JULY 2016 £2.50
hite s at the wany k o lo t r o m Rep t creates it solves a h t r e p a p n blems tha o r p e r o m
Five disabled ATL members tell us what needs to change
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Why English and Welsh schools should not be compared
How to stay professional on social media
17/06/2016 10:12
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Contents UPFRONT
Cause for concern on pupil hunger in school holidays, a new education secretary for Wales and pay updates
Comparing education standards in England and Wales is unfair, says Mary Bousted
Bethan Jones on recruitment in Wales and Mark Langhammer on iPad use F E AT U R E S
How to get in touch with ATL
21 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS ATL’s audited financial statement for the year to December 2015
Our legal team on the importance of appropriate social media use
ATL members on dealing with stress, respecting teachers and celebrating chaplains
Why ATL members should stay on red alert for white paper plans
Win a £50 Marks & Spencer voucher
Five disabled ATL members tell us what working life looks like for them
Information, events and opportunities to get involved
Star baker Sandy Docherty talks about hands-on skills Report is the magazine from ATL, 7 Northumberland Street, London WC2N 5RD Tel 020 7930 6441 Fax 020 7930 1359 Email or Website Editor Alex Tomlin News editor Edie Mullen Report is produced and designed for ATL by Think Publishing, Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DH Tel 020 3771 7200 Email Sub editor Mike Hine Art editor Clair Williams Designer Alix Thomazi Advertising sales Michael Coulsey or Anthony Bennett 020 3771 7200 Account manager Kieran Paul Managing director Polly Arnold
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Newsletters for support staff and those in post-16, plus a new wall planner ATL accepts no liability for any insert, display or classified advertisement included in this publication. While every reasonable care is taken to ensure that all advertisers are reliable and reputable, ATL can give no assurance that they will fulfil their obligation under all circumstances. The views expressed in articles in Report are the contributors’ own and do not necessarily reflect ATL policy. Official policy
statements issued on behalf of ATL are indicated as such. All rights reserved. Material contained in this publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior permission of ATL.
As we approach the end of the academic year, we often reflect on the achievements of our children and young people, especially as we write reports and grade tests. I wonder what the end of year report would look like for the DfE? Literacy: needs to practise basic spelling (eg ‘sincerely’). Numeracy: needs to learn and be able to recite times tables when asked on national TV. Teamwork: needs to listen to the members of its team (educational professionals), rather than running ahead with no evidence that it is going in the right direction. There are still many aspects of the white paper that concern us, and you can read more about these on page 12. Nicky Morgan’s ‘U-turn’ (or ‘Z-turn’) on the forced academisation programme is only slowing down the plan, and many leaders and teachers in schools are still worried they are only a step away from the edge. We need to continue to make our voices heard above all of the rhetoric, and to demand that we are trusted to know what is best for our pupils and students, and to allow them the space to develop at their own pace, rather than in the order determined by the tick-boxes. As the summer term draws to a close, please remember to talk to your colleagues and share ideas ready for September, and also to take some time for yourself to recuperate and refresh over the summer break.
Cover illustration: Olivier Bonhomme
Report, ATL, 7 Northumberland Street, London WC2N 5RD
13/06/2016 15:06
ATL survey reveals hunger in schools
Results show worrying number of children overlooked by system – both in school and on breaks As the summer break approaches, a survey of 400 ATL members has revealed concerns about the effect hunger can have on children, with more than a quarter (26%) of education staff saying pupils suffer from it during the summer break. And, when back in the classroom, just under four out of 10 (39%) say they know of pupils who come to school hungry and have no money for lunch, but do not receive free school meals. At ATL’s Annual Conference this spring, members passed a motion proposed by delegate John Puckrin, ATL’s representative on the All-Party Parliamentary Group on School Food and the Children’s Food Campaign, about the effect of poverty on learning and attainment – and the drop-off in the latter that can occur after the summer break. “For many, the school holidays provide a chance to both relax
and enjoy new experiences,” he said. “But, for the poorest, it is often a closed-in, isolating experience with a lack of any positive stimulation. Early research demonstrates that charities, housing and faith groups ensure food security and help reduce social isolation – but more sustainable and secure funding is required from all UK Governments.” Overwhelmingly, members think that having lunch has a positive effect on pupils, as 84% say it improves pupils’ concentration and attainment. But 41% have children in their school whose families have had to rely on food banks. Mary Bousted, general secretary of ATL, said: “It is encouraging that this year’s budget has committed £10 million funding a year to expand breakfast clubs in up to 1,600 schools, starting
NEW UNION UPDATE Progress on the creation of a new union with the NUT will be discussed at ATL’s national Executive Committee on 9 July. Proposals on the governance structure and the rules for a new union will be examined by the Executive, which will then decide whether to hold a special conference in November at
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which delegates will decide whether they wish to proceed to ballot the whole membership. The NUT’s Executive will also meet in July to debate the same structure and rules, and to take a similar decision on whether to move to a special conference. Keep up with future developments at newunion.
million council workers and school staff got a pay deal agreement
John Puckrin spoke at Annual Conference about the effect of poverty on learning and attainment
from September 2017, to ensure more children have a nutritious breakfast as a healthy start to their school day. However, this is just a drop in the ocean for the thousands of pupils who miss out on breakfast and aren’t entitled to free school meals because they are from a low-income working family. “ATL also calls on the Government to support school holiday programmes that include meals and enrichment activities.”
ATL TRUST HELPS MEMBER GET MOBILE ATL member Richard Cann has just taken delivery of a motorised chair from ATL’s Trust Fund. Diagnosed in 2013 with fibromyalgia comorbidity with ME/chronic fatigue syndrome, Richard, a former head of technology at the Plymouth Referral Unit, was forced to retire by his condition. “The chronic fatigue and pain in my hips and knees now means that I can’t walk more than a
hundred metres,” he told Report. “Now that I have the chair, I have my independence back; I can get out and about and watch my son play rugby. I can now enjoy life again. I have always had great support from ATL, and to have it there still is amazing.” If you think you or a fellow member could benefit from the Trust, visit uk/trustfund for details.
PAY DEAL WITH COUNCILS A pay deal has been agreed for around 1.3 million council workers and school staff. The agreement, for workers in local government and schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, includes one per cent wage rises for each of the next two years, and more for lower-paid employees. FE PAY CLAIM ATL and AMiE have joined Unite, Unison, UCU and GMB (all the nationally recognised unions in FE) in calling for a 2016–17 pay increase of one per cent. The claim has been formulated to reflect national living wage adjustments and cost-of-living increases in the UK. TABLETS IN SCHOOLS ATL Northern Ireland has called for Government action following the release of survey results that cast doubt on the effectiveness of tablets in the classroom. You can read more on the issue from Mark Langhammer, director of ATL Northern Ireland, on page 11. WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
13/06/2016 15:05
NEW EDUCATION SECRETARY IN WALES The newly elected, minority Labour, Welsh Government has added Liberal Democrat Kirsty Williams AM to its cabinet as education secretary. Now, as part of ATL Cymru’s Put Education First manifesto campaign, we will ask her to address our five priorities for education and show her the results of a member survey carried out over the election period. We are asking her to: build a strong curriculum with portable qualifications – 69% of respondents have heard about the plans for a new curriculum develop an excellently skilled workforce – 22% say their school or college does not offer them opportunities to undertake CPD invest in education – 95% do not think
enough money is put towards education in Wales provide fair terms and conditions for support staff – 93% say support staff do not get enough recognition keep the state education system – 91% do not think the free-school system in England is working. Bethan Jones, president of ATL Cymru, said, “We congratulate Kirsty Williams AM on her appointment. There are a number of significant challenges facing the education sector in Wales. We look forward to working with her on education funding, curriculum reform and resolving the workload crisis in our schools and FE institutions.”
