UPSL Atlanta Caribbean League Magazine

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April 2019 Volume 1, Number 1 FREE

Spring 2019 UPSL

Season Preview A Detailed Preview of all Teams in The Division

Exclusive Interview

Ehjayson Henry

Credit to Images Frozen In Time for Photograph


April 2019 The "Beautiful Game" has a more interesting definition with this particular magazine feature. The beauties you see here are a fitting accent to the game that we all love to follow. Please enjoy the visions of our Atlanta Caribbean Football League Beauties here and soon a video feature on the supporter's league website at

This month's beauty is Michelle sporting her Fulham FC gear for this month's feature.

All Of Our Beauties Are Photographed by our official photographers at:

CONTENTS Season Preview The Atlanta Caribbean Soccer League is going through what amounts to growing pains as a result of transitioning from an amateur recreational league to a serious adult amateur league within the UPSL. This is more difficult to accomplish than one might think from the naked eye. Not only are the requirements of procedures more strict, the mentality has to change from a relaxed rec routine, to one of a responsible, professional one. Not all will be able to make that jump both on the field and off. However, the change of direction will be worth it for those players, officials and fans that want something more out of the game than just an fun afternoon playing in the sun. There are those that want a career and this step the league has taken, is vital if those dreams are to be realized. Time will tell the rest of the story.

Drefooty's Corner


UPSL Season Preview Southeast Conference Teams


We enter our 2nd season in partnership with the United Premier Soccer League (UPSL) and here review each of the 10 teams in the Southeast, Atlanta Caribbean Division.

Page 2 Girl


This month's League Beauty is Michelle

Drefooty's Corner

FEATURE ARTICLE Exclusive Interview

Ehjayson Henry 3

Thoughts from the magazine editor

Frozen In Time Action Images Frozen In Time from Last season's games. Courtesy of Images Frozen In Time Photography


Having just signed with Spanish club Alicante City FC, Ehjayson Henry sits down with us to talk about his time in the game and his outlook on the UPSL.



Atlanta Generals 14

KSA U19 19

Club ATLetic 15

Seas Jamaica United 20

Forest Rovers FC 16

FC Stone Mountain 21

Honduras 5 Stars 17

VaHi ATLetic FC 22

KSA Pro Profile 18

FC Yardaz 23


Images Frozen In Time Images From the 2018 Season

Tolu Afolabi was a strong force in the midfield for VaHi ATLetic FC in 2018.

FC Stone Mountain's results did not do justice to the heart and soul of this club last season. You can expect a marked improvement this Spring of 2019.

Always a tough job, football referees in the Atlanta Caribbean division are up to the challenge.

Robel Davis was a vital force in Seas Jamaica United's season last term. How will David Largie's squad fair this season with a largely new makeup to the league?

Unique to the Atlanta Caribbean League in the UPSL and a strong yearly tradition is the opening day dress parade. This season will be no different as 10 very strong teams will compete for honors in the most competitive season yet!

FC Yardaz on the pitch means a lot of goal-mouth action. Look for the defending champions to compete again for honors as well as regional representation in the UPSL.

Like FC Stone Mountain, new league clubs, VaHi ATLetic FC and Atlanta Generals found it tough in the later part of the season. But both have retooled in the off­season and want to be among the league challengers.

FC Yardaz won the league title last Spring with strong, attacking and exciting football. They will again be one of the favorites to win it all again this season.

Ehjayson Henry started his playing career in St. Kitts of the Caribbean before moving to the United States where he has excelled as a top amateur talent. Now his play in the UPSL has been interrupted for a great opportunity to play professionally abroad in Spain. The following is an exclusive interview with "EJ" as he talks about his origins and his move to Spain.

A World Player With Caribbean Roots! ATLCARIB: First off, can you tell us where you are from? EJ: I'm from St. Kitts, a small island in the Caribbean. I come from a family of 5 which is my mom and dad and I have 2 older sisters. ATLCARIB: Growing up there, how did you first get involved with football? EJ: Well, it's a very small island and influenced by sports, mainly football, track and field and cricket and I played them all. But it was football that I grew toward early on and I focused on that. Over time I got better and better and eventually football became my main focus. ATLCARIB: What about your influences in the game. Growing up in St. Kitts, who did you look up to in the game? EJ: Initially, mainly local players I liked to follow like Atiba Harris who has played in the MLS and currently plays in the USL.

