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A new cityscape emerging from the hidden underworld



A new cityscape emerging from the hidden underworld “The majority of the world biodiversity lives belowground, not aboveground.� B.S. Griffiths




Table of Contents



Table of Contents 2. Introduction p. 10 2.01 Emerging Biodiversity 3. Case Study p. 16 3.01 Amsterdam underworld

p. 11

p. 18

4. Natural Processes p. 24 4.01 Natural Fertilizing p. 25 5. Waste p. 28 5.01 Organic Waste in Amsterdam p. 28 5.02 New Waste Management p. 28 6.


p. 36

7. Practical Application p. 44 7.01 Application in Amsterdam p. 44 7.02 The Design p. 45 8.


References Literature

p. 56 p.56

p. 52






“In its most comprehensive meaning, biodiversity emerges as a term that encompasses individual diversity, species diversity, landscape variety, and ecosystem diversity,� [1]. The starting point was to understand the term biodiversity and investigate new ways of maintaining and encouraging this phenomenon in the city. Acknowledging the occurrence of biodiversity, it is not only a matter of summing up different species, but it has a much larger extend.


2.01 Emerging Biodiversity

“Individual genes are the fundamental currency of biological diversity. Moreover, all species require a diversity of genes spread among the population if they are to retain the ability to adopt to changing environment.” [2] Derived from this statement, it may be summarized that for maintaining biodiversity it is not relevant to keep selectively certain species, but to maintain a balance between different species (genes) and allow natural flows to sustain (IM1, IM2). According to Spaargaren, Mol and Buttel: “Particular flows-involved in the migration of species animals, and the dispersion of certain plants and microorganisms are considered vital in maintaining biodiversity under conditions of continuous change.“ [3]. Change might be found as a phenomenon in nature. However the most drastic changes are usually related to the occurrence of human. Most life exists on the surface of the globe where human disturbance there is grates. The relation between the occurrence of human and the number of other living organisms is inversely proportional. Therefore the city, characterized by the density of its population, is also the place where biodiversity is disturbed the most. Most of the natural processes occur in the topsoil layer. “The majority of the world biodiversity lives belowground, not above ground,” [4]. However, in the city, due to human interventions such as the underground infrastructures and the foundations of the buildings, this part of the soil profile is interrupted vastly. Also, covering the soil with a non-permeable artificial layer causes a significant reduction of the connection between the underground and the above world. As a consequence, the amount of organisms is reduced; moreover large populations of organism are being isolated. Reducing the amount of organisms and interrupting the natural processes has a negative impact on human well-being. Therefore, the current project aims to ‘heal’ the city and bring back the connection of the two worlds, the one over and the one under the globes surface. Within this report, it will be described, for the city of Amsterdam, how the top layer of the ground is operating and how different underground structures made by humans are interrupting the living organisms of this layer. A the system for maintaining and improving biodiversity in the city, with the use of natural process, will be suggested. It will be described, how soil can be enriched with the use of natural fertilizer (compost) and how humans, with the care of their organic waste, can be a part of this natural process. Further on, it will be shown how this process can be applied on the streets, creating continuous systems and allowing natural flows (IM3). Finally, it will be discussed how managing waste can contribute to the process of creating different habitats, regulate the diversity of species and increase the amount of animals living in the city.


1-Animal diversity in Amsterdam The different colours show different kind of animal species and where they live in the area of Amsterdam

2-Animal list Animal species that currently live in Amsterdam


3-Vision To create a continuous cityscape and establish flows of nature




Case Study


4-Plot 100 m x 100 m A regular plot is selected in order to investigate the disturbance in the city of Amsterdam

5-Extruded plot of 1 million cubic meters Estimation of the space occupied by human underground structures


6-Consideringn the depth of infrastrucutre and the foundations in relation to the depth where animals are able to survive calculations of the amount of animals in the volume were calculated


The underworld of a city is a complex coexistence of different elements. It is constructed as a mix of primitive natural structures and additional manmade ones. It is prominent to understand how the natural structures are operating, how they are constructed and how they are negatively influenced by the inhabitants of the above world. Only in this manner some improvements can be made.

