15 minute read

It's always great to reconnect with our faves and see how they continue to blaze new trails as they navigate the intersectionality of their lives. We first met Leah Van Dale back in 2019 for her SEP ISSUE #45 with us at the Mondrian Park Avenue hotel. In this month's issue, she talks about her routine to the ring in WWE as Carmella who always knows how to bring the drama and athleticism, the importance of self-care, her recent marriage to Matt Polinsky/WWE's Corey Graves and her approach to fashion as she's always rocking amazing looks unapologetically.
ATHLEISURE MAG: It’s so good to re-connect with you again and to catch up! To connect all of our readers at Athleisure Mag, what have you been up to, what are you looking forward to in terms of this year as you navigate your upcoming matches in the WWE?
LEAH VAN DALE: Yeah, I just had my first match back in about 7 months on Feb 6th! That was really exciting to be able to be back in the ring with a new look and back to my Moonwalking, trash talking, Princess of Staten Island character! It’s been a minute since I have been able to do that. I’m really enjoying that. I just really want to be able to focus on being the best version of me that I can and to have a lot of fun. That’s really my goal this year, to have a lot of fun and to not put too much pressure on myself.
AM: That’s great! In terms of the WWE, are there any events that you’re looking forward to that we should mark our calendars for?
LVD: Absolutely on the 18th, we have the Elimination Chamber, a Premium Live Event. I’m going to be in the chamber, there will be 6 of us, we’ll all be facing each other. The winner will face Bianca Belair at WrestleMania for the Raw Women’s Championship. I have never held the Raw Championship. I have been Smackdown Champion, I’ve been Tag Team Champion, but I have never held the Raw Title so I’m really hoping that I can win that match and
go up against Bianca Belair for that match at WrestleMania.
AM: Obviously, we hope that you do! When you know that you will be heading into the ring, are there routines that you do before and after the matches so that you can prepare for the fight and do you have things that you do when you’re coming down after exerting all of that energy?
LVD: Oh yeah! I have a huge stretch routine. I have to stretch! I was a dancer in the first part of my life and I feel like I lost my flexibility because of the regimen that I do, being in the ring and the injuries that I have gone through. So because I feel like I lost a lot of my flexibility, stretching has been something that I have been focusing on a lot more lately. So I do a huge stretch before the match and then I really like to listen to Megan Thee Stallion. I put my headphones on and I just get in the zone and remind myself of what a bad B that I am and try to channel my inner Megan Thee Stallion and just get into character. Because Carmella is a lot different then Leah so I feel like I have to really remind myself of who I am and what I’m going out there to do.
After my match, something that I have learned through acupuncture because of my acupuncturist is that with WWE, it’s just go, go, go all the time, so it's to be more in the moment. It’s on to the next thing, hurry up and get to the airport, hurry up and land and get your rental car, hurry up and get to the hotel, hurry up and try to get some sleep, try to go to the gym. It’s always go, go, go, so I feel like I want to try to focus more on being in the moment. After that match and coming down from being on that high and adrenaline that took place out there which is running through my veins like that, I want to come down from that and just take a few minutes backstage by myself, unwind, recognize what I just did, being out there and performing in front of all of these people and then come back and just kind of take a min -
ute and breathe! It's just about recognizing what I did, to be present and then to be able to move on to the next thing without being in such a blur.
AM: You’re clearly a fit person and especially in what you do. We have a great mild winter that has been taking place here in NY, which makes us think of the Spring and the Summer. What are 3 workouts that you do that we should consider adding into our own routines?
LVD: Ooo that’s a good question! I’m a huge advocate for [solidcore]. It’s basically Pilates I suppose, but Pilates to the 100th degree! It is insane and I’m really huge on that. So, I used to lift heavy for most of my career and most of my life, and I found that doing Pilates and doing [solidcore] has really transformed my body as it’s more resistance-based training as opposed to lifting heavy. It’s been so good on my muscles and my joints and I just feel like a new person. I feel strong and prepared when I do [solidcore]. So, I would definitely say that!
