Servant’s Heart
Kitchen Towels
These designs are also available on Aprons
KTT12808 Horse Brown
KTT12802 Brown Boots
KTT10032 God Bless Y’all
KTT10001 Fruit Border
KTT12006 Lemons
KTT12005 Oranges
KTT09523 Joy Lemons
KTT12801 Pineapple Swirl
KTT12011 Cup Overflows
KTT12803 Morning Cup
KTT06726 Blk&Wh Lemons
“Encourage one another”
Ecc 11:8
“ Rejoice Everyda y”
Pears Rust
Heb 10:25
KTT10534 Black Dot Rooster
KTT12025 Rooster Burlap
KTT12014 Say Grace
KTT12023 Silverware
KTT10003 Flowers Encourage
KTT12013 Pink House
KTT12028 Yellow Flower
KTT12027 Pink Flower
KTT11029 Leopard Gift
KTT11533 Houndstooth Cross
KTT11534 Houndstooth Fleur De Lis
KTT10532 God is Good
KTT12016 Heart Joyful
KTT12000 Cupcake Flower
KTT12018 Topiary Lemon
KTT12019 Purple Flower
Pr 3:5
Gal 5:22
KTT11092 Ladybug
Bless Your Heart
KTT10011 Heart Pink Dot
1Co 13:13
“Faith, Hope, and Love”
KTT10004 Cross Faith
KTT11600 Cross Zebra Pink
KTT10545 Zebra Cross Green
KTT12004 Cross Good
KTT09029 Cross Vine
KTT12029 Cross Green Stripe
©2012 Servant’s Heart. All designs and images are the property of Servant’s Heart.
KTT12017 Cross Grace
JUN 2012