Later, I followed the likes of Thierry Henry and his last name of course was an attraction since it's the same as my name though pronounced differently, but his way of playing soon became an inspiration. I also like the play of Ronaldinho who played with a lot of flair and creativity and today there's both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo for the way they approach and play the game. ATLCARIB: Did watching and following your fellow countrymen and world footballers add any motivation for you to continue in the game as you grew up? EJ: Yes, definitely. When you see persons from where you are from excel and progress, it gives you hope and motivation that it can happen for you too and that was true in my case. ATLCARIB: So what eventually brought you to the United States?


EJ: The Beautiful Game was the thing that brought me to the U.S. though the route I took was through England immediately after high school.

But as I mentioned, I want a career in the game as a player so I am working hard and exploring all the options available to me to make that dream come true.

I went to England and played for a local community club in Berkshire named Bracknell Town FC. I played there for around a year for the U18 squad and enjoyed success, scoring goals and playing well. However, due to financial constraints, my parents were not able to sustain me there but that opened up a opportunity to come to the U.S. to attend and play in college.

ATLCARIB: What would you consider your best or maybe favorite playing position?

Traveling back from England, I went to visit Penn State and was offered a position to go and play division 1 soccer there which I did. ATLCARIB: Since moving on from college, what has been your focus on the pitch?

EJ: My appetite for the gameonly grew from my time in England and just got more intense in college. Now, I look to move on to play professionally as I continued to play at the amateur non­league level here. I've had the the privelege for playing at the national level for St. Kitts from the U15 level all the way up to the U23 and I am now looking to break into the senior team, but I am determined that will be soon. Currently I've appeared for the Georgia Revolution in the NPSL (National Premier Soccer League) and now am with a team from Atlanta Georgia in an area of town called Virginia Highlands for a club named VaHi ATLetic FC who play in the UPSL (United Premier Soccer League)

EJ: If I had to choose, I'd say my favorite position is left wing. I'm a very pacey player and I think my skill and speed are best realized in that position. But I play a variety of attacking roles for my current club and enjoy integrating my play in the team. ATLCARIB: Are you a left footed player? EJ: I'm actually right footed, but I was trained, mainly by my father, to work with both feet so I've worked hard to be equally proficient with both feet which I believe is important for any attacking person. It opens up your effectiveness as a player and makes you more valuable for your team. This is especially useful if you are playing against a skillful defense. You don't want them to be able to confine you to a weak part of your skills so it's important work on all aspects of your game. ATLCARIB: So with your goals in mind, what should prospective coaches and scouts know about you? EJ: I would say I am a well rounded player, dedicated, with a good work ethic. I'm a pacey, dynamic attacker who can not only score but create scoring chances for my teammates. 10

ATLCARIB: Does this added family responsibility change your focus when playing the game? EJ: It has in the sense that I am more focused now. I have a family to provide for so I take my job as a player very seriously. My conduct on and off the field needs to be at it's very best for me to continue to make a success for us. I'm a very coach­able person. On the field and off the field I will be a leader and a person that can set a good example for the club. I'm someone that will give it 100% all the time!

So being married pushes me and motivates me further than if I was still a single person.

ATLCARIB: Additionally, You are a married man. Does this have an effect on your maturity or professionalism as a player? EJ: Yes, I have been married for 4 years and it definitely has a positive affect on my life both personally and professionally. Initially, marriage was a challenge forcing me balance my goals in the game with my responsibilities to the marriage. For me it was a priority to make sure everything was solid in the marriage first, then working to balance my marriage with the work required to be a professional footballer. This has helped me manage my time more efficiently. I am able to spend the quality time necessary with my wife as well as the needed time to continue to develop my craft as a footballer.