2Left to right: Jill Saunders, Francis Norman, Tamsin Honeybourne, Wanda Wyporska, and Neil Foster
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“As an equality rep it can sometimes feel a little lonely on the front line. This conference has shown me that we are not alone. There is a strong movement to support us, of people who really care about the lives of disabled people. “I appreciated the ability to question shadow cabinet ministers who supported the conference and really listened to what we had to say. I’m ready now to continue making small changes for the members I represent and support knowing that it really is making a difference.” If you are interested in joining the network, more information can be found on page 16.
do not think the free-school system in England is working
ATL at TUC disabled workers’ conference Members of ATL’s disabled staff network attended the TUC’s annual disabled workers’ conference in May. Speakers included shadow chancellor John McDonnell MP; Debbie Abrahams MP, shadow minister for disabled people; TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady; and Sean McGovern, co-chair of the TUC Disabled Workers’ Committee. ATL rep Jill Saunders told Report: “Subjects covered went beyond Access to Work issues. Reporting of disability, media representation, employer attitudes, hate crime, social security cuts and a motion of no confidence in either of the Government’s disability standards for job hunters – there was so much to discuss.
do not think enough money is put towards education in Wales
@ATLReport ATLUnion
Report, ATL, 7 Northumberland Street, London WC2N 5RD
ATL has recently succeeded in bringing a constructive dismissal case on behalf of a member in Wales. Her school was struggling financially, and so froze TPS contributions, which was only possible with employee consent. Despite the member not providing this, her contributions were stopped anyway. The member, ATL regional officials and our legal team made various attempts to address the matter with management, but all communications were ignored. Highly stressed, our member sent her resignation, which was accepted within 15 minutes. However, ATL successfully argued at employment tribunal that she had been constructively dismissed; she was awarded a significant figure in compensation. Jayne Phillips, ATL’s deputy head of legal, commented: “We were delighted to secure such a positive outcome for one of our members. Sadly, the situation should never have arisen in the first place, as the member gave ample opportunity to the head to sort the matter out.”
JULY 2016 | REPORT 5
13/06/2016 15:05
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© British Heart Foundation, a registered charity in England and Wales (225971) and in Scotland (SC039426) ATL0416
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17/06/2016 11:27
NO RESPONSE YET FROM DfE In the June issue, we reported that during the two-week run-up to the SATs, ATL had been sending a letter a day to education secretary Nicky Morgan on behalf of members. At the time of going to press, we have still not received a response that addresses the questions raised in those letters, but we will keep you updated. In the meantime, email uk with your experience of the assessment this year.
BASELINE GUIDANCE ATL is strongly recommending that members do not take part in reception baseline assessments Earlier this year, the Government performed a U-turn on the reception baseline assessment (RBA). ATL, alongside other members of Better Without Baseline, has campaigned hard against this measure, so we are pleased the Government has listened to our concerns about comparability and scrapped the baseline for accountability purposes. However, RBA products will remain in use for at least one more year. RBA providers are now signing up schools for this September, which we believe the DfE will interpret as demand for a baseline. For this reason,
we strongly advise teachers not to use any of the commercial baseline products. ATL and NUT commissioned research on the baseline that found many problems aside from the comparability of the schemes. It found that only 7.7% of teachers believe that the baseline is a “fair and accurate way to assess children”. Many teachers believe that a progress measure would be fairer than an attainment measure for accountability, and while ATL is sympathetic to this position, we do not believe that any of the current baseline products produce accurate, reliable or
The end of disqualification by association? ATL has welcomed the announcement that the Government will be reconsidering disqualification by association (DBA). The Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations 2009 disqualify any education professional responsible for direct care of children from teaching if someone in their household has been cautioned or convicted for certain offences. The Government’s consultation on DBA closes on 1 July. While the regulations were intended to protect children in childcare and early years education, their remit – which covered children up to, but not including, the age of eight – suddenly left thousands of teachers in limbo until they had applied for a waiver from Ofsted. At the beginning of this year, Ofsted confirmed it had received and investigated more than 3,000 applications for waivers, with not one of them turned down. An ATL regional official spoke to Report of her experiences handling DBA cases on behalf of members. “Like many of my colleagues, I supported several members of staff who were suspended, in some cases for months, while their waiver applications went through,” she said. “There were some really WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
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fair data that can be used for this purpose. ATL is working constructively with the DfE to explore alternatives. Dropping the baseline as an accountability measure, moving submission dates back or cancelling the KS1 SPaG test just doesn’t go far enough. Mary Bousted, ATL’s general secretary, said: “It’s increasingly difficult for teachers or parents to trust any primary tests. It’s time for Government to scrap the lot, listen to the profession and start again.” For more information and further updates, visit www.
farcical situations – for example, a couple working at the same school saw a situation where one partner, who had a minor spent conviction dating back many years, continued working on school premises, while the other, who had no record, was suspended. “Headteachers were put in an absolutely terrible position, forced to suspend much-needed members of staff on full pay with no idea when they would be able to return. It placed staff and their colleagues under really significant levels of stress, even after they were able to return to work. The cost, both financial and in terms of the disruption to pupils’ education, must have been substantial.” You can find the consultation at uk/school-employment-division/childcare-disqualificationarrangements. If your career is affected by DBA, ATL can help. Go to page 20 for more details on how to get in touch. If you have been affected by DBA regulations, Report would welcome your feedback. Email us in confidence at JULY 2016 | REPORT 7
13/06/2016 15:05
Aviva home insurance from just £150 Plus save up to 20% online
We offer great value home insurance with prices from £150 – that’s all 10% of our customers paid* We share our customer reviews on our website too. So now you can see for yourself before you buy. Plus, you could save up to 20% online – 42% of customers are expected to receive maximum saving**. Get a quote online in six minutes^ at *10% of all customers buying home buildings and contents insurance with us from November 2015 to January 2016 paid £150 or less. Source: Aviva. The price you pay will depend upon individual circumstances, cover chosen and payment method selected. **Excludes optional covers. Minimum price applies. ^Source: average online quote times June to August 2015. Insurance underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland No. 2116. Registered office: Pitheavlis, Perth, PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
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THE SAYING ‘comparisons are odious’ has not stopped Westminster education ministers making comparisons between the educational standards in England and Wales, with unflattering and unfair comments frequently aimed at the Welsh Government. The comment ‘If you want to see how not to run an education system then go to Wales’ was repeated in the run-up to the general election in order to deflect criticisms about the scale, pace and nature of education reform in England. In last year’s ATL Cymru lecture, ‘Lies, damned lies and statistics: why, what and how we should be measuring education performance in Wales,’ Professor Chris Taylor argued that better data is needed to compare the performance of Wales both against England and internationally. During a lecture packed with statistics, Professor Taylor noted the higher proportion of Welsh than English children in poverty and in workless families: strong indicators of poorer educational outcomes. These factors are particularly important, as numerous studies have concluded that schools contribute only approximately 15% to pupil outcomes. Family, social and economic factors make up the rest. Professor Taylor and his colleagues have shown that the English local authority areas that most resemble Wales on these factors achieve 2.7% lower GCSE scores than England as a whole. Politicians dismiss the facts about child poverty. They accuse teachers of the poverty of low expectations when they attempt to put the life challenges of their pupils in the context of academic performance. I make a countercharge. I say that politicians routinely duck responsibility for the consequences of their policies on the poorest and most disadvantaged children, making schools and teachers the scapegoats of their failure to ensure that today’s generation of children are healthier members of a more equal society. The WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
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Odious comparisons Comparisons between Wales and England are flawed and unfair, says ATL general secretary Mary Bousted figures are shocking. As the commissioners of the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission argue, “a country that is the fifth richest in the world should not have 2.3 million children officially classed as poor”. GCSE results provide the other storm in the proverbial teacup when it comes to comparisons between Wales and England. Exact comparisons at age 16 are problematic for several reasons. The statisticians predict a 0.5% lower result in Wales because of the different ways pupil numbers are calculated. England made changes to GCSE exams and to the way so-called equivalent qualifications are counted, which resulted in a drop in results in 2014. Wales has changed equivalence for 2016, but not in the same way. But when the fog clears, one thing is obvious. Results in England are stagnating; in Wales, they continue to improve. Wales was 4.1% above England in the five A*–C score in 2015. Wales scored 4.7% higher in English or Welsh
@ATLReport ATLUnion
Report, ATL, 7 Northumberland Street, London WC2N 5RD
