Active tourism, with no boundaries
www.atmagazine.eu Edition IT/UK/ES - Monthly - Year I - Nr. 8 - Jun 2013
Rumundu green dream bike
YOUDISCOVER MAROCCO The story of the rise to Jbel Toubkal RICCARDO SCARIAN Interview BAZOULÉ The land of the Sacred crocodiles
RUMUNDU. GREEN DREAM BIKE of Giuseppe Giuliani
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PENCIL, ERASER AND MOUSE... of Barbara Valuto
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staff editor Giampaolo Mocci
Che cos’è un’erbaccia? Una pianta le cui virtù non sono state ancora scoperte [R.W. Emerson]. Esistono migliaia di metafore e aforismi che concettualizzano il mondo e la vita. Forse definire “erbaccia” la vita è irriverente, eppure, quanti innanzi ad una pianta officinale, dalle virtù note, sarebbero in grado di riconoscerla? Le esperienze, gli uomini e la vita stessa sono erbacce a cui guardare con curiosità e attenzione, senza fermarsi alla prima impressione e scevri da ogni condizionamento impegnarsi a scoprine le virtù nascoste.
Andrea Concas
Giornalista professionista, scrittore, laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione, ha collaborato con diversi periodici (“Il Tempo”, ecc.), agenzie di stampa (Unione Sarda, ecc.) e tv. Editor per network editoriali (Mondadori). Attualmente dirige “Diario24Notizie”,”2012 Magazine” e “Sardinia Network”. È consulente dell’Ordine dei giornalisti della Sardegna e della Associazione della Stampa Sarda (FNSI). Dal 2008 è il responsabile del C.R.E. (Centro Ricerche di Esopolitica) e dell’Associazione intitolata al giornalista “José De Larra”. Dal 2011 è il presidente del GUS sardo, il Gruppo di specializzazione della FNSI relativo ai giornalisti degli Uffici Stampa.
Shawn Serra
Barbara Valuto
Oscar Migliorini
Flavia Attardi
Sabina Contu
Gianluca Piras
Ho 23 anni e vivo a Carbonia, mi sono diplomato al Liceo Scentifico Tecnologico di Carbonia e attualmente sto completando il mio percorso formativo come studente in Scienze della Comunicazione a Cagliari. Entrare a far parte della redazione di questa rivista turistica on line mi entusiasma e spero di dare un importante contributo.
Da turista occasionale e distratta, sono diventata una vera appassionata di viaggi dopo il battesimo del classico viaggio zaino+Interrail dopo la maturità. La laurea in Lingue e il tesserino da giornalista sono stati un pretesto per conoscere a fondo altri mondi, altre culture e soprattutto stringere amicizie durature con anime gemelle erranti in ogni angolo del pianeta. Costretta dal lavoro a fissa dimora e ferie limitate, ho scelto una professione che, dopo l’esperienza in un tour operator e un albergo, mi consentisse di vivere in un ambiente dove il viaggio è insieme fine e mezzo: l’aeroporto. Di appendere la valigia al chiodo, naturalmente, non se ne parla proprio.
Da sempre rincorro l’idea di poter diventare parte integrante di quel che i cinque sensi attribuiti mi permettono, attraverso tele, argille e metalli. Non esito a misurarmi ed esprimermi con diverse passioni, come la fotografia e l’arrampicata sportiva, che mi consentono di essere a contatto con le molteplici bellezze della natura...anch’essa come l’arte, infinita ed imprevedibile. Colpevole di un’inesauribile sete di conoscenza per me, sarebbe difficile scegliere tra tante meraviglie che mi attirano, mi circondano e che vivo!
classe 1973, Segno zodiacale Vergine. Vivo e lavoro prevalentemente a Cagliari. Attualmente Delegata alla Sport della Provincia di Cagliari. Tra i vari incarichi ricoperti nel 1996 consigliere comunale del mio paese natio Jerzu e nel 2004 consigliere di amministrazione dell’ente regionale per il diritto allo studio. Amo la letterattura, la politica ed il diritto, in particolare quello ambientale, sanitario e sui temi della nocività lavorativa sto concentrando la mia attenzione negli ultimi anni. Film preferito : C’era una volta in America. Attori: Clint Eastwood e Meryl Streep. Il mio libro preferito è “L’arte della guerra” di Sun TZu. Le mie passioni sono la cucina e l’agricoltura.
Vivo a Oristano, dove sono nato il 20 maggio del 1961. Sono iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti e lavoro come responsabile dell’ufficio stampa e Comunicazione istituzionale della Provincia di Oristano, curando anche la redazione e la pubblicazione dei contenuti del sito istituzionale. Appassionato sportivo, ho praticato innumerevoli sport ma in modo significativo scherma, calcio, tennistavolo, tennis. Ora pratico con impegno agonistico lo sport delle bocce. Sono presidente del Comitato provinciale di Oristano della Federazione Bocce e atleta della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso di Oristano. Di questa gloriosa società, fondata nel 1866, sono stato presidente dal 1999 al 2005 e faccio parte del Consiglio di amministrazione dal 1996.
Sono quasi trenta anni che pratico assiduamente tutto quello che è outdoor in Sardegna e nel mondo, dalla speleologia al torrentismo, dal trekking alla mountain bike, ma in primis l’arrampicata in tutte le sue salse, grandi numeri non li ho mai fatti ma mi sento in sintonia con la mia filosofia: “siamo tutti liberi di confrontarci come vogliamo con la parete, nel rispetto del prossimo”.
Massimo Cozzolino
Marco Lasio
Patrizia Giancola
Grazia Solinas
Andrea Masci
Rosalia Carta
Roberto Finoli
Rinaldo Bonazzo
Stefano Vascotto
Vivo e lavoro a Napoli, sono nato nel 1976 mi sono diplomato all’Accademia di Belle Arti nel 2003 in Scenografia. Fra tutte le passioni, quella che proprio mi riempie di più e mi fa vedere la vita con occhi diversi è l’Africa. Ed è per questo motivo che dedico questa collaborazione a Thomas. “Un uomo integro”. Per l’imperialismo è più importante dominarci culturalmente che militarmente. La dominazione culturale è la più flessibile, la più efficace, la meno costosa. Il nostro compito consiste nel decolonizzare la nostra mentalità. [Thomas Sankara]
“Porta itineris dicitur longissima esse”. I latini dicevano “La porta è la parte più lunga del viaggio”: per iniziare una nuova vita bisogna trovare il coraggio di fare il primo passo, per cambiare bisogna avere le forze di farlo. Per crescere bisogna volare via dal nido e cogliere al volo tutte le occasioni. Viaggi, musica e la potenza delle immagini per evadere e costruire una chiave che apra tutte le porte che si presentano lungo la strada.
