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Scottish Government
would have been looking at around seven years.
“Solar installations are very straightforward from a planning point of view, and we would suggest looking at roofmounting panels on sheds. Dairy farmers have traditionally been very quick to invest in solar, due to often high refrigeration costs, but we are seeing a spike in interest from livestock farms with lower input costs, looking to take advantage of selling electricity back into the grid.”
Energy systems provider Topling Limited explained that rising global demand for solar PV technology in recent years has brought the costs of equipment and installation down to such low levels, that solar has almost become a commodity.
“Solar pricing has come down, but conversely electricity pricing has gone up, so you really are getting bang for your buck in terms of offsetting initial costs,” said Topling’s Tom McKay.
Farmers interested in learning more about the benefits of solar PV installations, as well as other types of renewable energy, can access further information via the Farming For a Better Climate website at www. farmingforabetterclimate.org.
More than 27,000 jobs supported by Scotland’s renewable energy sector, new report finds
Latest update from Fraser of Allander Institute finds the industry also generated an estimated £5.6bn in output and supported more than £2.5bn in gross value added (GVA)
Calls for UK and Scottish Governments to significantly improve data available on renewable energy sector in time for 2023 report
Scotland’s renewable energy industry and its supply chain supported more than 27,000 full time equivalent jobs and generated £5.6 billion of output in 2020, new figures released today (October 4) show.
Reporting on the latest available figures Strathclyde University’s Fraser of Allander Institute finds that onshore wind supported the most employment across the economy, with 10,120 full time equivalent (FTE) roles, followed by offshore wind (6,735 roles) and hydropower (4,395).
Including spill-over impacts, economic activity stimulated across the wider Scottish economy, onshore wind had the largest output, generating nearly £2.5 billion, with offshore wind and hydropower both supporting more than £1.1 billion output.
The renewable energy sector is not currently defined in national statistics published by either the UK or Scottish Governments, so the size of the sector has been estimated using data published by the Office for National Statistics.
Using the latest available data from 2020, the report assesses the impact of the renewable energy sector and its spill-over impacts on Scotland’s supply chain and economy.
Claire Mack, Chief Executive at Scottish Renewables, said:
“The renewable energy sector in Scotland continues to go from strength to strength and this report from the Fraser of Allander Institute gives us an encouraging sign of how much the Scottish economy is benefiting from the work our members are doing as we transition to a fossil fuel free future.
Comprehensive consultation will shape future Agri Bill
By Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon
As Farming Scotland goes to press, the consultation on the future Agriculture Bill draws to a close.
It is the next stage in making Scotland a global leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
The consultation covers a range of key themes, including high quality food production, food security, vibrant rural areas, ensuring a fair income for farmers and nature restoration and protecting biodiversity.
In addition, the Agriculture Bill, expected in 2023, will make a significant contribution to the Scottish Government’s climate change plan which makes the commitment to reducing agricultural emissions by 31% by 2032.
These are issues that affect us all and that is why, in addition to the agriculture sector and rural communities, I have encouraged people from all walks of life across Scotland to contribute to the consultation and make their views known.
We have ambitious targets across the agriculture sector in terms of net zero goals and enabling the essential role of agriculture - and we have the talent and skills to meet our aims.
Other proposals in the consultation are plans to develop resilient and thriving rural and island communities including financial support for rural development, the rural economy and modernising tenancies.
Ways to ensure Fair Work conditions, including the real Living Wage, are applied to all Scottish agricultural workers are also part of the consultation.
Livestock is an important part of the food chain and views have also been sought on making subsidy payments that establish minimum standards for animal health and welfare.
The fact is that over the past decade, agricultural output in Scotland has risen by 27% overall, to £2.7 billion in 2019 - excluding subsidy and we want to support the sector to grow in a sustainable way.
As part of the consultation process, people have been able to attend a series of online and in-person events and I am grateful to everyone who has taken part in the events and submitted their views.
renewable energy New Anaerobic Digestion equipment now available from Reid Hydraulic Services
Reid Hydraulic Services Ltd (RHS) have been appointed distributors for sales, service and parts for a range of Anaerobic Digestion equipment, including Vogelsang lobe pumps, Seepex progressive cavity pumps, Lowara pumping equipment, NOV MONO pumping equipment and ABB motors. RHS already has a presence in the Anaerobic Digestion market through their ability to design, supply and maintain hydraulic and pneumatic systems. These acquisitions further strengthen the product range and service that RHS can offer. The biggest asset that RHS can offer to the customer is the ability to perform complete overhauls on a range of pumping equipment, which can save the customer time and money from unnecessarily having to replace with new. RHS also offer 24/7 on-site breakdown assistance meaning that in the event of a problem they can come to you day or night, vastly reducing downtime and increasing long term efficiency.
These new partnerships have allowed RHS to enhance their already large product range in the Anaerobic Digestion market that includes Layflat, Suction hose, Valves, Flanges, genuine BAUER fittings plus much more. RHS aim to provide a ‘one stop’ shop for all your Anaerobic digestion requirements.
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For more information on the new range that RHS can offer, then do not hesitate to give them a call or visit their website. Tel 01674 820224 Website: www.rhs.uk.com.