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Free-Standing Greenhouses
We have been building free-standing greenhouses for over 35 years. Our common sense approach to greenhouse design has resulted in cost-effective, energy-efficient structures combined with ease of installation.
Free-standing structures provide many benefits to growers including the ability to isolate plants that may be diseased, create additional space needed for product, and add on additional expansions later.


If your location requires high winds or heavy snow building codes, we have the perfect structure for you.The standard widths available for free-standing structures range from 16'-35' clear spans with sidewall heights from 4'-1 O'. Our solutions to your greenhouse needs provide you with choices of round, rectangular and square tubing, and covering options of poly or polycarbonate.
Available Options: • Benches • Irrigation • Hanging Basket Rails • Sealed Engineered Drawings • Installation • Ventilation and Cooling • Wind and snow load certification • Custom Design for your facility layout • Environmental Controls