Sono nato a La Spezia nel 1959 ma cresciuto a Cagliari. Ho fatto il liceo scientifico e mi sono laureato in Scienze Geologiche a Cagliari. Mi sono trasferito in Svezia nel 1988. Sono docente di fotografia in un liceo di Kristianstad, in Scania nel sud del paese. Svolgo in proprio servizi fotografici ma sono anche attivo come pubblicista. Sono appassionato di viaggi con contenuti anche avventurosi. La mia filosofia é tenere il corpo, la mente e i sentimenti in forma per cui faccio tanto sport, molti trekking, leggo molto ed amo la mia compagna Carina ed i miei figli Linnea ed Elias.
Maggio 1985, Perito informatico (ABACUS), laureato in Scienze della comunicazione, appasionato di assemblaggio, programmazione su Personal Computer e la musica rock. Il mio hobby della mountain bike mi ha portato a conoscere luoghi ed a riscoprire il contatto con gli spazi verdi che la nostra terra ci offre. Le nuove esperienze se rivestite di un sano velo di sfida mi coinvolgono e motivano a cimentarmi con passione in queste nuove avventure.
Sono cresciuto in campagna, adoro la natura con tutti i suoi profumi e i suoi colori. Mi piace condividere le mie esperienze, perchè come diceva mia nonno, puoi comprare tutto ma l’esperienza la devi fare, per questo lo scambio di esperienze aiuta a essere migliori. Il mare è la mia grande passione... veleggiare con il vento che ti coccola è una esperienza meravigliosa che tutti dovrebbero fare. Credo che si possa migliorare dando fiducia a tutti gli esseri umani, perchè ognuno di noi è un essere unico e irripetibile che vale più di quello che crede!
Over 30 years in the IT world. Passionate about new technology and always open to new solution.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Amo paragonarmi ad un diamante: le sue preziose e molteplici sfaccettature sono come le mie tante sfumature di personalità e di carattere. Anche il mio percorso personale e professionale è piuttosto bizzarro: ho due figli di 28 e 26 anni, un cane di 15, un nuovo compagno, adoro gli studi umanistici, ma ho un incarico di manager presso una società di engineering, un brevetto di sub e amo il nuoto, un amore incondizionato per i libri, per i viaggi e per tutto ciò che è innovazione e tecnologia applicata alla tradizione. In tutto questo cerco il particolare che fa la differenza. Son un ariete e mi butto a capofitto in tutto ciò che faccio, ma tutto ciò che faccio deve divertirmi, deve farmi ridere. Il mio motto è: la vida es un carnaval!
Appassionato da sempre per gli sport all’aria aperta come la mountain bike, il kayak, immersioni e tanto altro, ho sempre inteso la parola outdoor come momento di conoscenza. Il percorrere sentieri su due ruote o far scorrere il mio kayak sul mare della nostra Sardegna è sempre occasione di arricchimento culturale che soddisfa appieno la mia inesauribile voglia di conoscere. Negli anni ho collaborato con riviste di trekking e outdoor in genere. La fotografia è inoltre l’indiscussa forma di archiviazione dei miei momenti passati tra amici o in solitudine per i monti o per mare.
staff editor Elisabetta Gungui
Barbara Knapczyk
Giuseppe Giuliani
Denise Lai
Giuseppe Belli
Francesca Columbu
Marco Cabitza
Angelo Mulas
Valentina Morea
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Cagliaritana di 35 anni, socievole, estroversa, creativa e simpatica (dicono!). Lavoro nel mondo della sicurezza per le aziende, studio Scienze della comunicazione e gestisco un Bed&Breakfast da circa due anni. Aspettative per il futuro? Esprimere sempre più la mia parte creativa nel mondo del lavoro (e non solo!). Sono appassionata di cinema, teatro, arte, musica, viaggi al fine di un arricchimento culturale/sociale, poco sport ma primo tra tutti il tennis. Le poche righe a disposizione son finite per cui concludo qui la mia brevissima presentazione!
29 anni, studia nella facoltà di Beni Culturali (curriculum archeologico) dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Giornalista dal 2010, scrive per blog, quotidiani e riviste, anche online.
Barbara Knapczyk was born in Cracow in 1960. She studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. Painting with professor Stanislaw Rodzinski and professor Zbigniew Grzybowski. Drawing with professor Zbylut Grzywacz and professor Józef Zabkowski. Diploma in 1989. Tekstile art with professor Ryszard Kwiecien. All works inspired by the surrounding nature. Favorites: landscapes, still life, portrait, themes of mountains. Her work are in private collection in many countries. She likes to travel and takes pictures.
Sono Giuseppe Belli, cinquantatre anni passati tutti nella mia città, Napoli. Essa, oltre ad essere una delle più belle città che io conosca è anche tra le più complesse e caotiche, di quello stesso caos incomprensibile che contraddistingue la nostra vita. Amo leggere e scrivere. Soprattutto la scrittura mi da modo di rielaborare la realtà che mi circonda e talvolta la possibilità di comprenderla meglio. Per questo ho pubblicato già due libri… e non c’è due senza tre.
Il mio nome è Angelo e, sono nato 55 anni fa nella zona più bella della Sardegna, la Barbagia. Porto sempre con me, ovunque vada la sua natura, i suoi profumi, i suoi sapori, la visione e l’amore della mia gente che sono uniche. Sono ragioniere, divorziato e padre di una splendida figlia. Adoro il cinema e la musica in tutte le loro forme. Amo la poesia e la magia delle parole: quelle ben cantate, quelle ben recitate e quelle ben parlate. Dalla mia gente ho imparato l’importanza dei rapporti umani, a costo di deludere, a costo di deludersi perché come qualcuno ha detto: non si è mai soli quando qualcuno ti ha lasciato, si è soli quando qualcuno non è mai venuto.
