AT Magazine nr. 4 - E/UK

Page 1


Edition IT/UK/ES - Monthly - Year I - Nr. 4 - February 2013


English version


Different trips, same destination


Mont Blanc, a wonder of the world


Protections: watercolor on paper


Scaling the ephemeral


Ilha do Sal: between extreme sport and relax pure


Salvador de Bahia: the land of smiles


Horses and racing. A world to be discovered in Sardinia


Fil‘e ferru brandy of Sardinia


Ancient crafts: “le filandere”


AT Decameron: matita, gomma e mouse...




web: em@il:

AT Magazine #1 | 4 february 2013

Left: Trident (Mont Blanc du Tacul) Down: Trident, dettaglio (Mont Blanc du Tacul) ph. Giampaolo Mocci © AT Photographer



Objective AT


Screen shot

edited by Massimo Cozzolino



Different trips, same destination

edited by Giampaolo Mocci

Objective AT


Screen shot

edited by Massimo Cozzolino

Outdoor activity


Mont Blanc, a wonder of the world

edited by Giampaolo Mocci

AT on canvas


Protections: watercolor on paper

edited by Suwong Mano

Outdoor activity


Scaling the ephemeral

edited by Gianluca Piras

Why do not you go ...


Ilha do Sal: between extreme sport and relax pure

edited by Valentina Morea xxx xxx xx x x


Salvador de Bahia: the land of smiles

edited by Denise Lai


Screen shot

edited by Massimo Cozzolino


Horses and racing. A world to be discovered in Sardinia

edited by Francesca Columbu xxx xxx xx x x


Fil‘e ferru brandy of Sardinia

edited by Giuseppe Giuliani


Screen shot

edited by Marco Valuto


Screen shot

edited by Massimo Cozzolino

AT culturam!


Ancient crafts: “le filandere”

edited by Giuseppe Belli

Objective AT


Screen shot

edited by Massimo Cozzolino

AT Decameron


matita, gomma e mouse...

edited by Barbara Valuto

Objective AT


Staff Editor Giampaolo Mocci

Che cos’è un’erbaccia? Una pianta le cui virtù non sono state ancora scoperte [R.W. Emerson]. Esistono migliaia di metafore e aforismi che concettualizzano il mondo e la vita. Forse definire “erbaccia” la vita è irriverente, eppure, quanti innanzi ad una pianta officinale, dalle virtù note, sarebbero in grado di riconoscerla? Le esperienze, gli uomini e la vita stessa sono erbacce a cui guardare con curiosità e attenzione, senza fermarsi alla prima impressione e scevri da ogni condizionamento impegnarsi a scoprine le virtù nascoste.

Andrea Concas

Giornalista professionista, scrittore, laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione, ha collaborato con diversi periodici (“Il Tempo”, ecc.), agenzie di stampa (Unione Sarda, ecc.) e tv. Editor per network editoriali (Mondadori). Attualmente dirige “Diario24Notizie”,”2012 Magazine” e “Sardinia Network”. È consulente dell’Ordine dei giornalisti della Sardegna e della Associazione della Stampa Sarda (FNSI). Dal 2008 è il responsabile del C.R.E. (Centro Ricerche di Esopolitica) e dell’Associazione intitolata al giornalista “José De Larra”. Dal 2011 è il presidente del GUS sardo, il Gruppo di specializzazione della FNSI relativo ai giornalisti degli Uffici Stampa.

Shawn Serra

Barbara Valuto

Oscar Migliorini

Flavia Attardi

Sabina Contu

Gianluca Piras

Ho 23 anni e vivo a Carbonia, mi sono diplomato al Liceo Scentifico Tecnologico di Carbonia e attualmente sto completando il mio percorso formativo come studente in Scienze della Comunicazione a Cagliari. Entrare a far parte della redazione di questa rivista turistica on line mi entusiasma e spero di dare un importante contributo.

Da turista occasionale e distratta, sono diventata una vera appassionata di viaggi dopo il battesimo del classico viaggio zaino+Interrail dopo la maturità. La laurea in Lingue e il tesserino da giornalista sono stati un pretesto per conoscere a fondo altri mondi, altre culture e soprattutto stringere amicizie durature con anime gemelle erranti in ogni angolo del pianeta. Costretta dal lavoro a fissa dimora e ferie limitate, ho scelto una professione che, dopo l’esperienza in un tour operator e un albergo, mi consentisse di vivere in un ambiente dove il viaggio è insieme fine e mezzo: l’aeroporto. Di appendere la valigia al chiodo, naturalmente, non se ne parla proprio.

Da sempre rincorro l’idea di poter diventare parte integrante di quel che i cinque sensi attribuiti mi permettono, attraverso tele, argille e metalli. Non esito a misurarmi ed esprimermi con diverse passioni, come la fotografia e l’arrampicata sportiva, che mi consentono di essere a contatto con le molteplici bellezze della natura...anch’essa come l’arte, infinita ed imprevedibile. Colpevole di un’inesauribile sete di conoscenza per me, sarebbe difficile scegliere tra tante meraviglie che mi attirano, mi circondano e che vivo!

Sabina Contu classe 1973 Segno zodiacale Vergine. Vivo e lavoro prevalentemente a Cagliari. Attualmente Delegata alla Sport della Provincia di Cagliari. Tra i vari incarichi ricoperti nel 1996 consigliere comunale del mio paese natio Jerzu e nel 2004 consigliere di amministrazione dell’ente regionale per il diritto allo studio. Amo la letterattura, la politica ed il diritto, in particolare quello ambientale, sanitario e sui temi della nocività lavorativa sto concentrando la mia attenzione negli ultimi anni. Film preferito : C’era una volta l’America. Attori: Cleant Eastwood e Meryl Streep. Il mio libro preferito è “L’arte della guerra” di Sun TZu. Le mie passioni sono la cucina e l’agricoltura.

