ATGENDER Newsletter #14

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Special Edition

8th European Feminist Research Conference Budapest, 17 – 20 May, 2012

European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation #14: MAY 2012

Dear ATGENDER Members,

In this newsletter:

This newsletter has been compiled on the occasion of the long awaited 8th European Feminist Research Conference. The preparations have been going on for years, and now it is the moment for this work to come to full fruition. In this Newsletter you find a lot of useful information that may help you plan your intensive days in Budapest. ATGENDER has been carefully planning its activities at the conference – a beautiful line-up of key-note speakers, high-profile round tables on selected topics, our yearly General Assembly, celebratory book launches, a fully-fledged student day, a presentation of libraries and documentation centres, and a networking cocktail!

1. ATGENDER Events during 8th EFRC 1.1 General Assembly 1.2. Teaching with Gender Booklaunch 1.3. ATGENDER Roundtables 1.4. Networking Drinks 1.5. Student Events 1.6. Working Groups/Network Meetings 1.7. Info-Desk 2. Strategy Paper 3. ATGENDER awarded with the Jean Monnet Grant 4. ATGENDER Representation on European Stage 5. Spring Conference 2013 6. Organization of 9th EFRC in 2015 7. ATGENDER Internship Programme

There is good news to share with you: ATGENDER was awarded with a Jean Monnet Grant, which gives financial sustainability to most of our activities for the near future. And more importantly we could offer special grants to students for conference participation. The JM Grant is recognition, by the EC, of the necessity to strengthen networking in European gender studies. ATGENDER has a desk during the conference where you can meet different board members who are there on shift and you can ask whatever question you have regarding the future of our beloved association and its activities.

On behalf of the ATGENDER board and office, Iris van der Tuin and Andrea Pető ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

8. Announcements & Calls for Papers

1. ATGENDER Events during 8th EFRC

9. Membership Benefits

The ATGENDER GA is the yearly event that is organized to get members updated on ATGENDER „behind the scenes‟ and to provide the Board with the opportunity to hear from ATGENDER‟s members. This GA will have the regular topics such as the financial and activity reports, but it will also have special topics such as a preliminary discussion of the strategy paper that the Board has written (included below) as well as announcements about changes in the task division within the Board. We sincerely hope that many of you will join us. Your views on the strategy paper are especially welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or during the conference at the ATGENDER info-desk!

1.1. General Assembly

Preliminary Agenda for ATGENDER General Assembly, May 19, 2012, Budapest 1. Opening 1.1. Election of chair for the General Assembly 1.2. Appointment of secretary for the General Assembly 1.3. Election of 2 persons to accept minutes of the General Assembly 2. Report of activities in 2011 (Board) 3. Presentation of financial report 2011 (Treasurers) 3.1. Approval of annual accounts Year 2011, incl. 8EFRC 3.2 Budget plans until next General Assembly, incl. Jean Monnet application and 2013 ATGENDER conference and budget for 9EFRC 3.3 Decision on the membership fees 2013 4. Discussion on the strategy paper 5. Task division within the board 6. Closing of the General Assembly Thursday, May 17, 2012, 18:00 – 19:00, Gólyavár, ELTE (Budapest, Múzeum körút 6-8.) :::::::::::::::

1.2. Teaching with Gender Booklaunch ATGENDER , CEU Press and Routledge Publisher cordially invite you to attend the book launch of Teaching “Race” with a Gendered Edge edited by Brigitte Hipfl and Kristín Loftsdóttir (The book is published within ATGENDER‟s „Teaching with Gender‟ series and in cooperation with the Central European University Press.) presented by Krisztina Kós (CEU Press). The presentation of the Routledge book series Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality. Editorial group: Kathy Davis, Jeff Hearn (managing editor), Anna G. Jonasdóttir, Nina Lykke (managing editor), Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Andrea Petö, Ann Phoenix. Presented by Anna G. Jonasdóttir and Andrea Petö. Thursday, May 17, 2012, 19:00 – 20:00, Gólyavár, ELTE (Budapest, Múzeum körút 6-8.) :::::::::::::::

