Dr. Atif Abdelmageed MBBS, MDM, PhD

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Dr. Atif Abdelmageed Abdelrahman Ahmed Mob&WhatsApp: +201006006262 +60127222191 Mobile: +905528327095 E-mail: atif@scout.org / dr_atif_sd@live.com / consultant@valaurum.com Website: www.artdointernational.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dratifabdelmageed/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAtifAbdelmageed Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dr_AtifScout LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/y3sn6b5o Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/y3lcq46s

Bio Data

1. Nationality: Sudanese

2. Date and place of birth: 7th June 1963. Omdurman, Sudan.

3. Father of Matilda 7th June 2003 & Maram 9th February 2006.

4. Languages: Arabic (mother tongue), English Excellent.

5. Medical Practitioner, graduated from Juba University (1990), holding the prize of Outstanding Graduating Student (out of all the university colleges).

6. Holder of Sabah Prize for Paediatrics (from Kuwait Government).

7. Master of Disaster Management and refugees studies (MDmRs) from International Africa University, the best post graduate in the 7th Batch, 2000.

8. International Diploma in Emergency Medicine and Disaster Preparedness, Linkoping University, Sweden 2001, organized jointly in collaboration between WHO, Coventry University UK and Linkoping University, Sweden.

9. DHA, Diploma in Humanitarian Assistants from Liverpool school of tropical medicine, 2002.

10. Holder of a Certificate of International Law & Economical Multi-Sectoral Relations from The National Institute for Diplomatic Studies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Sudan 1996.

11. PhD holder in Disaster & Crisis Risk Management (Best Practices in Disaster Risk Reduction), National Ribat University Sudan.

12. Qualified by the World Health Organization (WHO) with the WHO


Representatives and Professionals in Emergency and Humanitarian Action in WHO H.Q Geneva 2001

13 Qualified by the World Health Organization (WHO) with WHO regional and country offices professionals in Emergency and Humanitarian Action induction training in WHO EMRO, Cairo 2006

14 Qualified by ITD world and ARTDO International, Pennsylvania State University as certified training professional in Leadership, team building, Coaching and Mentoring.

15 Certified by ITD world as training professional in 360 degree Leadership and Problems Solving.

16 Qualified by the AUC in Strategic planning and Project Management.


Working experience:

1. Internship doctor Sabah hospital, Kuwait. May-August 1990

2. Houseman in Omdurman medical corps (civilian doctor) 1991

3. Medical practitioner in the Surgery Unit, Omdurman medical corps (civilian doctor) 1992 and then attached as medical practitioner till 2000.

4 Member of the Sudan Transitional National Assembly-Parliament ‹youth representative› (1996 1992).

5. Member of the National AssemblyParliament ‹youth representative› (2000-1996), as chairman of European & International Organizations Affairs subcommittee in the foreign relations committee for 8 years.

6. Founding Director of the International Center for Emergency and Rescue (ICER) January –December 2000, then Member of Expert and advisory council of ICER.

7. Emergency Preparedness and Humanitarian Action Officer, World Health Organization, WHO Representative Office Khartoum from 1st January 2001 to 31st May 2006 (+coordinating the advocacy, promotion of healthy lifestyle, Non Communicable Diseases and pharmaceuticals).

8. Short Term Consultant in WHO (AFRO) for consultancy on Malaria

in Emergency, Harare, Zimbabwe 2001.

9. Consultant with high delegation from WHO Geneva pharmaceutical conducting WHO survey on public medicine supply system in Zimbabwe.

10.WHO Consultant for Emergency and Humanitarian Action in Yemen 2005 for performing the Emergency preparedness contingency plan and containment of Aldhafeer land slide.

11. Arab Scout Regional director of the World Organization of the Scout Movement from 1st June 2006 responsible from supporting 19 Arab countries (National Scout Organization) namely Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain.

12. Secretary General of the Arab Scout Organization from 1st June 2006 (initiated by the League of the Arab State since 1954).