ATLCARIB: Lastly, though you have accepted an offer to play in Spain with Alicante City FC, what do you think of the UPSL and what it potentially can mean for a player like you in the future? EJ: I think the UPSL is great on so many levels. Growing up watching world football, the competitive structure that includes promotion and relegation is what I am familiar with. You see the potential excitement for any club in the competition because there

are no barriers to how much a club can grow and progress. You can also see what it does to the community and supporters which is more of the way that football is in the rest of the world. Unlike the current U.S. league structure, with the UPSL, every community in the country can have a club and build around that club. This will mean more dedicated support that will build a culture around the game. For players like me, the UPSL opens up so much more opportunity than is currently availabe. For example, I have moved to Spain to begin my career foundation as a professional because in the States (before UPSL), there are so few slots to be taken to play in a career or even be seen by club scouts and coaches. With the UPSL, you all of a sudden have increased the number of slots available to build a career in a competitive way for a multitide of players of all levels. This concept is new to the United States but in practice around the world.

Here, Ehjayson in action for VaHi ATLetic FC in the Atlanta District Amateur Soccer League (ADASL).

Ehjayson can be seen in the 2019 season playing for his new club in Spain named Alicante City FC on the video platform. So, will he return to the UPSL for the fall? Stay tuned here for more updates on his career!



A mix bag of results early in the season was followed by a strong finish which found Generals finishing in 4th place. A season's UPSL experience will make a difference and the strong tactical abilities of coach Lyndon Naipaul should see them improve. Pacey, exciting play will be a feature. One team to watch!

ATLANTA GENERALS Lesson from last season: "Don't put square pegs in round holes" Greatest Hope for the season: Challenge for a trophy in the league and Cup competitions. Biggest fear: False evidence appearing real. What to watch for: Player, Kofi Bosco will be one player to watch but our entire squad will show improvement.

Message to fans: Come and check out the talent on our team at our new venue. We are playing to entertain!

Last Season Finish: 4th Place Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Lyndon Naipaul Kit Colors: Black and Yellow




The brain child of Felipe Lobelo, this team gave birth from it's Virginia Highland's counterpart and have now become their own squad for the UPSL Spring season. Untested but skillful, we will have to see if they can play from week to week against improved opposition and what will the rivalry with VaHi ATLetic create?

CLUB ATLetic Lesson from last season: Did not play in the division last season Greatest Hope for the season: Achieve a comfortable place in the league table. Biggest fear: Failing to play with consistancy. What to watch for: Can these players step up to the next level and compete? We will see.

Message to fans: We were attracted to the league for the quality of the teams. Come out to watch and you'll see futures stars playing before your eyes!

Last Season Finish: New Team Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Felipe Lobelo Kit Colors: Red\White


UPSL Although another new entry in the league, they are not a new club. Based out of Clarkesville, GA, co­owners Eddie Alvarado and Joel Mabin have forged a strong team and will be looking to challenge right away for honors. Already with a busy pre­season schedule, they are chomping at the bit to get the season going!


Photo Credit Forest Rovers FC

FOREST ROVERS FC Lesson from last season: Did not play in the division last season Greatest Hope for the season: Going in hard to win the league in our first year. Biggest fear: Playing well in a game but losing concentration at the end and losing. What to watch for: Key players will be Brandon Reyna and Sergio Turcios.

Message to fans: Get ready to see some exciting games from us this season!

Last Season Finish: New Team Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Joel Mabin Kit Colors: White & Navy Blue


UPSL Honduras 5 Stars are another new league entry heavily based on a strong academy system as the foundation of the club. They have competed in no fewer than 32 Cup competitions in 5 years with manager Hugo Pineda. Lots of pedigree here to prepare this young club for a new challenge in the UPSL.


Photo Credit Forest Rovers FC

HONDURAS 5 STARS Lesson from last season: Did not play in the division last season Greatest Hope for the season: Compete at the highest level possible and give every player in the club a chance to excel on the big stage. Biggest fear: Not fulfilling potential. What to watch for: Promoted players from the academy Kevin Lรณpez and Kevin Anariva.

Message to fans: Come out to support your local leagues and teams and check out the new stars coming from our team!

Last Season Finish: New Team Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Hugo Pineda Kit Colors: Blue and White


UPSL A team that will have to be one of the favorites is this one. A club designed specifically to mold professional players, they have successfully played in multiple competitions and leagues and now look to conquer the UPSL with their top team from their club. Coach Kalonji is no stranger to titles, but how will they fair in the UPSL?