1.3. ATGENDER Roundtables Friday, May 18, 2012, 18.30- 20.00: Roundtable “Do European gender policies make a difference?” Saturday, May 19, 2012, 17.30 - 19.00: 2 roundtables - "Gender and Extreme Right in Europe" and ""Teaching Gender and the use of the Gender Studies Tuning Brochure. A Creative Reflection after 1,5 year." :::::::::::::::

1.4. Networking Drinks ATGENDER is delighted to invite all the representatives of institutions and associations that will participate in the 8th European Feminist Research Conference to our Networking Cocktail Party on Friday 18th of May from 20:00 – 21:00. The networking cocktail offers an ideal opportunity to continue our discussions for strengthening of the networks of policy makers, institutions, activists, students, and researchers in gender equality over drinks. As you all know, one of ATGENDER‟s aims is namely to bring together individuals, institutions and associations which are committed to gender & women‟s studies, feminist research, documentation and gender equality & diversity. If you are interested and would like your flyers or posters to be available during the cocktail please e-mail us ( or come to the ATGENDER info-desk. Feel free to contact us with any questions ( Friday, May 18, 2012, 20:00 – 21:00, CEU :::::::::::::::

1.5. Student Events Student’s (day) notes ATGENDER strongly encourages students, young researchers and activists in Gender and Queer Studies who are participating at the 8th European Feminist Research Conference to meet up and start an exchange throughout the Conference with an emphasis on the student‟s day. Accordingly a platform to meet throughout the Conference will be provided through the following events: Welcome Cocktail and "Teaching with Gender" Booklaunch, 19:00-20:00; May 17th, ATGENDER networking drinks, 20:00-21:00; May 18th, Conference dinner and dancing, May 19th, Student‟s corner Student’s day, May 20th The student‟s day of the 8th European Feminist Research Conference, to be held on Sunday May 20, provides a space for students from across Europe to share ideas on research, student life, and the impact of gender studies on our individual and collective futures. The student‟s day enables students and scholars to expand the practical, theoretical and methodological limits of gender studies in a transgenerational, interdisciplinary, and intercultural setting. This year, the theme of the student‟s day loosely revolves around gender and activism. Program student‟s day, Sunday May 20 12:30 - 13:00

Opening + introduction

13:00 - 14:30

Keynote lecture Revolutionary Moments, Reactionary Processes: A Feminist Reflection on Protest, Mobilization and Change in the Middle East Nadje Al-Ali Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK

14:30 - 15:00

Break with coffee, tea, snacks

15:00 - 16:30

Parallel Sessions - Paper Workshop - Publishing Workshop

16:30 - 16:45

Break with coffee, tea

16:45 - 17:30

Petcha Kucha (all attend)

17:30 - 19:00

Debate/Discussion on the economic climate in Europe.

19:00 - 20:00

Closing, Reception


Afterparty “Puszi Pussy”





Following the student‟s day there will be a reception at the CEU followed by an Afterparty at Siraly Café (Kiraly Utca. 50, district 6). The Party “Puszi Pussy!” is a fundraiser, organized by the Radical Queer Affinity Collective, a grassroots Budapest collective that organizes direct action and consciousness raising programs for the LGBTQIA community, for their project to open the first queerfeminist book store, sex shop, and community space in Budapest – “KLIT”. Zach Rivers, Mimoza Pachuku, Aino-Maija Hiltunen, Pat Treusch, Mia Liinason Student’s day organizers :::::::::::::::

1.6. Working Groups/Network Meetings 

Working Group 5: Gender and new technologies: teaching the body, health, ICT and visual culture

Working Group 6: The ATGENDER working group “Gender & Generations” is going to meet at the 8th European Feminist Research Conference on May 17 in the afternoon (TBA in Weekly News). The initial ideas we have brainstormed and that will be further discussed during this meeting will be if and how to “use” the conference and the conference theme (the politics of location revisited) to do fieldwork in order to collect materials that enable us to reflect on where European gender studies are, both, content-wise, politically and in terms of (genDerational) representation. Iris Van der Tuin, Mariagrazia Leone and Sveva Magaraggia

Meeting of WINE, Women's Information Network Europe will take place on Wednesday, May 17, at 14:00 AM at CEU Budapest. An Agenda will be sent via de WINE Discussion list. All participants from Women and Gender Libraries and Information Centers are welcome.

