .
Logros Personales Además de los proyectos que realizo por cuenta ajena, para mí es importante desarrollar proyectos propios, con los que investigar áreas que me resultan interesantes. Por este motivo participo en concursos de arquitectura de forma individual, estos son algunos de ellos: Tied Up Cores “TUC” Europan 13 Premio Schindler
finalista en el concurso “Projective Habitat”. 2016 Trondheim (Noruega). 2015 al mejor “Proyecto final de carrera”. 2011
tied up cores aachen, germany
International competition, personal work Honorable mention When approaching the project, the first biggest challenge is to understand the special location of the site, right in the border between The Netherlands and Germany. An invisible line that, despite of the abolition of the toll, still functions as a barrier for mobility and work, being reinforced by the language and cultural differences. As an answer to the urban, social and economical conditions of the area the project proposes an activator quartier based on the culture of sharing, community, participation, the public... Taking this thought as a base for the design, the future habitat will be organized around the common space, that will lead to a spirit of participation. It is because of that that the quartier organizes itself around six common cores, “The Belvedere”, “The Hall”, “The Street”, “The Boulevard”, “The Garden” and “The Holzpaleis”. Each of them with a different use, atmosphere and spatial characteristics. The structure of the cores derives from a compromise between the urban conditions and the relation among the dwellings. The spaces are not only for the community that lives there but also for the neighbourhood, providing it with the services that cannot be found in the area, such as Kita, affordable office and workshop space, public cantine, kindergarten, student accommodation.... The challenge of the future habitat is to be able to adapt to each of this conditions in a standardized way. To achieve this challenge, the design proposes a cellular structure made out of prefabricated wood modules that enables the construction of communities of different sizes and densities, just by addition and adaptation. The six different dwelling types, derived from different lifestyles, will cluster into collective habitats where the wide variety of users will create an ambiance of exchange and will enrich the relationships in the community. The modular units will reduce the final costs for the clients. The scalable and adaptable design of TUC, has been proven to achieve a cohesive answer for areas where the lack of urbanity harms the social fabric. TUC approaches the collective housing problems from the point of view of the users, from individuals to the community.
Design by Peter Marino (New York) with MBAS as executive architects Interior design As executive architects for this shop we developed the design of the architect Peter Marino to a constructive stage. In a first phase the plans of the design and layout of the shop are received and a first evaluation according to the german regulations is done. Then, with a more detailed floor plan of the existing building the design is adapted to the exact measurements on site. All this is done in cooperation with the team of architects from CHANEL. In a later stage technical consultants such structural engineers, lighting planners, furniture builders ‌are incorporated to the team. We as executive architects act as a coordinators among all the participants of the project and take control over the construction site with weekly meetings on site during the construction phase. We also are in charge of the production of the tender documents and to advice the client with the selection of the general constructor.
Ground floor
house H36 Stuttgart, germany
Single family house by MBAS Interior design House H36 is a monolithic building that resembles a mountain crystal. The angular shell interprets the hillside, roof and walls are cast of the same material. Built entirely out of insulating concrete, the massive walls convey atmosphere, and the large openings bring light and the great view of the city to the interior space. The rough-sawn formwork provides a rich surface aesthetic similar to a natural stonewall. A quiet material selection brings a harmonious balance. The house has no inner structure, its geometrical volume is designed to be self supported to allow a maximal transparency and flexibility in the interior. All the interior built-in furniture is designed specially for the house, from the lamp over the kitchen stove, to the hanging bathtub in the master bedroom. One of the house’s more challenging designs is “the floating stairs�. The main staircase that conects the main floor with the first floor are literally hanging on a light wire net. The house has been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Prize in 2015 and published in several architectural magazines.
Europan 13 trondheim Noruega
International competition, personal work
The former harbour area of Strandveikaia, with its WWII buildings, was chosen by local artists and cultural promoters to be the base of a social-cultural-economical network. Due to its privileged location (waterfront) and low-prices was the idoneous spot. We consider these actors the spirit of the place and therefore the starting point of our proposal, but... How could the area attract new inhabitants but keep its current open source character? How could the inhabitants transform it according to their needs without resigning to flexibility? How could the structures be transformed allowing all the complexity of the possible futures? How could the people involved consider themselves as a collective that works for the benefit of all? Augmented Activity Academy intends to create the structure for a sufficient quartier that covers the basic needs of the citizens allowing them to transform it in time and space, bringing other new actors and encouraging the interaction in between them. Reinforcing a recognizable image with colour codes and wood material as tools will define its character. The based in time intervention is structured in three self sufficient phases. Each one is triggered by an event called ‘Activator’ to include the Trondheim citizens in the ongoing process in the harbour. Each phase become the core of a bigger entity developed in the next step.
The Budmaas kitchen
Personal Food and Photography Blog
Many architects have an architecture blog; I have a food blog. Food is a very important part of my life. Cooking is my way to relax after a stressy day. And it is also another way to comunicate me, my personality, always perfectionist, precise and taking care to every detail. In 2014 I decided to share this love for food to eveyone who is also interested on the great worl o cooking . That was the start of The BudMaaS Kitchen. In the blog I post weekly my everyday recipes, wich I cook, photography and write my self. For the moment the blog is in English and Spanish but who knows if maybe someday could be also in german. To work on the blog is teaches me how to organice things with extremely little timing (you have to capute the food when still looks perfect and you also want to eat it warm!) You have to be very organized and focused to be able to cook and shoot almost at the same time. If you are curius about it, you are more than welcome at: www.thebudmaaskitchen.com
Vlora Waterfront albania
International competition with MBAS Honorable mention For the Vlora Waterfront competition, we attempted to create a self-sufficient landscape. Through contextual analysis of place, a design system was developed. This strategy led to our proposal of generating a growing field of architectures and atmospheres within the coastal line. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses, we sought to remediate urban and environmental issues while reinforcing the strengths of Vlora. The proposal defines a collection of architectural seeds that will be configured on site to encourage the blooming of the Vlora Waterfront. These seeds negotiate various site conditions from infrastructure to recreation to leisure spaces. The waterfront was designed to provide different atmospheres, allowing the city to offer a diversity of experiences for locals and visitors. The Waterfront is segmented into 5 atmospheric zones: The Green Beach, The Sea Gate Vlora Park, The Holiday Everyday and an Untouched Land. This strategy was designed as an open system that could be adapted to other waterfront conditions in Albania. Through analysis of the site conditions and the specific demands of each location, the flexible system is able to structure various sites across scales and requirements.
Art & Design school Segovia
Master final proyect
This project is located in Segovia in an plot out of the city center. The plot had a slope of 15 m from the highest point to the lowest one and it was loocking to the cathedral of the city. The programme of the school contains clasrooms and workshops, furthermore the library and a small auditorium. The idea for this project is create a small citadella. Aftera deep study about the urban structure of Segovia, I decided to use its origin to be part of the project. Segovia was the joint of seven villages with a central heart. The project is the idea of one of this possible villages. There are five outdoor streets and three of them have a underground gallery whichs communicate all the classroom and workshops indoors. The streets born at a pineforest next to the site , then they run through the main building ,wich allocates the library and the auditorium, and finally they merge in to the landscape. The buildings are surrounded with an atmosphere of calm and very close to nature. I was loocking for create the lowest impact in the nature of the place. This is why the buliding is surrounded by a great garden of trees and colorful flowers. The section of the project wants to follow the slope in the more natural way. The building grows gradually with the hill.