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Since Foster Village Memphis was founded in 2020, Shelby County’s Department of Children’s Services has consistently had custody of around 1,200 children. Typically, when children come into custody of the state, they are placed with a foster or kinship family until a parent can regain custody.
Foster Village Memphis comes alongside these children and families to create community beyond the system and show them that they are not alone. Fostering can be an isolating experience and unfortunately, many families foster for less than a year, citing burnout and lack of support as the reasons they stop. FVM provides holistic support to foster families by meeting needs that the system does not meet. It aims to reduce burnout and bridge the gap between those who care about vulnerable children and those who are called to foster.
FVM's Welcome Pack program serves to bring families into the Village through the provision of tangible necessities and comfort items in the first few days of a new placement. Once a request is made, volunteers help assemble and deliver packs within 24 hours. The program runs completely on private financial donations and purchases from the organization’s Amazon Wishlist.
Another aspect of the Foster Village Memphis mission is to connect families to resources throughout the community, to the community at large, and to other like-minded families. Through family gatherings, parents’ night out events, monthly caregiver gatherings, and informal playground play dates, FVM seeks to guide people toward each other during an otherwise isolating time.
May is Foster Care Awareness Month, the perfect time to follow FVM on social media, commit to donate monthly to support its work, or connect with a foster family in your own village. Visit fostervillagememphis.org to see all the ways to support the organization. There are even opportunities to get your own kids involved this summer!