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Catch these exhibits in metro Atlanta for hands-on learning in art, science, nature and more.
n Harry Potter: The Exhibition
200 Peachtree / Through April 16
Fans of this popular series can enter the Wizarding World to discover their Hogwarts house, go behind-the-scenes, visit Hagrid’s Hut, play Quidditch and more. 155 Carnegie Way NW, Atlanta. $29; ages 12 and younger, $25. atlanta. harrypotterexhibition.com n Claude Monet: The Immersive Experience
Exhibition Hub, Atlanta Art Center
Through April 17
Explore the works of Monet with a 360-degree display featuring light, sound and two-story projections. 5660 Buford Hwy. NE, Atlanta. $30.90-$44.90; ages 4-12, $20.90-$35.90; ages 3 and younger, free. monetexpo.com n Splash and Bubbles: Dive In, Lend a Fin!

Children’s Museum of Atlanta
Through April 30
Dive into the world of ocean exploration to learn about marine biology, ocean science and different ecosystems. 275 Centennial Olympic Park Dr. NW, Atlanta. 404-6595437. $13.95-$19.95; ages 11 months and younger, free. childrensmuseumatlanta.org n The Nature of Color
Fernbank Museum of Natural History
Through May 7
Explore the science of color with hands-on activities displaying how colors make us feel, how they’re perceived across cultures and more. 767 Clifton Rd., Atlanta. 404-929-6300. $25.95; ages 3-12, $23.95; ages 2 and younger, free. fernbankmuseum.org
n How People Make Things
Tellus Science Museum / Through Sept. 4

Using real factory tools and machines, learn how objects are created through four manufacturing processes: molding, cutting, deforming and assembly. 100 Tellus Dr., Cartersville. 770-606-5700. $17; ages 3-17, $13; ages 2 and younger, free. tellusmuseum.org n Trolls: Save the Humans by Thomas Dambo
Atlanta Botanical Garden / Through Sept. 17
View six enormous folklore-inspired sculptures built from reclaimed materials to connect art and nature. 1345 Piedmont Ave., Atlanta. 404-876-5859. $24.95$27.95; ages 3-12, $21.95-$24.95; ages 2 and younger, free. atlantabg.org n Treasures of NOAA’s Ark

Tellus Science Museum / Through Oct. 29
See how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has changed ocean exploration with maps, charts, early scientific instruments and more. 100 Tellus Dr., Cartersville. 770-606-5700. $17; ages 3-17, $13; ages 2 and younger, free. tellusmuseum.org