13. Member of the World Scout Bureau Senior Management Team 2006 up to date.

14.CEO ARTDO International from Nov 2019

15. Senior Advisor of ITD World

16. SpecialAdvisorofWOSMSecretaryGeneral

17. Consultant, ValaurumInc.forGoldNano technology


Aldhafeer Land Slide,2005

Rescue operations and humanitarian actions in Mozambique floods, 2000


Rescue operations:

1 Coordinator of the Emergency preparedness, rescue operations and humanitarian actions of WHO floods disaster containments in different locations of Sudan from 2001 to 2006

2 Coordinator of the Emergency preparedness, rescue operations and humanitarian actions of WHO for the Internal Displaced People ‹IDPs›, Returnees and Refugees in Sudan from 2001 to 2006

3. Contributed by designing the questionnaire and pretesting of ‘WHO retrospective Crude Mortality Survey among internal displaced population in Greater Darfur August 2004 http://www. who.int/disasters/repo/14656.pdf

4. WHO representative in the ‘interagency mission for reintegration and recovery of displaced persons in Sudan’ November 2002.

5. Leader of Alzubair Charity Foundation rescue operations and humanitarian actions in Mozambique floods 2000 ‹Ketembi island operation›.

6. Leader of ICER Rescue team who participated in the health rescue operation and humanitarian action of Bam earthquake, Iran. December 2003.

7. Consultant and Coordinator of WHO Rescue operation and Heath Intervention to Aldhafeer landslide in Yemen, 2005

8 Consultant and Contributor in setting of Yemeni Heath Contingency Plan and Inauguration of their national Ambulance system, 2005

9 Head of ICER Rescue team participated in the health rescue operation and humanitarian action of Tsunami victims in West Coast of Northern Sumatra (Banda Aceh), Indonesia, December 2004

10 Head of ICER Rescue team participated in the health rescue operation of thhe Earthquake in Azad Kashmir (Muzaffarabad), Pakistan Oct 2005

11 Responsible from the secretariat of UN Heath sector coordination meetings for containing Darfur complex emergency.

12 Responsible from the appeal, accountability and follow up of WHO projects supported by Italian Cooperation in Nuba mountains.

13. Responsible from writing and follow up of UN humanitarian appeal for health sector (WHO mandate) WRO Sudan.

14. Lead the Rescue operation of the scouts to the refugees fled from Libya to Egypt in Alsaloum border during the Arab spring.

15. Coordinate the humanitarian assistance with the Lebanese scout federation to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon «My tent is your tent project».

Scout Humanitarian Actions to the refugees during the Arab spring
My tent is your Tent, with the chairman of World Scout Foundation, Lebanon
Humanitarian action to Mozafar Abad Eathquqke victims, Pakistan

Scouts Humanitarian Action to Darfur IDPs

Humanitarian Action to Tsunami victims in Banda Atchi Indonesia 2005

Scouting profile:

1. Member of Sudan Air Scouts since 1979 (Patrol leader, adventure Crew, Rover Crew, Assistant Leader, Cub-scout leader, Rover scout leader ).

2. Sudan Air Scout 2nd Chief Leader 1995 to 1990

3 Sudan Air Scout Chief Leader from 1995 to 2000.

4. Chairman of Africa Air Scout formation Task Force (announced by Africa regional office & Africa Regional Committee during the 4th All Africa Jamboree, Nairobi 2000).

5 International Commissioner and Community Development

Commissioner of Sudan Scouts Association 1990 to 1996, Community Development Commissioner 1996 to 1998 and again International Commissioner 1998 to 2001, Chief Commissioner 2001 to 2002, Community Development Commissioner 2003 to 2004. Vice President Jan-June 2005, International Commissioner from June 2005

6. Qualified trainer in scouting, 4 beads leader trainer.

7 Member of the regional subcommittee for promotion

of relations with international cooperation and then vice chairman of the adult resource regional subcommittee in the Arab region 1990 to 2000

8 Member of the World Programme Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (Geneva) 1993 to 1999 (Chaired by Prof. Lars Kolind and then Dr. Mustafa Salem).

