Max Wightman Arizona Tennis Athlete
Max Wightman In an effort to maintain a normal high school career I chose not to be home schooled or go to any academies, even though scholarships were available to me. I also wanted to be a high school athlete and be a part of that community and have that life experience. This turned out to be a very delicate balance of national tennis tournaments, high school tennis, academics and training. It was difficult to balance everything at first but now that I have gone through this experience I have a much better sense of time management and work ethic.
Personal Date of Birth: Address: Sex: Height: Weight:
01-20-95 10025 E. Cortez Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Male 6’ 170lb
Academics High School: Current Year:
Desert Mountain High School Senior
2.65 GPA
My goal is to increase my GPA this year and currently I am having success in this endeavor. I will be taking the SAT's in November and have been in courses to obtain the best results possible. I expect to maintain this high level pursuit of academics into my college career.
Athletic info Sport: Current Club: Current Coach:
Tennis The Players Academy Dave Critchley
Scholarship to The Players Academy Scottsdale Won the Southwest Closed in the 16’s Represented the Southwest in the Zonal’s team 14’s Represented the Southwest on the Intersectional’s 16’s Rank in the Top 3 in 16’s Southwest Rank in the Top 5 in the 14’s Southwest 100% Winning Percentage at Desert Mountain High School Ranked 102 Nationally in the 16’s
Desert Mountain High School Southwest Zonals Team in the 14’s Southwest Intersectionals in the 16’s The Players Academy
Videos In Progress Contact Athletes USA ( to request video
What makes you different to other athletes? I have a proven track record of being a leader on the court and off. I have been blessed to have opportunities at all different types of life experiences through a variety of sports, charitable work, travel and putting myself in uncomfortable position to grow as a person and an athlete. I can bring that experience and team play to the right school and together have great success.
Why is it that you chose tennis as a sport to compete in? Tennis has been my main focus of my athletics but I am also an accomplished golfer (7 handicap today), baseball player (one of the youngest All Star players in the Arizona Minor Little League) and basketball player. I have always been athletic and focused, so the challenge of tennis as an individual sport with speed and agility appealed to me in the end. Playing as a team member in high school came naturally for me and brought out my best as a team player.
College Goals First and foremost I am looking forward to getting a great education and helping bring the tennis team success both on the court and off. I am looking to grow more knowledge in business and statistics as a major and bring this great education to real world practice. I have always been driven to succeed and I would expect nothing less from myself as a collegiate athlete
Life Goals I am fascinated with business and politics and hope to have a career in this arena. The pursuit of this success is so that I may help out others which has always been a desire of mine. I have had the opportunity first hand through my time doing charitable work for Food For The Hungry and Child Help USA to see the great need to do for others and hope I have the opportunity to do that. College tennis is also a short term life goal and hope that I may bring success to the right program as well as my ability to be a team player and leader.
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