Vivo a Oristano, dove sono nato il 20 maggio del 1961. Sono iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti e lavoro come responsabile dell’ufficio stampa e Comunicazione istituzionale della Provincia di Oristano, curando anche la redazione e la pubblicazione dei contenuti del sito istituzionale. Appassionato sportivo, ho praticato innumerevoli sport ma in modo significativo scherma, calcio, tennistavolo, tennis. Ora pratico con impegno agonistico lo sport delle bocce. Sono presidente del Comitato provinciale di Oristano della Federazione Bocce e atleta della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso di Oristano. Di questa gloriosa società, fondata nel 1866, sono stato presidente dal 1999 al 2005 e faccio parte del Consiglio di amministrazione dal 1996.

Sono Gianluca Piras quasi trenta anni che pratico assiduamente tutto quello che l’outdoor in Sardegna e nel mondo, dalla speleologia al torrentismo, dal trekking alla mountai bike, in primis l’arrampicata in tutte le sue salse, grandi numeri non li ho mai fatti ma mi sento in sintonia con la mia filosofia: “siamo tutti liberi di confrontarci come vogliamo con la parete, nel rispetto del prossimo” .


Stefania Spiga

Marco Lasio

Patrizia Giancola

Grazia Solinas

Ignazio Perniciano

Rosalia Carta

Paola Angelotti

Rinaldo Bonazzo

Stefano Vascotto

Stefania 38 anni, vivo e lavoro nella bella Cagliari, dividendomi tra gli impegni della quotidianità e la ricerca di una dimensione temporale da dedicare alle mie passioni: l’arte contemporanea, la poesia, il buon vino, le giornate di sole e i viaggi. Da 15 anni mi occupo di comunicazione e marketing. Ho collaborato con le più affermate agenzie pubblicitarie di Cagliari curando i progetti web per clienti come Tiscali. Dal 2001 ho accettato di dedicarmi totalmente all’utility Energit con il ruolo di Marketing & Communication Specialist. “Ora mi sento come se stessi aspettando qualcosa che so non arriverà mai... Perché adoro illudermi e sperare, ti senti più vivo mentre lo fai [C. Bukowski].

“Porta itineris dicitur longissima esse”. I latini dicevano “La porta è la parte più lunga del viaggio”: per iniziare una nuova vita bisogna trovare il coraggio di fare il primo passo, per cambiare bisogna avere le forze di farlo. Per crescere bisogna volare via dal nido e cogliere al volo tutte le occasioni. Viaggi, musica e la potenza delle immagini per evadere e costruire una chiave che apra tutte le porte che si presentano lungo la strada.

Regnum: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Divisio: Vertebrata Classis: Mammalia Ordo: Primates Familia: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: sapiens Subspecies: sapiens Sub-subspecies: sardoa Aetas XLIII Sexus: aliquando… Mater lengua: Italica, Sarda campidanensis Aliis: Anglica (C1), Hispanica Castellana(B2), Batava vel Belgica et Hollandica (B1) Facultas: ars pingendi Aliis: ars de computatris programmandis , historia artium et antiquitatis, astronomia et astrologia, occulta philosophia, mythologia, hodierni litterae, ars herbaria (botanica et mycologia), photographia.

Maggio 1985, Perito informatico (ABACUS), laureando in Scienze della comunicazione, appasionato di assemblaggio, programmazione su Personal Computer e la musica rock. Il mio hobby della mountain bike mi ha portato a conoscere luoghi ed a riscoprire il contatto con gli spazi verdi che la nostra terra ci offre. Le nuove esperienze se rivestite di un sano velo di sfida mi coinvolgono e motivano a cimentarmi con passione in queste nuove avventure.

Ho cinquantasei anni e amo definirmi “diversamente giovane”. Ho vissuto buona parte della mia vita aldilà del mare, ma con radici ben salde sulla nostra terra. Sono sentimentalmente legato a una ragazza ben più giovane di me, che non so bene come riesca a sopportarmi. Dopo trentacinque anni di lavoro, in area commerciale nel settore della comunicazione pubblicitaria, faccio ora parte della categoria degli esodati. Coltivo molte passioni fra cui l’elettronica, i motori, il volo, la pesca, il modellismo, i viaggi e la musica. Nei rapporti umani considero imprescindibile il rispetto reciproco e il mio stile di vita è imperniato sull’osservanza di quelle che chiamo “le regole del gioco”.

Over 30 years in the IT world. Passionate about new technology and always open to new solution.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Amo paragonarmi ad un diamante: le sue preziose e molteplici sfaccettature sono come le mie tante sfumature di personalità e di carattere. Anche il mio percorso personale e professionale è piuttosto bizzarro: ho due figli di 28 e 26 anni, un cane di 15, un nuovo compagno, adoro gli studi umanistici, ma ho un incarico di manager presso una società di engineering, un brevetto di sub e amo il nuoto, un amore incondizionato per i libri, per i viaggi e per tutto ciò che è innovazione e tecnologia applicata alla tradizione. In tutto questo cerco il particolare che fa la differenza. Son un ariete e mi butto a capofitto in tutto ciò che faccio, ma tutto ciò che faccio deve divertirmi, deve farmi ridere. Il mio motto è: la vida es un carnaval!

Appassionato da sempre per gli sport all’aria aperta come la mountain bike, il kayak, immersioni e tanto altro, ho sempre inteso la parola outdoor come momento di conoscenza. Il percorrere sentieri su due ruote o far scorrere il mio kayak sul mare della nostra Sardegna è sempre occasione di arricchimento culturale che soddisfa appieno la mia inesauribile voglia di conoscere. Negli anni ho collaborato con riviste di trekking e outdoor in genere. La fotografia è inoltre l’indiscussa forma di archiviazione dei miei momenti passati tra amici o in solitudine per i monti o per mare.


