2022 Program & Membership Brochure

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SWIM LESSONS PARENT & CHILD: AGES 6 MONTHS TO 3 YEARS A 30-minute class for children 6 months to 3 years and their parents. This class is held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The primary objective is to get a child and parent comfortable in the water. The child will become aware of the difference between moving through water and on dry land, while the parent will become aware of how to teach the child to be safer in and around the water. Classes are designed to allow the child to have fun in the water while the parent guides them to learn aquatic skills. Children are exposed to games that use basic movements such as kicking, arm strokes, and breath control. Parents must accompany infants and toddlers in the water. All children must wear rubber pants with tight fitting elastic legs - no diapers please.

EVENING SWIM LESSONS: AGES 3 TO 12 This program is structured to accommodate developmental abilities of children while teaching fundamental swimming skills and water safety. Youth swim lessons further develop the four YMCA swim lesson levels covering all the strokes, diving fundamentals, and safety skills. Our instructors make it fun to develop a lifelong appreciation for aquatic activities, which not only include swimming but also lifesaving, lifeguarding and aquatic sports.

SUMMER SWIM LESSONS: AGES 3 TO 12 From a child’s first experience in the water to intermediate stroke and personal development, basic skills are taught using games that emphasize kicking, arm strokes and breath control. Classes meet four times per week for two weeks.

AFTERSCHOOL SWIM LESSONS: AGES 6 TO 12 A step by step progression of swimming and water safety skills that enable a child to swim safely, enjoy the water and use swimming as a lifetime fitness sport. This program has five main components: personal growth, personal safety, stroke development, water sports and games and rescue. Each skill level builds upon the preceding level, covers all the strokes, diving fundamentals and safety skills. Throughout all levels, students are taught aquatic safety, boating safety and rescue skills.

PRIVATE LESSONS One-on-one instruction for 30 minutes. For more information, please email Ben Schultz ben@athensymca.org

ADULT SWIM LESSONS: AGES 13+ It’s never too late to learn how to swim! If you fear the water, don’t worry - we’ll move slowly.

ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS Recreational and instructional swimming for children ages 5 to 12 with special needs. Classes meet Mondays or Wednesdays with starting times at 5:15 PM. Lessons are 50 minutes in length and are one-on-one instruction. For more information on Adaptive Swim, please email adaptive@athensymca.org


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