Gender, Sexuality and Law (Kate Bedford)

Gender, materialities and the physical sciences (Dagmar LorenzMeyer)

The Impact of Policies and Practises in Everyday Life (Mirja Satka)

::::::::::::::: 1.7. Info-Desk Throughout the duration of the conference all participants are invited to visit the ATGENDER Info-Desk where they will have the opportunity to view and purchase ATGENDER publications, share their comments about the association, become a member, but most importantly meet the Board Members and Staff. Please visit the info-desk if you have any last minute announcements! The desk will be relocating between Gólyavár and CEU buildings according to the daily schedule of events, from 8 am to 8pm. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

2. Strategy Paper DRAFT prepared for the General Assembly at the 8 th European Feminist Research Conference Memo ATGENDER Past – Present – Future (From: Board, To: Members) Why ATGENDER? History and organisations that preceded ATGENDER ATGENDER is the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation. It wants to provide a platform and network for those organizations and individuals dealing with gender, in the broadest sense of the term both, professionally and as a form of activism, although these two realms overlap. We can list: European gender researchers, educators, students, information specialists, journal editors and publishers, policy makers, lobbyists and activists. Its primary geographical location is Europe, in the widest sense of the term, and ATGENDER also opens up to the world at large. Its primary goal is to keep the network of European Gender Studies in the air and to strengthen and expand it in order to make sure the gender sound continues to be heard in research, education and information in particular. This network comes from AOIFE (Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe), WISE (Women's International Studies Europe) and ATHENA (Advanced Thematic Network of Women's Studies in Europe), including WeAVE (A European Gender Studies Network), the organizations that merged in ATGENDER in 2009. Its world-wide connection stems from WOWS (Worldwide Organization of Women‟s Studies), the European coordination of which ATGENDER has taken over from WISE. State of the Art With the merge of AOIFE, WISE and ATHENA, the financial situation of networking in European Gender Studies has changed. Especially ATHENA was EC-funded. The fact that ATHENA could not rely on funding from the European Commission any longer was the main push for establishing a legally independent, membership-based association: ATGENDER. The association can and should apply for funding. But it aims at being a cradle for different activities, such as lobbying on behalf of the research community in gender studies, the women and gender libraries and information centres, disseminating gender knowledge and tuning the strategies for gendered curricula in Europe. The set-up of ATGENDER has been an important step towards sustainability of the network of European Gender Studies. But ATGENDER as a European institution also flags an increasing financial precarity regarding Gender Studies Europe-wide. This precarity can be observed institutionally, pertaining to individual members and to those gender practitioners and activists that have not yet made the step towards becoming an ATGENDER member. The decreasing availability of funds for gender demonstrates both the necessity of acting collectively and the difficulty of doing so. ATGENDER is supporting and facilitating collective action, collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and experiences across disciplines, generations and national contexts. What are the main activities of ATGENDER? So far, ATGENDER has made several steps towards establishing, strengthening and expanding its platform- and networking-function, the most important ones being: 

Establishing strategic partnerships with European Gender organisations, e.g. EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) WINE (Women‟s Information Network Europe), ALLEA (European Federation of National Academies of Sciences and Humanities).

Promoting the institutionalisation of gender studies in Europe and beyond.

Applying for external funding (e.g. Jean Monnet) to support the Secretariat in Utrecht.

Continuing the most significant activities of AOIFE, WISE and ATHENA: networking, archiving good practices, evaluating EC policies, newsletters and web portal.

Co-organising EFRC‟s and smaller ATGENDER conferences.

Publishing newsletters and developing the ATGENDER web portal.

Offering a working group structure to facilitate international cooperation. During the 2011 Utrecht conference 9 working groups were organised. ATGENDER continues to offer space for further networking as it was the case in the 8th European Feminist Research Conference in Budapest in 2012.

Developing the Tuning Gender Studies brochure.

Publishing the Teaching with Gender book series with CEU Press.

Offering an umbrella for gender studies students networking through WeAVE.

Building connections with European Gender Studies journals; members can subscribe for journals and gender studies series with a discounted rate (4 journals).

Providing internships at the ATGENDER secretariat. In the past years 6 interns worked under the supervision of the Secretariat.