Staff Editor Elisabetta Gungui

Vincenzo Boi

Giuseppe Giuliani

Denise Lai

Giuseppe Belli

Francesca Columbu

Marco Cabitza

Angelo Mulas

Valentina Morea

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Cagliaritana di 35 anni, socievole, estroversa, creativa e simpatica (dicono!). Lavoro nel mondo della sicurezza per le aziende, studio Scienze della comunicazione e gestisco un Bed&Breakfast da circa due anni. Aspettative per il futuro? Esprimere sempre più la mia parte creativa nel mondo del lavoro (e non solo!). Sono appassionata di cinema, teatro, arte, musica, viaggi al fine di un arricchimento culturale/sociale, poco sport ma primo tra tutti il tennis. Le poche righe a disposizione son finite per cui concludo qui la mia brevissima presentazione!

29 anni, studia nella facoltà di Beni Culturali (curriculum archeologico) dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Giornalista dal 2010, scrive per blog, quotidiani e riviste, anche online.

Vincenzo Mario Boi, studente in Scienze della comunicazione a Cagliari. Amante della musica e delle arti in generale, musicista da diversi anni e attualmente arrangiatore in collaborazione con diversi artisti locali. Curioso e aperto a nuove esperienze formative di carattere culturale.

Sono Giuseppe Belli, cinquantatre anni passati tutti nella mia città, Napoli. Essa, oltre ad essere una delle più belle città che io conosca è anche tra le più complesse e caotiche, di quello stesso caos incomprensibile che contraddistingue la nostra vita. Amo leggere e scrivere. Soprattutto la scrittura mi da modo di rielaborare la realtà che mi circonda e talvolta la possibilità di comprenderla meglio. Per questo ho pubblicato già due libri… e non c’è due senza tre.

Il mio nome è Angelo e, sono nato 55 anni fa nella zona più bella della Sardegna, la Barbagia. Porto sempre con me, ovunque vada la sua natura, i suoi profumi, i suoi sapori, la visione e l’amore della mia gente che sono uniche. Sono ragioniere, divorziato e padre di una splendida figlia. Adoro il cinema e la musica in tutte le loro forme. Amo la poesia e la magia delle parole: quelle ben cantate, quelle ben recitate e quelle ben parlate. Dalla mia gente ho imparato l’importanza dei rapporti umani, a costo di deludere, a costo di deludersi perché come qualcuno ha detto: non si è mai soli quando qualcuno ti ha lasciato, si è soli quando qualcuno non è mai venuto.

Quattro righe su di me... Giuseppe Giuliani. Giornalista, 45 anni, ama la vita di società e gli appuntamenti mondani tanto che vorrebbe abitare in Lapponia. Invece, vive ad Assemini dove, peraltro, pare non abbia mai incontrato una renna. Siamo tutti appesi a un filo. E io sono anche sovrappeso (Franco Zuin)

Classe 1974; Sarda di nascita e di sangue; Attualmente impegnata professionalmente presso l’aeroporto di Cagliari. Amante della natura, del buon cibo e dei viaggi; riesce ad emozionarmi un tramonto d’estate e allo stezzo modo un gratacielo di una grande metropoli. Faccio mia la frase:...[]”Accettare le sfide della vita significa porsi di fronte ai nostri limiti e ammettere di poterli o meno superare”..e ad oggi credo di avere, ancora, tante sfide da vincere!

Il mio mondo è una valigia. Inguaribile sognatrice e viaggiatrice per passione; un’irrefrenabile curiosità mi spinge a voler conoscere quel che non so, capire ciò che appare ostico, superare barriere e confini. La sete di novità e l’entusiasmo nel viverle sono la mia forza motrice, la parola è la mia arma (pacifica peraltro).


Objective AT

Atlantic Ocean (Bushua, Ghana) ph. Massimo Cozzolino Š AT Photographer 7

ph. B.Valuto Š AT Photographer

Chillaz International GmbH Hoferweg 13

A-6134 Vomp in Tirol / Austria

tel. +43-5242-62399 fax +43-5242-62777 web: mail: 8

Editorial Giampaolo Mocci

translation by Valentina Morea

Different trips, same destination How long can be a trip before you arrive at your destination, but this is the most important part of our travel? I’ll talk about two old men sitting on the beach at sunset ... The frame is the classic beach, in the most classic of the exotic islands of the Pacific, those of the glossy brochures of travel agencies, time is of the most striking of the day, the sunset. Two old men from step weighted by age and face marked by time, walking almost in unison, coming from opposite edges and directed towards the center, to the palm tree blown by the wind grew raking the sand, forming a comfortable seat in the front row from which to see what nature is going to put in the scene with the sunset. The two old men meet for the first time, but the kindness and the desire to feel part of that scene, he sees them sitting next to it, on the palm as if it were a regular appointment of a lifetime. The salutation of those friendly and heedless of any formalities begin one of those conversations, where the meaning of life is the main subject . “I dreamed of this moment all my life,” said Mr. Wealthy, a wealthy member of society today “I spent my days thinking about how nice it would spend every day on an island, where nature was to mark the passing of time. Every day of my life, I have given up any distraction distracted me from this goal. I started from nothing, worked to exhaustion, I risked my health, I have neglected my family affection, but in the end I was able to realize my dream... I bought this beautiful villa with swimming pool, with a garden that ends up on this beautiful beach where I can come and admire, sitting on this palm, nature show its best... Of course it would be wonderful to share this with my family, every day of my life, but this society obliges us to chase goods and position. So just now, old man, I actually get these sunsets... and you dear friend, what do you think? “. Mr. Kapayakan peered the face of the man sitting next to him and before answering glanced off into the sunset. It was the moment when the sun burns the sea and the colors reflect coloring the sky. Then he looked at a small wooden house on the edge of the beach with the lights on and the children play on the porch. With voice calm and firm responded by saying: “I was born there, the house my father built it. I have lived every day of my life eating what nature gave me and enveloped by the love of my children playing at sunset in front of the house, replaced today by my grandchildren. Every night I watched the sun off the day and light up the stars giving way to night. All my life I have given up any property and any superfluous location distracted me from this setting“.