Giornalista, 45 anni, ama la vita di società e gli appuntamenti mondani tanto che vorrebbe abitare in Lapponia. Invece, vive ad Assemini dove, peraltro, pare non abbia mai incontrato una renna. Siamo tutti appesi a un filo. E io sono anche sovrappeso (Franco Zuin)
Classe 1974; Sarda di nascita e di sangue; Attualmente impegnata professionalmente presso l’aeroporto di Cagliari. Amante della natura, del buon cibo e dei viaggi; riesce ad emozionarmi un tramonto d’estate e allo stezzo modo un gratacielo di una grande metropoli. Faccio mia la frase:...[]”Accettare le sfide della vita significa porsi di fronte ai nostri limiti e ammettere di poterli o meno superare”..e ad oggi credo di avere, ancora, tante sfide da vincere!
Il mio mondo è una valigia. Inguaribile sognatrice e viaggiatrice per passione; un’irrefrenabile curiosità mi spinge a voler conoscere quel che non so, capire ciò che appare ostico, superare barriere e confini. La sete di novità e l’entusiasmo nel viverle sono la mia forza motrice, la parola è la mia arma (pacifica peraltro).
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objective AT
Changing lives or return to live? More and more often you meet people who have decided to change their lives. At first they were in most wealthy individuals with a strong personality who decided to get away from society and live their possessions accumulated over the years, perhaps surrounded by the lush greenery of a resort in the Caribbean. Today this stereotype has been strongly affected, in fact, more and more people are opting for a change, not to live off the interest, but rather to move closer to a life in Green Motion, sustainable, eco-friendly headset, Rumundu or call it with the green you want. So no more living the day doing nothing, but take back the time that passes, working in close contact with nature and experience of its fruits, live in small towns so as to facilitate human relationships, but mainly to get away from the pace that modern society conditions us to follow. In scientific terms it is the social psychology that seeks to describe the events that involve humans in everyday life, or the ways in which two or more individuals or an individual and the environment in which they live, interact with each other. Of course, if we analyze the scientific literature, we find theories that explain how and what sets these interactions, it is adequate if we try to understand why these our actions. Why do we have to live in a house with every comfort? Why do we have to make a career by giving up human relationships and family? These just to name two, but the questions would be manifold. Being socially positioned to be accepted at all costs, this concept is contained in the summary of our days. But obviously something is changing, the much-vaunted globalization as a solution to all the ills and the Internet, are eventually awakening the consciences of individuals, individuals in contrast with the mass, shine with their own light and undertake unpopular choices in life, abandonment career, away from the cities in favor of environments on a human scale, supposedly deficient in those comforts that modern society provides, however we are sure that things are really so or modern men have lost the ability to organize life and think in perspective. If you happen, to meet any of these men and women “enlightened� who have embarked on a path parallel to life imposed by modern society, you will realize that through their eyes you will see reflected in your madness having not yet changed their lives ... indeed taken to live. GIAMPAOLO MOCCI | EDITOR
Rumundu green dream bike TEXT BY GIUSEPPE GIULIANI
A “pragmatic dreamer” the bike looking for stories of sustainable living and a more humane world. The adventure of Stephen Cucca, 34-year old to Sip, in a year that will tour the world pedaling and will try to prove that another life is possible. From Romangia fountain of Billellera, the Romangia, after about 30,000 km and 365 days spent on a saddle. Italy, Northern Europe, Iceland, Canada, the United States, Japan, China, Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar and South Africa, before returning to Italy from the East. These briefly describe the stages of the journey. It’s called RUMUNDU the project of a man who invites everyone to never stop dreaming. His journey can be followed on www.rumundu.com, through the same website you can support the project.
Even AT Magazine will follow the journey of Stephen Cucca, every month we will publish a photographic guide of the main stages. Meanwhile, we better understand the protagonist of RUMUNDU in this interview.
PHOTO © http://www.rumundu.com/
What Rumundu and why is it called so? Rumundu is a round the world by bicycle and takes its name from a phrase from my grandmother when she saw me come from one of my many trips: “But you are in the Country: Contemporary giru pa ru mundu? (But you are always traveling around the world?). At that time I decided to call the project Rumundu that I already had in my head for some time. A project that aims to question the consumerist model, one that produces a sustainable world. I like the sound of the word Rumundu, recalls ancient sounds and, in some way, even the noise of the world. How did the idea of a world tour by bike? Cycling is another of my passions. Getting around by bike allows you to see the world in another way. A middle way between the machine that allows you to large displacements and the walk that allows you to see things more carefully. The bicycle is an excellent compromise. Then I made three Ironman (triathlon that brings together a marathon, 3800 meter swim and 180 km by bicycle Ed) are often used to ride with me and the bike. For example in my living room in San Francisco, when I attended the Business School, I used the bike for commuting. Who is Stephen Cucca? I have a degree in Economics and Commerce, I’m 34, I call myself a “pragmatic dreamer,” I’m a freelancer, I deal with strategic consulting and management, I have taught post-graduate courses in management. Let’s say that in my professional life I have always worked that led me to have to deal with numbers. What it means to live in a more sustainable world? It means to stop and think to try to find another way. I will make listening to others, in some areas I have already pre-scheduled appointments. These days, after the press conference, I received three hundred emails with as many proposals to meet. What kind of problems we have to deal with this trip? The appearance climate is crucial. I can not say now, with certainty where it will pass. Let me give an example: in December should I enter Japan, but at that time there is a strong chance that the temperature is more than a few degrees below zero. I’ll have to assess the situation.
PHOTO © http://www.rumundu.com/
The political matters especially in the East: how will the situation in Turkey when I have to spend? The authorizations of entry are another aspect to consider, in some cases I can not ask well in advance, I have a team that follow me at a distance, but it will have to intervene the foreign ministry. On the health plan I have done all vaccines and will take with me for malaria because what needs to be done a few days before enteri the danger zone.