I’m huge into yoga I’m a big yogi. I really enjoy what it does for my body and my mind, both inside and out, huge fan of yoga. I think that honestly, I live in the city of Pittsburgh and I do a lot of walking. I think it’s pretty underrated. I love to go out for a nice walk, I bring my dog with me and I just walk all over the place. I walk to get coffee, I walk to go to the store. Anywhere I go, to get lunch, to get a juice –it’s so underrated, go outside, take a walk and get going! The steps add up.
AM: Oh yeah when you’re with your dog or your friends, it’s a nice thing to do. Totally agree with you.
As an entrepreneur, what do you look for when it comes to brands you’re thinking of launching or even partnering with others?
LVD: Great question! I feel that it has to be something that is super authentic to you. Anyone can go out and try to make a business out of something. But if you don’t
love it and you're not passionate about it, it’s going to feel like work, it’s gong to be work no matter what – but you’re going to notice how hard it is and how difficult it is if you don’t love it. I even look at it that way with the WWE. There’s no way that just anyone can walk off the street and do what we do. Not only because of the physical toll that it takes on you in the ring, but the travel! It’s so demanding! If you don’t love it, there’s no way that you’re going to last.
AM: I couldn’t agree with you more! I have to say that I have such a respect for you and the other WWE people. When we’ve shot with you, Nattie, Trinity and Danielle Moinet , when you guys came to set you’d share that you just drove 3 hours to get there, you had a fight the day before, a fight later on that same day after our shoot and the amount of schedules that you guys juggle and yet to see how happy you are and how you still interact with fans is insane!
LVD: It is a lot, but I think that you have to have great time management skills and like I said, if you love it, it doesn’t feel as difficult because you’re doing something that you’re enjoying. So you get an instant gratification from that.
AM: Are there ventures that you’re exploring that you’re able to share? Something that you’ve done which is really great, is that in addition to us knowing you as an athlete, you cover other areas in business because you’re truly an entrepreneur.
LVD: Well, I actually have something in the works that I can’t say just yet. When we’re able to announce it, it will be exciting! I’m really trying to focus on fashion right now and explore it. It’s something that I’m passionate about, I love it and I enjoy it. I’ve always loved clothes since I was a kid. I just think that it’s fun to be able to express yourself and to show who you are by what you’re wearing. I think that that is something that I will really try to focus on this year. I would

love to have an athleisure line and to get more into that realm. I’m putting that out into the universe because it’s something that I really want to be able to do and to dive into.
AM: I could see you doing that as your IG always shows you killing a range of looks! You recently got married to Matt! How is it juggling your busy lives with both of you part of WWE, working, traveling and your family? It’s so exciting.
LVD: It is so exciting! I think that we have really found our way into the groove. We both have such demanding and crazy schedules! Luckily, we’re both on Raw, so we’re on the same show; however, we both have separate commitments outside of just Raw. I have live events, he has currently been working with NXT talent. So we’re just kind of all over the place. FaceTime is great, we’re always communicating via text, all day every day. It just makes our time when we’re together, that much better because we get to be in the moment and present and enjoy each other. We have things that we can catch up on, but if we’re together all day every day, we already know everything happening in each other’s lives. It’s great to have a little bit of separation because then we can come together and chat about the things that we have going on with each other.
AM: It’s always fun to see you guys on IG or when you were doing your podcast show together, are there other projects that the two of you will do together that you’re able to share?
LVD: There’s actually nothing in the works right now. We love working together. It’s funny because we truly complement each other so well. We are truly opposite from each other. He’s more quiet and you know, a little mysterious, whereas I’m more kind of like obnoxious, annoying and just in your face. It’s funny the way that we compliment each other. We are thinking about bringing our podcast back. We had to take a break with getting married, then work was just insane and then life just got
in the way. But our fans are really asking for it so I think that when the time is right, we will eventually go back to the podcast. There’s so much to update everyone on.
