General Objective: To develop in the students’ analytical capabilities to solve problems, to make decisions, upon the challenges that arise upon at different managerial positions in a constantly changing world. To develop in students, the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to enter the business world as a dynamic and productive professional. To develop a professional with inquisitive spirit, independently minded thoughtful people, imagination and creativity, that enable them to occupy leadership positions in the workplace.
General Education (45) | Professional (33) | Major (36) | Undergraduate Project (6) | Electives (12) = TOTAL CREDITS 132
GENERAL EDUCATION (3 credits each | 45 total)
CSOC 100 Human Growth and Social Adaptability
ING 101 General English
CSOC 103 Human Relations
HUM 103 Literary Genres
BIOL 200 Plant Kingdom
MAT 201 Algebra
MAT 203 Geometry and Trigonometry
CSOC 204 Puerto Rico: A Contemporary Approach
ESP 208 Creative Communication
ING 300 Conversational English
CSOC 300 Psychology
HUM 300 Western Civilization: Ancient Culture
HUM 302 Western Civilization: Modern Times
BIOL 302 Animal Kingdom
AG 311 Modern Art History
PROFESSIONAL COURSES (3 credits each | 33 total)
CCO 101 Introduction to Computers
CON 101 Principles of Accounting
MER 101 Principles of Marketing
CCO 103 Commercial Software Management
ADM 104 Entrepreneurship
DG 111 Design and Editing of Digital Images
MA 111 Multimedia Marketing and Branding
ECO 200 Economics
DG 203 Computerized Illustration
EST 300 Statistics
FIN 300 Finance
MAJOR (3 credits each | 36 total)
CCO 207 Database Management
ASI 215 Administration of Information Center
ASI 217 Network and Data Communication
ASI 220 HTML programming
ASI 303 Object Oriented Programming (Visual C++)
ASI 304 Advanced Data Base Management
ASI 307 System Analysis and Design
ASI 308 PHP with SQL
ADM 400 Management Information System
ASI 403 Object Oriented Programming (Visual Basic)
ASI 407 Auditing Information Systems
ASI 410 Python & Javascript
UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT (3 credits each | 6 total)
ADM 419 Seminar
ADM 475 Professional Development
ELECTIVES (3 credits each | 12 total)
Free Electives (4)
Revised: 8/2022 - Business Administration Department