as a first language, trailed by 0.9% in maths, and in science increased its lead to no less than 13.7%. And it is not just academic outcomes that matter, argues Professor Taylor. Welsh children have high levels of personal wellbeing at school, and positive attitudes to learning compared with children in London schools. The Good Childhood Report 2015 found that children in England are among the most unhappy with school life in the world, and their dissatisfaction increases with age – starting from a low point of only 34% of 10- and 11-year-olds agreeing that they like to go to school, and falling to a disastrous 18% of those aged 12 and 13. English pupils report that they have very good relations with their teachers. The cause of their dissatisfaction with school is the political imposition of a narrow, inappropriate curriculum that is further constrained by timed, linear exams. Welsh pupils enjoy, by comparison, a foundation stage from three to seven, when the emphasis is on learning through play and their gradual orientation towards more formal learning. By contrast, six-year-old children in England are being required by Nick Gibb, the schools minister, to learn grammatical terminology: nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, progressive form, statements, questions and commands. Professor Taylor concluded by arguing that comparisons of different nations’ education performance should be based on new and more robust analysis of data, combined with longitudinal measurement of progress (something that PISA does not give us) and a wider measurement of what count as educationally successful outcomes. On this more secure basis, better judgements could be made of the relative success, or otherwise, of the Welsh, and indeed any nation’s, education system. This is, in my view, an eminently sensible approach, and one that the English and Welsh politicians would do well to adopt. JULY 2016 | REPORT 9
13/06/2016 15:03
Open the door to new opportunities with Pearson
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17/06/2016 12:23 15:08 06/06/2016
Northern Ireland
Urgent changes needed in recruitment
Mixed views on tablet use in NI
TEACHING IS the best job in the world. So why do we have a deepening crisis in teacher recruitment? That was the question I asked at ATL’s Annual Conference in April when I proposed the motion calling for research into recruitment and effective teacher training for future generations. There are growing recruitment issues nationally. A fundamental problem is the difference between perceptions of working in education and the reality. Teachers overwhelmingly choose the profession because they want to make a difference, and enjoy working with children and young people. However,
they find a system driven by excessive accountability, a fixation on performance data, relentless testing of children, a lack of trust in the professionalism of teachers and managers, a highly destructive and demoralising inspection regime, and constant, politically motivated intervention by politicians who have no real understanding of the damage their actions cause. The problem in Wales is exacerbated when you get to leadership. Middle and senior management are constantly watching their backs to avoid becoming the next scapegoats for an issue that, in real terms, they can do very little about. Who wants to be involved in a system in which individual pupils are tagged with a level or score that will determine the success and failure, not just of the learner, but of the school and the headteacher? All this, plus the excessive workload, is impeding the kind of teaching that research says works best. The situation is reaching critical proportions. Urgent changes are needed.
ATL’S NORTHERN IRELAND survey and research report into the use of tablet (and handheld-device) technologies in schools yielded interesting lessons. Within a short time span, tablet computer usage has become much more prevalent, yet there is little robust research on its educational value. Our survey of teachers, principals, parents and early years staff from more than 90 settings reports a belief that the use of tablets has some educational value. This was tempered by strong sentiment that excessive tablet use diverts children to activities such as gaming and messaging, with others concerned about accessing inappropriate material. Some 77% felt that tablet use could hamper the development of writing skills. A further issue for parents was the pressure to pay for tablets. Interestingly, the report shows OECD research that demonstrates a negative correlation between the frequency and variety of use and educational performance. In short,
One change can make a difference ATL’s work-life campaign is already having a positive impact in improving workload in schools and colleges. n Share
using #make1change the one thing you would change to improve your work-life balance
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our work-life tracker to track your working hours and analyse what drives your workload
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Time to tackle workload
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out our help and advice on managing your workload better #make1change
too much or intensive use can affect results, with moderate use recommended. One Canadian study found very high levels of support for the proposition that tablet use in class is distracting. For ATL, there are nine recommendations to pursue with the Department of Education and others, including a call for more robust guidance on the educational value of tablets and optimum levels of use, and reinforcement of the prohibition in law of any requirement on parents to purchase tablets. To receive a copy of ATL’s Tablets in Schools report, contact
it’s about time...
13/06/2016 15:09
U-TURNS, reverse gears and backbench rebellions have characterised Educational Excellence Everywhere, the Government’s white paper setting out radical changes to the education landscape, including more academies, scrapping of qualified teacher status (QTS), changes to school funding and myriad other proposals. Many of these proposals will form part of a bill, likely to be debated in Parliament in the autumn. Discussion around the white paper has been dominated by the subject of forced academies, on which secretary of state Nicky Morgan confidently asserted there was “no reverse gear”, before seemingly locating it after considerable opposition from across the education sector and her own party. However, it has become clear that this is less a U-turn and more, as some have called it, a U-bend, a kink in the road – but with ultimately the same direction of travel. Morgan has stated that she still intends for all schools to become academies by 2022. However, instead of blanket compulsion, there will be a piecemeal approach. Those schools classified as in special measures and requiring improvement, along with those defined as ‘coasting’, were already obliged to join multiacademy trusts (MATs). Added to these will be all schools in a local authority (LA) where either of these criteria exists: 1) where an LA is judged to be unable to viably support its remaining LA schools because a critical mass in that area has converted 2) where an LA is judged by the Government to be unable to meet a minimum performance threshold
across its schools, demonstrating an inability to bring about meaningful school improvement. These will apply even if individual schools in affected LAs are rated good or outstanding. Education think tank CentreForum has calculated that all bar 3,000 schools would be forced to convert under these circumstances. The chances of that remaining minority staying under LA control would clearly be slim, and the Government’s vision of a fully academised system would be close to fruition. With 104 academy orders made in April alone, forced conversion is happening right now. ATL, and countless other voices, have long opposed this. In a survey completed by more than a thousand ATL members, 92% were concerned by proposals to force schools to become academies. One, a teacher in an academy in Suffolk, described the policy as “systematically destroying all local and democratic accountability; it’s a divide-and-rule strategy that will ultimately undermine the teaching profession. There is a huge teacher recruitment crisis looming and I fear more and more of us will leave the profession as the Government drives through its irrational and dogmatic changes. I am hugely concerned about the poor education students may face in the future.” ATL shares these concerns and believes that no school should be forced to become an academy; instead, they should have the opportunity to explore the best option for them in consultation with governors, staff and parents. Among the many arguments against full academisation in England is the
threat to national pay and conditions. Already, academies do not have to follow the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, nor the Conditions of Service for School Teachers in England and Wales (the Burgundy Book), nor the recommended pay structure from the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB), although many school leaders do use the documents as guidance to maintain some parity. In a fully academised system, these documents could become at best benchmarks, and at worst obsolete, leaving leaders distracted from teaching and learning while they create and administer their own working conditions and pay scales. School-byschool conditions and pay will inevitably increase the disparity across the sector, so ending a recognisable and portable career path for teachers, somewhat of an own goal at a time of teacher shortages. ATL general secretary Mary Bousted wrote to Nicky Morgan in April asking for clarification on the future of the STRB, but at the time of writing had only received a response that did not address the issues raised. The DfE’s role of overseeing academies is also a major concern, as it is clearly impossible to effectively oversee the increasing numbers from Westminster, as well as the fact that many MATs cover a wide area themselves, and can have little or no knowledge of the community the school is supposed to serve. LAs are in an ideal position to fulfil both these functions, as well as providing expert support in areas such as SEN. However, this expertise is steadily being eroded. Meanwhile,
Aggressively expanding the academies programme and scrapping QTS are just two of the serious dangers in the education white paper WORDS BY ALEX TOMLIN ILLUSTRATION BY OLIVIER BONHOMME
Real dangers in the white paper 12 REPORT | JULY 2016
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KS4; leaders are not doing enough to improve attendance and behaviour; and there is a lack of leadership capacity and strategic oversight by trustees. R Among schools rated ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted that subsequently became sponsored academies, 12% remained inadequate at their next inspection compared to just two per cent of those that remained maintained by their LA. R Of 331 maintained primary schools rated ‘inadequate’ at their last inspection which did not become academies, only two remained ‘inadequate’ at their next inspection. R There is no convincing evidence that academies are any more or less effective than the schools they replaced. There is nothing in their success that is specific to academies that might not have been achieved by increased funding to the failing school. If this isn’t enough, you can add Mary Bousted’s recent trip to a conference in Sweden, where she found the country’s dramatically falling education standards being blamed by many on the expansion of free schools, which are broadly similar to academies. Simply put, the available evidence against academies improving educational standards is far stronger than the evidence for it.
