3 minute read

Netflix Documentary Series
We remember having editor lunches that took place at Pure Food and Wine here in as this was the cities' first raw vegan restaurant and one that was frequented by a number of celebs. It seems like at its height of fame, it suddenly was gone.
In Netflix's BAD VEGAN: FAME. FRAUD. FUGITIVES, we get the inside scoop on the rise of Sarma Melngailis' dream and how it came to an end when she began met Anthony Strangis via her Twitter feed.
We find out how she built her business, obtained financial backing and created a space in the culinary world that was ahead of its time. We also see how her need to be loved created a setup where she engaged in fraudulent business practices that ultimately derailed her business, and landed her in Rikers after being a fugitive in Las Vegas for 10 months.
It's up to the viewer to decide whether she was an active participant in the scheme or if she was a gaslit woman that truly belived that by following Anthony's instructions would allow her to finally obtain the money she desired, immortality and the life that she always wanted.

Peacock Originals
We enjoyed The Thing About Pam podcast hosted by Dateline's Keith Morrison. This true crime story is now a series which he continues to narrate. Renée Zellweger (Chicago, Judy, Bridget Jones's Diary) plays Pam Hupp who is seen as a pillar of her community. This series focuses on the murder of Betsy Faria who was battling a terminal cancer, had a supportive family life and a best friend, Pam who was available to pitch in and help.
Upon her death, although the police and prosecutors believe Betsy's husband is the murderer, there are a number of things that don't make sense. We see that Pam's creation of a trust to take care of Betsy's girls is in her name and it seems she has plans on these funds. She's also way too interested to assist the prosecutor in finding Betsy's husband guilty and goes to great lengths to stay in the loop on what's going on.

Amazon Original
Jon Hamm (Mad Men, Bridesmaids, Top Gun: Maverick) plays Fred Heckman, a local radio reporter in Indianapolis in the true crime podcast. He finds that a call he takes connects him to Tony Kiritsis who is holding a banker hostage. Tony demands to be interviewed during a 63-hour standoff to explain how he got to this point.