How to address issues daily practices (eating, sleeping)? In Sardinia and Italy will be simple enough, then after the first month, I will, however, a tent, a sleeping bag, a stove and everythi you need to be autonomous. This does not mean that I exclude the possibility of being housed, because the search of the hum relationship is part of my journey, but in four bags on the bike I have everything you need. As for the move, the stages vary according to the place where I am, but I already know pedaler for 50-100 miles a day. Pedaler mo in the United States and in Australia, where the greater the distances between a town and the other.
How do you respond to those who say I would do it myself, but I can not afford? I answer that everyone has to fulfill his dream. The man, basic, was born to hunt and reproduce, we have adapted to a life that doe not respond to our life.
PHOTO Š http://www.rumundu.com/
ing man
What people are saying which communicates that will travel around the world by bicycle? In the first instance they see the dreamy look of the thing, then you care about me. The most significant question, and if we are curious, I did e-mail one to whom I explained that I tent and sleeping bag and then going to sleep where it happens and he asked me, “but then you bring the gun? “. You already sure that once back home will resume life as before or think that this trip will be a turning point in his life? When I think about my future I see a wooden house, independent from the energy point of view, an orchard, four hens. This is my future. I think I will work less. I want to, simply, slow down.
PHOTO © http://www.rumundu.com/
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Riccardo sky scarian
A protagonist of free climbing. interview
“Perhaps many do not understand what it means to pass a mandatory so high, opening a new route from below and if done ethically rigorous, I assure you that is a lot of stuff and a lot of satisfaction.” Riccardo Scarian in almost thirty years of activity has built a resume that you can simply define “complete”. Mountain Guide, Ski Instructor, Technical SAGF mountain rescue, helicopter rescue technician, Group skiers Yellow Flames and fifteen years (1990-2005) of agonistic activity with achievement of different category titles. Just to make a synthesis of so much more. A major player in all disciplines, which have periodically captured and involved, by virtue of a natural evolution of personal and climber, but it is opening a new line that captures the essence of each of them. In hindsight, Richard, acknowledges that he would devote less time to the competitions in favor of increased outdoor activities, more in line with his personal vision of climbing.
Using military jargon, one could say of Richard “Sky” Scarian: born in 1968, specialized technical mountain rescue SAGF, Helicopter Emergency Medical Technician, a mountain guide and ski instructor Alpine (Alpine ski teacher), Federal Climbing Instructor (National instructor of sport climbing), National Coach Climbing (National trainer of sport climbing), Plotter National (First level route setter (national), Plotter International (International Chief route setter), National Team Bouldering 1999-2005 (Bouldering national team), Group skiers Guardia di Finanza (climbing) 1996-2004 and mica end here, to follow a resume of accomplishments as high as a 9 year old boy. After this “summary” you ruined the ending and question what will you be can not even think of, but after so many years and so many titles there are still “possible mutations (8a OS)” that can throw “Shadows on the blue (8a OS)” for “The mighty (8b + Rotpunkt)” “Atomic Ant (8a OS)” from “Fingers Rush (boulder 7b + / c flash)” which in that “Last movement (8b Rotpunkt)” into a “Bain de sang (9a Rotpunkt)” still wants to “Dreams of Glory (8c Rotpunkt)”... what do you think? Every time I think about ... I turn back and I realize that so many years have passed since I started really. Well, the feelings that I feel now are practically the same as then, I would say improved, in the sense that now I can capture nuances that at the beginning I did not see. The passion has remained the same, the desire as well, the fiber you are keeping well and grown in thirty years of experience climbing ... makes me experience the best of this wonderful discipline.
Have you started to climb adapted to any changes in climbing. What are the pro
Responding to this question sapling, and I feel catapulted for the simple reason that m came through word of mouth The Web did not exist and ran some nice pictures. For me th all this is no longer possible, about everyone, to a certain aspect of climbing. If I had to discoveries and adventures, such as training, nutrition, et ... ‘the best, if you could alwa Now a lot more positive feed and perhaps even greater tr accompanied by a video ... a existed. I think that ethics an
This new generation of mu or the difficulties created li and push towards new hor
I believe that evolution will co still go on, because the basin greater chance that this will h Surely it will come to pass t beyond the circle of talent ab
You said you inspired Man you’ve learned to walk alon does it compare with other
When you start, there alwa can convey something stron myself intoxicated by these passionate about climbing. experiences I have found my with different nuances dictate continue their journey, but w discussion with others and c
b with the “old generation 80 years’,” but you’re well that time, for good or bad, have changed the world of os and cons of this evolution?
n, all of a sudden I realize that I am no longer a young d nostalgically at that time ... which for me were mythical, made me daydream ... because of the deeds of My heroes h as it did in the legends! n only a few magazine, where you could dream of watching hat was a period definitely positive and I’m glad I lived, now because in real time via the internet you know everything extent this is positive but the other did disappear romantic choose, I think I still prefer those years, they were the real a true search for themselves even in the simplest things, tc.., Basically you had to arrange and invent stealing a bit ays must capture some advice ... that was often wrong! dback socialization among climbers and much more trade, ransparency on performance, so much so that often are although personally I think the “banfoni” exist now as then nd honesty should seek within themselves.
utants will live up to continue this positive evolution imits have achieved stellar evolutionary demotivating rizons... such as the trad?
ontinue its path, perhaps slowing down a little bit but it will n arrampicatorio is growing and as a result there will be a happen. this stellar performance by the great cliff walls, although ble to do that shrinks exponentially.
nolo for climbing, Moffat and Moon for bouldering then ne. What it means to be inspiring themselves and how rs?
ays inspired by someone or something, usually figures ng and with a certain charisma. When I started, I found characters, who gave me encouragement and made me Growing up, and making my way through the various y road that runs more or less parallel to that of others, but ed by my “self.” So everyone is having to make choices to with the fundamental necessity of having to always put in consequently confront.
Essendoti measured with almost all disciplines of climbing (climbing, bouldering, competitions and nailing) in which of these do you feel most Sky and in what most Riccardo Scarian? They are still fascinated by these methods, but each has or has had its own season, dictated biological age... and by the natural growth of climber and staff. If you want to reach its limit in the specific discipline, must be able to listen to the messages and sensations of your body. I feel lucky because I am one that has never fossilized on one specific discipline, but I always felt the urge to try a little ‘more ... adapting myself quickly to new situations. Now I would say that perhaps the opening of a street, trying their limit, may encapsulate the essence of all the others! This perhaps I feel more Riccardo Scarian
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Un nuovo giornale È sempre una bella notizia quando una voce si fa sentire tra le altre, nel panorama dell’informazione. È una voce originale e, soprattutto, appassionata.