another link with local communities, parent governors, is being made optional, and, of course, parents will have no say over the sponsor chosen to take over their children’s school. LAs are also still responsible for school places, but are unable to influence the number of those, a dire situation when a school-place crisis looms. The list of potential problems with an increasingly academised system goes on, taking in threats to small rural schools and the increased costs of converting, but overhanging the whole argument is the conspicuous lack of evidence in favour of doing it. WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
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Raising standards, the fabled educational excellence, is the rationale for the drive to academies; however, there is no evidence to back up such a dramatic change, despite the anecdotal offerings put forward by Government ministers. Among the strong evidence countering these claims is the following: R 15% of the largest MATs perform above the national average in pupil progress, compared to 44% of councils. R Recent Ofsted inspections into seven MATs found that the worst are now performing as badly as the worst LAs with poor progress and attainment at
Eroding the profession Looking beyond academies, the proposal to replace QTS with accreditation by headteachers could also cause serious damage to the teaching profession. ATL senior policy adviser Alison Ryan says many of the benefits of QTS would be lost: “QTS has currency and transferability. Without it, teachers may find it difficult to get a teaching post in other parts of the world, even in other parts of the UK. In the independent sector, where QTS isn’t required, 90% still have it, so it has value.” Losing QTS would also mean a devastating loss of pedagogy, child development and SEN, through the change in training and the marginalisation of higher education institutions’ (HEIs’) education departments. “The Government doesn’t recognise the level of specific academic knowledge needed for teaching,” says Ryan. “The white paper is light on detail about teacher training, except to say that the proportion of school-led training will increase, with little thought to the impact on HEIs. 3 JULY 2016 | REPORT 13
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“If you don’t have HEI involvement, where does the deeper understanding around SEN, mental health, child and adolescent development, and pedagogy come from?” she asks. “Schools alone can provide excellent learning to student teachers around classroom strategies, but it’s in the partnerships between strong HEIs and schools that deeper understanding behind why certain strategies work is gained.” The proposed replacement for QTS, accreditation, is also seriously flawed and open to bad practice. With the power to award accreditation placed in headteachers’ hands, ATL warns discrimination could occur, as we have seen in much of the implementation of performance-related pay. With statistics showing per-pupil spending likely to fall by 7.5% in this Parliament, bad practice could also be driven by financial concerns, with heads of cash-strapped schools tempted to delay accreditation in order to keep the trainee on a lower salary for longer. The trainee would find it difficult to appeal against such a decision, or to move to another school while still unaccredited. Subjective interpretations of the already lessthan-ideal teacher standards to decide accreditation further erode the sense of a strong, reliable teaching qualification. A prospective teacher might also be forgiven for wondering whether it would be worth going down the accreditation route, when academies, already not required to employ qualified teachers, are also being encouraged by the white paper to bring in ‘experts’ in certain subject areas, such as coding or music, without any need for teaching qualifications or even degrees. “Overall, we’re worried the changes will make teaching a lot less attractive as a profession,” says Ryan, “because it won’t even be seen as a profession anymore.” Missing the point Another accusation levelled at the white paper is that it not only creates more problems, it also utterly fails to tackle the two major issues facing WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
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education today, namely excessive workload, and teacher recruitment and retention. “Moving from QTS to accreditation will add to school workload,” believes Ryan. “We know assessment changes and chaos, SEN reforms coupled with service cuts, qualification reform and workload are all making teaching less attractive – none of these things is being made better with the white paper. “Pay feeds into retention as well,” she adds, “because, despite the pay so far keeping many in the profession, at some point teachers will reach a tipping point and ask ‘why am I doing this? I’m working all hours; my qualifications aren’t recognised; it’s just not worth it.’” An exodus from teaching, with those who remain being overworked and demotivated, can only have a detrimental effect on children and young people’s education, while the quality of new teachers will be affected by the loss of a strong qualification process. “A higher turnover of staff threatens the continuity that we know works best for pupils,” says Ryan. “In practice, teaching is no longer a lifetime vocation. We have the second lowest teacher shelf-life in the world at 12 years. Only Singapore is lower. These changes only make teaching less attractive.” Ryan is also worried about the lack of breadth in the curriculum. “Pupils will probably have a narrower curriculum offer because of the EBacc and teacher shortages. The crisis in some subjects is already resulting in non-specialist subject teachers working to stay a chapter ahead of their class. Added to this, these changes will mean that more teachers will not be equipped with the knowledge to identify SEN, understand a broad range of behaviour and therefore develop constructive strategies to manage it effectively. Challenging behaviour and unmet SEN will impact on learning and mental health issues. All those things become increasingly likely with these white paper proposals. “Further, the process of academisation itself takes leadership’s eye off the ball in
teaching and learning, as leaders have to manage structures and their own pay system. It will all impact on the children and young people in the school.” ATL intends to continue to campaign strongly against the many dangers to education contained in the white paper. Through campaigning, we have already achieved change to the plans to force all schools to academise – just as we achieved a retreat on baseline assessment and the KS1 SPaG test – and while the Government is on the back foot, we must remain on the front. ATL is not considering industrial action while these proposals are still a white paper. However, ATL has a mandate from Annual Conference to consider what form of action may be appropriate if and when the proposals turn into a bill. Should ATL members indicate a desire to take action in enough numbers and with a strong enough voice, the union will listen. In the meantime, we know your strength of feeling against the white paper and are working on your behalf, relaying your views to Government and working in coalition with other unions such as NUT, NAHT and organisations such as the Association of Educational Psychologists. You can also make your voice heard directly by lobbying your local MPs and councillors. To help you do, so we have provided briefing documents, template letters and other materials at n
OTHER ISSUES The problems with the white paper extend beyond academies and QTS. Here are some of the other issues we will be raising with Government. • The curriculum should be broad and balanced with a slim core entitlement. Assessment should prioritise teaching and learning, with no national testing of primary school pupils. • The proposed national funding formula will have both winners and losers – we fear it will not help those in the most need, especially at a time when per-pupil spend will fall. • Removing the requirement for parent governors begins to dismantle the connection between schools and local communities. The proposed Parent Portal assumes everyone has easy access to the internet – those who cannot are denied the opportunity to make decisions. For more information see
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Able to teach
With workload concerns, funding issues and uncertain futures, our members tell us they’re finding teaching a greater challenge than it’s ever been before. So what, then, is life like for a physically disabled education professional? WORDS BY EDIE MULLEN AND ALEX TOMLIN
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he tells us, “but only by my environment. I feel I’ve been totally pushed out and there’s no easy way back in. I enjoy teaching, and I’ve still got things to offer.” A newly qualified teacher, Amanda Ford has worked her way through PGCE training and subsequent teaching placements into a role at a secondary school while managing the effects of three life-altering conditions. She was born with a condition that limits her muscles and causes joint deformities, and she has since been diagnosed with a form of motor neurone disease and rheumatoid arthritis. “I get a lot of pain and fatigue, which means I can only work part time, but I have a doctor who understands that I want to work for as long as possible,” she says. Despite his teaching having been judged as outstanding, Brian Grant* is at the point where he feels he would rather leave teaching than battle for the support he needs to do his job: “I find with most senior leaders, and people who don’t have a disability, they have no idea what it takes for me to do my job.” Chronic fatigue syndrome, diagnosed eight years ago, derailed Sarah Bell’s* full-time teaching career of 20 years. “I have returned to work gradually, and now teach just under half of full-time hours,” she says. “I cannot walk very far without getting very tired.” She’s appreciative of her school’s support,