Photo Credit KSA Pro Profile

KSA PRO PROFILE Lesson from last season: Did not play in the division last season

Message to fans: Great facility to come out and enjoy a day of high quality football! Our club will entertain and impress!

Greatest Hope for the season: League & Cup Titles. Biggest fear: Taking opponents lightly and not playing to full abilities. What to watch for: If the club's professional and academy structure can translate to success in the UPSL.

Last Season Finish: New Team Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Bruno Kalonji Kit Colors: Red & Black




A natural rival for Pro Profile once the season kicks off will be this U19 side. A talent laden squad of academy players will be looking to prove that they deserve their spot in the league and could surprise fans as well as opponents. Though young, there is a lot of playing experience as well as the professional coaching of Bruno Kalonji.

KSA U19 Lesson from last season: Did not play in the division last season Greatest Hope for the season: Gain respect and prove worth in the league. Biggest fear: Losing consistency and focus at this level. What to watch for: The rivalry with Pro Profile.

Message to fans: Future stars of the sport are on view here in the UPSL!

Last Season Finish: New Team Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Bruno Kalonji Kit Colors: Gold & Black




Finished strongly but didn't have the start to the season needed to challenge at the end, but did come close. There's a big question mark as to weather the team can step up to the next level now that the stakes and competition is on a higher level. Always a strong team, they will be looking to challenge for the title again.

SEAS JAMAICA UTD Lesson from last season: "We need a good start to the league and maintain momentum to get over the hump. Greatest Hope for the season: League Title. Biggest fear: Inconsistancy. What to watch for: Will new players help to move the team up the table or will it be a rebuilding year?

Message to fans: We keep the cultural roots of Jamiaca in our play and spirit. Having our fans there adds to the atmosphere.

Last Season Finish: 3rd Place Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: David Largie Kit Colors: Red & Black 20



It was tough for the lads from Stone Mountain as they finished bottom of the league in their first foray in the UPSL. However, they showed signs last season that things will be different this season. New players and a professional quality that saw them win the Most Disciplined Team Award. We will be watching to see how they improve!

FC STONE MOUNTAIN Lesson from last season: Keep working vigorously toward your vision and you might achieve it faster than you think. Greatest Hope for the season: To win the most desciplined team award again and play competitively enough to be amongst the top four teams. Biggest fear: To not have all my best players available for the games. What to watch for: So many new and wonderful players, I do not know where to start.

Message to fans: Come out and support FC Stone Mountain Granites. We will entertain you and make it worth your while with good soccer like great teams do.

Last Season Finish: 8th Place Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Owen Clarke Kit Colors: Home: Yellow\Black Away: Blue\Black\Yellow 21



A promising start to the season collapsed toward the end when losing their last 4 games of the season which took them out of contention for the league. There was an emphatic Super Cup Invitational victory over Sambo FC on Cup Final day. But will a new vamped squad be just the change needed to challenge at the top in this 2nd year in the UPSL?

VaHi ATLetic FC Lesson from last season: Weekly training needs to improve along with game day discipline. Greatest Hope for the season: League Title and Cup Glory. Biggest fear: Losing focus during the course of the season. What to watch for: Already proven they can compete against anyone. Will they maintain consistency enough to challenge for the title though? Another team to watch!

Message to fans: We will entertain and compete this year. Lots of talent in this squad to enjoy.

Last Season Finish: 6th Place Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Felipe Lobelo Kit Colors: Yellow\Black & Red\Blue 22



This will be the team to beat in the league this season. Finishing in 2nd place, they earned the league title when defeating Inferno FC by the score of 7­3 in the Champion's Cup Final to determine the league champion. Quality from front to back, but there are new challenges in this new year. Time will tell if they maintain their quality.

FC Yardaz Lesson from last season: Always approach each game as if it's a Cup final. Don't drop our guard.

Message to fans: Come out to watch the champion's repeat with stylish football.

Greatest Hope for the season: Win Everything. Biggest fear: Taking our foot off the pedal with new challenges coming in the league. What to watch for: Will the dominationg play still be there against new teams in the league?

Last Season Finish: 2nd Place Champions Cup Winners Home Venue: The league venue for all teams is South Gwinnett Park. Manager: Chris Nobel Kit Colors: Red & Black 23

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