Asskicker vol 19 issue 3 final v2

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2017’s Top 10

Arriving at the finish of 2017...


The beautiful Athabasca campus nestled among the pines.

Closing Keynote Speaker: Dr. Janet Miller, in the Multiplex


The glorious warm sunshine (we ordered it just for you!)


Donut party!


The photo booth at Theme Night!

Please join for the closing keynote speaker, Dr. Janet Miller. This will be followed by the closing remarks and the passing of the walking stick, where history, ceremony and creative oral traditions meet. The symbolic torch will be passed to next year’s host institution (see below for clues about whom that might be).


The opportunity to network, share and laugh with so many wonder people!


The stunning Athabasca river valley in the spring.


Stewardesses, pilots, construction workers, and all other interpretations in-between!


Exploring the tranquil campus on foot.


Being well fed with the fantastic food!

 The rocking DJ who spun the hits!

As we cross the finish line on our 3-day journey, please take a moment to reflect on your lessons learned from your sessions. There is no doubt that our attendees work hard at their institutions and go the distance to make difference in the lives of their students, as evidenced by the numerous and varied presentation topics.

Volume 19, Issue 3 CJ

♫ “It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rival—” ♪ Ok — we get it, Rocky. You survived Theme Night.

Please take a moment before you depart to thank our host Karen Thompson and her supporting cast, along with members of the Provincial Planning Committee for making this an amazing and memorable conference.


The U of C explorers trying to figure out a way back home for Friday

And the 2018 ASSC host is ... Next year ASSC will take you on an epic journey to a locale previously unexplored in the conference’s 34 years. This unique location will offer fresh air, majestic views, and an escape to tranquil lush surroundings (no, it is NOT Hawaii). Two colleges team up for this event that bridges ASSC from the past to the present to celebrate its grand 35-year anniversary. Where will you go for 2018? Come to the closing keynote and find out!

Please congratulate David Appell, a counsellor at NAIT, on his retirement after 29 years of service. His last day of work is today!

Interview with Janet Miller Janet Miller is one of our own. She is an ASSC “lifer”, having attended an extraordinary amount of conferences over the years, served on the on-site planning committee, co-hosted ASSC at MRU, involved for many years with the ASScKicker as an editor, presented innumerable conference sessions, and is our official hugger-inresidence. She will be adding another honor to this list as our closing keynote speaker this morning. Q. What is your role at Mont Royal? A. I am a Counsellor at MRU, and I've been in that role for almost 19 years. It's a fantastic position! Q. How many years have you attended ASSC? A. My first ASSC was in Lethbridge, and I think the year was 1999... I remember the Hawaiian Luau, the chili cook off and the firefighters - the community feeling was overwhelmingly fantastic.

Q. You hosted ASSC back at Mount Royal. What are some of your favorite memories from that experience? A. We hosted ASSC at Mount Royal in 2005 and I had the pleasure of co-chairing the onsite planning committee with Sonya Flessati. I remember laughing with Brenda Robinson as she talked about embarrassing moments ("if it's only going to happen once, you might as well enjoy it!") and Chris Dodd's amazing impression of Austin Powers - sooo fun! Q. You are well known as a person who exemplifies positivity and who teaches and encourages others to look for it. What do you feel are the best ways for people to embrace positivity? A. Awww - that's true - i do have a positive soul. I had a great mom who was a role model of resilience, intelligence and gratitude.

ries from past ASSCs? A. Wow - so many great memories mostly about people and the sharing of great ideas. Mentors like Marion and Russ, laughter and connection, the birth of the Spirit Award; playing guitar in the court yard; learning how to roll towels properly; dancing, learning, laughing... seeing the province and learning about each of our institutions. Q. For a person attending the conference for the first time, what advice do you have? A. Come back! again and again. Build community here and share resources, ideas, energy and programs. ASSC is a vibrant community with so much to offer!

Q. What are some of your favorite memo-

Overheard while going the distance ... 

Nature walk attendees were “bearly” sur-  prised, given this morning’s warnings. 

“He was in the bedroom listening …”

Friendship is  when a person knows all  about you and still likes you.

“He only needs one

Key thoughts from our sessions:

more blow to get harder …”

has absconded!

“Dress me up  but can’t take me anywhere.”

“So nice of them to put the ASSC banner in the centre of town. So was that a welcoming … or a warning?”

“The A & W onion rings taste better in Athabasca for some reason!”

“Keep it classy but sassy.” “Oh, it’s my flap!” “These donuts taste like Grouards did!”

Passport people, Red Deer

And the trophy goes to … Last night, the coveted ASSC “Spirit Award” was awarded to Athabasca University for their impressive collection of pilots, stewards and stewardesses. They truly “went the distance”! This is the fifth edition of this new and hallowed ASSC tradition. It was first awarded in 2013 at Lakeland College and Mount Royal took the prize with their impressive cave-people and monkey ensemble. Following that, the bobby-soxers from Athabasca University swarmed the top prize at NAIT’s conference, followed by GPRC’s group of purr-fect pussy cats and last year Bow Valley College assimilated the trophy. Will your group be next? Start your planning NOW!

There are no coincidences, there are connections waiting to happen. Exercise can be considered a viable evidence-base treatment for depression. “Old people … I mean … seniors … seasoned.” “Nobody cares about that except for the government.”

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