9. Special Advisor of the World Scout Bureau on Health Education 1999

10 Coordinator of the Scouting for Life Programme (International Programme for co-operation of Scouting with WHO, UNICEF, AHM, UNESCO, UNFPA .... etc).

11. Consultant of the AHM Leprosy Relief Organization, Munich, since 1997 (to follow up 10 NSOs in (Arab, Africa, Asia Pacific and Inter America) Regional activities related to the Memorandum of Understanding between WHO, WOSM and AHM).

12. Founding member ‹treasurer› and then member of the Arab Scout Parliamentary union ‹ASPU› February 2003 till 2000 And member of ASPU executive committee as Ex-officio since June 2006 up to date.


Dr. Atif in Action

Emergency Preparedness & Prompt Action


NGOs profile:

1. Founder and Chairman of Aero Medical Voluntary Association in Sudan 1990-1983, Collaborator of UNICEF, WHO and AMREF in Sudan.

2. Member of the Sudanese Red Crescent (certified trainer since 1984)

3. Member of the board of Balsam voluntary association.

4. Member of the Sudanese United Nation Association.

42nd ARTDO Conference in the Leaque of Arab state led by Dr. Atif Abdelmageed

5. Member of the Assembly of the International Popular Friendship Council.

6 Elected chairman of the WHO Staff Syndicate in WHO Representative Office in Sudan 2003 to 2006.

7 President elect of ARTDO International board 2013 2014 (elected in Melbourne, Australia).

8. President of ARTDO International board 2014 to 2015 (elected in Indonesia).

9 Vice President of ARTDO International board 2016 up to date.

10 Chairman of the 42nd ARTDO International Conference, Cairo 2015

11. Member of the advisory board of the Continuous Education of the American University in Cairo AUC.

12. Member of the Clinical & Curriculum Advisory Board of the National Certification Council for Activity Proffissional in Washington DC. https://www. nccap.org/clinical-and-curriculumadvisory-board


Conferences & workshops:

1 Arab region representative to Scouting for Nature & Environment Seminar Kandersteg Swezerland, 1990.

2. Coordinator of WOSM workshops on Partnerships between Scouting & International NGO’s and UN agencies in Marrakech, Morocco 1994 (one of the workshops of the International Symposium of Scouting as Youth without Borders)

3. 34th World Scout Conference, Oslo 1996, initiator of the resolution of the World Scout Conference on Elimination of Leprosy which led to signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between World Health Organization (WHO), World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and AHM Leprosy Relief Organization of Munich.

4. 35th World Scout Conference in Durban, South Africa 1999 (presented the topic on co-operation of the Scouts with International NGO’s & UN agencies, forwarder of 3 resolutions on Landmines, AIDS, and Cultural Heritage).

5 Leader of Sudan Scout Association delegation in the 20th Arab Scout Conference in Cairo.

6. Contributor in the 10th Africa Scout Conference in Dakar (presented a paper on co-operation between WHO & AHM).

7 Contributor in the 3rd Conference of the World Health Organization on the Elimination of Leprosy in Abidjan 1999 (Delivered a Presentation in the name of WOSM).

8. Leader of Sudan Scout Parliamentary Union delegation in the 1st General Assembly of the World Scout Parliamentary Union in Chile 1994 (Chairman of Sudan Scout Parliamentary Union).

9. Contributor in the 2nd General Assembly of the World Scout Parliamentary Union in the Philippine 1998 (Presented a paper on the challenges facing youth in the 21st century as one of 4 Youth Parliamentarians from around the world).

10. Leader of Sudan Scout Parliamentary Union delegation in the 3rd General Assembly of the World Scout Parliamentary Union in Warsaw, Poland 2000.