. What places or achievements c
Surely the Totoga regarding the pla marked an important moment giving
The Way “Cani morti” is a gem o Deposit Required.; 2nd shot 8a/8a As it has affected the way you se
It ‘was a great experience! Also bec ways to stand against a wall, a mou from below and if done ethically rigo But all this is very personal, because
Today there is only one style of disciplines in which the scale. Ea Many young people are seen on t
I feel I am more in tune with those m
Sky twenties today, what would h
Surely I would have spent less years climbing is another ... and the only c As the idea of “hanging on a nail
I hope I can continue to climb and t
consider most important, those who have marked your path climber?
ace, for the simple reason that there I arrampicatorialmente format. For many accomplishments, I would have to mention, and each has g me great emotions, Shakti it is definitely part!
of its kind, by nailing down strict ethics and clean, mandatory high, few and far guards (1st shot 8b/8b +: 23 mt, 4 spits and 8a a +: 33 mt, 4 spits, 3rd shot 8a: 35 mt, 6 spits; 4th pitch 7b: 55 mt, 3 spits; 5th pitch 6c +: 50 mt, 2 spits). ee the climbing?
cause it was the first in this style and this ethic. I would say it did not affect the way I see it climbing, but it made me reflect on the many untain or a boulder! Technical rescue Perhaps many do not understand what it means to pass a mandatory so high, opening a new route orous, I assure you that is a lot of stuff and a lot of satisfaction! se I believe that everyone has the right to seek their own adventure, provided it is done with respect and honesty!
climbing, a lot more people coming to this world leading to a sectoralisation and a consequent specialization in the various ach specialty has its own man or woman of reference that changes over time, replaced by the young talented guy. the horizon, such traits findings in these talents that you see or hear more of yours?
multi-purpose, who knows how to enjoy a little ‘all that it offers this wonderful discipline!
he do with climbing?
s in competitions ... even if they gave me many and great satisfaction, but almost fifteen years have been too many, because my vision of competition will not give emotions so deep as you can make a trip to a place “X” living climbing and nature itself. fingers” is far ... what will you?
travel... and this passion not ever leave me!
Vademecum Spesso ci si dimentica che molte delle nostre montagne sono “vuote”. Si pensi che in Italia ci sono oltre 35.000 grotte esplorate e inserite nei vari catasti delle cavità delle Regioni. Molte di queste sono caratterizzate da un’alta frequentazione di speleologi di tutta Italia per la loro particolarità e bellezza. Ma è bene ricordare che Speleologi si diventa col tempo nella pratica e non ci si può improvvisare! E’ bene evitare di andare in grotta senza le adeguate conoscenze tecniche ma piuttosto avvicinarsi alla Speleologia attraverso un buon corso di introduzione affidandosi a gruppi organizzati e dotati di apposite strutture didattiche riconosciute dalla Commissione Nazionale Scuole di Speleologia della Società Speleologica Italiana (CNSS-SSI) o dalla Scuola Nazionale di Speleologia del Club Alpino Italiano (SNS-CAI). Una escursione Speleologica SICURA è innanzitutto ben pianificata, è quindi necessario conoscere le caratteristiche della grotta e valutarne la fruibilità anche in relazione alle condizioni meteorologiche e idrologiche. Ogni Speleologo deve conoscere innanzitutto se stesso ed affrontare l’attività nelle giuste condizioni psicofisiche avendo cura di non entrare in grotta già stanco o affrontare escursioni non idonee alle proprie capacità. In particolare deve essere curata l’alimentazione sia prima dell’ingresso in grotta che durante la permanenza in sotterraneo. Evitare gli alcolici e bere invece molta acqua. La Speleologia moderna è caratterizzata dall’impiego di idonee attrezzature individuali e di gruppo. Queste devono essere scelte sulla base delle caratteristiche della grotta e ne deve essere curata la manutenzione e controllata periodicamente l’usura. Da non dimenticare: 1. Un telo termico 2. Un coltellino 3. Un impianto luce di riserva 4. un piccolo kit di primo soccorso per gruppo Nella pratica Speleologica è necessario adottare alcuni accorgimenti: • è buona norma non andare mai in grotta da soli e ricordare che la sicurezza è un problema di tutta la squadra, quindi ci si controlla a vicenda; • pulire le verticali dalle insidie “mobili” ed in ogni caso non sostare mai immediatamente sotto di esse; • controllare sempre in che condizioni si lasciano le corde di progressione; • essere certi che le comunicazioni verso i compagni siano percepite sempre correttamente; • rispettare il passo del compagno più lento ed impostare la progressione di tutto il gruppo su di esso • informare sempre UNA persona riguardo alla grotta in cui si va e al percorso di massima che si intende affrontare e dare un presunto orario di uscita dalla grotta • nonostante si segua pedissequamente tali accorgimenti, nella Speleologia il rischio di incidente è comunque reale ed oggettivo, come in ogni altra attività legata alla montagna. Per incidenti in grotta non si devono intendere solo gli infortuni (eventi traumatici con danni alla persona), ma ogni fatto accidentale accaduto nel corso di una esplorazione o escursione in grotta che ne abbia rallentato, impedito o compromesso lo svolgimento. In caso di incidente: • è meglio sovrastimare la situazione e allertare il soccorso piuttosto che perdere tempo prezioso; • valutare la situazione che ha determinato l’evento e che può ancora rappresentare un rischio; • mantenere la calma ed evitare decisioni avventate; • prepararsi ad assistere un infortunato per un periodo anche prolungato, meglio se si è in due; • acquisire informazioni sull’accaduto circa dinamica dell’incidente e condizioni dell’infortunato; • in tutta sicurezza, due compagni devono guadagnare l’uscita della grotta ed allertare il numero unico per le emergenze sanitarie 118 chiedendo esplicitamente l’intervento del Soccorso Speleologico comunicando le informazioni raccolte ed il luogo dell’incidente. Non abbandonare mai il luogo ed il telefono da cui si allertano i soccorsi per garantire sempre la piena raggiungibilità nel caso la centrale operativa 118 o le squadre del CNSAS abbiano necessità di informazioni più precise.