but her limited hours and extreme lack of energy have left her feeling isolated: “The school has provided a parking space near to my teaching room and been very good about giving me a timetable to suit my needs. But it’s very difficult to get to know new colleagues; I suspect they look at me and think I’m ‘just a part-timer’.” Reasonable adjustments British equality law requires that employers do their utmost to remove the barriers, physical or otherwise, that prevent disabled employees from doing their job – in Sarah’s case, something as inexpensive and straightforward as a change of parking space and timetable. Under the Equality Act 2010, “Your employer is under a positive and proactive duty to take steps to remove or reduce or prevent the obstacles you face as a disabled worker or job applicant.” These steps are referred to as ‘reasonable adjustments’. “Effective and practical adjustments for disabled members
* Name changed
DESPITE THE INCREASED levels of protection offered by the Equality Act 2010, one of the most frequent issues ATL deals with is disability discrimination. While the majority of cases stem from ignorance or lack of consultation, we’ve heard that some members are still choosing not to raise concerns for fear of damaging their employability in what they perceive to be an already unsupportive sector. Report met five physically disabled members to talk about their triumphs and frustrations in the workplace – and what needs to be done to allow every disabled teacher the opportunity to contribute their skills and experience. It is telling that two of our interviewees, marked with asterisks, asked that their names be changed. Jill Saunders is an ATL rep as well as a teacher. After developing arthritis two years ago, she’s discovering a new perspective to the equalities guidance she promotes in her college. “Since I’ve been in a wheelchair, the world is a very different place. People treat me differently,” she says. Peter Milliken found his calling as a teacher after an army helicopter crash left him with mobility-impairing injuries, but a change in leadership at his newly academised school left him suddenly unsupported and, eventually, forced out of employment. “Yes, I am disabled,”
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often involve little or no cost or disruption, and are therefore very likely to be reasonable for an employer to make,” says ATL regional official Michael Cheetham, who has handled many discrimination cases on behalf of disabled members. “They should always be made as soon as possible, in light of a proper assessment made in consultation with the member.” “As long as there are these adjustments,” explains Peter, “any disabled person can do their job to the best of their ability, and with self-respect. Everyone wins – the employers, the pupils and the individual teacher. They may have physical disabilities, but teaching is about imparting what’s in their mind.” Adaptations The disabled teachers we spoke to spend plenty of time and energy on making their own changes to their approaches – physical and mental. “You’re now sitting down looking up at children. Psychologically, that’s tough – for kids as well; I didn’t WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
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realise how big a dynamic that is in a classroom,” Brian tells us. “I had to learn a completely different style of teaching.” Sarah says: “It means I think very carefully about how I’m going to accomplish my goals. For example, parents’ evenings can be tricky, because my brain just doesn’t function by the evening. I tried emailing or phoning parents last year; it took me hours, but it was easier.” “At the start of the year, I spoke to an occupational therapist, and he decided that I come with my own reasonable adjustments!” says Amanda. “I’ve worked out my own ways of managing. I’m not a perfectionist, because I know I can’t do everything brilliantly, I just do what I can and get on with it and stay calm. I always plan ahead. Then Access to Work, the Government organisation that funds and advises on accessibility improvements in the workplace, came and gave me a special chair and other gadgets.” “Access to Work is great,” agrees Brian. “It was amazing for me, getting
me back into work. I can’t thank its staff enough.” However, he says, what happens after Access for Work makes its recommendations and leaves is up to senior management. Leadership Hearing these members’ experiences, there does seem to be one factor in common: attitudes of senior management determine the quality of a disabled employee’s workplace experience. ATL has received several reports of refusal to install accessible bathrooms near employees who need them – leading to humiliating accidents for the people who need those facilities. Jill would like senior management to be more aware of the experience of disabled people: “I don’t think it’s that management don’t want to do something, it’s that they don’t realise what needs to be done. For example, they’ve put in a new lift at work without consulting me, and it actually won’t take my wheelchair. When we had our last inspection, one of the comments was that a picture on the wall of a person in a wheelchair does not cover equality and diversity. I thought that was very pertinent.” “For most disabled people working in an environment like a school,” Brian says, “there is a degree of compromise you need to make. It just always seems to be the disabled person who’s making the compromise.” “What seems to happen is that our disabilities are seen as pure burdens on the management, rather than an opportunity,” adds Peter, “and that needs to change.” Brian says he’s close to giving up teaching: “I don’t want to cause trouble. But what’s the point in going into battle with them when they simply don’t understand? I have enough of a battle every day.” Cheetham knows first hand what disabled teachers are up against: “In recent years, ATL has supported members affected by dyslexia, cancer, diabetes, sight loss, epilepsy and mobility issues – as well as mental health issues. “There have been significant 3 advances in the treatment of JULY 2016 | REPORT 17
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disabled employees at work, but it’s clear that employers still need to do more to make sure disabled staff aren’t subject to discrimination and unfair treatment.” Career mobility If a problem at work shows no signs of being resolved, many people look to change jobs. But, in a competitive job market, do our disabled teachers feel that they have choices? This is definitely the case for Brian. “I tell myself not to create waves,” he says. “I feel like, if I go down the route of formal action, my career is over. And another school would be like going from frying pan to fire; attitudes would be similar wherever I went.” While Amanda feels supported in her current role, convincing employers is hard work: “When I’m trying to get a job, it’s really hard, because they see my wheelchair. Then, when I start, they’re like, ‘oh, it’s fine’. But the idea of it was quite scary for them, thinking ‘how’s she going to manage all these different things?’” “It’s very difficult to move, and I’m sure a lot of disabled people say the same,” says Sarah. “At least where I am they’re accommodating and there are people who know I’m not pulling a fast one. It would be extremely hard to move somewhere else, so you can feel a bit trapped.” Peter would love to return to teaching, if only part time: “I’d like to help shape and change the lives of young people. I want to be in the classroom; that’s where I thrive. All that time and money invested in me has gone to waste. I have still got my mind and I can still use it to channel young people’s minds to achieve their potential.” “It’s frustrating,” agrees Sarah. “If they listened to what I can do they could get better value from me. They could be using me better, because I’m a very experienced teacher.” ATL action Wanda Wyporska, ATL’s lead equalities officer, believes employers need to take their responsibilities much more seriously. “We are WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
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extremely concerned about the blatant refusal to make reasonable adjustments, which are a legal requirement,” she says. “We urge members to get involved at ATL through joining the disabled staff network or by becoming an equality rep. Disabled staff are a vital part of our education system, and ought to be valued for their abilities, not discriminated against for their disabilities.” Sarah says the network can provide the opportunity to talk to others facing similar obstacles. “It would be interesting to see how others have negotiated things in their situation. How does someone in a wheelchair manage?” she asks. “And I personally had no idea how it would affect me financially. It would be interesting to know how it all works for other people.” “The network would be key, because it would show people they are not on their own,” agrees Peter. “It would be good to get disabled people more involved in ATL so there is more understanding of the issues.” Jill often provides advice to members unsure of how to approach disabled co-workers: “I urge people to go and talk to colleagues if you know someone isn’t well. That person might be going through hell that day, and something as simple as asking them if they’re okay might make a world of difference.”
Added value When adjustments are made, the benefits that a disabled teacher can bring to the classroom often shine through. Amanda, for example, uses her students’ curiosity to engage the class: “Last year, I brought in my basketball chair and my usual wheelchair, and we looked at the physics of the different designs. They really enjoyed that; they could sit in the two chairs and compare them.”
