Emotional Architecture portfolio 2023

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Emotional Architecture/ Arquitectura Emocional Angelica Teuta 2023


From 2015 to the present, this ongoing-project carries out community-based art projects, work in collaboration, as well as commissioned projects allied with architecture and design. It could be a future methodology that aims to be a guide for working in public spaces and socially engaged practices.

"Emotional Architecture" seeks to investigate a contemporary and hybrid way that crosses the art thinking, transdisciplinary practices, experimentation, and collaborations that explores formats that challenge new structures of production and ways of living in a community. It started in Lationamerica but the idea is that it could be practice in other spaces, countries or places.

So, it locates the political relationship of the place with the emotions of those involved, immerse the visitor in a fictional ambience that talks about the context or need that she, he, they and surroundings experience. There is always a symbiotic play between the host and guest (we could name it space, emotions, structure, object or action). There is hope for the recognition of the pluricultural continent, interethnic and plural world. Still hope of ending with structural violence like racism or gender violence, and, recovering cultural

What's the role of emotion in an Architecture of mind?

How do we lovingly hack the systems we live on?

How do we question the concepts of naturalness and power relations?

How do we create new languages? How do we learn from the senses?

How do we create other relationships with space?

How do we transform the everyday into extraordinary?

How do we converge between utopia and fantasy to promote the solution of needs?

Emotional Architecture: Yerbateras, 2022

Performative action

In collaboration with the BioGrafos collective (biology/art) and the Matza Edgelands research center

Common Grounds. Bodega Comfama. Matza Edgelands residency. Medellin, Colombia (2022) Moravia Neighborhoods. Moravia Cultural Center. Medellin, Colombia (2022)

As part of the Matza Edgelands institute residence at Bodega Comfama, an oasis-type installation of plants was made, a video blog reflecting on the experience of living together in tents for a month with other artists, plants and other animals, all related to the concept of “green blindness” and possible new social contracts. As well as a performance called ¨Yerbateras¨ that sought as an ultimate experience to make a “foliar letter” that would connect the space and recognition of the surrounding plants with their history and their fictional spiritual connection with their human companion.

Copy the link to watch the video https://youtu.be/GBPMQ8C3MxY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBPMQ8C3MxY&t=70s -


This community project consisted of reactivating the play area of Las Canillas park, Moravia, Medellin. Bring the abandoned place back to life starting with the "yerbateras" action. There were activation exercises and concrete actions regarding the care of the environment, the understanding of plants for their improvement and DIY reconstruction. The community and leaders of the Moravia sector make a call to the Moravia Cultural Center, who consecutively invite the ¨Emotional Architecture¨ project to design, manage and carry out the community practice.

Transformed forest, 2022-21


In collaboration with artesans, artists and victims of Colombian conflict located throghout the “National Center for Historical Memory” archives

cerca suena lejos” (group exhibit). Policroma Gallery. Medellin, Colombia (2022) ARTBO art fair. Policroma Gallery. Bogota, Colombia (2021)

Copy the link to watch the video https://youtu.be/SXkHLKRDB5U

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBPMQ8C3MxY&t=70s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBPMQ8C3MxY&t=70s -

Emotional Architecture: Dê purra dê, 2019


In collaboration with Marlyn Tazcon (Embêra Châmi professor), BioGrafos collective (biology/art) and community of San Antonio de Prado

Museum of Modern Art of Medellin. Ephimeral intervention. San Antonio de Prado. Medellin, Colombia (2019)

Emotional Architecture: Ananeko, 2019


In collaboration with UdeAdiversa (Group of ethnic and ancestral studies in Colombia), BioGrafos collective (biology/art) and art students

Antioquia University. Medellin, Colombia (2019)

It is an aesthetic and collaborative experience spread over nine months. This happens in the university campus of Antioquia University and it isinspired by Colombian indigenous knowledge.

Learning the importance of having a “mother house” (Maloka), we chooseHuitoto ethnic group, to undertand certain characteristics of furniture,architecture and relationship with plants, all connected to spiritual forces. Open to any class, group or individual whowould have resonated withthis knowledge, four principles are applied: A place where we share food, dance, rest and spread(sit) the word. Anáneko, the word in minika language, refers to the home, to the community house. It means below/in this womb. The big house, nature, that surrounds us and composes us.

Emotional Architecture: The Truth Commission, 2021

Public Art. Projects commissioned by the Truth Commission to spread out the truth and peace process reports of the Colombian peace agreements

Emotional Architecture: The jaguar and the earth talks. Parque a la vida. San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia (2021) Emotional Architecture: To be in the shade. Parque a la vida. Barrancabermeja, Colombia (2021) Emotional Architecture: The dignity and resistence arrive in a truck. 10 stops in 4 days around the city. Neiva, Colombia (2021)

Emotional Architecture: Kiosks, 2018-16

Immersive Installation

Space that gives room to other collectives or initiatives to use them freely.

Structure built with collected and recycled material

Bodega Comfama, Medellin, Colombia (2019) SITIO Artbo art fair. Bogota, Colombia (2018) Timeline: Reflexions around architecture.Casas Riegner. Bogota, Colombia (2017) Fisher Landau Center .Thesis 2015, Columbia University. Queens, United States (2015)

Steep mountain, mounted tent, 2018

Immersive Installation and workshops

In Collaboration with the network of public and rural schools in the coffee region

16th Regional Salon.
Colombia (2018)

Emotional Architecture: Pelican Playground, 2018

Temporary immersive installation

In Collaboration with SLG Art & Play team, children and citizens of pelican states

Peckham Playground. South London Gallery. London, UK (2018)
Copy the link to watch the video https://youtu.be/VFUzUOpRjX8

Emotional Architecture: Wagon & Playground, 2018

Outdoor installation

In Collaboration with community of Ciudad Bolivar and Alto Fucha

Zona CABLE. Ciudad Bolívar, Bogota, Colombia (2018) Zona Alto Fucha, Bogota, Colombia (2018)

Emotional Architecture: Buenaventura, 2017

Outdoor installation

In Collaboration with community of La Playita, Children and Pacific Dream project

Colombia (2017 )

Barrio La Playita, Humanitarian space. Obra Viva program. Banco de la República. Buenaventura,
angelicateuta@gmail.com @angelicateuta +57 3002219199 www.angelicateuta.com Medellin, Colombia

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