Establishing a strong administration,

Promoting ATGENDER membership. (2010: 87 individual and student members, 31 institutional members; 2011: 202 individual and student members, 54 institutional members; 2012: 400 individual and student members, 36 institutional members).

internal organization, member- and financial

What needs to be done in the context of ATGENDER? Priorities The organization of the 8th EFRC, together with the Gender Studies Department of the Central European University in Budapest, underlined the increasing disjunction between the great interest in doing gender work in Europe and the political and financial precarity of its institutional and individual (wo)manpower. The conference theme „The Politics of Location Revisited: Gender@2012‟ was foreseen so as to address this disjunction academically and politically. The financial situation of gender issues in Europe is worrying and needs more and careful attention. The 8EFRC solidarity fund, set-up by ATGENDER and the CEU, was intended to act on precisely this. The conference has also found funds from embassies, national cultural organizations, foundations and private persons. This is however barely enough to make sure that the platform and network is available for everyone. How does ATGENDER envision its role? In order to continue its work effectively, ATGENDER wants to focus on: 

Finding ways of involving its members more actively and further increase its membership base;

Furthering strategic partnerships so as to increase its effectivity in a growingly precarious Europe on the level of content (importance of

gender in research, teaching, policy, documentation) and structure (keeping gender programmes and institutions in the air, the creation of new ones). Actions already taken by ATGENDER that can be extended in this context are: Tuning (a dissemination tool), Teaching series (now with the CEU press), the continuation of memberships of associations that „network the networks‟; 

Using its platform function for supporting gender practitioners and activists with their bids for financing their gender and feminist projects: finding partners and exchange of best practices, consultation function;

Furthering the working groups and helping them find their own funding for different activities, whereas ATGENDER will be always their home. The working groups within ATGENDER work along a two-way track: ATGENDER offers the chance and space for meetings and the working groups use the ATGENDER logo for their activities;

Supporting institutionalisation of women‟s studies (e.g. the Tuning brochure largely contributed to the formation of a proposal for an MA program in women‟s studies in Belgium).

Why should you continue to be a member of ATGENDER? 

Visibility of organised Gender Studies on a European level.

Accessibility and visibility of gender information in Women and Gender Information Centres

Due to the world economic crises, more budget cuts are expected and ATGENDER is a useful lobbying tool;

Sustainability for the activities within the field. Increasingly, research and teaching is dependent on external funding. ATGENDER provides the platform for finding partners and facilitates collaboration (e.g. meeting spaces, publishing channels, conferences etc.). In addition, the existence of the association demonstrates the neo-disciplinary and trans-sectorial status of our field strategically;

Fuelling an increased interest in Gender Studies teaching wherever it is apparent: 2013 annual conference in Gothenburg will be focusing on GS teaching practices. The teaching book series, published with the CEU press, offers a chance for outreach;

The economic, cultural and social climate in Europe of today implies major challenges to all forms of critical theory and solidarity politics. A membership in a European level organisation representing organisations and professionals in Gender Studies and Gender Information is a political statement.


3. ATGENDER awarded with the Jean Monnet Grant ATGENDER has received a grant from the European Commission for 2012. The so-called Jean Monnet infrastructural grant will be used to increase student mobility (supporting students at the 8th European Feminist Research Conference and providing support for students from outside of the Netherlands that want to do an internship at the ATGENDER office), to strengthen the organization (management costs and PR) and to set up closer cooperation in the field of quality assessment in academic gender & women‟s studies

programmes (Tuning). The two activities around Tuning will be held at the 8EFRC and in Brussels, where policy stakeholders incl. members of the European parliament will be invited to discuss the brochure with us.


4. ATGENDER Representation on European Stage 

“Institutionalisation of Gender Studies in Europe and in Turkey”. Roundtable organized by Sabanci University Women‟s Forum and the Ebert Foundation-Turkey on 9th April, 2012 in Istanbul. The event was chaired by Ayse Gul Altinay (Sabanci University). During the discussion Hulya Durudogan (Koc University) presented their new program in gender studies, Andrea Peto spoke about the plans and activity of ATGENDER.

