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Athleisure Mag #61 Jan 2021 | Making Magic with Anabel Englund
We caught up with Anabel Englund who recently launched her debut album, Messing with Magic. This singer/ songwriter and DJ has collaborated with a number of artists including MK and Hot Natured. We wanted to find out more about how she got into the industry, her creative process and also what it was like to release her debut album during a pandemic.
ATHLEISURE MAG: You’ve been in the music industry for a number of years. Tell us how you got into the industry.
ANABEL ENGLUND: Well, I grew up around people playing music all the time. It is like second nature in my family so when I was introduced to certain people it was easy to feel comfortable & like I belonged. I moved to LA proper when I was 18 & immediately dove into club & party life. I was infatuated with the underground scene & needed to know more.
I moved to LA proper when I was 18 & immediately dove into club & party life. I was infatuated with the underground scene & needed to know more.
AM: What was the moment when you decided that you wanted to be in the house/dance genre in music?
AE: When I heard more & more house music when I moved to LA. It was love at first sound. I remember hearing someone sing on a track & I thought, “I can do this…& I can do it better” I felt like. I knew in my heart I was going to sing over house music & that’s exactly what happened.
AM: As a DJ, singer, and songwriter how is it to be able to navigate these areas as you create your music?
AE: Singing & song-writing is my number 1. Writing & singing the music always comes first. Then when I have music I love that I’ve made its amazing to play that music out.
AM: How would you define your sound?
AE: Sexy, light, rewarding, authentic, indie, electro, house.
AM: What’s your process like when you are creating music in general and how was it for your debut album?
AE: It is always the same. I don’t think much about it until I’m in the session. Unless I all of a sudden have a song title idea in the shower or just walking down the street. But when I’m in the session with a producer I like to let my subconscious take the lead. I start with the melody & whatever the melody words sound like I sound it out & then I think AH! Okay So we need to write a saying goodbye song today or an I love you song today…I let the space guide me if that makes sense.
AM: We had the pleasure of seeing you on Zoom when you released your album, what was the thought behind this body of work?
AE: It was kind of just a domino effect. It didn’t start with a plan to make an album it all just came together as such & it turned out beautifully! I really do feel like the first chapter of my artistry is Messing With Magic. Every song is about growth or love in one way or another & I’ve found who I am as an artist through making it & releasing it to the world. I am very proud of her.
AM: How was it to release it at the end of last year?
AE: To me it felt perfect. It was the best way to conclude a crazy year with so many releases & a great way to start a new year with music out that people can listen to. Music that is taking root.
AM: How do you stay inspired?AE: Through staying sober. Being alive & awake to experience every aspect of my life, the good & the bad. You can write a song about anything. Sometimes the smallest little interactions are the most important songs.
AM: Have you started making plans in terms of events that you may be involved in this year whether in person or virtually?
AE: I have some festivals booked but I don’t know what the future looks like with COVID running rampant…
AM: What have your days been like in general in 2020 in terms of prepping for the album, releasing it, navigating a quarantine etc?
AE: Wow it was crazy! I thought how are we going to get all of these things done? So many interviews, visuals needed for approval, mixing, mastering, music videos. I didn’t know it was all possible & yet it was. It was an incredible growing experience.
AM: Who are 3 people that you have yet to work with, but is on your list to do so?
AE: Black Coffee, Max Martin or his camp and Sza.
AM: How do you take time for yourself whether it’s meditating, taking baths, going out for a walk, cooking etc?
AE: Haha all of the above. I feel good when my space is clean & things are organized & put away. I don’t do well in clutter AT ALL. Meditating helped me survive 2020 100%. Taking baths with a ton of epsom salt & essential oils has been a saving grace. Journaling is also very important to me & having a few people who I can confide in to just get some advice or share my stress with. It’s important to have good true people in your life.
IG @AnabelEnglund
PHOTO CREDITS | Paige Strabala