3.01 Amsterdam Underworld

The underground accommodates different natural phenomena, it is a home for many species and a storage for food and other recourses. A large volume of the underground world is advocated by soil. Therefore, it is important to understand its general principles. The soil is essentially, a complex mixture of minerals, air born chemicals (e.g. Oxygen) and organic particles. The presence of these elements is resulting different processes. The presence of air within soil occurs through the process of diffusion. Nitrification is derived by presence of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and organisms. The presence of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, water and organism is resulting the process of composting etc. In general these processes are generators of life. The more efficient they are, the larger is the amount of organisms. [5] Within the urban environment of Amsterdam, the soil is heavily influenced by locale conditions. However, an average soil profile is constructed of a predominant layer of sand, a layer of clay and a third layer of sand. A study by RIVM (Dutch Abbreviation for National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) is comparing ten different soil profiles, or ‘biological soil quality references’, based on the soil quality as inferred from the existing empirical evidence. This study provides, among other features, the occurrence of soil organisms as well as the level of diversity. According to the study, the largest amount of organisms occur in clay, second comes peat while sand accommodates the lowest amount of organisms. [6] Moreover, most of the organisms inhabit the topsoil layer. More specific, the organisms live mostly in the 4-5 first meters of the surface (IM5). As already mentioned, in Amsterdam this layer is occupied sand. Therefore,


the amount of animals is the lowest possible. The structure of the soil is additionally interrupted by different manmade structures. To find out the amount of animals that are living under the surface of Amsterdam a regular plot 100x100 meters in the center of the city was chosen. (IM4) This plot was also extruded 100 meters deep in order to give us a total volume of 1 million cubic meters. Six different types of underground organisms were included in the investigation (bacteria, fungi, nematodes, pot worms, earthworms and micro-anthropoids). Summing up the volume occupied my human structures it gave us a total number that reflected a 6% of the total volume. The rest 94% is soil, but only 0.27% of that is occupied by living organisms due to the fact that organisms cannot live deeper than 4 meters and that this space is interrupted by the human structures. (IM6) Later on, the same procedure was done for a row of plots placed along a 10 km section of Amsterdam in order to compare the amount of animals living in each one of them. (IM8, IM9) It can be concluded that the amount of organisms is decreased and varies through the section of of Amsterdam in a relation to the occurrence of underground structures. Therefore, our further aim was to find out how we can, under given conditions, enlarge the amount of organisms and regulate biodiversity. The focus was directed towards new ways of enriching the soil.


7-Variations in the number of animals Sections describing the amount of animals living underground

8-Common 100m x 100m section of the Amsterdam underground The green square shows the amount of animals living in the common volume


9-model Same procedure of calculations for each plot of a 10 km section of Amsterdam




Natural Processes




mechanical: organisms turning the mixture (worms, fungi)

from air

waste organic ingredients


carbon oxydation


source of energy


+ O





needed by plants

aerobic organisms chemical processes (bacteria, protozoa, actinomycetes, rotifers) growing and repro. the organisms

O +


C6 H12O6


6 O =





aerobic conditions







side product



nitrification 1g molecules- 484/674 kcal of heat

side product: heat

10-Chemical prosedure of compost process Input - Output plant material ug per g-1 soil 100


10% compost 5% compost





0 1 week

2 week

3 week

11-The affect of compost How much does compost improve soil and increase the plant material

4 week


4.01 Natural Fertilizing

In nature, cycles among organisms are self-sufficient. Different processes are established in order to fulfill different purposes. The process followed to decompose the natural ingredients and create a product to enhance the quality of soil, is called composting. Mainly, decayed organic material is recycled turning into fertilizer in this manner. This process is operating as following: battered organic material, like dropped leaves or decayed organisms are being decomposed. The direct relation with the soil is necessary. Different organisms have different chemical structures, however, the procedure is similar. Carbon, is the source of energy while nitrogen is related to breeding and reproducing, water, derive from the decayed organic material. The organic material is being transformed in a chemical process under aerobic conditions. Also different kinds of aerobic organisms, like bacteria, protozoa, actinomycetes and rotifers are cooperating in this process. At the same time worms and fungi are compulsory for the mechanical operating. They are mixing the material providing in this manner additional oxygen. Additionally, water evaporates and heat is being produced through the process. [7] [8] In the time of two months the organic material have been through the three different stages and fertile material has been produced. (IM10) The volume of the organic material decreases by 65%, while being converted into compost [9]. The compost can enrich the soil structure; therefore, enhance the growth of the organisms in the soil and consequently the ones above the ground. Each organic material has different ration of carbon and nitrogen. This ratio can be relevant to produce specific fertilizers for different kind of plants. This natural process takes also place in the city. However it’s efficiency is vastly decreased as there is less existent organic material and as the soil structure in the city is poor. On the other hand, people throw everyday a large amount of organic waste while a lot of energy is being consumed in order to relocate it to the wastelands outside the city. With the use of organic the process of composting can be re-establish in the city.






