Piecing It All Together

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Elder Abuse Can Be Close to Home This is the second of our two-part series to help elders, seniors and family members recognize and stop abuse before it begins.

Watch Out for Physical Abuse

Pat King, a registered nurse, worries about physical abuse of older adults. It’s her job. King Becky Kurtz, Managing manages the Forensic Special Director, Aging & Independence Initiatives Unit in the State of Services, Atlanta Regional Georgia’s Division of Aging Commission, sees nearly every Services. day how easily abuse can occur Since she began as a with Atlanta’s prosecutor’s growing senior investigator, King community. has “encountered Atlanta Regional the worst physical Commission data abuse toward show that 16% of others,” she said. metro Atlanta’s And she learned population was to become already over the increasingly aware age of 60 in 2015. By of unexplained 2030, that figure is fractures or projected to reach malnutrition in Judith L. Kanne, 24% or more. older patients. “One thing we do RN, BSN, BA When she first know about abuse is a registered nurse and started her work, is that women are freelance writer who lives “there were no victimized more in Atlanta. laws and zero frequently than awareness [for men,” Kurtz said. many of us in the field],” she said. Sometimes that abuse is coming Immediately, she was interested from a spouse. Whether it’s called in learning as much as possible domestic abuse or elder abuse, the about ‘suspicious deaths,’ by name doesn’t matter, the problem beginning basic research with the does. local medical examiner’s office. According to the “I saw patterns and trends [of Administration for Community physical abuse] come to light,” Living, abusers generally use a she said. Currently, it’s the main pattern of coercive tactics, such focus of her work. Her unit as isolation, threats, intimidation, supports agencies helping with, manipulation and violence to and working for, at-risk adult gain and maintain power over crime victims through technical victims. assistance, case consultations and Kurtz encourages all older reviews. adults to remain active and stay Physical abuse is sneaky. It involved, as much as possible. can show up unexpectedly in the “Socialization can help lower finest of assisted living facilities everyone’s risk from abusers,” she and even specialized personal said. care homes. At times, a broken Seniors can be abused in a hip can be the first warning sign wide variety of ways. Sometimes, of inadequate staffing or lack of the abuse is physical. But training. abuse can also be emotional or Georgians may not realize financial. And targets can be as while nursing homes are tightly varied as the way they are abused. regulated, other types of senior Here’s a look at several types of living facilities may not be. abuse local social workers and Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s journalists say they’ve discovered (AJC) investigative reporters, in our local communities. Carrie Teegardin and Brad


MARCH 2020 | AtlantaSeniorLife.com

Schrade, provided AARP’s BankSafe “the public with program, which behind-the-scenes facilitates insights” on partnerships Georgia’s privatebetween pay, older adult older adults industry. Through and financial their combined institutions. work, the two Financial reporters learned mistreatment, that 35 states manipulation have set higher or “exploitation standards than of older adults Georgia. and adults with In some disabilities cases, physical frequently goes Becky Kurtz, Managing Director, protection for unrecognized, Aging & Independence Services, residents remains unreported and Atlanta Regional Commission. SPECIAL dangerously unprosecuted,” lacking. “The explained David maximum fine issued for the Blake, a bank trainer with most serious violations is Georgia’s Division of Aging. “A typically $601,” Teegardin said. change in banking habits by a She added that these seniors bank customer is sometimes the were some of the most vulnerable first indication of trouble. Red people she’d written about in her flags include misappropriation years of investigative reporting. of funds from their varied Addressing physical abuse in accounts.” facilities will require state policy Blake said that an all too changes with new mandates and common situation is observing public-private partners. an elderly customer making large withdrawals, especially involving cash, outside of their Looking to regular banking habits. “In some Banks for Help cases, a family member or friend Local seniors also can become may be using undue influence to victims of financial abuse as gain access to a customer’s bank scammers often find them assets,” he said. convenient and gullible targets. Not many people think about a bank as a source of senior assistance. But it can be. Several banks participate in

Scams and Financial Abuse

Many criminals find older Continued on page 14

Graphic courtesy of the Atlanta Regional Commission.


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