Introduction to embedded systems nd 8051

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Embedded system

Analog inputs/ Electronic Ckt.


Program Memory Instructions

Out Put/ Display

CPU(Central Processing unit) Operation of CPU: There are four steps that nearly all CPUs use in their operation


>> Decode >> Execute

>> Write-back

The During final step, this step, write various back, simply portions "writes ofisthe back" CPU are the results of the In The the first decode step, step, fetch, the involves instruction retrieving broken an instruction up into parts (which execute connected stepsignificance so to some they form perform memory. desired that is represented have by acan number toofother or the sequence portions of ofoperation. the numbers) CPU. If,from  for instance, an addition operation was requested, an program memory. arithmetic logic unit (ALU) will be connected to a set of inputs and a set of outputs.

Control unit: Thisunit: unit Arithmetic controls the entire Arithmetic logic logic unitoperation of CPU. Itthe controls all the(addition, devices subtraction, connected to performs Arithmetic CPU. It also generates timingand signals multiplication etc.) operation logicnecessary (AND, OR,for input and output devices. EXOR) operation.

Accumulator: An accumulator is a register which contain one of the operand (operation on data) and stores the Arithmetic and logical results.

CPU……. Data Bus: Used to transfer data with peripherals. Data bus is Bi-

directional. Computing power of CPU depends on the no of data lines. A CPU is called 8-bit or 16-bit CPU which defines the width of data bus present in CPU. Address Bus: It carries the address where we want to transfer data with the help of DATA BUS. This bus is Uni-Directional. No of individual address locations is determined by 2^n where n is no of address lines.

General and special purpose Register: General purpose register are use for temporary storage of data during execution of instructions.

Special purpose registers are used by CPU itself. They are not accessible to programmer for e.g. program counter, instruction register etc.

The microprocessor is the core of computer systems. Nowadays many communication, digital entertainment, portable devices, are controlled by them. A designer should know what types of components he needs, ways to reduce production costs and product reliable.

Hardware :Interface to the real world


: how to deal with inputs and outputs

General-purpose microprocessor   

CPU for Computers No RAM, ROM, I/O on CPU chip itself Example : Intel’s x86, Motorola’s 680x0 CPU GeneralPurpose Microprocessor

Many chips on mother’s board

Data Bus



I/O Port

Address Bus General-Purpose Microprocessor System


Serial COM Port

What is Microcontroller 

MICROCOMPUTER: When all the said required device connected with microprocessor the complete system is known as Microcomputer.

MICROCONTROLLER: The single chip which contain the microcomputer is known as MICROCONTROLLER




I/O Port

Serial COM Port

Microprocessor vs Microcontroller General-purpose microprocessors contains   

No RAM No ROM No I/O ports

Microcontroller has      

CPU (microprocessor) RAM ROM I/O ports Timer / counter UART etc.

Embedded System Embedded system means the processor is embedded into that application. An embedded product uses a microprocessor or microcontroller to do Embedded is a special purpose computer system one task System only.

designed to do a Specified Task.

Example ďźš printer, keyboard, video game player

Different families of Microcontroller There are several architectures as manufacturer are adapting different technologies in designing.

8051 (8 bit) AVR (8 bit,16 bit) PIC ( 8bit,16 bit) ARM(32 bit)

 Intel (Now developed by Different companies)  Atmel Microchip Philips Semiconductors

MCS -51 FAMILY 8051 initially developed by Intel. Manufacturers of 8051 based Clones (MCS-51 Family): -Atmel -Infineon Technologies -Maxim Integrated Products(via its subsidiary), -NXP (formerly Philips Semiconductor), - Winbond -ST Microelectronics -Silicon Laboratories (formerly Cygnal), -Texas Instruments -Cypress Semiconductor



ATMEL's 8051 clone Non ISP(In system programmable) MC In ISP Microcontroller There is no need of any special type of Burner Hardware

8051 Base PC ZIF Socket



Application Board

MC of Atmel 

ATMEL's Non ISP MC: AT89c51,AT89c52,AT89c8252 AT89c2051,AT89C55WD etc.

ATMEL ISP MC: AT89s51,AT89s52,AT89s8252 AT89s2051,AT89C5115,etc.