5.01 Organic Waste

A new way of managing the waste could be established in the city of Amsterdam. Organic waste is recycled and becomes part of the composting process. The waste management occurs on the spot, the ground fertilizer is produced and the natural cycle will be re-activated. In the city center of Amsterdam an area of 3x3 km was investigated. In this area 40.000 people throw their garbage. These people are producing 7000 m3 of organic waste annually. [10] In order to store this amount of waste, we would need a 7 km long waste container, with a depth and width of 1 m. (IM14) Placing the containers with a gap of 7 meters inbetween the total amount of length needed would be 28km. The structure would be placed along the streets of Amsterdam and it would occupy almost all the main streets in the city center. However, the distribution of households in this area is not equal. The design aims to achive the shortest path from each house to a street container. (IM12, IM13) Therefore, the volume of organic waste brought to each spot of the street varies on the different locations. From 7000 m3 of organic waste, approximately 2450 m3 of compost will be generated, causing a significant decrease of the volume. Consequently, the amount of fertilizer varies through the different locations; therefore the affect on the soil also differs. Approximately 1 m3 of compost is efficient to cover an area of 100 m2. In this manner, the whole volume of waste is being used. (IM15, IM16) Theoretically, organic waste could be recycled instantly, at different spots of the street. A great deal of energy would be saved in this manner. As the amount of waste varies, so do the amount of fertilizer being produced and consequently affects the amount of organisms attracted. The goal is to investigate how this kind of waste management can be applied on the streets of Amsterdam.

5.02 New Waste Management

Recycling organic waste on the spot is the new type of waste management suggested. It is anticipated that humans are incorporated in the natural cycle of composting, accelerating the operations of nature, rather than just taking advantage of it. (IM17) Furthermore, it is proposed how the amount and the diversity of animal species can be altered. Looking into the process, the first step is the collection of the organic waste in each household. The transportation of the waste to the closest corresponding container follows. The access to the waste collector is arranged


through a special membership. As a member, the user becomes a part of the community, participating in the new way of waste management. Containers are set on the street. Each container is filed after two months and then being closed for additional two months - the duration of the compost process. Therefore, two containers are set aside to be more efficient. The waste drops down and the composting process starts. In this manner the organic waste has to be in touch with soil underneath. Also, a special kind of worms is added to the containers. At least one kilogram of worms is added to each container. They help in the process of composting, by mixing the waste and providing the oxygen. However, they also distributed the product to the surrounding soil. Other worms and organisms are attracted to the containers, contributing to the process and decreasing the volume of compost by nutrition. Later on, different plant species are planted on different locations according to corresponding type of compost. Plants will be taken care of by the members of the community. (IM18) Later it will be discussed how this container can be applied on the street. Different plants will attract specific organisms. Therefore, the users would be able be influence different habitats. In this manner, the process would not include just recycling the organic waste and fertilizing the soil, but also taking care of the street and regulating the amount and diversity of organisms. Further on it is investigated how this can be realized.


12-Grasshopper model Distribution of households in the centre of Amsterdam

14-Waste management Amount of organic waste produced by the people living in the centre of Amsterdam


13-Grasshopper model The amount of waste varies throughout different spots on the streets, according to the number of corresponding households


15-Grasshopper model Generating the surface (cityscape)

16-Explanation diagram Parameters regulating the curves of the design


17-Natural processes in the city Unwrapping the surface the natural circle connecting the over and under world is re-activated

18-Waste management procedure From the organic waste collected at each household to the animals attracted






The question set was how it would be possible by combinations of different waste to create the most efficient fertilizer for a specific plant cocktail. As already mentioned each kind of organic material has different carbon and nitrogen ratio. When producing compost, it is usually suggested that the most ultimate fertilizer is when the ratio between carbon and nitrogen is 30:1 [11]. By managing the combination of waste in certain ways this output can be achieved. However, different kinds of fertilizers can be produced, each one for a different purpose. Therefore it is suggested, that waste is categorized according to the carbonnitrogen ratio. (IM19) To explain this principle in depth, we refer to the properties of nitrogen and carbon. Nitrogen is responsible for the growth of organisms. As the amount of nitrogen is larger, more bacteria are being produced. Therefore, a mixture of waste that contains a high level of nitrogen, give us a mixture of compost with a high number of bacteria. The so-called greener matter is being produced. On the other hand, a carbon mixture of waste has different properties. This mixture is called brown and contains a lower level of bacteria. The proportion between green (nitrogen) and brown (carbon) material should be relevant to the proportion of green and brown material of the plants it will be used on. As a general rule, the type of fertilizer and the type of plants should have similar proportions of carbon and nitrogen. Therefore, it is suggested that plants corresponding to the ratio of the compost will be the ones planted. [12], [13] Additional elements are also important when looking for the suitable fertilizer. Three different compounds are usually present in commercial organic fertilizers: Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash, also described with the letters N-P-K. The three numbers listed on fertilizer labels correspond to the percentage of these materials found in the fertilizer. We already de-