Peter says: “Children often handle disability better than adults, and we’re missing that opportunity to give young people the feeling they can support and be part of the process. If they are taught by a disabled teacher, and that teacher helps them, they can see that disabled people can perform as well as anybody else. I believe we have a huge amount to give to society. We’re passionate and driven; we overcome hurdles, so we understand adversity.” “Teachers affected by a disability are no different than their nondisabled colleagues,” says Cheetham. “They join the profession to make a positive and constructive difference to the lives of the young people in their care, and there is absolutely no reason why their disability should act as a barrier to those aspirations and ambitions. In the vast majority of cases it does not. When issues do arise, it is important that members realise that there is significant legal protection in place – and that they will be supported by ATL to ensure they are not disadvantaged, and can enjoy long and fulfilling careers in their chosen profession.” “Disabled people want to achieve and work; they want career progression, and to contribute to society,” concludes Peter. “There’s this picture that disabled people are on the margins, that they’re a burden on society – and I don’t believe we are.” n HOW WE LOOK AT DISABILITY The social model, to which trade unions subscribe, says that people are disabled not by their impairment, but by society's refusal to remove the barriers they face. For example, it's not the stairs to a building that impede someone in a wheelchair, but society's failure to build a ramp. How accessible and inclusive is your school? ATL has practical advice for union reps and members on how to achieve equality for disabled staff. Download it at uk/disabilityguidance. If you’re interested in joining the disabled staff in education network, email Wanda Wyporska at
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Your ATL
ATL’s audited financial statement for the year to December 2015
Find out about pay negotiation results for maintained and academy sectors, crucial upcoming equalities conferences and free ATL membership for apprentices in education
24 YOUR VIEWS Members let us know their views on Saturday morning stress, lack of respect for teachers and the value of chaplains
25 CROSSWORD Your chance to win a £50 M&S voucher with our cryptic crossword
29 RESOURCES Special newsletters for support staff and those in the post-16 sector, how becoming a rep can help everyone with workload – plus the 2016–17 ATL wall planner
USEFUL CONTACTS If you need help with matters related to your employment, your first point of contact should be your school or college ATL rep, or your AMiE regional officer if you are a leadership member. You can also contact your local ATL branch for advice and support. If they are unable to help, contact ATL using these details: General enquiries: 020 7930 6441 BELFAST: 028 9078 2020 CARDIFF: 029 2046 5000 AMiE MEMBERS: Call the employment helpline on 01858 464171
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Membership enquiries: Pension enquiries: 020 7782 1600 Out-of-hours helpline: 020 7782 1612 ATL’s regional officials are available to speak to you about work problems Monday to Friday from 5pm to 7.30pm during term time.
SOCIAL MEDIA Advice from ATL’s legal team on staying professional online
If you are not a member of ATL and would like to join, please contact us on
0845 057 7000 (lo-call)
Personal injury claims:
033 3344 9616 Call Morrish Solicitors LLP, ATL’s appointed solicitors, or go to This service is open to members and their families, subject to the rules of the scheme. TERMS OF ATL’S SUPPORT ARE OUTLINED IN OUR MEMBERS’ CHARTER, AVAILABLE VIA WWW.ATL.ORG.UK. WHEN EMAILING ATL FROM HOME, PLEASE INCLUDE EITHER YOUR MEMBERSHIP NUMBER OR HOME POSTCODE TO HELP US DEAL WITH YOUR ENQUIRY MORE EFFICIENTLY.
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INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO MEMBERS Association of Teachers and Lecturers Summary financial information extracted from the full accounts Summary of salaries and benefits provided
Summary income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 December 2015 2015 Subscription income Other income Total income Total expenditure Operating surplus for the year Non-operating items (Loss)/gain on financial assets at fair value Items relating to FRS17 Tax charge (Deficit)/surplus for the year after tax
Name and position
Amount (£)
M Bousted
General secretary
Pension contributions
Mark Baker
Clothing allowance
President to August
Salary reimbursement
Summary balance sheet at 31 December 2014 2015
Fixed assets
Current assets
Provision for liabilities and charges
Net assets excluding pension scheme
Net pension scheme assets/(liabilities)
Current liabilities
Revaluation reserves
Dilapidation reserves
General fund
WE HAVE AUDITED the financial statements of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) for the year ended 31 December 2015, which comprise the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Changes in Equity, the Cash Flow Statement and the related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). This report is made solely to ATL’s members, as a body, in accordance with Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to ATL’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no
other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than ATL and ATL’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report or for the opinions we have formed.
We are required by the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 to include the following declaration in this statement to all members. The wording is as prescribed by the Act.
“A member who is concerned that some irregularity may be occurring, or have occurred, in the conduct of the financial affairs of the union may take steps with a view to investigating further, obtaining clarification and, if necessary, securing regularisation of that conduct. The member may raise any such concerns with
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Respective responsibilities of ATL’s Executive Committee and auditor As explained more fully in the Statement of ATL’s Executive Committee’s Responsibilities, ATL’s Executive Committee is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing
Kim Knappett
Clothing allowance
President from September
Salary reimbursement
531 36,950 531 14,975
In addition, four officers of the Association, who are members of the Executive Committee, receive clothing allowances totalling £1,300. The president’s allowance is separately shown above. All the other members of the Executive Committee do not receive any salary from the Association or any other benefits. All members of the Executive Committee are reimbursed for any expenditure incurred by them in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Association.
Practices Board’s Ethical Standards for Auditors.
give a true and fair view of the state of ATL’s affairs as at 31 December 2015, and of its results for the year then ended have been properly prepared in accordance with the accounting policies as set out have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
Scope of the audit of the financial statements An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to ATL’s circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the ATL Executive Committee; and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and nonfinancial information in the Honorary Treasurers’ Report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements and to identify any information that is apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the knowledge acquired by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.
Matters on which we are required to report by exception We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters, on which the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: R proper accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us R ATL has not maintained a satisfactory system of control over its transactions R the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns R certain disclosures within the form AR21 of Officers’ remuneration specified by law are not made R we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.
Opinion on financial statements In our opinion, the financial statements:
MOORE STEPHENS LLP Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditor, London
such one or more of the following as it seems appropriate to raise it with: the officials of the union, the trustees of the property of the union, the auditors of the union, the Certification Officer (who is an independent officer appointed by the Secretary of State) and the police. Where a member believes that the financial affairs of
the union have been or are being conducted in breach of the law or in breach of the rules of the union and contemplates bringing civil proceedings against the union or responsible officials or trustees, he should consider obtaining independent legal advice.”
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that could land you in trouble. Similarly, colleagues who are your friends on Facebook may take offence at something you have posted, take a screenshot and pass it to management. That, then, is evidence, even if you quickly delete the post or comment. ATL’s advice would be that, if you want to use Facebook for social purposes, do not try to gather as many ‘friends’ as possible. Rather, add only those people who are trusted friends. If you are not friends with a colleague in real life, why be friends with them on Facebook?