11. WOSM representative in WHO General Assembly, Geneva 2005

12. Contributor in the 6th General Assembly of the World Scout Parliamentary Union in Korea, 2009.

13 Contributor in the 8th General Assembly of the World Scout Parliamentary Union WSPU ‘Scouting and Youth Employability session and workshop’, Sweden 2016

HH Shaik Sultan Alqasimi governer of Sharjah


1 Chairman of the Parliamentary subcommittee for Europe and cooperation with International organizations in the Foreign Affair committee of Sudanese national assembly.

2. Selected by the Government of Japan to participate in the meeting of the ‘Future Leaders of North Africa’, Japan, 2000 organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

3. Member of the National Committee for Setting of the Permanent Constitution of the Sudan 1998

4. Coordinator of the War Victims Garment Project (distributed 6 million pieces of clothing in 13 waraffected States in Sudan) 1996 1993.

5 Initiator of WHO Circle of Friends initiative, volunteers collaborate in emergency and humanitarian action, %85 of them are scouts.

6. Leader of the 27th Arab regional Jamboree, UK 2007

7. Leader of the 29th Arab regional Jamboree. Mubarak Educational City Egypt, 2010

8. Co-chairman of the organizing committee of the 30th Arab regional Jamboree (Arab centenary Jamboree), Abugair Alexandria, Egypt 2012

9. Conducted hundreds of workshops worldwide and developed thousands of presentations, posters, booklets and other IEC materials funded by


WHO, AHM, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, Italian Cooperation…. etc

10 As volunteer and regional director supported and coordinated national & regional NSOs participation in the 17th WS Jamboree in Korea in 91 and, 18th WSJ in Netherland in 95 and, 19th WSJ in Chile Dec 98 to Jan 99 and, 20th WSJ in Thailand Dec 2002 to Jan 2003 and, 21st WSJ in UK 2007 and, 22nd WSJ in Sweden in 2011 and, 23rd WSJ in Japan 2015 and also 24th WSJ in North America 2019 and advocate for the future 25th WSJ in Korea 2023.

11 As volunteer and regional director supported and coordinated national & regional NSOs participation in the 34th World Scout Conference in Oslo 96 and, 35th WSC in Durban 99 and, 36th WSC Greece 2002 and, 37th WSC Tunisia 2005 and, 2008 and, 38th WSC Korea 2008 and, 39th WSC in Brazil 2011 and, 40th WSC Slovenia

2014 and, 41st WSC Azerbaijan 2017 and support preparation for the 42nd WSC in Egypt 2020

12. As regional director and secretary general of the Arab Scout Organization, coordinated Arab regional committee and subcommittee meetings and implementation of its outputs the supported Arab regional activities, gatherings, camps and events.

13. As regional director and secretary general of the Arab Scout Organization, coordinated the setting and implementation of the Arab regional Strategy.

14 Chairman of the board of Cairo International Scout Centre from 2006 to 2018

15. Secretary of the board of the Arab Scout Foundation.

16 member of the executive board of the Arab Scout Parliamentary union from 2006 up to date.


International Staff & speaker in various activities & conferences:

1. Arab Regional representative of the Scouting for Nature & Environment seminar in Kandersteg, Switzerland 1990 supported by Klaus Jacob Foundation.

2. WOSM Representative in WHO H.Q. Geneva (Adolescent health & Global Programme on AIDS) delegation who trained the Dutch volunteers on AIDS prevention, June 1995

3. Coordinator of AIDS prevention workshops, 18th World Scout Jamboree, The Netherlands, 30,000 scouts in August 1995.

4 GDV Advisor and Coordinator of AIDS prevention workshops, 10th World Scout Moot, Sweden, 10,000 rover scout in 1996.

5. Coordinator of AIDS prevention workshops, 19th World Scout Jamboree, Chile, 33,000 scouts in 1999

6. Coordinator of Leprosy Elimination workshops, 4th All Africa Jamboree in Nairobi, 3,000 scouts in 2000

7. Coordinator of all Health sector activities in the Global Development Village GDV of the 20th World Scout Jamboree, Thailand, 35,000 scouts in 2003

8. Contributor in the health reform conference in Sudan, organized by WHO and Ministry of Health, by ‹health is a bridge for peace› paper 2005.

