Dick Whittington Visual Story 2016

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The show lasts for 2 hours & 20 minutes including a 20 minute break, which is called the interval.

Milton Keynes Theatre main entrance

This is a picture of the foyer, you will see stairs leading to the auditorium levels.

To your left you will see the Piano Bar and to your right you will see the Box Office where you can pick up your tickets and to. The foyer area is where you will need o wait until you hear a voice announcement saying that the auditorium is now open. Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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If you need the toilet please look for these signs, or ask a Usher.

This is an Usher who can help you. An Usher is someone who works for the theatre and will be wearing a red badge Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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The theatre has four floors and your ticket will tell you where your seat is. Doors 1 & 4 for the stalls are on the ground level, Doors 5, 6,7 & 8 for the circle are on level 1 & 2 and doors 9 & 10 for the upper circle on level 3.

This is the way into the stalls and a picture of the stalls

Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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An usher will look at your ticket and tell you which seat to go to. The numbers on the ticket tells you where you have to sit, it is not a choice.

For the Circle enter doors 5 & 6 or 7 & 8

These are the seats in the circle

These are the seats in the upper circle

Sometimes the auditorium layout can change depending if there is an orchestra. Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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These are images of the stage from the stalls, circle and upper circle.

Just before the performance is due to begin there will be an announcement asking everyone to turn off their mobile phones. The lights will go dark and the show will begin. During the show if you need to leave the auditorium because you feel anxious you can ask a member of staff to take you to a quiet area.

Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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When the show starts you will see Fairy Bowbells fly on to stage on a Swing

Seeing a show is like watching television, or a film, but the people in a show are on a stage and they are called actors. When the actors sing or dance, some people will clap. Clapping is nice because it tells the actors you liked their song. If you want to clap you can. You don’t have to clap if you don’t want to.

Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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These are pictures of some of the actors you will see on the stage during Dick Whittington

This is Queen Rat

This Dick Whittington

This is Idle Jack

This is Sarah The cook

This is Tommy, Dicks cat This is Alice This is Fairy Bowbells

Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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About half way through the performance there will be a break called an interval, the actors will go off stage and the lights will come back on, during this period you can go to the toilet.

You may also buy a drink from a bar or buy some ice cream from the usher in the auditorium or the kiosk, you can also order using ordertorium from your seat, you just need to hold up the menu that is in front of you attached to the seat and a member of staff will come over to you, this is only in the stalls area. At the end of the interval, if you are in the foyer area you will hear bells to signal that the performance is restarting and you must return to your seat. The lights will go dark and the show will restart.

Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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In the 2nd half of the show there will be a short film played this is what the screen will look like this. This happens after the ship sinks and Tommy and Dick are swimming in the sea.

When the show has finished the audience will clap to show they have enjoyed the show, you may join in if you want to.

Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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The lights will come back on and the safety curtain will come down, time to leave, we hope you enjoyed the show.

In the event of an emergency evacuation, you must follow the instructions given by the theatre staff and follow these signs to leave the building

Visual Story for Milton Keynes Theatre.

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