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News from the far east
Right after Purim, in the middle of March, we went into lockdown.
Thank G-d NL didn’t have too many cases but everyone took the proper precautions and our in person events were put on hold.
As the pandemic progressed we tapped into our international contacts to help the Health Department and RNC source PPE from China. They were grateful for the contacts we provided them with. * * * As a follow up to our successful TED Talks event in February we had it again, this time over Zoom. Just before Shavuot we had 3 speakers on Sunday May 17th. Rabbi Ari Drelich from Chabad of Edmonton opened the event with words of inspiration and encouragement during these diffi cult times of social isolation. The second speaker was Dr. Peter Daley. Dr Daley is an infectious diseases physician and medical microbiologist besides being assistant professor of Medicine at MUN. Dr. Daley spoke about COVID-19 in Newfoundland and took some questions. The fi nal speaker was local lawyer Peter Ralph, following up on his earlier talk re the Muskrat Falls Inquiry. Peter took some questions before we closed the event. We received fantastic feedback! * * * Since we couldn’t host our usual Shavuot program, we delivered Shavuot packages to all members of the community. Yum! * * * We had the honour and privilege of hosting Holocaust survivor Irving Roth over Zoom.
Irving was born in Kosice, Czechoslovakia on September 2, 1929. He survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald, emigrating to the United States in 1947. The memories of the Nazi death camps never faded, and he devotes his time and efforts to educating young and old about the horrors of the Holocaust and the evils of racism.
Mr. Roth is the Director of the Holocaust Resource Center—Temple Judea of Manhasset and is an adjunct professor at
the University of Maine. He is a recognized speaker on anti-Semitism and the Holocaust and is a frequent lecturer at colleges and universities across the United States, Canada, and Europe. As a Holocaust survivor, he provides personal testimony on his experiences during WWII.
We were honoured to have Susan Goldstein Snyder, Curator at the National Institute for Holocaust Documentation in Washington D.C., as the MC.
The feedback we got was tremendous and many ordered Irving’s book “Bondi’s Brother” right after the event. * * * As this magazine goes to print we are planning our annual Rosh Hashana community meal and Shofar blowing. Exactly how and what will be determined closer to the Yamim Noraim. * * * Best wishes for a Ktivah V’Chatimah Tovah L’shanah Tovah Umetukah!
We are open 24/7 (with social distancing practices). For more information you can reach us at 709-341-8770 or through e-mail at chabadofnewfoundland@gmail.com . S
Since we reached level 3 of the Pandemic protocol, the shul has resumed live services, with social distancing seating. * * * We have had a new family join us from Toronto and they have fi t in quite nicely. Sadly we did not have a communal Seder this year, but perhaps next year. * * * We celebrated the 80th birthday of our longtime member—Dr Isaac David Mercer. We had a special Oneg Shabbat following Friday evening services towards the end of July. Congratulations David—until 120!! * * * Our main focus now is joint communal High Holiday services at the shul for all members of the shul and of the Havura. There is a feeling that we will work hard to make this a reality, and everyone in both groups are excited about this endeavour. There is ongoing work to synthesize a service that will meet the needs of all concerned. S