4 minute read

Opportunities abound

0pportunities are out there for you!

By Heather Wildman


The aim of Women in Agriculture Scotland is to support, inspire and develop women in Scottish Agriculture to achieve their aspirations and create a more progressive, successful and inclusive industry

As Vice Chair of the Women in Agriculture Committee it is a privilege to be asked to write this article sharing my experience of investing in self-development and sharing some of the opportunities that are available

I moved to live and work in Scotland in 1999 since then my path has taken many twists and turns, high’s and low’s. Losing our frst child, being made redundant, moving home and careers 3 times being blessed with 2 gorgeous healthy daughters, divorce, and starting up a new business.

Having no clear career plan, leaving school at 15 I have been lucky and worked in many areas of agriculture and paid to travel most of the UK but re-entering employment after taking 3 years off to have my girls was much harder than I had envisioned but thanks to an excellent back up team of neighbours and professional child care we got by. At age 39 and the girls 8 + 7 I started to feel frustrated, sometimes misunderstood in my work and that I could do more? This was when I was introduced to Scottish Enterprise Rural Leader. I had never been on any leadership or personal development program and it was terrifying and fantastic, I met the best people, I was out of my comfort zone meeting politicians, high profle speakers, life coaches and pushed and stretched, I rose to this challenge and fourished in the new dynamic, and realised that when I was frustrated and angry at work , it was no use blaming others – I could not change them – I could only change myself! This led to me changing my job and me realising that I actually had a lot to offer. In 2012 I was introduced to another Leadership programme Nuffeld Farming Scholarship - here you get paid to travel the world…. (I know!) you write a report and the world is your oyster. I had never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be accepted or that I would be good enough but I was and I am. I spent over 11 weeks travelling through Chile, Peru, Brazil, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Canada, America, Ireland and Wales it was the most amazing opportunity, cowboying in Montana, sailing up the Amazon, locked in a high Intensive Prison in Canada, meeting politicians, scientists, researchers, ranchers, heads of massive companies, entrepreneurs, developers, farmers, families, people. It was a privilege to meet all of these people to listen to their stories their scarifes and their successes. On returning I wrote my report on “ Communication- how to infuence and motivate change”

In 2014 I left full time employment and set up my own business Saviour Associates Ltd - “Saving asses and kicking asses, soft skills with a sledge hammer!” I specialised in staff management, motivation & communication, Leadership, Resilience and then in 2016 I branched into Family Succession facilitation. I have been fortunate and I have had the most amazing opportunities but I have to say that this is all down to being brave enough to listen to others (the right kind) step out of my comfort zone, take time away from the family and prioritise myself and most importantly invest in myself.

Agriculture and Agriculture in Scotland is a small place and I love it when I bump into and work with many of the people that I have met through my work and leadership programmes – networking is the key that unlocks potential – it’s not what you know it’s who you know that helps to open doors and make amazing things happen

For Women in Agriculture in Scotland never has there been more opportunities, people want you to succeed, people want to support you – there are numerous opportunities now you just need to fnd the right one for you, believe in yourself, apply and you will and can make time for it if you really want it.

Check out and see what is the next step for you:

SAYFC – Cultivating Leaders https://www.sayfc.org/cultivatingleaders/

Scottish Enterprise Rural Leaders - https://www.scottishenterprise.com/support-forbusinesses/improve-productivityand-employee-engagement/ optimise-your-team-performance/ rural-leadership-programme

Scottish Government Be your best Self - https://www.gov.scot/ news/women-in-agriculture-1/

Nuffeld Farming Scholarships - https://www.nuffeldscholar.org/

Women in Food and Agriculture Summit - https://www. wfasummit.com/

We also have 2 webinars to sign up for and to put in your diaries :

Women in Agriculture Scotland In collaboration with AHDB on the 31st August – how to get your Ducks in a row – to book your placehttps://ahdb.org. uk/events/getting-your-ducks-ina-row

What does every family farming business need to know and consider – join an accountant, solicitor, book keeper/consultant + a family facilitator who will all share their tips and key messages on succession, understanding your tax, budgeting & cashfow, key performance indicators and looking more in depth at your business on an enterprise level

Following a survey we are also offering a webinar with NERFERTITI https:// nefertiti-h2020.eu/ on the 21st September where we will learn more about how women in Agriculture from other countries entered into farming, their hopes, aims and challenges, what training and support they have had and if there is more required?

To keep abreast of all that is happening please check out our social media

Twitter @WiAScot Facebook Women in Agriculture Scotland Instagram womeninagriculturescotland

Go on, what’s stopping you?

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