Atlantic Ocean (Bushua, Ghana) ph. Massimo Cozzolino Š AT Photographer 10

Objective AT

Sometimes you realize that to capture the beauty of a place, just sit back and let yourself be enchanted by the things, people or events that you are shown from before and wonder how it can be wonderful to see a child walking in the heat, kidnapped by “Pale and absorbed sea� (E.Montale), or a trunk eroded by salt water and become the impetuous sea. Massimo Cozzolino



Objective AT

Atlantic Ocean (Bushua, Ghana) ph. Massimo Cozzolino Š AT Photographer 13

Objective AT

Atlantic Ocean (Bushua, Ghana) ph. Massimo Cozzolino Š AT Photographer 14


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Outdoor activity text and photo by Giampaolo Mocci translation by Valentina Morea

Mont Blanc,

a wonder of the world

Sometimes, but only sometimes... the mountain is not necessarily synonymous with a place severe. Contrary to its name, the Combe Maudite (Cursed Valley) is a place that tempts you to return. We are talking about one of the valleys of the Mont Blanc massif and a visit is not enough to admire this extraordinary landscape, impressive and almost magical.



So why the name? From the Mont Maudit, which stands on the border and separates it from the wild and inhospitable glacier Brenva. The same has inherited its name from the legends that tell of the mountains as the kingdom of the devil.



The Combe Maudite is easily accessible by taking the cable car to Courmayeur to Rifugio Torino (3,329 meters above sea level) from which begins a quiet and comfortable trekking on the glacier, that in just an hour and a half reaches the Grand Capucin, symbol of the valley.





The passion for climbing, has with the great advantage of being practiced in places that are part of the collective imagination of climbers and not... The Grand Capucin (3,838 meters above sea level) is the largest and most difficult monolith of the valley, the easiest way to climb to the top is to climb the famous Street of the Swiss (C.Asper, M.Bron, M.Grossi, M.Morel, 1956. 300 meters of development, 6b and A0 - only one pass). “Since high mountain climbing is never foregone and you need to master the sixth (degree of difficulty in the French scale) and protect with nuts and friends (movable guards to be placed in the slots and remove after the climb) The most challenging (technical grade: 6b/A0) is particularly difficult and air, so best not to be too emotional. Next to the Grand Capucin stands the Chandelle du Tacul (3,561 m asl), lower but still very slender, which boasts a lovely trio of famous climbs of Walter Bonatti.One of these (Via Bonatti, W.Bonatti and R.Gallieni, 1960) has become a classic, especially since Michel Piola and Pascal Strappazon opened in 1988 by Tabou, which made it possible to avoid the horizontal slot to go in artificial (or free climbing 7b), thus creating the Bonatti-Tabou. 24



On this beautiful spire is the most challenging “Ligne Blanche (JLAmstutz, R.Vogler, 1990. 200 meters of development, 7a + (6b obl.) / RS1/II)”. It is in this way that my passion for climbing has had the opportunity to be satisfied and it is here that happened my baptism of Mont Blanc. Climb and reach the top of Chandelle du Tacul, one of the most famous peaks in the middle of a glacier about 400 meters deep in a valley considered one of the wonders of the world, where the air is palpable echo the names of ‘mountaineering that have made history, it is certainly an experience that can give you emotions that you can hardly forget.


Technical information Description of way: from Courmayeur cable car P.ta Helbronner to Rifugio Torino (3,375 mt, phone +39 340 22 70 121). From the hut follow the path visible to the Col des Flambeaux, after which it falls diagonally in the direction of the Tour Ronde. From the hill are perfectly visible spiers (the Grand Capucin and other), and then navigate to view up to the base. From the refuge at the Grand Capucin, time 1 h 15 min (Easy) from Chamonix, Aiguille du Midi, the Refuge des Cosmiques (3,613 mt, phone +33 (0) 450 544 016). From the hut follow the path of the VallĂŠe Blanche crossing the Col des Rognos and walk along the east side of Mont Blanc du Tacul. The entrance to the Combe Maudite is reported near the Pic Adolphe Rey, then climb up to the Grand Capucin. From the refuge at the Grand Capucin, time 2 h (Easy) Approach on ice: Although the glacier is in good condition is important to follow all safety rules, and then proceed alloy and away from each other, crampons, ice axes, ice screws and the kit for the recovery of the crevices. Important to wear protective clothing to high mountains, without underestimating the sudden changes in climate. Particular attention in the glacier in the hot and dry periods. Mont Blanc du Tacul - 4.248 mt Aiguilles du Diable

Grand Capucin - 3.838 mt

Petit Capucin - 3.693 mt

Trident - 3.639 mt

Chandelle - 3.561 mt Pointe Adolphe Rey - 3.535 mt

Pyramide du Tacul - 3.468 mt





Mont Blanc du Tacul


Chandelle du Tacul (3.561 mt)

Ligne Blanche

J.L.Amstutz - R.Vogler (1990)

200 mt - 7a+ (6b obbl.)/RS1/II






AT on canvas


Protections: watercolor on paper Š 2012, Suwong Mano all rights reserved

It is a story about sport climbing Protections, for how to write a watercolor. Pen and paint... to make it look old and dirty the surface of a rock cliff. 31

Outdoor activity text and photo by Gianluca Piras

translation by Valentina Morea

Scaling the ephemeral

Winter small water molecules crystallize as the temperatures drop, gradually with the passage of the days are getting longer and bigger and bigger forming small sparkling pendants, and again touch one another and merge to form a small wall ice along the steep walls that descend from the mountain, under the water flows and at the end where there was a waterfall thundering silence dictated by the cold made the river a

column of ice snaking down for hundreds of meters. The cold is biting and the limbs are not used to these temperatures are painful, wear warm clothing and waterproof, warm hat, gloves, does not want to leave even a small strip of bare skin in contact with the air. Leave the car in this cold winter morning we set off on the path that leads into the valley even colder.



