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Andrew Young Celebration
there was political unrest, and it was very unsafe to continue to live there so we decided to leave,” said Perdomo.
For a time, they lived in Memphis until the passing of her husband, which prompted a shift for Perdomo. “I have a daughter, sonin-law and granddaughter who live in Atlanta and they asked me to come, so I did.”
It is not uncommon for Perdomo to spend between 10 to 12 hours painting in a given day, a devotion which brings her great peace and purpose but also poses a significant challenge given her arthritis and physical restrictions.
“It is worth painting for me,” Perdomo said, noting that painting helps her forget about her pain for a while. “Sometimes we put our own limitations on ourselves. We must try to find something positive that we love that we can do for ourselves.”
Working from reference photos of scenes she finds in nature and in her surroundings, she is very specific in her attempts to capture exactly the right angle, light, or perspective that speaks to her vision. When painting on her easel at home she often flips her canvases – and their respective reference photos – to ensure that she can comfortably reach the areas she needs to paint.
“My paintings are my legacy as an artist,” Perdomo said with pride. “I hope that others will continue to enjoy my art and will feel inspired and happy and at peace. I want others to feel that when looking at my paintings, they can transport themselves to those places and feel joy.”
To view more of Perdomo’s paintings and learn more about her story, visit her website at hedithperdomo.com.
By Collin Kelley
A four-day celebration to mark Andrew Young’s 90th birthday is set for March 9 – 12.
The event, organized by the Andrew J. Young Foundation, will have “Peace and Reconciliation” as its theme to honor the civil rights leader, former mayor of Atlanta, and U.S. Ambassador.
Starting at noon on March 9, the 90 Minutes of Global Prayer for World Peace livestream will take place, featuring the Trey Clegg Singers, church choirs, an opening prayer from Rev. Dwight Andrews, and messages from spiritual leaders from around the world. The event will be highlighted by a “Peace and Reconciliation” sermon by Young.
On March 10 at 10a.m., a 90-minute Walk for Peace and Reconciliation will begin at Centennial Olympic Park with elected officials, dignitaries, and celebrities with opening remarks from Young. The walk will conclude at the Rodney Cook Sr. Peace Park in Vine City.
On March 11 the exhibit “The Many Lives of Andrew Young” will open at the Millennium Gate Museum in Atlantic Station and will highlight the different eras of Young’s life and accomplishments in different decades. During this VIP opening reception an accompanying coffee table book, written by Ernie Suggs and published by NewSouth Books, will be released. The Millennium Candler Peace & Justice Prize Ceremony will also honor Dr. Shin Dae-yong. Following the VIP opening, the exhibit will be open to the public beginning March 12.
On March 12 the celebration will conclude with a 90th birthday gala at The World Congress Center, which will raise funds to further the mission of Young’s foundation. The evening will feature tributes from individuals, to be announced, along with an amazing array of talent in music and song.
For tickets and more details, visit andrewyoung90.com.


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