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Spotlight on DAY CAMPS

ATLANTA GIRLS’ CAMP atlantagirlsschool.org/camp

Atlanta Girls’ Camp celebrates everything girls entering grades 1–6 can do and be—dreamers, makers, and leaders! At this camp hosted by Atlanta Girls’ School, campers learn and have fun through art projects, STEM activities, games, and more. June 6-9, June 12-16, and June 19-23. Camp runs from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with aftercare available. Sign up today!


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Best Tennis Camps’ goal is to offer a fun, learning environment that will provide the basic tools your child will need to develop tennis-specific skills, such as teamwork, balance, agility, hand eye coordination and more. Campers play a ton of games and stay as active as possible. Let Best Tennis Camp introduce your child to a sport they can play for the rest of their lives. Come out and join the game at Hudlow Tennis Center!

Summer Day Camps 2 O 2 3

Stagedoor Theatre Summer Camps. Dunwoody. Ages 3-18. May 30-Aug. 4. Four- and five-day sessions. Full- and half-day. Musical theater and acting camps: Into the Woods, Aladdin, Annie and more. $132-$315/session. stagedoortheatrega.org

Woodstock Arts Summer Camps. Woodstock Arts, Woodstock. Ages 5-15. June 5-July 28. Oneweek sessions. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Singing, dancing, acting, the world of theater and performing arts. $310/session. woodstockarts.org/camps

General Camps

Atlanta Academy Summer Camps. Ages 2-13. June 5-30. One-week sessions. Times vary. Music, karate, programming, programming, basketball, STEAM, art, cooking and more. $200-$400/session. atlantaacademy.com

Atlanta Girls’ Camp. Atlanta Girls’ School, Atlanta. Ages 6-11. June 5-23. One-week sessions. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Girls can enjoy adventures in STEM, the arts, and more. $425/session. atlantagirlsschool. org/camp

Atlanta Montessori International School. Atlanta. Ages 6-12. May 31-July 21. One-week sessions. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Engaging camps featuring STEM, art, physical fitness, games and more. $268-$375/ week. camps.endeavorschools.com

Big Blue Marble Academy Summer Camp. Multiple locations. Ages 5-12. June-Aug. Weekly or drop-in sessions. 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Learn about music from around the world on a Global Music Tour. $195+/session. bbmacademy.com

Blessed Trinity Catholic High School Summer Day Camps. Roswell. Ages 5-18. June 6-July 29. One-week sessions. 9 a.m.-noon. Sports, musical theater, drama, track, girls’ football, softball and more. $175-$300/week. btcatholic.org

Brandon Hall Summer Programs. Brandon Hall School, Atlanta. One- to three-week sessions. June 5-July 14. 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Youth Entrepreneurial and Leadership Academy, Academics, ELL Global Village, Architecture and more. Day and boarding options. $1,000-$4,700/session. brandonhall.org

Camp Arrowhead. Stonecreek Church, Milton. Ages 5-12. May 29-July 28. One-week sessions. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Jesus-centered adventure summer day camp. $200-$250/week. camparrowhead.camp Camp Faith. Faith Lutheran School, Marietta. Ages 2-12. May 30-July 21. One-week sessions. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Full- and half-day specialty camps. $180-$250/week. faithmarietta.org

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