AM: It was so fun to listen to and I love a whole peanut butter and jelly aspect!
A few minutes ago, we were talking about fashion. How do you approach your closet? You wear items that are sporty to those that are chic, you play with proportions. You can truly tell that you just embrace playing and seeing what works and just enjoying that. How do you approach your closet in terms of the looks for the day and events when you’re going out?
LVD: I think that if someone were to ask me how I would describe my style, I don’t have a specific style. I like anything and everything. When I’m just at home, I’m usually in sweats. But I like for it to be something cute like a matching set or just a big baggy sweatpants and a crop top. I feel like I really try to just do the most. I don’t care if the look might offend someone. I’m always in a crop top, even if it’s in the winter, I really don’t care. I’m going to do the most, I just want to do something that makes me feel good and to just make a statement. I think it’s important that when it comes to my closet, that I don’t spend a lot of money on trendy items. I like to spend my money on a classic piece and something that I can wear forever and something that will last forever and won’t go out of style. If I’m going to go for something that’s trendy, it’s going to be a lot cheaper. I like to pair something cheap, with something expensive. If I have a nice pair of Louis boots and then I wear it with my $20 Fashion Nova jeans, who cares?
AM: How do you take time for yourself in terms of self-care so that you can reset and be present for whatever it is that is on your agenda?
LVD: As I mentioned earlier in working with my acupuncturist, that’s something that I have really been focusing on for the last few months. I think that it’s so important to take time for yourself. It’s not selfish. It’s a great way I think to be able to reset and to just be present in your everyday life. If you’re taking time for yourself, then you’re going to be a better wife, a better daughter, a better friend and a better employee. That’s because you’re not all over the place. I think it’s important to stay in the moment. I really like to schedule appointments. So if I have an appointment for my yoga, for my acupuncture, for a stretch, PT or the chiropractor then I make that commitment and I have to go. If I say, “oh I will stretch out when I’m at home,” there’s no way that I am going to do it. I’m going to get wrapped up in work or a phone call that is going to distract me. So I feel, that for me, when I make appointments, I have scheduled something and I know that I will be paying for it. I have to commit and I have to do it!
AM: For sure! There’s nothing worse than seeing a charge for a no show fee because you weren’t there. You’re just cheating yourself.
LVD: That’s the worst, legitimately the worst!
AM: What do you want your legacy to be in terms of the sport and the world? What’s that mark that others can look to and say that they know that that was what Leah Van Dale did and/or contributed to?
LVD: Oh my gosh, that’s such a huge and crazy question to hear! I think that when it comes to that, I want women, especially young women in general just to be able to realize that you don’t have to be just one thing. I think for a long time I thought that I was just a WWE SuperStar or I’m just the girl that comes out and dresses sexy on TV or I’m the girl that was the last Draft Pick in 2016. I’m so much more than that and I don’t have to fit into just one box! As women, that’s sort of what we are taught in society and it’s made us think that we
are just one thing. No, I have so many more things to me and different aspects and sides of me that I want to share and I don’t have to be just the girl that dresses sexy or the girl in WWE. I’m also a step mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend and there are so many other things that define me! I’m not just one thing. I think that if I can pass anything on to women and using my social media platform and my following, that’s what I want women to know. You don’t have to be that and your thing can change by the way! Who I was in 2017 is a hell of a lot different then who I am now and that’s so different from who I am going to be a year from now! It’s ok to change, evolve and grow.
AM: And sometimes, circling back!
LVD: For sure! Absolutely!
AM: There have been things that 8 years ago you did it and whatever and then last year you think about it and realize that you want to bring it back to the front burner again. Things are fluid and we shouldn’t be beating up on ourselves.
STORI3S PG 48, 49 + 51 Leah Van Dale