Our boots creak breaking the hard snow beat, breathing almost solidifies, as it was the thermometer? Less twenty says Antonello, whilst a warm ray of sunlight illuminates the icy air of this alpine environment around snow, fir trees covered with heavy snow that fold their leaves, the path disappears after night snowfall has covered every track, only a few signs on the trees show us the way, every step you sink down to the knee, and fatigue. Do not believe it but after a ‘hour and a half closer to the waterfall of ice feel a trickle of sweat run down my spine. We are at the base of the waterfall we put crampons that allow us to not slip more on this snow mixed with ice, harness, tubular rivets, helmet, gloves, goggles and connect ourselves to the ropes. While the slope becomes steeper take the ax in his hand and cried on hard snow, then my feeling is getting stronger in front of them steep and majestic glittering waterfall ice of a thousand drops of water frozen, as Keep hands bare to the coil of a refrigerator colder but the emotion is great and warms my soul. We decide where to attack the frozen wall, we proceed in small steps cried before the ice axes with legs slightly apart, heels down, the harpoon creaks even he. A few millimeters of steel supporting my weight seems almost impossible, but it goes a limb at a time. Wise the ice with the pick of the ax, jumping away and I fell noisily on the side, here is the hard ice. A sharp and the pick is planted firmly on the ground ice, shake vigorously the handle and move the feet and so are already ten meters from my partner. Hung up on one arm with your feet firmly planted, fumble with the tubular nail that easily slips into the ice like a hollow plugs, here looks good, carabiner and rope and so still continues every 4/6 meters cried a nail, the wall is articulated and beautifully crafted. I climb a hundred feet and a balcony suspended between icicles and snowdrifts I create a stop, the ice is good other two nails and I can let go of the tension that grips me by the arm when I left, I hang here are insured, scream below to prepare to climb while I am going to make sure my partner. I exploded blood in the arm that the tension had kept a thousand pins I stick forearm feel hot hands, so that he could hardly tighten the rope safe, a couple of minutes and then passes the same feeling every time you climb on the ice. While recovery rope I look around the valley is dotted here and there with frozen waterfalls and small colored dots toil to climb these ephemeral ice walls, as do we. A surreal silence, punctuated only by a few drips of water and some pile of snow with the first rays of sun fall ... Here comes my partner I pass all the equipment, the next shot is his, that does not stop a few minutes, passing a gentle slope a relief and another pause as he prepares to recover me see that swears and complains, the same sensation in the arms. But still I reach back and climb the waterfall where sin becomes almost horizontal. On a break, while we stop for a moment to drink a little of hot tea in silence, past the waterfall where the frozen ground still leaves out out a little ‘low vegetation awaits us an unexpected surprise: a deer grazing quiet, rather they are two a female with a cub confident that follows the gravity defying cliffs and cold as if they were in the valley, but these 34

spectacular animals perfectly adapted to these temperatures and conditions, do not care too much for us and hopping between a cliff and a pile of hard snow and disappear still leave us alone, but aware of how much power there is in this nature that builds these walls of ice and snow and it will grow trees in unthinkable places and animals adapted to survive in all environmental conditions. This is also climbing on frozen waterfalls, the savage wilderness where only with the help of ice axes and crampons we humans can get to where maybe a little suede quiet walks to browse what nature has to offer. Then finally the waterfall ends, we’d had longer, but perhaps better so heavy arms and remind us that it is better not pull the rope too and we still have to be beautiful transparencies face down with ropes. That, as usual, is more complicated than expected, two hours later we are at the base of the waterfall by now the sun is high in the clear sky, the air is much less clear, fresh, yet a moment’s pause to rebuild on the ropes with the weight of water and dissolved rigelata look like wire. Eat something before we move and regain the path down into the valley, we look around observing other waterfalls with the mind we are already in tomorrow for another excursion, an ‘other up, leaving this wonderful ephemeral icy world. But what is really ice climbing? Obviously it is absolutely a sport winter and consist of climbing frozen waterfalls formed by lowering the temperature freezing streams and rivers mountain building real huge walls of ice hundreds of meters high, with the help of special equipment as ice crampons that differ from those for walking for the structure much more sturdy and rigid, ice picks special climbing usually with the curved handle and decidedly shorter than the classic ice picks from mountain, are used for the protection of the special tubular nails that do not go hammered on the ice but being screwed into the ice wall drilling also happen where you can use the columns as ice caps, ropes and harnesses carabiners are the same both for the sport and for the mountains.


Why do not you go... text and photo by Valentina Morea

translation by Valentina Morea

Ilha do SAL: between extreme sport and relax pure

It takes about six hours flight from Italy to reach, Ilha Do Sal, one of the ten beautiful oasis of volcanic islands of the coast of West Africa. An extension of the Sahara desert in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, that from March onwards, offers a warm and mild.

A trip to the island of Sal allows the visitor to e the atmosphere of Africa, the power of nature, colors and smells of the markets. An experience completely change your physical and spiritual horiz in a mix of sport and relaxation.


enjoy the that zon,

The island of Sal is the main gateway to the archipelago of Cape Verd, as with the international element that has made it easily accessible and therefore the most frequented by tourists


The island takes its name from the presence of natural salt, not very large, with a length of about 30 km and a width ranging between 3 and 12 km, explore with ease. Windy, flat and mostly arid, Sal fascinates for its lunar landscape and the silence predominant volcanic rocks and stretches of golden sand thin out towards the crystal clear waters of the ocean, caressed by the continuous murmur of the winds Alisei. Sun, sea, wind: this is the essence of Cape Verde. An ideal place to detox from the hectic pace of everyday life “Western-style”, rediscovering the simple beauty and authenticity of small gestures. Stroll along the sandy beaches of Sal, with the ocean lapping against the ankles and then retires and the wind makes it bearable even the hottest sun. Ocean and constant winds create a spectacle of wonderful waves. And then there’s the music, the voice of Cesaria Evora (Cape Verdean popular singer: that resonates from the radio in a few vendor tents on the beach and the ever-present smile the locals at their own pace placid and tranquil, whose motto is in fact “NO STRESS”.

