landscape thesis

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Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

Atisha Varshney Masters In Landscape Architecture, RISD 2010

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152


Surface 20’ 20’ 60’ 10’ 45’ 20’


Material properties of Geological Strata

The diagram explains the site in relation to time. The time is cyclical, various small cycle make bigger cycles. This cycle occur is linear pattern making time perpetual. Thus cyclical time becomes the measure for perpetual time.

present surface use

The Site


material in natural t strata

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

Boston Fens

on Comm




Charles River

Copley Square, 2010


Public Gardens

Copley Square, 2010

Boston Com-

Copley Square in contexts of larger Back Bay urban fabric. The map shows Copley Square in relation with other civic open spaces in the city.

Copley Square, 1860

The Surface

Pedestrian Movement: There is heavy pedestrian movement on sit due to the two train station on the north and south of the site. The large number of people cut thru the site diagonally towards the Boston commons.



Facade d IInteraction: i Th The bbuildings ildi on the h site i bbelong l to different eras. They are of varied material and architectural form; rather they are in a high disparity. This makes the urban morphology of Copley square highly chaotic and critical while responding to the landscape.

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

volcanic activity


thick ice sheet

land lling



land lling

urban movement/ utility


global warming



urban needs


present time


Analysis to Concept


architecture people vehicles








Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The idea

These models conceptually explore different methods of revealing the geological layers and their interrelation

The idea is to bring the layers of the geology and culture, to the surface of Copley Square, while registering the passage of time. The formal language of these layers on the surface will make people aware of the natural and the cultural phenomenon acting on each of these layers.

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152



RA ENT Dynamic water body

Church fore court

Hard scaped Tree

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

peat and wetlands boston blue clay

land fill

Layering of geological strata on the horizontal surface


oad r l i ld ra

granite bed rock

roxbury & cambridge. marking the chnage: measuring time

boston blue clay


The key challenge to design process was to achieve a formal language of the landscape which would allow the layering of the geological strata on a horizontal surface in its true hierarchy, as well as responding to the functional needs of Copley Square.

Hard scaped Tree

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152




soft scape

Layering of geological strata on the horizontal surface adapts to the functional use of Copley Square. This language also responds to the strong facades of the Trinity Church and the Public library.

en n a hum

wild flower beds

en m e g a




pa ve

it me

Hard scaped Tree Grove soft scape

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

MBTA entrance

MBTA entrance

Each of the section explain the layering of the strata as a thick veneer on both horizontal and vertical surface and their response to vegetation and water. The sloping landform allows rain water to collect and also respond to the porosity of each material.

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

MBTA entrance

MBTA entrance


Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The titled landform allows human to experience a constant shift in scale. This forms also help to create big urban gestures like large steps and flat softscapes integrated into the design language.

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The titled landlord allows rainwater to collect on the landscape and form a dynamic water body. The form of the water body will constantly change depending on amount of rain and the porosity of each material.

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The thesis interweaves different scales of time cycle within the landscape. The drawing shows how the proposed landscape crafts places of both moment and pause for humans to engage. This in itself becomes a registry of time.

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The geological layers finds an urban presence and undergo both natural and cultural processes to register change, hence time.

Registry of time through - exposing the geological layers.

Geological time

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The tilt of the landform allows weathering through water leaving the marks on landscape. The human also leave marks on landscape, be it consciously or unconsciously.

Registry of time through - weathering by water and human.

Natural Time

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The landscape remembers the old rail road a new subterranean MBTA entrance.

Registry of time through - marking the old railraod.

Cultural time

Traces Upon the Land | SA-152

The changing foliage of tree register the annual time. The trees proposed on site are red maples, white ash and cornus kousa,

Registry of time through changing seasons

Annual Time

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