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Doubling Our Content
SOCIEDAD ATLAS is our Spanish sister organization, where we seek to promote Ayn Rand’s ideas throughout Latin America, as well as to Spanish speakers here at home.
Today more than ever, Latin America needs Ayn Rand’s ideas. Sociedad Atlas is succeeding in reaching this important demographic by promoting individualism, achievement, reason, and liberty. With the recruitment of Antonella Marty as CEO of Sociedad Atlas and by doubling our content and programs, we are already reaching thousands of people a week on social media with the philosophical ammunition they need to combat the socialist ideology plaguing many Latin American countries.
¡PREGÚNTALE A LA SOCIEDAD ATLAS!—Spanish language interviews similar to our “Ask The Atlas Society” format, inviting politicians, authors, artists, and others, 3-4 times a month (Marty, and also Grossman to interview).
INSTAGRAM TAKEOVERS—in Spanish on La Sociedad Atlas Instagram channel every week, where Marty (and partners) respond to followers’ questions with quick video answers.
INSTAGRAM LIVE—interviews monthly with notable thought leaders and social media personalities.
SPANISH BOOK CLUB—similar to our Atlas Advocates Book Club but in Spanish, discussing books by Ayn Rand, Atlas Society publications, and other readings vital for understanding Objectivism.
ACADEMIA AYN RAND—hybrid in-person/virtual seminar for selected groups of 30 young people from Latin America, once a year, with an education program on Objectivism led by Marty and Latin American scholars.
¿QUÉ PENSARÍA AYN RAND?—Video Series for filming late 2021, featuring Marty with Objectivist takes on topics ranging from immigration to entrepreneurship, from race to relationships.
Ayn Rand & Business Ethics / Ayn Rand y la Ética Empresarial Contemporánea
Pocket Guide to
Postmodernism / Guía de Bolsillo del Postmodernismo
Ayn Rand & Altruism /
Ayn Rand y El Altruismo
The 7 Habits of Highly Objective People/ Los 7 Hábitos de las Personas Altamente Objetivas
Pocket Guide to Objectivism / Guía de Bolsillo del Objetivismo
Pocket Guide to Atlas Shrugged / Guía de Bolsillo de La Rebelión de Atlas
Pocket Guide to The Fountainhead
The Pocket Guide to The Fountainhead, is a thorough, quick, and easy-to-use readers’ tool for fans and first-time readers alike. It includes a complete plot synopsis of the novel and an alphabetical guide to the novel’s cast of characters. Whether you are reading the novel for the first time or the fifteenth, this Pocket Guide provides an at-a-glance encapsulation of all the twists and turns in Rand’s epic tribute to creativity and integrity. COMING SOON!
Pocket Guide to Capitalism
Capitalism is far more (and better) than just an economic system: it’s a durable social system with pillars anchored in philosophy, psychology, politics, and economics. In this pocket guide, professor Salsman explains that capitalism is sustainable because practical, practical because moral, and moral because egoistic. Foes of capitalism no longer deny its power to generate broad prosperity; at root they oppose it for its objectivity and morality.