For lovers of the sea and wind, Cape Verde is not only relaxing, the island of Sal is a real paradise for those who want to devote themselves to the practice of water sports, from diving and snorkeling, deep sea fishing, but especially kytesurf and windsurfing. The island due to the presence of a strong wind and constant is the maximum for enthusiasts of the table: the height of the waves and the beauty of its bay, Fontona make it a must for those who practice this sport. Rarely another goal of surfing has attracted so many professionals and world champions as the Island of Sal, thanks shallow water, strong winds and high waves are the ideal conditions to give vent to their passions. In addition, the bay of Santa Maria and Ponta Preta, as well as dry Choclassa and the large cavity Buracona are for surfers and divers an excitement and adventure. For most tourists bathe in the waters of Sal becomes a real challenge, the goal? Try to stand up still wearing his costume. A challenge apparently simple, especially if you look at the local children dive into the waves and emerge fun, but in reality to face the force of the water is much more complicated than you might imagine.


Once past the natural barrier created by ocean currents, where the sea whisper quiet, crystalline, the show that will be presented before the eyes has no equal. The seabed that touches these islands is rich in fauna and flora, as to be regarded as one of the greatest explorers, J. Cousteau, like the garden of heavenly coast of Africa wet from the Atlantic. The Cape Verde Islands are a paradise for divers, with wrecks to explore rich tropical flora and a substantial number of species of fish, including schools of dolphins, turtles and sharks. A trip to this land is a unique experience, one can not but be fascinated by the silence of the desert and the impetuous voice of the ocean, the beauty of an untouched nature and wild, we can not take with you ‘to return home the joy, the color and the warmth of its people.

This book is a metaphorical journey in search of a recompense for childhood abandonment of a son by his father, and for the dramatic interruption of their emotional relationship. The latter sublimates in “fragments” of diary recollections intended to fill a gap. In his story the author portrays Naples as a city that has preserved its relationships, portraying it to the reader with new emotion, perhaps in a bid to overcome that solitude and longing he has felt for far too long. Ines D’Angelo

for sale at best libraries 39

Why do not you go... text and photo by Denise Lai

translation by Valentina Morea

Salvador de Bahia: the land of smiles

Dear travelers from all over the world, February is undoubtedly the ideal month for a visit of the most warm and relaxing. This month I want to take in South America, in an extremely sunny and charming enough to generate a healthy nostalgia to your return home: Brazil. A few years ago I visited Salvador de Bahia, the country throughout the year enjoys the humid tropical climate. For instance, the maximum temperature in the months of

January, February and March, it almost never exceeds 32 degrees, and the minimum does not fall below 23. Just think, though, that even in the remaining months is difficult to find the cold to which we are accustomed, whereas the minimum temperature should not go below 20 degrees. When I got off the plane quickly realized the climatic difference! And so on jackets and sweaters off your shoes and flip-flops, and also by stress: in Brazil smiles.



Salvador de Bahia is divided between the Cidade Alta and Cidade Baixa, the upper town and lower town, where you can visit churches and monuments belonging to different zones. In the first, for example, include the bairros (districts) historians, as Barroquinha, Santo Antonio and the famous Pelourinho. In the lower town, connected to the high end of a large elevator, the Lacerda Elevator, which is a symbol tourist Salvador, you can find the bairros of Commerce, Ribeira, Calcada, Bonfim and Contorno. You can not imagine the spectacular panorama visible from the top, I hope that no one be afraid of taking the elevator. Well, certainly would understand more resistance to the cable car to Sugar Loaf in Rio de Janeiro. But that’s another story, back to Bahia! There is another area, in addition to those described, in the city of Salvador, the New Town, which starts from Barra, includes a series of neighborhoods overlooking the sea. I recommend a trip to the Ilhas dos Frades, the island of the Friars, reachable by boat characteristics Escunas. On the island you can have a dish, immerse yourself in the crystal clear waters and assist, in most cases, for original performances by Capoeira, the Brazilian martial art. Keep your eyes open when you walk along the beaches, you may also attend performances at football out of the ordinary! Is it not true that many of the greatest footballers the world come from Brazil? I saw both in Rio and Bahia

boys, instead of the usual football field we are used to, used to dabble divided by a volleyball net, kicking the ball from one side of the field. I’m not going to recount the comments of Italian children (hardcore fans of some Italian teams) on the skill and perfection in controlling the movement of the ball by the young Brazilian. It’s up to you to choose what to see and where to go, my advice is to entrust a local guide. In addition to being very knowledgeable, can reveal curiosities of the place, offer advice on sightseeing or on what you do at night. In choosing Include one or maybe two forts, built by the Portuguese to defend the city (São Diogo Forte, Forte de Santa Maria, Forte de São Marcelo etc..). Among the museums and churches you’ll be spoiled for choice. The Museu Abelardo Rodriguez, for example, is located in the historic and beautiful building Solar do Ferrão, and maintains a large private collection of 800 pieces of sacred art in Brazil. La Catedral Basilica de Salvador is a Baroque building of the seventeenth century, after the restoration has returned to shine all its original beauty. You can find it in the Pelourinho, the oldest square in the historic center of Salvador, which is the heart of the city. At each location, the Portuguese had a place with a pole, the Pelourinho, where blacks were slaves inflicted harsh punishments depending on the severity of the offense.


Hence the name of the square, a name that over the years has identified the historical center of Bahia. Despite the declaration by UNESCO as “Good of the World Cultural Heritage”, in 1985, the area became the site of degradation and prostitution, also favored by the local police in order to better control it. He was the governor Antonio Carlos Magalhães to recover the Pelourinho in 1991, thanks to the renovation of buildings and installation of essential services such as running water, sewage system, light and telephone. And so today, thanks to the work of restoration, you can gape during the visit of one of the most famous historical centers of Brazil. The work, in fact, also foresaw the installation of cultural, economic and entertainment, such as restaurants, art galleries, studios of painters and sculptors, stores of precious stones, craft centers etc.. The historic center is revived. Do you think in the streets of their neighborhood may encounter groups of children armed with bongos and drums,

skilled in producing Afro-Brazilian music, which will be fascinated. This was probably the thing that most impressed me was during the visit. Although the vast majority of the population is forced to survive day to day, you realize how these people never lose hope. Smile to life, the sun each morning, and tourists meet every day in the streets of their city. Bahia is music, warmth, joy. It is impossible not to leave behind the petty problems of his country to the true wonder that human nature has to offer from another point of view, in another dimension. A joy that, I assure you, you will bring with you even to return to your home, making you realize how, sometimes, it’s just the way of dealing with life to make a difference.