scribed the properties of nitrogen. In addition to that, phosphorous helps the plants to grow and develop. Potassium is important for the overall health of the plant [14]. However, in this research the focus was pointed towards finding the most suitable fertilizer for specific plants paying therefore more attention to the C:N ratio. Finally, considering biodiversity, it was investigated how different plants can attract specific animal species. The species attracted are mostly depended on the type of plants planted, for instance vegetables, fruit, leaf plants or flowers. (IM20, IM21) The way this pattern can work is investigated in depth in a research made by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service [15]. The estimations made in the current project are based on the above research. To conclude, it is suggested that different types of gardens with different C:N proportions are created, generating different habitats. In this manner the most efficient conditions for specific animal species will be created. However, according to Murphy et al. [16], on the edge between different habitats, the largest biodiversity is being generated.



19-Bio-Cocktails Combine waste - calculate ratio - pick relevant plants - animals attracted - gardens composed


20-Gardens List of plants for each garden

41 Plant


Plant form

Atracts organisms


Malus domestica




Cassia brewsteri






Acronychia acronychioides

Butterflies, butterflies larvea, bird general

Blue giant hyssop

Agastache foeniculum



Brassica oleracea

Insects, birds general


Brassica oleracea

Butterflies larvea, snails


Prunus avium

Butterflies, fruit eating birds


Zea mays

Reptiles, geberal birds, insects


Graptophyllum ilicifolium

Butterflies, honey eating birds


Atractocarpus fitzalanii

Butterflies larvea



Insects, birds general

Guinea flower


Insects, butterflies, bees


Corylus avellana

Birds general


Lactuca sativa

Butterflies larvea, snails



Reptiles, honey eating birds


Allocasuarina littoralis

Bird general


Chionanthus ramiflora

Fruit eating birds


Prunus persica

Butterflies, bees, fruit eating birds


Prunus domestica

Butterflies, fruit eating birds, insects


Basella alba

Butterflies larvea, snails



Butterflies, bees, snails


Solanum lycopersicum

Butterflies larvea, insects


Tulipa turcarum

Honey eating birds, butterflies larvea

Weeping grass


Butterflies, moth larvea


Beilschmiedia obtusifolia

Butterflies larvea

Small plant, flower

Medium plant, bush

21-List of plants Organisms attracted by each plant

Large plant, tree

Atracts organisms




Practical Application


7.01 Application in Amsterdam

The question is how this proposal can be applied in the city of Amsterdam. How can the different gardens be placed? The span of the gardens will correspond to the space available and the capacity of the fertilizer. As a basic urban element for the application, the street was chosen and researched. Specifically, large street in the center of Amsterdam was chosen as a case study. Different options of how and where to apply the biodiversity cocktails on the street were investigated. First, different possibilities of placement were listed. [IM22] However, there were certain requirements they should fulfill in order to be considered as suitable solutions. The city center of Amsterdam is well known as being extremely dense. Therefore, placing the design just on the street would occupy the entire surface that already accommodates different functions. Some of the solutions listed were solving this problem. Some options suggested that the gardens could be hanged over the street shaping a new urban element. However, the plants and the compost should both be in touch with the soil. Therefore, this suggestion was rapidly abandoned. Further, plants could be grown vertically as a self-standing unity or along the faรงade. This option was also rejected because the plants need a certain area of attachment to the ground. In this manner, only certain plants could be planted and therefore this was not a suitable solution. The aim then was how to place the plants underground, and provide them the space required and the light and air needed. It was suggested that plants would occupy the entire underground area of the street. However, this was not possible due to the high pollution underneath the road area. Also, maintening the gardens would not be possible in this manner. It was finally decided that the new habitats would be set underneath the pedestrian area and partly next to it (as seen on the scheme---------). In this way, enough space would be provided for everyone as well as the underground world would become connected and reflected above the ground. The street would also need to be redefined in terms of function and materials. Different functioning areas were rearranged (the pedestrian area, the bike lane, the tram tracks and the space for the cars). As plants require an adequate amount of light, a new paved surface was introduced. A metal grill would be placed over the plants on the pedestrian area. The porosity of this surface varies along the street. It is shaped according to the light needed and the pedestrian flows. The surface is reinforced with a metal beam every eight meters also connected to the containers parts as described later. Underneath the new pavement, a new landscape full of plants will be created. The design will also allow the maintenance of the underneath gardens by the members. Along the road, the tram tracks and the bike area a new, more porous pavement is applied. The same structure and materials are being used. However, this surface has more dense structure that varies again from spot to spot.