9 Contributor in the world scout scientific congress in Geneva 2007 by paper in the health Education workshop ‹Scout and Health Education; success Stories from Sudan.

10. Contributor in the 1st Scout Educational Congress (Success through Scouting workshop) in the Academic section in collaboration with Dato Dr. Thomas Chee.

11 Contributor in the International Conference on Youth issues in the Islamic world: Recent and future challenges of the ISESCO in Tunisia November 2008

12. Contributor to 36th ARTDO International Conference on developing human capital and talents; in Penang Malaysia 2009

13. Contributor in the 37th ARTDO International Conference on People Development for Peak Performance, Presenting two papers on Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management, in KL Malaysia 2010.


The World Recognition

4th All Africa Jamboree, Nairobi 2000


1 Champion of Sudan in Judo ‘3 Dan black belt’ holder of multiple gold medals, Captain of the Sudanese National Judo team 1979 to 1992 (Participated in the advance Judo training for the top achievers in University of Tsukoba -Japan 4 ,1983th All African Games, Nairobi 10 ,1987th World University Judo Championships, Georgia 11 ,1988th World University Judo Championships, Brussels 1990, East & Central Africa Judo

Championships, Nairobi).

2. Certificate for instructors in Judo from University of Tsukuba, Japan 1983.

3 Gliding Pilot from Egyptian Flying Institutes.


Versatile Personality of



Decisive Openess Neutral


Abdelmageed according to the Leonard Personality Inventory www.leonard.com.my World and Regional Confrences supported and attended by Dr. Atif Abdelmageed World and Regional and National Jamborees supported by Dr. Atif Abdelmageed World Conferences, 8 ASPU, 7 Arab Regional Conferences, 6WSPU, 6 Subregional and National Conferences, 5 Other Regional Confrences, 5 Former Scout Conferences, 4 Scentific and Educational Congress, 2 WAGGGS Conferences, 1 21 World Jamborees, 8 National Jamborees , 7Regional Jamborees, 5 Regional Moot , 4 Regional Adventure gathering, 4 World Moot , 1 Regional Cub gathering, 1 Other Regional Jamboree , 1 99 88 90 91 95

My Tent is your Tent, Lebanon

The World Scout Bureau Staff



1 Professional photographer digital and video editor.

Design and Produce IEC materials

Proffesional in microsoft packages driving and social media management.


1 Modeling of aircrafts

The impact of scouts› community mobilization in roll back malaria.

The manual of First aid for school students.

With chastity and knowledge we defeat AIDS.

KAPS study on the <5 years children› diarrheal disease.

............ etcs.


1 Ahmad Alhendawi, WOSM Secretary General alhendawi@ scout.org

2. Dato Dr. Thomas Chee. President Emiritus of ARTDO International, ITD world. chairman@itdworld.com

3. Sara Pantuliano, Managing Editor of Disasters Journal and a Trustee of IRIN news. https://www.odi. org/experts/ 99sara-pantuliano.

4 Rafah Aziz, UNICEF Independant consultant.

5. Elfadil Eltahir, UNICEF Consultant, Communication for Development

6. Arturo Robboli, Strategic planning specialist division of communication, UNICEF H.Q New York

7 Altaf Musani, WHO represntative in Yemen musania@emro.who.int


Dr. Atif Job Descriptions 2006 to 2019: Responsibilities as Regional Director & Sceretary General of Arab Scout Organization:

Within the framework of WOSM’s Strategy for Scouting and the World and regional Triennial Plan:

1. Assist NSOs in the Arab Scout Region;

• To identify their needs particularly in the fields of Youth Programme, adult resources, management, institutional and organisational development, and communications and partnerships

• Ensure the efficient delivery of support services to NSOs through an innovative handson approach, increasing capacity at the grassroots level

2. Encourage, facilitate, and motivate quality and quantity membership growth of NSOs in the Arab Scout Region

3 Ensure and organise appropriate human, material, and financial resources within and beyond WOSM to provide effective support to respond to NSOs’ needs