Jbel Toubkal The story of the rise to Jbel Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa, bordered by a tragedy due to imprudence
It is already evening when the peaks of the Atlas Mountains flowing beneath our feet, in a few minutes we’ll be landing in Marrakech. In a few days the mountains will host us to give us great emotions and give us unfortunately the tragic surprises. In Marrakech it rains, even dare I say it pours! Who expects it in weather like in Morocco.
We are four middle-age adventurers, who have not yet decided to engage in quieter activities. We feel, and we still want to be young and a little bit goliardic. Lucy is 47 years old is of Cagliari and is the wife of my childhood friend, Mauro aged 53, he Cagliari. Since children have done quite a few crazy things together as climbing, climbing, trekking, caving in short, we were not ever stop. With me there is my partner Carina, 49 Swedish, together we dream to retire and live our freedom in Sardinia, while it is forced up with me and hear me speak at the side of mountains and ascended. Not only does not send me to hell, but rather feels involved and want to participate in my madness! And then there’s me, Robert 53, I live and work in Sweden since that day in 1988. Sweden is a wonderful country and that has given me so much, and yet Sardinia I miss very much, for this contact with my land that are more intense. We meet all four of the airport where we expect
Mohammed. The road to Imlil, 60 km from Marrakech, it is impractical. Imlil is a small mountain town that will be the starting point for the approach and then the ascent to Toubkal, 4167 meters above sea level. Ibrahim who is my contact in Morocco but also lorganizzatore trekking and adventure, he immediately proceeded have in store overnight in a typical Riad in Marrakech. It’s okay though, tomorrow morning we will move to November 1 in Imlil with the hope that the weather is good and the way forward. We spent the evening around a table laden with good Moroccan food, and between memories and laughter we go to sleep hoping that the climate is more forgiving in the coming days. The next day we walk the mountain road along the valley of Imlil. Signs of flooding are more than evident. The river has brought with it large chunks of asphalt and in many places the passages are so narrow that the emotion
is transformed into goose bumps! Febrile manual jobs are held throughout the valley, many fields have all but vanished in no time. For the people of the valley is definitely a blow although I suppose that they are accustomed to. The obvious geomorphological conditions of the place they do guess. We met Brahim two years ago and after two wonderful hiking in these mountains I told him we would be back to get on the Toubkal. Embracing replied: - Inshallah! (If Allah wills!). Welcomes us and embraces us affectionately. You see that it is really happy to see you again. Immediately offers us a great hot tea with mint pastries. We decide for a briefing in the afternoon to meet our guide, Brahim (here is the most
common name!). I specifically asked to have B us with professionalism two years ago for th Two unforgettable trekking between nature an mountain guide and is born in these mountain The day goes to Imlil where the most common mule. Let some purchases, inter alia water an driving, at first does not recognize us but wh before a little click of joy and embraces us wa We agree on all the details of the next two da both places that attarverseremo that for exc North Africa beyond 4000 meters.
Brahim as a guide. It is he who has guided he wonderful hills of this part of the Atlas. nd culture of Morocco. Brahim is a certified ns, the Toubkal rose dozens of times. n means of transport is the donkey and the nd small feature caloric. We meet Brahim, hen I show him pictures of two years ago armly. ays. They will be days full of emotions for citation to reach the highest peak in all of
The second of November after a hearty breakfast and the proper “dressing” we take the approach march to the shelter Nelter place at 3200 meters. We expect 18 km walk steady climb in a beautiful valley with mountain streams extremely swollen with plenty of water and that give shape to the valley often interrupted by beautiful waterfalls. The time and temperature are optimal. Carina, due to a lack of iron in the blood, it must save energy for the rise of the next day. Approximately half of the course will do it in the back of a “sweet” donkey flanked by his own fifteen-Rashid. The bulk of baggage and equipment are carried out also by another donkey. Shouldered our backpacks are lightweight, as it were, a luxury! Despite that I accuse quite a bit of effort, I can not enjoy the scenery is lovely! We meet many trekkers return to Imlil, all in the company of guide and donkeys. At
the height of a place of worship named Chamharouch It is scenically beautiful, the valley is divided into two and the steepness increases. From now on we will not do more long breaks, for fear of not peck downpour that looks lurking. We will arrive at the shelter Nelter after about six hours of walking. There are lots of people of different nationalities, including French, Spanish, German, Italian-Swedish us and others. The Nelter it is not the height of European high altitude mountain huts, everything is a bit scruffy and the sanitary conditions are not exactly the best. But the mood is good, take a shower with all the “precautions” and eat abbondandantemente the menu of the refuge. We decide for a briefing for the evening after dinner. Brahim tells us about the details of the ascent. He is very quiet and safe. Among other things, our boots suitable for crampons that will be vital in the ascent. ‘ll Mount them when he deems it necessary. The breakfast is scheduled for half past four in the morning and departure for the five. I looked at the valley that leads to the top: it is incredibly steep! From 3200 meters to 4167 meters at the peak within a few miles of trail says it all
about steepness we face. We wake up in the vibration of the phone, prepare in silence and in the dark the backpacks in the dormitory where we stay to meet the other guests who are still sleeping. The group of Germans part of half an hour before us. It is still dark, and we begin the ascent with the lamps on the forehead. After an hour of rise we enjoy the sunrise illuminating the tops of the mountains in front of us. It is a show that is priceless! The ascent is steep and strenuous, the anxiety is felt, you have to bite the bullet. I have neither the desire nor the right concentration to shoot despite the reflex hang from the neck. We meet the first snow at around
3600 meters, gradually it will become more profound and con I realized later that it snowed last week abundantly. It is not for this time. Slowly we are joined by a group that stops and p crampons. Brahim still does not give us the signal because we p too. We continue to go up, is steep, sometimes I think of giv Carina, Lucy and Mauro seems to go without any major problem if we stop often to take oxygen. The trekking poles help us grea we continue to rise in spite of the difficulty without crampons. I’m on more than anything else with my mental powers. Meet the Germans supposedly going down after reaching the
nsistent. normal puts the put them ving up. ms even atly and m going summit.
