3 minute read
Notable quotables
“In New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, nature paints with bold strokes: high mountains, long rivers, rushing tides, endless beaches. Underlying the landscape - shaping the land and its history - is solid bedrock. If you spend a bit of time exploring the rocks here, along with great scenery you’ll find dramatic stories of the geologic past.” —From Geology: New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island, by Martha Hickman Hild & Sandra M Barr (Boulder Books)
“The Lockheed Vega was still there. I laid my hands and forehead on its fuselage. There were so many reasons I longed to be a pilot—adventure, freedom, money for my family, and work I loved. My goal felt so much closer when I was actually touching a plane. I turned to Mabel and whispered, ‘This is where I belong.’” —From Under Amelia’s Wing by Heather Stemp (Nimbus Publishing)
“Better for me to die than Jacob and Jewel, I wanted to scream. It had already happened in my dreams. The house had been engulfed in flames. They called out to me and I did nothing. Worst of all, I watched it happen—calmly, as if it meant nothing at all.” “She had become an expert at staying afloat. Exhaling the mountain, the sky drained into pines. The woodstove names the tree more times than a tree. She was dreaming a long piece of lumber, standing in the sawdust of her grandmother. She couldn’t hear the pencil’s whisper.” “No one told us how to do this. We can’t think of the word for what sheers, slashes the overcast. It’s not in our language, this cascade, up-dazzle festival, jumpscatter. Sky a simmer of wishes, loud. We should have known it was larger than all of us. That we could break through.” (Gaspereau Press) “Their skill and professionalism saved countless other lives and helped bring the war to a successful conclusion in May 1945 … This short history strives to preserve some of the memory of —From Good Mothers Don’t by Laura Best (Nimbus Publishing) one of those oft-forgotten and little-appreciated units. The New Brunswick Rangers certainly lived up to their regimental motto. They were ‘Never Not Ready.’” —From The New Brunswick Rangers in the Second World War by Matthew Douglass (Goose Lane Editions)
“December 31 A Disgrace to the City — St. John’s, 1897 “A number of lads celebrated a little too hard on New Year’s Eve and were found drunk on Water Street. They were deemed a disgrace both to themselves and those who sold them the liquor, who should be punished if found out. The boys ranged in age from 12 to 16.” —From On This Day by Dale Jarvis (Flanker Press)
“…two dynamic entrepreneurs from my region—Terrilee Bulger and Heather Bryan—have guided Nimbus [Publishing]’s growth. There is an important message here. The book is about Arthur Irving, a Maritimer and one of Canada’s leading businessmen, written by a Maritimer, and published by a firm under the leadership of two energetic entrepreneurs from the Maritime region. We did it all from here.” —From “Thanks for the Business” by Donald J Savoie
—From Anthesis: A Memoir by Sue Goyette (Gaspereau Press)
—From Experiments of Distant Influence by Anne Simpson
(Nimbus Publishing) “Sometimes the sadness steals your breath Sometimes the pain seems endless, deep Sometimes you cannot find the sun Sometimes you wish you were asleep.
When it hurts like this, my child When you are scared, suffering, confused Even if we are not together Together, let us cry.
Remember there is still so much love. Because we love, we cry.” —From Because We Love, We Cry by Sheree Fitch (Nimbus Publishing)
“Donairs were not for the lucky-in-love, but the recourse of the degenerate. They were the butt of toilet humour, the scapegoat of indigestion. The ‘mystery meat’ with the ‘secret sauce’ was wrapped in urban legend. It was so commonplace that we took it for granted, no more significant than hamburgers or spaghetti. We didn’t realize that it was ours..” —From Book of Donair by Lindsay Wickstrom (MacIntyre Purcell Publishing)