Software used during training To make Application with MCS-51 Family 1. Compiler: -SDCC(Small Device C Compiler)

2. Programming Environment - Programmers Notepad, Eclipse

3. Burning Software - ISP programmer

PIN Detail (8051)

       

128 bytes of RAM 4K bytes of on-chip ROM Two timers One serial port Four I/O ports, each 8 bits wide 6 interrupt sources Data bus 8 bit Adddress Bus 16 bit

Sample Projects at Appin FLYING PROJECTS 1. Nitro engine plane 2. Electric planes 3. Quad rotor plane GSM /BLUETOOTH CONTROLLED PROJECTS 1. GSM Based Accident Alert System 2. GSM Based Centralized Electricity Billing 3. GSM Based Energy Meter 4. GSM Based Highway Vehicle Traffic Monitoring System 5. GSM Based Security System with SMS Alert 6. GSM Based Intelligent Temperature Monitoring 7. SMS Alerting System LPG Detection 8. Automatic Dialer to Fire Station on Smoke Detection 9. Power Management Messenger System Using GSM 10. Remote Patient Monitoring System Using GSM 11. Security Breach Intimation for Unauthorized Entry via GSM 12. Mobile Operated Metal Detector Robot 13. GSM Based Home Appliance Automation 14. GSM Based Security System 15. GSM railway monitor system 16. GSM based semi-automated intelligent robot 17. Remote Surveillance Vehicle Using Cell Phone 18. Remote Security System with Unlimited Range 19. Speed Control of Stepper Motor using Mobile Phone 20. Bluetooth controlled robot 21. Bluetooth based password controlled automation 22. Smart car control using Bluetooth technology

GENERAL PROJECTS LIST 1. RFID Based attendance system 2. RFID Based vehicle registration system 3. RFID Based automatic toll tax system 4. RFID Based access control system 5. Wireless power transmission on leds 6. Wireless power transmission (mobile charger) 7. Power saver or energy management 8. Password control home appliances or industrial machines 9. Digital lock 10. Digital fuel meter 11. RF controlled home appliances 12. Microcontroller based temperature indicator 13. Home security and intruder detection system 14. Vehicle speed measurement for different vehicle. 15. Microcontroller based password protection system 16. Automatic bottling and filling system design using microcontroller 17. Multi storey car parking 18. Automatic room light controlled with microcontroller 19. Ultrasonic radar 20. Pc \ micro controller based radar system, angle, speed, and angle 21. Alcohol detection in human 22. Device control through optical fiber using microcontroller 23. Industrial automation machine control using DTMF telephone 24. Proximity security system 25. GPS prototype 26. Intelligent traffic light controller

Sample Projects contd‌. 27. Door interrupter 28. Black box for automatic industrial control using 12c 29. Prepaid energy meter 30. Microcontroller based robotic arm 31. Zigbee based sensor network 32. Auto braking system 33. Electronics road pricing and red light jump logic 34. Multi channel electrical point control through infrared control 35. Scholl bell management system 36. Access control door opener 37. Electrical distribution control system 38. Voting on telephone line 39. Temperature control system for furnace with alarm 40. Temperature sensitive fan 41. Robot based on microcontroller 42. Automatic parking control logic 43. Temperature meter cum on/off controller 44. Wireless energy meter 45. Automatic room light controller with load variation. 46. Automatic time manager up-to 8 channels. 47. Multi-functional digital watch with school bell system. 48. Temperature based automatic speed controller. 49. Electrical distribution control with control timing 50. Auto start and auto launch in industries 51. DTMF based project 52. Digital data transfer between two microcontrollers

53. Data transfer through address code 54. Automatic gear control with rpm counter 55. Moving display on big led display with keyboard + data saved in 24c02 56. Simple optical fiber voice and data communication 57. Access control with 5 different ID with 5 different password controls 58. Speed checker for high ways 59. Real heart beat monitor with LCD display 60. Alcohol sensor with auto supply cut off and alarm indication 61. Traffic light four side led one side countdown timer density control special provision for ambulance road side pedestrian control through motor: 62. Auto distribution control with time based cut off logic 63. Auto distribution control with current feedback control 64. Motor speed controller using cellular phone 65. Full duplex Îźc to Îźc communication 66. GPS vehicle theft identification and tracking and control system internet based home automation system 67. A novel rear-end collision, accident avoidance, distance measuring using ultrasonic technology 68. Multipoint remote monitoring and data acquisition system using RF technology 69. PIR sensor based motion detection system for security 70. Wireless serial communication link for chatting and controlling of devices using RF technology 71. Voice based activation and control system of devices

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