As an education professional, your presence on social media will come under additional scrutiny
THE POPULARITY of social networking sites shows no sign of abating. At the same time, the number of ATL members disciplined and even dismissed for the use of these sites remains high. Here, we set out our top five tips around protecting yourself on social networking sites. If this advice sounds a little harsh, remember it is based on practical experience. 1. Check your employer’s IT policy It is imperative that you act in accordance with your employer’s policy, even if you do not like the restrictions it places on social media use. It is equally important that you keep up to date with any changes to that policy. It is not a credible argument, in an employment tribunal, that an employee should not have been dismissed for failing to comply with a policy that was available but the employee did not read. 2. Never have pupils, parents of pupils or ex-pupils as your friends on sites If you do, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to allegations of inappropriate
contact, as well as possible complaints about posts you have made that relate to your personal life. It is important that you take all steps to keep your personal and professional lives separate. ATL recognises that you are entitled to a private life, but if you choose to make your private life public there may be consequences. 3. Have the strongest privacy settings possible; but be aware that your ‘friends’ may not have the same level of privacy Comments, photos and videos can quickly become public, and you only have to read the news to know how quickly something can go viral. ATL would always advise members not to include their place of work as part of any social media profile. 4. Be aware of who your ‘friends’ are The old saying about keeping your friends close but your enemies closer does not apply to social media. Casual acquaintances may add something to your Facebook page or make a comment
Stay safe online
ATL solicitor Jayne Phillips offers her top tips on using social networking sites without jeopardising your career WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
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5. Think about your username and email address Sites like Twitter and Instagram will often ask you for a username. Your actual name is often still visible. Most email accounts will allow you to choose your email address. Think about this carefully. Does your username or email address reveal something quite personal? Is it embarrassing, or could it be deemed offensive? Ask yourself whether you should tweet under the username @schoolkidsarestupid. Do you want to reveal to a prospective employer that your email address is A cautionary tale As a reminder of the dangers of social media, the basic details of a 2016 case are set out below. In British Waterways Board t/a Scottish Canals v Smith, Mr Smith was held to have been fairly dismissed when his employer relied upon negative, workrelated Facebook comments he had made two years before, which included a joke about drinking while on standby. The case highlights the dangers of talking about work on social media. The best advice is to not mention work at all. The case also shows how flippant comments can come back to haunt you. All in all, the overriding principle to bear in mind is that you hold a professional position within the local community. Few careers outside education have the same level of interaction with children and young people. Therefore, your behaviour and online presence is going to be the subject of greater scrutiny. Always think carefully about what you are posting. One small aberration could cost you your career. In short, if in doubt, don’t post it. Our factsheet Social Networking Sites: How to Protect Yourself on the Internet is available at JULY 2016 | REPORT 23
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Letters STA R L E T T E R
THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM I’m reading your article on stress (Report, April/May 2016) at, ironically, 5.20 on a Saturday morning. I’m making a cup of calming tea as I can’t sleep with the ‘to do’ list going through my head. I have two policies to rewrite for Monday and a supermarket bag-for-life filled with marking. I can’t blame management for the workload that I’ve got to deal with this weekend; I am management. I’m behind on the workload, but I’m not alone. One of the overdue SLT policies is the one on stress. We’ve got as far as rebranding it as a staff well-being policy to avoid the assumption that staff are, by definition, stressed, but we might as well call it the ‘elephant in the room policy’. We know we are not best placed to rewrite it because we are too stretched to give it the time it deserves. We have put in place small steps to combat workload. We’ve told parents not to expect emails to be answered before 8am or after 6pm. But the senior manager who proposed this also told me how to set up an email to send within those hours, even if it was written at 7am or midnight. 24 REPORT | JULY 2016
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We aren’t really solving the early years, saying they need workload problem, just dodging it. excellent practitioners, so why The tips on positive thinking are they lowering expectations and mindfulness in the article are in teaching? My parents and helpful; but I realise the bitterness grandparents still think teaching is of applying a ‘glass half a profession to be respected, full’ approach to my but I think they will be cup of tea at the last generations 5.30am. I could to do so. The The author of this letter wins £100 get the marking profession gets in book tokens. If you want to voice in from the car, such a hard time your opinion on issues raised in Report or any other aspect of education, but I might in the press please send a letter or email to the wake my sixbased on what addresses below, including your year-old, who I the Government phone number. One letter will be chosen every issue to win don’t see enough keeps saying; the tokens. of anyway. parents just do not Fundamentally, have the same respect there isn’t enough time to for teachers anymore, which in get everything done. Ultimately, turn leads to pupils’ lack of respect. something’s got to give, and I The Government continually can’t be the only teacher fearing compares our education system it will eventually be my sanity. to that in Asia, yet parents there Name withheld are totally in support of, and have great respect for, teachers. We LOSING THE RESPECT need to get that respect back so I don’t think I can express how teachers will want to stay in the disappointed I am with the way profession, and to encourage the profession is going. I came up-and-coming teachers too. into teaching in my early 40s after many years of studying while working part time and bringing up a very young family. I felt so proud to receive my QTS. I’ve just turned 50 and I cannot believe how much the profession is changing. Government goes on about raising the qualifications in
I have finally discouraged my own son from pursuing teaching as a career. I feel sad, as he would have made a terrific and inspiring teacher, but I also feel great relief as I would hate for him to be disheartened after a few years. S Duthie, Leicestershire CHEERING FOR CHAPLAINS ‘Final Word’ is often one of the first pages I read in Report, and I was delighted to read Kate Bottley’s ‘Marvellous misfits’ in April/May’s issue. First, this was an important and timely acknowledgement that people like Kate are becoming increasingly valued as members of staff in schools and colleges. When the sector is endeavouring to save money every which way, this is money well spent providing a great service for both students and staff. Many ordained and lay persons are also doing this work voluntarily. There is huge benefit to young people in a so-called ‘hanging around’ ministry, as well as in the more formal duties a chaplain may offer. In both academic and extracurricular life, chaplains add real value. Second, Kate’s honest account of her way into this role is hugely encouraging for ATL members at a crossroads in their careers and unsure about the next step. What a fantastic role model for students who don’t know where they fit in this confusing world of education. Third, all institutions have their misfits, and they need to feel valued and loved in the way Kate appears to have been at North Notts College. SMT readers: if you do not have a chaplain, now is a good time to find one to enhance your institution. P Winn, Manchester @ATLReport
Report, ATL, 7 Northumberland Street, London WC2N 5RD
13/06/2016 14:46
Prize crossword ACROSS 1 Short section of music perhaps composed without piano (6) 4 It might be used in paper as errors occur! (6) 9 Put one’s name to school inspection, guaranteeing new leaders (4) 10 Shows support for college grounds alongside the Cam (5) 11 ‘Green’ feeling, even very heartless (4) 12 Girl had pen broken (6) 13 Stop it – I’m resolved to be someone who looks on the bright side! (8) 14 A lever – it’s different, and has many different uses (9) 16 Put one’s foot down in the introduction (4) 17 Appearance bears fruit (4) 18 The brain is scrambled at end of degree, to remain inactive all winter! (9) 22 Collectively place article in revised Roget (8) 23 Noisy row seen on the tennis court? (6) 25 Hot drink on motorway for footballers? (4) 26 Sizeable part of polar geology expedition (5) 27 Faculty head – and Head of English, perhaps (4)
A £50 Marks & Spencer voucher
28 A tense sort of university body (6) 29 Strong enough to survive Saturday without Alcoholics Anonymous! (6) DOWN 1 Type of school producing soldier? (7) 2 Cattle farm forming part of Lutheran Church (5) 3 Something studied by pupils – just be awkward about choice initially (7) 5 Upset, sister takes exam again (6) 6 It helps to press clothes, ie matron’s, maybe (5,4) 7 Prepared for an exam with diverse changes (7) 8 Vital space required for pupils’ books, so chair and brolly moved (6,7) 15 New means test for respected political leaders (9) 17 Claim to be university academic without alternative (7) 19 Unorthodox art seen as serious in intent (7) 20 He gets involved in crazy party – gets treatment! (7) 21 Possibly teach about heart of Wales in holiday cabin (6) 24 Raced around tree (5)
15 19
17 17
18 19
20 23
25 25
27 31
27 28
Send your completed crossword with your contact details to: ATL July crossword competition, Think Publishing, Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DH. The closing date is 6 September 2016. If you have an ATL membership number, please include this here: The winner of the July competition will be announced in the October issue of Report.
LAST ISSUE’S SOLUTION ACROSS: 7 Disobeyed 8 Steed 10 Chariots 11 Of Fire 12 Menu 13 Reproved 15 Smarter 17 Hurdles 20 Dislodge 22 Data 25 Fitter 26 Terminal 27 Tutor 28 Memorable DOWN: 1 Eight 2 Course 3 Resolute 4 Leisure 5 Stafford 6 Reprieved 9 Coup 14 Ambitious 16 Relation 18 Underdog 19 Lefties 21 Dorm 23 Taiwan 24 Halle CONGRATULATIONS TO APRIL/MAY’S WINNER – DAVID SEYMOUR, LONDON
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17/06/2016 15:41
One change can make a difference MANAGING CONTINENCE Pay negotiations for 2016–18 have finally IN SCHOOLS concluded, and increases have been agreed ATL’s work-life campaign is already having a ATL positive impactthe in improving workload staff in is seeking views of education for support staff in the maintained and and colleges.schools and academies working in primary academy sectors where the local authority schools or academy has not opted out of the national in the UK on children starting school with toilet training, and children bargaining arrangements. For further details, n no Share using #make1change thewho one may thing you would change to improve your work-life balance have continence problems. download the summer issue of ATL Support n UATL se our work-life to track your working would like totracker hear your experiences of at hours and analyse what drives working with children who mayyour faceworkload these n problems. Check outTo our help and on managing TUC EQUALITIES take part in advice the survey, visit your workload better CONFERENCES IN 2017 The survey ATL members have an opportunity to shape opens on 11 July and will close at the end and take part in debate at the TUC LGBT, of August. #make1change disabled, women and black workers’ ENGLISH AND MATHS conferences in 2017 (dates TBC). NETWORKING DAY If you are interested in joining ATL’s The Liverpool branch has organised a delegations, email lead equalities officer Wanda Wyporska at unique and innovative full-day event to promote and discuss good practice on the for an application form. delivery of functional skills. The day will FREE MEMBERSHIP take place between 9am and 4pm at the FOR APPRENTICES Liner Hotel, Liverpool, on 14 July, and is free ATL is offering free membership to support for ATL members and non-members alike. staff apprentices working in a school or Email for more details. college on a one-year placement. TEACHERS’ PENSIONS P60s Please bring this membership offer to Please note that the tax year 2015–16 is the attention of any apprentices in your the last that hard copies of P60s will be sent workplace and direct them to by the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. From uk/eligibility, or email Peter Morris at 2016–17, hard copies can be sent on request, but digital versions will be available, as they ATL INVESTING IN are now also, within the secure My Pension ITS WORKFORCE Online (MPO) section of the TPS website. ATL has been rated as an Investor in People Dependent pensioners will continue to for the third time. The assessor’s report receive hard copies. ATL encourages all noted effective leadership, a culture of members to register with MPO at www. genuine consultation and a strong to access their commitment to learning and development, pension information. stating that: “ATL is a very impressive RETIREMENT ADVICE organisation with engaged staff, many of whom say, without prompting, that the union ATL is aware firms have been offering retirement planning advice and seminars is the best employer they’ve worked for.” directly to individuals and in-school One recent initiative has been ATL’s seminars, at a not insignificant cost – first leadership programme, accredited some using branding similar to that of through the Institute of Leadership and TPS. We recommend that advice should Management. Congratulations to the first only be obtained directly from TPS or ATL. graduates: Jayne Phillips, Alison Ryan, For more information, visit Richard Marshall, Christine Gregory, retirementplanning. Duncan Robertson and Lizzie Doherty.