ATGENDER takes an active position in the making of the European gender policies in view of the goals of the Horizon 2020. It responds to subsequent consultations on the serious issue of the reduction of funding for the area of Social Sciences and Humanities in the future funding period of the European Commission. On behalf of ATGENDER the board member Nadezhda Aleksandrova took part in the 1st General Assembly of the European Alliance of Social Sciences and Humanities, that took place in Brussels 27-28 March 2012. A key question during the two days discussion was how social sciences and humanities should contribute to the grand challenges of the contemporary world. The participants expressed their concern that more problem-oriented interdisciplinary research is needed and more sufficient communication across disciplines is required in order to make a research project innovative and scientifically advanced. ATGENDER suggested the formation of a subgroup within this alliance of SSH fitting the issues tackled by the grand challenge of „harnessing diversity, overcoming inequality: towards innovative societies‟. Within the newly formed alliance, ATGENDER will make efforts to secure gender studies and research within the priority funding areas in the new financial frameworks designed by the European commission.


5. Spring Conference 2013 ATGENDER Spring Conference 26-28 April 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden ATGENDER has established a tradition of organizing „Spring Conferences‟ dedicated to learning and teaching in women‟s, gender and feminist studies. In Brussels 2010 Spring conference the Tuning Brochure Gender Studies (reference points for design & delivery of degree programmes in gender studies) was launched. In Utrecht, April 2011, at the Conference „ Feminist Pasts-Feminist Futures‟ teaching, research and documentation were discussed in new ATGENDER working groups. On 26-28 April 2013 the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research has offered to host the ATGENDER spring conference for its members on learning and teaching in gender-, women’s and feminist studies. The conference will combine different formats:

Panels & workshops with papers and cases on pedagogical practices & innovations of feminist pedagogy; learning and teaching in women‟s/gender/feminist studies (a call for papers & cases will invite ATGENDER member to present and discuss their experiences, research or plans for learning & teaching and feminist pedagogies)

Workshops dedicated to preparing new volumes in the ATGENDER book series „Teaching with Gender‟. ATGENDER members who are planning to submit a proposal for a new volume in this series can arranged to meet during this conference to discuss drafts, or concepts or ideas. Such new volume-proposals can for example be the result from successful panels at the 8th European Feminist Research Conference

Expert meetings of faculty and staff involved in design, quality assurance, accreditation and ranking of academic programmes (BA, MA or PhD) in gender studies. In such meetings the use of EU-tools, such as the Tuning Brochure Gender Studies can be discussed, it would also be the opportunity to set up an ATGENDER poll of external experts who can play a role in transnational visitation and accreditation procedures

Roundtables on the interaction between learning & teaching and documentation, and between learning & teaching and gender equality policies, and between learning & teaching and women‟s activism

Booklaunch for new publications in the ATGENDER book series Teaching with Gender.

A call for papers and contributions from ATGENDER members will be available at the end of the summer. The organizers aim for inclusiveness and therefore are busy finding financial support to provide travel grants. During the conference a General Assembly of ATGENDER members will take place.


6. Organization of 9th EFRC in 2015 Would you like to organize the 9th European Feminist Research Conference? Continuing the good practice of AIOFE and ATHENA, ATGENDER welcomes all departments of gender studies in Europe that would like to organize the next European Feminist Research Conference to make them known via a message to the Board of ATGENDER ( We welcome applicants to suggest a theme and a draft budget for the conference in 2015, which will be matched by ATGENDER. The ATGENDER Board will carefully evaluate applications on the basis of content, structure and regional spread. Have you always wanted to host a European Feminist Research Conference and has this conference never been hosted in your country? Please consider organizing the event of 2015! Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


7. ATGENDER Internship Programme ATGENDER provides opportunities for students or undertake unpaid internship at its Secretariat in Utrecht.




The objective of the Internship Programme is threefold: 

To provide a framework by which students or recent graduates from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned to ATGENDER working groups where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments.

To expose them to the work of the main European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation.

To provide ATGENDER with the assistance of highly qualified students specialized in various professional fields.

The ATGENDER Internship Programme is offered for 200 hours (office maintenance and personal project). To qualify for the Internship Programme, the following conditions must be met: 

You are a student or recent graduate;

You are ready to work for 200 hours spread over an agreed flexible period of time;

You are prepared to perform day-to-day office maintenance tasks;

You are able to benefit ATGENDER with your own personalized project;

You are able to demonstrate some knowledge of women‟s rights/gender equality issues and/or of European Union policies and institutions.