In this way, a new continuous landscape will be created connecting the under and the above world, allowing the uninterrupted flows for biodiversity.

7.02 The Design

The shape of the new surface varies along the street, according to the volume of waste corresponded to each spot. In addition, different types of habitats evolve applicably to different kind of waste. However, it is evident, from the typical cross section of the re-defined street (IM25), how different functions are connected and integrated within a design. The container is placed continuously along the street, interrupted only on the crossroads. It is applied in-between the pedestrian area and the bike lane. The height and depth of the container varies correspondingly to the amount of waste thrown in every spot. The width of the container is 1.5 m, so that the compost can operate efficient. Two containers are placed every five meters, working together. Containers are categorized according to the kind of waste thrown in them (C:N ratio). The four different types of ratio are set in the row and the members are responsible for separating the garbage and throwing it in the right container. The design is constructed from a steel beam structure. The beams are set every eight meters and shaped according to the form of the surface. Within the container element, the gaps are covered with the metal grill. On the side of the pedestrian area, the container is covered with a layer of soil. The soil is protected with a special net to protect against the soil erosion. The beams are continually flowing through the pedestrian area, carrying the grill structure. Containers are anchored to the underground, supporting the overall structure. Correspondingly to each container the damper is set and controlled manually by the members of the community. Through the gap, waste is shed into the container. Also, special worms are added. The waste is collected on a special hatch element and drooped down when a certain load of waste is collected. [17] (IM23) Certain amount of oxygen is required in the compost process according to Wilson [18]. Therefore, on top of the container small gaps are applied allowing the oxygen to penetrate. On the next stage, more animals are attracted, contributing to the process. Small gaps are set on the bottom of the container so that the animals are able to pass through. (IM24) Right before the compost is dispersed, different plants are planted. The maintenance of the container is possible from the underground passage. The main focus of the project was the connection between the capacity of waste and the shape of the design but at the same time a relation between the type of waste and th type of gardens were created.



22-Sections Investigation of possibilities how to place the design on the street




23-Container design Container separated in parts that are related to the different compost stages

Photo text Photo text Photo text Photo text Photo text Photo text Photo text






24-Container design Description of the prosedure of compost process inside the container

25-Section of street in the centre of Amsterdam Design applied to the street






input 20 households, 46 + 4 months

output people

density of organisms per 1g of soil

2 m3 organic waste

1 kg compost per 0.7 m2

0.7 m3 compost


10 x 10 m2 area

amount of organisms per determinated volume of soil

68801 x 10¹²

75380 x 10¹² 20%

26-Calculations Increased amount of animals in the soil, after the application of the compost


Even thought the stage of biodiversity and the amount of animals in the city has decreased, a lot can be done to improve the situation. The current design suggests a way of establishing and maintaining the “flows� of organisms in the city, therefore protect them from the constant changes. During the research it was discovered that the amount of organisms is lower where human interventions occur. However, the amount of soil organisms in Amsterdam was already low due to the poor soil structure. In nature the compost process is the one that provides fertile soil, whereas in the city the same process it is much weaker. It was investigated in what ways this natural cycle could be reestablished and applied in the city. Organic waste is be used in the process of composting suggesting a new way of waste management on the streets of Amsterdam. Waste is be categorized according to its chemical structure, and different types of fertilizers are be produced. The most appropriated fertilizer is be used for certain plants grown by the members of the new waste management community. Gardens attract specific native animals. In this manner, biodiversity habitats are established. Calculations were also made in order to compare the previous soil structure and new fertile one. Approximately, 0,7 m3 of compost would be produced per container. That would be sufficient for a plot of 8 x 8 meters. The growth of plants would be accelerated in this way. Comparing the amount of organisms between the existing soil and the new soil structure, the second one will contain an increase of animals by 20 %. (IM26) A research by Ramel explains exactly the way to calculate the amount of animals in a fertile soil [19]. The design, by attracting different animals would also increase the level of biodiversity in the city of Amsterdam. Moreover, the different habitats would create a new continuous cityscape. To conclude, controlling our organic waste give us the possibility to alter the appearance of the city and the level of biodiversity. Moreover, it makes us a part of a new established natural cycle, providing the opportunity to give something back to nature instead of just taking advantage of it.



27-Visualization Street view of Amsterdam with the new cityscape


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