The slow flowing river Bani marks the time the actions of the evening, showing up in all its splendor, mirroring the twilight magic of light, between the echo of the clamor of children, carts pulled by cattle and the roar of cloths wrung out by women. All in a dream space, where time barely moves in a primordial nature. Massimo Cozzolino


Objective AT

River Bani Djennè (Mali) ph. Massimo Cozzolino Š AT Photographer 45

Why do not you go... text and photo by Francesca Columbu

translation by Valentina Morea

Horses and racing. A world to be discovered in Sardinia

Sardinia, a land with strong equestrian traditions, seeks to bring itself at the center of the national circuit of horse racing. It is December 22, 2012 when the racecourse Villacidro, after five long years had passed since four of its opening officially opens its gates to the first races of the schedule national equestrian.



The property, owned by the town of Villacidro is entrusted to the management of the “Consortium Horse Racing Villacidro.” Its director, Roberto Sanna, showed tenacity, competence and organizational skills, winning elements that have allowed the consortium to close the four races on the calendar with important results: total prize pool of € 100,000.00, over a hundred horses in the race and thousands of enthusiastic spectators. Why go to watch a horse race? The answer, it needs first to present the context, unique and exciting, where this sport is placed. A natural stage stained by green slopes, shared by noble animals called horses, jockeys and trainers who become the main actors of this scenario, able to excite and tremble to their audiences. The first time you enter a race track as the first impact you are in front of a large green expanse. The area devoted to the race looks like a Russian doll of elliptical shapes grass. In the outer part is the main track, to follow a track with sandy surface, then a third runway and grass always inside a large space normally used for training. If the intention is to try your luck the first thing to do is look at the program of the event, in which you will find the names of the horses, jockeys, owners and trainers, broken down by each race. The next step is to take a look at the dimensions - numerical indicators that allow the bettor to navigate on any favorites. Now, with a little more information we can make for the “rod”: a place where the horses, the next to enter the race, can be viewed by punters can get an idea about their form and choose the one on which to bet . A voice invites riders to get on track and headed to the starting gates. Start the game: we go to the box office, we do our bet and we will take the coupon. Once seated in the stands we aim gazed into the distance, towards the start boxes and immediately understand why viewers use binoculars ... the track is really great! A short delay to allow the horses to be placed in the cages and the race begins. The gates open, the audience begins to shout and encourage your horse rapidly growing advances toward the grandstand. In all this excitement, his eyes looking for your favorite. Do you believe in him and in his victory, then cry with such fervor as if you belonged to that animal forever. Exceeds the first corner and again moves away from your sight to the straight. Seconds pass and the horses enter the second and final curve that leads them to the home straight. The excitement in the stands is high, the audience is standing, the noise of the stamping increases more and more and your horse is there, caught in a confused scuffle trying to take to leave the group. Just a few meters at the end and you scream like a madman: “come on, come on!”, A few seconds and the horses cross the finish line. What a thrill! And it is this excitement why it’s worth going racecourse to watch a race. Participate as a player or a spectator is an exciting experience at the same time fun and exciting. If you know how to choose, if you trust predictions and a bit of luck you came to help, then you will be among those at high arms celebrate the victory of their athlete. Unfortunately, the world of horseracing Italian is not exempt from the severe crisis that, like so many other areas, is putting 48



our nation’s economy to its knees. Serve state subsidies that do not arrive and sponsors who are struggling to find. But each of us especially those who play assiduously betting agencies, can support this in his little world. Let’s take a few hours of freedom and we are going to learn Italian racecourses and in the end remember to groped their luck.


Perchè non vai a ...

text by Giuseppe Giuliani photo by Giampaolo Mocci recipe by Rinaldo Bonazzo

Fil‘e Ferru brandy of Sardinia

A wire sticking out of the ground. With a piece away, another. At the other end of the line, under the earth, is linked to a pumpkin. Inside the pumpkin, specially emptied and transformed in a container, there is Abbardente.



A situation quite common in Sardinia in the second half of the nineteenth century. The distillation was at that time a real business for many farmers, when the state decided to regulate it and imposed taxes, peasants continued to practice in secret and to evade controls used the stratagem of wire: bury everything, containers and tools, and through the wire could track down the hideout. From this practice is believed to have originated the name fil ‘e ferru, but it is only one school of thought, although the most reliable. The fact is that Abbardente (burning water) and fil ‘e ferru (wire) are the names by which it is known brandy in Sardinia. It is a colorless distillate with high alcohol content (between 45 and 55 degrees) or obtained from the fermented mash from the pomace. At the sight shows no difference with the water, but just bring the glass to your nose immediately feel the strong scent of alcohol. Is achieved through a process of double distillation of wine or grape marc and discarded once the head and tail, that is, the lighter parts and heavy distillate, the product can be stored in oak barrels. The fil ‘e ferru has digestive functions and is also the traditional way to close the room in different areas of the island, but it is a fundamental ingredient for many recipes. 54


Sardinia B&B

There is no area of Sardinia in which there will be offered a glass of fil ‘e ferru and difficult to be disappointed, but if you really want to go without fail choose the Ogliastra or Santulussurgiu Oristano.

