Ateliervierkant newspaper2014

Page 1 collectionjanuary2014


“ You cannot simpl y pu t something n ew into a pl ace. You have to absor b w hat you se e a round you, w hat ex ists on th e l and, a nd th e n use that k now l edg e along w ith contemporar y think ing to inte r pret w hat you se e�. ( Tadao A ndo). Ateli er V i er k a nt intro duces this yea r a se r i es of monoli thic for ms and shapes w hich tend to brea k f unda m e nta ll y th e bounda r y bet we e n spati al obj ect and usef ul f ur niture. Straight, sl ante d a nd cur ved lin es dominate th e sce n e w here they are designed in and w here the void bet we e n th e f ire d cl ay for ms def in es th e impact of the set ting. Fur thermore, the design tea m intro duces a n ew inte r pretation of an antiqu e Chinese bell, round pl ates to pl ant or to pl ay a round w i th on a polish e d concrete f loor, and round shapes vases w ith a re ma r k a bl e gra phic tex ture.

In this newsletter, the Atelier Vierkant collection January 2014 is edited: p3 the BL series in black version p4-p5 the BL series in black and white version p6-p7 the KB and KBS series in dimensions 45cm and 50cm, in white, grey and black p8-p9 the LP100 in white clay with grey engobe and black clay with red engobe p10-p11 the AUS series in different color versions p12-p13 the PL and PLU models in black and white version p14-p15 the CK60 and CK80 in different versions and colors













15 Office - Production - Showroom Sint-Jorisstraat 88a B-8730 Beernem BELGIUM T +32 50 37 00 56 Production Solvaylaan 18 B-8400 Oostende BELGIUM T +32 50 37 00 56 Showroom 111 Rhode Island Street #15, San Francisco, CA94103 USA T +1 877 796 0647


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