Time to tackle workload
WORKLOAD ADVICE Following the Government’s Workload Challenge, the DfE set up three groups – made up of serving teachers and school leaders, union representatives, the DfE and Ofsted – to address the key issues of lesson planning, marking and data management. ATL has produced a summary of the recommendations, available at
it’s about time...
PARTNER OF THE MONTH Time to upgrade your mobile phone? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the choice of models and plans, and finding a good deal can be a challenge. ATL Plus partner ADSI will help you find the best mobile phone for your needs through its personalised account management service. With its impartial advice, ongoing bill analysis and expert technical support, the process is stress-free and easy. ADSI deals with all major networks in the UK, allowing you to choose from the latest handsets and manufacturers, including iPhone, Samsung and Microsoft, at very competitive rates. Visit or call 01268 495555 (quote: ATL July).
JULY 2016 | REPORT 27
13/06/2016 14:43
Get your school in jeans. WIN! Every school that holds a Jeans for Genes Day this year has the chance of winning a visit from SpongeBob SquarePants and the actor Warwick Davis, who starred in the Harry Potter and Star Wars films.
Bring your school together at the beginning of the new academic year in aid of a wonderful cause for children. On Friday 23rd September, thousands of pupils and teachers will be wearing their jeans to school in exchange for a small donation. 1 child in 25 is affected by a genetic disorder. The money schools raise on Jeans for Genes Day makes a real difference to their lives.
Hannah and Katie Twins Hannah and Katie are seven years old. They both have a very rare genetic condition, Alstrom syndrome, which can affect every organ in the body. To watch videos and read stories about children with genetic disorders, visit educationalresources. Here you will also find readymade assemblies and classroom resources.
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028_ATL_July16.indd 28
17/06/2016 15:08
ATL RESOURCES Wall planner ATL’s ever-popular wall planner is back again, enabling you to display the 2016–17 academic year on your wall. It’s been sent out to all members (excluding trainee and newly qualified) inside this issue of Report.
ATL Support The summer issue of ATL Support has been sent out to all support staff members, and features our new factsheet offering tips on reducing workload for support staff. We also have stories of support staff members getting more involved in the union as reps, Executive Committee members
ATL Rep Awards, about their roles and achievements in their colleges. Elsewhere, we have news of ATL’s latest Union Learning Fund project, on defining and developing hardto-define skills, such as planning and communication.
and on our ATL Future steering group. There is also news of a great membership offer for apprentices in education, as well as a close look at the fortunes of school libraries.
Post-16 News ATL’s members in further and higher education will have received the latest issue of Post-16 News, which shows ATL adding our voice to the joint-union pay claim, and ATL members at our Annual Conference flagging up the dangers inherent in the FE area reviews. There is also an interview with two FE workplace reps, recently announced winners in the 2016
TACKLING WORKLOAD Reducing the time you spend with data ATL offers these five top tips for tackling workload by reducing the time spent on processing data: Find someone else to enter the data. Only enter data once. Rethink how frequently you enter data. Rethink how often you analyse and report on data. Don’t enter formative assessment data – you need to act on that information and there is little intrinsic value in recording it. It is almost impossible to take these actions as an individual. Data collection and analysis is usually decided at a school or departmental level. It is important to discuss the issues with colleagues in order to find a way through the data overload. See for ways of doing this and for much more advice on managing your workload.
Be a workload hero Do you want to improve your work-life balance and that of your colleagues?
029_ATL_JULY16_RESOURCES.indd 29 Since we launched ATL’s work-life campaign, ‘It’s about time…’, lots of you have become workplace reps and worked with colleagues and leaders to introduce practical and positive changes to reduce workload, the most serious issue facing the profession.
You don’t have to be an expert to be a rep – that’s why we’re here. You just need the enthusiasm to help your colleagues, and to care about the issues facing the profession. We’ll support you with everything else. Find out more about becoming an ATL workplace rep at
JULY 2016 | REPORT 29
13/06/2016 14:42
Doing for the sake of doing
Great British Bake Off 2015 contestant Sandy Docherty believes children should be able to develop more hands-on skills
I HAVE TRIED wherever possible to combine my passion for cooking and baking with my career working with young people. I run the child protection and welfare department at a large secondary school in Bradford. I also run the after-school cookery club, where students of all ages, and some staff, come along and ‘just’ cook. I’ve always had an ability to ‘do’ creative things, and I was brought up at a time when academic ability was the measure of what you could become, but to have hands-on skills was seen as a recreational benefit. Now, I see more and more that young people are being measured through assessment to achieve higher and higher academic ability. I also see confused young people starting to believe that they amount to nothing if they don’t achieve targeted grades. I understand there has to be a measure and some level of formal testing. But, as the adults and educators of these young people, we have an obligation to show them that, sometimes, things can be done just for the sake of knowing how to do them. Recent reports show young people who attend after-school clubs are achieving better results. Is this because, by doing something for, dare I say it, fun, they become more rounded? This message is not just for teachers; it’s for society and parents to take on board. Can your children crack an egg? Can they peg out washing to maximum effect? Can they plant a tree? Bake a cake? Ride a bike? Juggle? I can recall when, during my O-levels, we had Wednesday 30 REPORT | JULY 2016
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afternoon off to do a skill that did not have an exam. I chose sewing or, now, ‘textiles’. It was a very relaxing lesson for the student, but also the teacher, as they could impart knowledge outside the curriculum with the ability to digress and add little pearls of wisdom. It was also an opportunity for student and teacher to see each other as people. Our young people don’t have that innate need to be able to ‘do’. They believe their success can only be measured through exams and assessment; that’s quite a sad thing to think about. Baking and cooking is just one area where we can most certainly provide some ‘doing’ skills. Sport is up there as another fantastic example. Horticulture, building, crafts and music, to name but a few, could all play a massive part in
Sandy Docherty is an ATL member and runs the child protection and welfare department at a school in Bradford. www.baking downbarriers. @SANDYDbakes
helping our young people become valued and full members of society. Through these bite-size pieces of success, young people are able to show themselves just how capable they are, and the knock-on effect of this interim ‘quick fix’ success will most certainly empower the individual to strive for more. They can be given self-belief just by making a pizza that doesn’t carry an effort, target or room-forimprovement grade, but excels in taste and appreciation grades. Think back to your own childhood. Compare some of the things you were able to do, just for the sake of doing them, with what the young people around you cannot do. Ask if you can show them how to do them. I can guarantee you’ll have some fun along the way and, after all, we all need to have some fun. WWW.ATL.ORG.UK
13/06/2016 14:36
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17/06/2016 15:08
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