The weather has worsened considerably, the temperature is lowered but also blowing a gale and lashing. We reach the hill with steps unsafe Toubkal at 4000 meters and only there Brahim makes us put on our crampons. We are in the ridge of the hill and when the heavens open in bursts makes us understand the enormous cliffs surrounded us! The day before, only two people have managed to reach the summit many have given up and stopped here because the visibility was reduced to 50 cm. Brahim commands us to be very close between us. In a little while we have to travel a piece of about 200 meters in a cross that is to say
through the side of the mountain cliffs. I do not feel tired and crampons and everything seems more smoothly and safely. Lucia bec of the situation and decides not to continue to expect before the cross. attempts to convince her to come with us. The fact is that they still wait is not ideal, in any case, Lucia made the decision absolutely best. We cover the cross, in full storm, visibility is reduced which fortunately understand that we precipice beneath our feet! After the sleepers come steep and more large and suddenly there it is! In mist you can see t by a characteristic pyramidal metal scaffolding. There are about ten i Unfortunately the weather is not forgiving, so we can not enjoy the vie But we congratulate each other and do the usual photos with the fla Sk책ne, the Swedish region where I live. There is no more time and we have to go, Lucy is waiting for us in
more focused with cause of the drama A nothing will serve in this cold weather
y does not make us e in a decidedly less the summit marked in the November 3. ew from the summit. ags of sardines and
n the cold! We begin
the reverse path and after the cross meet two young Englishmen and tell us that Lucia is not far away and waiting for us. The reach, it is chilly but not at all worried even though we have waited for 45 long minutes! Now together again continue the descent, from there to just meet the group of Spaniards are in six and I remember that they did not have crampons. We continue the steep descent, but with crampons and walk right there are no problems. At one point we meet two other Spaniards, a couple. She is desperately cold. His clothes are not suitable for such adventures, he asked to come down with us, while her husband wants to continue and reach the group of Spaniards that he has not expected. The woman, named Africa, falls without crampons with us and practically clinging to Brahim. As you can tackle a mountain like that without the right equipment, I think? These are the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, the Spanish area located in the part of the African continent. They came to get on the Toubkal without a local guide. After two hours of descent come to the shelter. Africa thanks us affectionately. We are tired but happy, we rely
on, eat plenty and get ready to return on foot to Imlil. However, in another 18 km down this time. Only shortly after the start of the walk final, we are joined by means of items of other guides Moroccan, a shocking news. It seems that a man, a Spaniard has died up in the mountains near the summit! The voices overlap as we continue the descent, from the first moment we spoke of a heart attack, we learn that the man is precipitated. It was part of the group of Spaniards who were without a guide of Ceuta and probably without crampons. We go down to Imlil often with the thought of how light can transform a great emotions in tragedies. With the mountain as well as with the sea we must have respect if you want to enjoy them to the fullest. The precautions are never enough. It is dark when we arrive in Imlil, Brahim is visibly happy to see you again. The police called and informed of the incident, maybe for a moment believed he was one of us to have lost their lives. So we did and we are grateful to Brahim Brahim guide and organizer, we learned a lot from this experience and now we are ready to continue our trip to Morocco through traffic even more dangerous in Marrakech!
Technical information Technical data and information – Jbel Toubkal: The Jbel Toubkal is the highest mountain chain of the High Atlas and all the far north of Africa. Reaches 4167m. The starting point for the ascent to the top is the village of Imlil about 60 km south of Marrakech. Accessible by car through the village of Asni and then the valley of Imlil (?) Imlil is placed at about 1800 m asl. There are several possibilities of housing to suit all tastes and prices. The different guest houses and hotels contact with organizations for the ascent to the top. In Imlil you can rent various equipment for trekking and ascent on all of these crampons required during periods of snow and ice (November-March) and hiking pole absolutely advisable. A Imlil is the seat of the French Alpine Club where you can make contact with authorized guides. Council of relying on local licensed guides. The approach march from Imlil door to the two shelters at high altitude, the refuge Nelter, created by the French Alpine Club and the refuge Les Mouflones. Both can be reached by a march to about 18 km. At an altitude of 3206m. The path even if it is very obvious and reported consistently beaten and easy to follow. Slope of about 1450m. Difficulty level E. The ascent to the summit leads to 4167 m within a few kilometers, so the slope is remarkable. The ‘normal’ route is the south. The trail is not well marked and in the presence of snow is not absolutely clear. The difficulty level is not extreme I would say, but EE level becomes a level more difficult and challenging in the presence of snow and ice, so EEA level. Slope about 961 m. Relying on Moroccan licensed guides who have obtained the license from the courses organized by the French Alpine Club. There is also the way north, less traveled and more challenging and a way with alpine climbing for climbers. A package “classic” for the ascent to the summit is to stay in Imlil retired, driving with driving and donkeys and mules transport of luggage and equipment, to overnight shelters, rise with mountain guide, return to the shelter with possible overnight or return directly to Imlil. The package includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Are normally involved two, three or more people depending on the size of the group. It is advisable to give an adequate tip your guides and transporters which you have served. You can climb to the top throughout the year. In winter the temperatures are very strict even above -20 degrees at altitude. In November, the rainfall is more likely at high altitude and the rain turns to snow and icy too sudden. Spring is the best time. The temperatures are very adequate and nature is more colorful. In summer the approach march can be very tiring because of the heat.
Links: The video of this ascent on youtube: http://youtu.be/oJFCDpziGDw The site with countless information on accommodation, climate, description ascended, guides and much more: www.imlil.org The oganizzazione to which I relied for several trekking in the High Atlas: www.trekkingmorocco.com The author’s website: www.proimagine.com For more information please contact: contact@proimagine.com
The land of the Sacred crocodiles
Since the morning the day appeared very strange, the sky was a blinding light, the atmosphere thick and translucent, hung a blanket of white powder, other than the wind of the sunset, the harmattan, which usually makes the air unbreathable , carrying with it the red sands of the Sahara desert. If not for the thermometer marking thirty degrees and the air completely dry, looked like a typical foggy winter morning in Milan. Without too many expectations we decided to visit the village of BazoulĂŠ, where we will see with our own eyes, the strange and secular alliance that exists between this people and the sacred crocodiles.