4. Ensure regular contacts and visits to NSOs in the Arab Scout Region and establish a regular and efficient flow of information and communication with and between NSOs in the region and worldwide

5 Maintain and further develop the strong partnerships WOSM has

initiated as an agent of positive social change and an influencer of youth policies at regional and national levels

6. Promote WOSM among other educational agencies in the Arab Scout Region as a reliable partner in the field of youth work and nonformal education

7. Support NSOs seeking their government’s recognition of WOSM and of its aim and objectives as a non-formal educational organisation

8. Ensure that NSOs in the Arab Scout Region are strongly committed to the worldwide unity of the Scout Movement

9 Develop a close and trusting relationship between the WSB Arab Support Centre staff, the Regional Committee Chairperson, and all Regional Committee members

10. Encourage and support the Arab Scout Region’s effective participation in World Scout Events

11. Maintain good relationships with the host country of the support centre and its NSO

12. Act as the chairman of the board of Cairo Internatoimal Scout Centre

13. Act as the Secretary to the Regional Committee

14 Act as the Secretary to the Arab Scout Foundation


In consultation with the Secretary General:

1. Effectively manage the WSB Arab Region and contribute to the overall management of the WSB by playing a full and active role as a member of the Senior Management team

2. Establish, in coordination with the offices of the WSB, objectives and action plans to be submitted to the Arab Regional Committee for consultation and agreement

3. Provide regular reporting, updates, and information on the work of the WSB Arab Support Centre to the WSB management, the Arab Regional Committee, NSOs in the

Arab Scout Region, and other WSB support centres

4 Develop strong links, dialogue, and cooperation with other WOSM regions

5 Prepare, plan, and organise WOSM constitutional events such as Regional Committee meetings, Regional Conferences as well as other regional events

6 Ensure proper integration between the work of the WSB Arab Support Centre and the WSB global teams

7 Attend meetings of the WSB and World Scout Committee as required

8 Undertake any other tasks as requested by the Secretary General.

BP fellows recognition from His Magesty the King of Sweden

For the management of the WSB Arab Support Centre:

1 Establish the WSB Arab Support Centre work plan and manage its implementation

2 Plan and prepare the annual budget, together with key staff, and ensure the follow-up of its implementation through rigorous control of income and expenditure

3 Prepare, supervise, and follow up on the applications of various sources of funding

4 Maintain the relationship with key donors funding activities in the Arab Scout Region

5. Ensure that the WSB’s approach to risk management is adhered to so that risks are identified and managed effectively

6 With the agreement of the Secretary General, ensure effective management of human capital in the WSB Arab Support Centre

7. Define the job descriptions of executive staff in cooperation with the WSB management

8. Support each staff member to identify clearly their responsibilities and objectives as well as complete the annual performance management

9 Ensure compliance with the WOSM Employees’ Handbook and other policies, procedures, and best practices

10 Maintain good working conditions, adequate facilities, and equipment for executive staff

His Magesty King of Sweden and His Magesty Sultan Gabous bin Saeed HH the president of Tunis Albaji Gaid Alsibsi

Dr. Atif ToR as STP In Yemen 2015:

1 To develop an updated situational analysis of risk and hazards occurring in Yemen based on the model of hazard and risk atlas developed by the regional office;

2 Based in EMRO/EPR questionnaire identify the daps and needs for capacity development for the health sector;

3 Collect, review and analyze data related to partners involved in disaster preparedness and response activities in Yemen (in all sectors in both international and national);

4 Based on the above information develop

an emergency health country profile which is analytical and narrative addressing to various risk and hazards and vulnerabilities in the country;

5. Develop a roster of human resources trained previously in emergency preparedness and response;

6. List all health facilities in Yemen with geo-referenced in proximity to know hazards and communities;

7. Working with communicable disease counterparts to develop a profile of endemic diseases and potentially other risk and threats to health in the event of an emergency in Yemen;


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