MOMa Sardinia B&B Via J. S. Bach, 62 Quartu S. Elena (Ca)

Cell. +39 347 0594340 55

Crepes Flambé con Fil’e Ferru Preparazione Fase 1 - Preparazione dell’impasto: In una ciottola versare la farina e le uova. Mescolando piano piano aggiungete il latte, il pizzico di sale e lo zucchero vanigliato, il burro sciolto a microonde ed il Fil’e Ferru Mescolate finché ottenette un impasto denso senza grumi. Fase 2 - Lasciare riposare per circa un’ora. Fase 3 - Cuocere le crepes Fatte scaldare la vostra pentola antiaderente una volta calda sciogliere un pezzettino di burro. Versare mezzo mestolo di impasto nella pentola e fatte cuocere 1 o 2 minuti per parte. Adagiate le crepes in un piatto. Nel mentre preparate il liquore per condire le crepes. In un piatto mescolare burro, zuchero, succo d’arancio/mandarino, un po’ di Fil’e Ferru (secondo i vostri gusti) scaldare il tutto a fuoco basso, fare attenzione a che l’alcool non prenda fuoco, si deve evaporare piano piano. Immergere le crepes una ad una nel liquido e piegarle in quattro cospargere con zucchero e mettere al forno (120°C) per 5 minuti. Scaldare il resto del Fil’e Ferru (al microonde) versare sulle crepes e poi accendere l’alcool di fronte ai vostri commensali.

Ingredienti per 8 persone: • 250 gr di farina • 4 uova • mezzo litro di latte • 1 pizzico di sale • 50 gr di burro • 1 bustina di zucchero vanigliato • 1 cucchiaio di Fil’e Ferru • 1 arancio o mandarino a scelta • 50 gr di zucchero • 30 cl di Fil’e Ferru


Objective AT Carnival in Venice (Venice) ph. Marco Valuto Š AT Photographer



Objective AT

River Bani Djennè (Mali) ph. Massimo Cozzolino Š AT Photographer 59

AT culturam! text by Giuseppe Belli illustration by Barbara Valuto translation by Valentina Morea

Ancient crafts: “le filandere” Once upon a time: as the opening words of a fairy tale, the story could begin so that world has disappeared from the ancient crafts animated by figures that because of their uniqueness and rarity have acquired an almost unreal. Figures that have become nothing short of magic thanks to their art and so fabulous because they belong to an era in which the hand of man was king. Then, the advent of industry and automation of the same ousted man from direct production, and thus is missing the typical of many products. Today, almost everything is done in series, approved, registered. But fortunately, despite everything, are still the most sought after professions manuals, the same ones who, with their originality and creativity have made known to Italy in the world. So, despite having fallen into disuse lead to repair something, old crafts are not entirely disappeared. Walking around the peninsula we can see immediately that in addition to the many beautiful landscapes that characterize it, it strikes us to the singularity of its territory. Each region expresses its culture and ancient traditions that together make our country a beautiful mosaic where each location is unique, and the tourist will never find a similar place to another, as opposed to the type-approval and world globalization. And this unity of the territory many times is mainly due to the traditions endure, even with the old crafts which in many countries are still able to characterize and drive the economy of the place. So resist crafts such as chimney sweeps in Trentino and Lombardy, knife-grinders in Emilia and barbers especially in the south. Then there are the tinsmiths, tuners, carvers, and for lovers of horses still many blacksmiths scattered throughout the peninsula. And then mattress makers, lace-makers, embroiderers. The only people who are almost gone are the umbrella. Among some of the oldest crafts in my home town, Naples, my father reminded me of the “acconciasegge” or adjust the chairs and “ammazzapiecure” burly men who at Easter roamed the streets offering to kill the lambs grew in the courtyards of wealthy families. Travelling between the ancient crafts we find that the surnames are often a legacy of these. Some 60

countries, even today, are remembered for the activities that they had in place. Starting from the north, through an imaginary trip around our country, as a first step, we suggest to our friends tourists who decide to visit us a route in the vicinity of our industrial capital “Brianza”. Located north of Milan it is an area of Lombardy divided into four provinces, which has features in common. Inside you identify two subareas: a flat and hilly. Brianza is located in the heart of the Lake District and does not have a precise meaning, political, cultural as well as geographical factors distinguish in a very precise way. “The filandere”, by the way, belong to history. Female figures that characterized the work in Brianza. From 500 until the last century, in fact, the most important manufacturing activity was that of the silkworm and its yarn. While the men worked the land women, including girls, were employed in the silk industry. They worked all day and relieved with singing those hours of hard work putting together a repertoire that was nothing more than a schedule of its various stages. Also in the Brianza area, more precisely in Cantu, processing bobbin lace has been for centuries a very popular activity. This art spread from the capital throughout the Brianza supporting the tradition of ‘Trina di Milano’, then, from the city of Milan processing lace moved in convents and in the countryside, and even though Cantu was always the center of the processing lace was used to talk of the “point” in Milan. The spread of the art of lace was through the courts, the teaching of the sisters and their travels from one convent to another. The production then spread rapidly in both the private and public sectors, both at home and in workshops. Finally, gave birth to the first art schools but were not well seen by traders of Cantu as they behaved as normal manufacturers. Since the end of the fifties, the art of lace, although the market no longer had a high demand, it was preserved in the culture of Cantù a large space, capturing all its representations in the image of the woman in front of large pillow intends to his work. Perhaps an attempt to transform, over the years, a picture in a folk icon: “The lace makers of Cantu.” Our imaginary journey through the ancient crafts for the moment you stop here. Just enough time to organize further steps to explore other beautiful places and trades in the hope that this journey back in time to excite you more than it excited me.


Objective AT

River Bani Djennè (Mali) ph. Massimo Cozzolino Š AT Photographer 62

AT Decameron matita, gomma e mouse... a cura di Barbara Valuto


ph. A.Lecis Š AT Photographer

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AT MAGAZINE Cultura, Sport, Turismo, ecc. TESTATA GIORNALISTICA REGISTRATA PRESSO IL TRIB. DI CAGLIARI nr. 24/12 del 10/10/2012 Luogo e anno della pubblicazione: Cagliari, 2012 ANNO I Dati della società: AT di Giampaolo Mocci Via Tagliamento, 19 0932 - Assemini (CA) PI 03442500926 Editore Giampaolo Mocci Direttore Responsabile: Andrea Concas Per contattare il giornale: Cell. +39 3287289926 E-mail: (per informazioni) (per la redazione) Per le inserzioni sul giornale: E-mail: Informazioni sullo “stampatore”: Il provider che ospita il giornale è DominioFaiDaTe S.r.l. (società provider autorizzata a fornire al pubblico il servizio internet).

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