Interested undergraduate or graduate students should write to Paulina Bolek preferably by email ( enclosing the ATGENDER Internship Application 2012 that can be downloaded from:


8. Announcements & Calls for Papers Please visit our website to follow the links included in the printed issue. Do not forget to subscribe to our mailing list in order to receive Weekly News from ATGENDER. You can also find the latest announcement and calls on our Facebook Page ( 


Information Network Europe (WINE) in cooperation with IFLA Women, Information and Libraries Special Interest Group (WIL) has great pleasure in inviting you to the IFLA Satellite Conference to be held at University of Tampere, Finland from Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th August 2012.! Conference Theme : How can libraries and information centres improve access to women's information and preserve women's cultural heritage

New online research portal Universität zu Berlin

Information on Gender Based Violence from 5 Women/ Gender libraries



Open: Women‟s



in Europe soon accessible via EIGE 

NOG Newsletter





7th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education: Gender Equality in a Changing Academic World, 29-31 August 2012 in Bergen, Norway. The conference will focus on gender equality in a changing academic world against the backdrop of the current financial crisis in Europe and beyond. Keynote speakers: Alexandra Bitusikova (Slovakia), Curt Rice (Norway), Cordelia Fine (Australia), Renata Siemienska (Poland), Mari Teigen (Norway) and Kathrin Zippel (USA). Deadline call for posters: May 31, 2012

SGGF conference - Gender in times of hightened economic crises - Berne, Switzerland, 7-8-September, 2012

Online Master course - Teaching Intersectional Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity and Equality. Gender Studies, Linköping University.

Oproep voor artikelen voor het Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies - De derde leeftijd door een genderbril (Dutch)

APEM - Conferência Internacional Género e Saúde. Novas (in)Visibilidades. Universidade do Porto (Portuguese and Spanish)

ILO - new training courses: Training of Gender Audit Facilitators and Gender and Organizational Change

IFLA Satellite Conference - How can libraries and information centres improve access to women's information and preserve women's cultural heritage - University of Tampere, Finland, 8 - 10 August 2012.

New position -

15th OHRID Summer University 2012 - Summer Institute for sexualities, cultures and politics. Ohrid, Macedonia, August 12-30

Interdisciplinary Workshop: Epigenetics, Society & Gender. Vienna,

Research coordinator at Department Studies/Gender Studies, Linköping University, Sweden



Austria, June 22 

Book by Zowie Davy "Recognizing Transsexuals: Personal, Political and Medicolegal Embodiment" has been awarded the British Sociological Association's Philip Abram's Memorial Prize 2012

New online journal: AG About Gender, International Journal of Gender Studies


9. Membership Benefits INSTITUTIONAL Members


are entitled to: 

Three votes at the ATGENDER Annual General Assembly;

One vote at the ATGENDER Annual General Meeting;

Application to host the European Feminist Research Conference;

Three reduced registration fees for the European Feminist Research Conferences;

One reduced registration fee for the European Feminist Research Conferences;

Publication in Teaching with Gender Series and a free copy of the volume;

Publication in Teaching with Gender Series and a free copy of the volume;

One reduced subscription rate to the partner academic journals;

One reduced subscription rate to the partner academic journals;

Regular information about the association's activities through the ATGENDER member newsletter;

Regular information about the association's activities through the ATGENDER member newsletter;

Advertisement of programmes, summer schools, activities

ATGENDER Central Coordination

Advertisement of programmes, summer schools, activities through ATGENDER network (website, newsletter, and weekly news).

through ATGENDER network (website, newsletter, and weekly news).

Journal Offers 1. European Journal of Women’s Studies or Feminist Theory:

The Netherlands

To purchase a subscription at a 30% reduced rate, please contact SAGE Customer Services quoting „ATGENDER. Email: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7324 8701.


2. Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality:

P.O. Box 164 3500 AD Utrecht

E-mail Visit our website! Please follow ATGENDER on

To purchase volumes at a 20% reduced rate, please visit Routledge website and use the promotional code RAF11 3. Ashgate Get a 20% discount on Ashgate books from key areas of interest via the new partner page at Ashgate. This offer includes a whole host of titles, among others: The Feminist Imagination – Europe and Beyond series. Visit Ashgate‟s partner page 4. n.paradoxa To purchase a subscription at a 10% reduced rate, please contact the journal by email: quoting “At Gender discount offer”. More information: discounts

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