Take a taxi, those invariably ramshackle, with cushions non-existent, making the journey to our destination less comfortable and a little ‘more Trophy. From Ouagadougou travel about thirty-five miles on a paved road only occasionally. We arrive at the Auberge de Bazoulé, where after paying the entrance to the swamp with an attached guide, we are asked and an additional EUR for the poulet, we pay without objection even if there is very clear why. The inhabitants of the place, believe that crocodiles are the reincarnation of their ancestors and as long as this will remain in place, the water will not dry up. To appease the spirits, offer them as a sacrifice of chickens. When we saw a booth extract from a very small chicken plucked, held by the legs upside down and chirped as if he knew exactly what was going sad fate in hand, and at that point it was clear the reason for the payment of the euro in addition . While respecting all traditions, beliefs and rituals of this culture, we decide that the crocodile with all its “sacredness”, you will have to settle for a cordial greeting empty-handed. After a few meters, on the banks of the swamp, we meet a huge specimen busy basking in the sun, the boy who guides us does not hesitate to show us how, even taking him by the tail and sitting on the back, the animal showed no sign of aggression. Taking courage, I will not miss the chance to touch this living fossil (on the tail of course) and it is a surprise to discover that the skin is soft and silky. The most amazing thing was to see a group of children with a donkey play in this place surrounded by these huge reptiles, but for the locals it’s absolutely “normal.”
After a few meters, on the banks of the swamp, we meet a huge specimen busy basking in the sun...
There is no evidence of accidents involved attacks on humans, many think it is due to the sacrifices offered to them, even though I defy anyone to feed and then pacify hundreds of crocodiles with some small chicken plucked.
“Questo libro rappresenta un viaggio metaforico alla ricerca di un riscatto, di quegli abbandoni atavici, di padre in figlio, e dell’interruzione drammatica della loro relazione affettiva, che si sublima in “frammenti” di ricordi-diario chiamati a riempire un vuoto. Nel racconto viene fuori una città, Napoli, che ha mantenuto intatte le sue relazioni e che l’autore ci restituisce con emozioni nuove, forse per metabolizzare quelle “solitudini” che si è portato dentro per tanto, troppo tempo.” Ines D’Angelo
E ‘clear that there is a subtle balance holding this strange relationship, as is also clear that with the increase of the tourism and the mercificarsi of this phenomenon, the balance is to compromise. Of all the doubts and uncertainties, another indelible image of this day was going to make a fine show, around three in the afternoon as we walked away, looking up at the sky, the weather looked white, like a diaphanous white moon. A great uncertainty in the climate of the soul to keep.
A perfect cocktail called beach tennis TEXT AND PHOTO OF FRANCESCA COLUMBU
Stefania Carmelita: dynamic, resourceful, determined and professional. Adjectives that describe the character and quality of the young beautiful Sardinian champion. Call it beach tennis or beach tennis is no big difference, what matters is that it is a sport vibrant, youthful and fun that allows its practitioners to live what is most healthy and beneficial to offer a day at the beach. It is a sport that has its origins from a game in Italy in the early twentieth century, was practiced with a “tambourine”, the many visitors of the sunny beaches of the time. After the 50s you start to use the first shoe with a wooden top. But we must wait until the end of the ‘70s, early ‘80s, to see take hold its spread. In those years in seaside resorts of the Romagna - more precisely in the province of Ravenna - fans of the game came early to think that the many beach volleyball courts, which began to popular Italian beaches, could adapt well to become a perfect field challenge for the fun pastime played with the “rackets”. Its evolution, which leads him on the podium of the racing activities, comes in 2011 when the Olympic Committee will certify the rules of the game, including it within the Italian Tennis Federation. Beach tennis is no longer a simple fun with friends, to live during the summer season, but enters fully into the vast panorama of international sports. To get to know and better understand this sport I have had the pleasure of interviewing the twenty-eight Cagliari Stefania Carmelita: professional beach tennis, which has, to date, numerous victories in both the regional and national level. The first question will help us to learn about the sport more closely. Tell us what kind of sport is beach tennis and explain its rules of play. First of all, his name was born from the union and sharing of certain rules of beach volleyball (beach volleyball) and tennis. From the first sport inherits the size of the playing field (16x8 m) and the surface, strictly sand. The network, which is located in both sports, initially was 2 meters high and, subsequently, was lowered to 1.70 mt to make exchanges fastest and most spectacular. The contribution of tennis is more modest, the tool, although it is called also in this case racket, is different in form and structure, while some terminologies are identical as the shots technicians, including: the service, the volé backhand and straight and smash it. The score was inherited from the court: game, set and tie-breaks are almost similar and vary according to the regulations adopted by the tournament. A difference are the advantages that do not exist in beach tennis.
What gives you the beach tennis, from the point of view of stimuli, feelings, and so on? I believe that any sporting activity, when practice is at a competitive level, can only give great emotions. Whenever I have a race I can not wait to get into the field, in order to transform the pre-game anxiety into pure energy, and be able to download the adrenaline accumulated during the wait. What excites me most in giving the best of me in the field is first of all the fun that the sport he always manages to make me live and then there’s great desire to win, never giving a ball to the end. The only drawback of play beach tennis in Sardinia, at a competitive level, is that we are located in regional tournaments to challenge the same people and this limits the ability to deal with high-level athletes. This is for me a very important factor, because being able to compete with experienced sportsmen creates the right incentive that allows an athlete to improve their game. My next goal is, in fact, look for new sponsors who allow me, to get out of regional tournaments and participate in international competitions.
When did your passion for this sport, and why? First, it is fair to point out that I picked up my first tennis racket at the age of eight, and since then, I never stopped playing. In ‘95 I started racing operations and are currently instructor at the 1st level of the tennis club Cagliari Monte Urpinu. Let us say, then, that my approach to the beach tennis would call a natural “evolution tennis.” The passion began almost by accident about eight years ago. Like all the Sardinians, I love the sea, the beach and the summer, but not particularly loving sunbathing lying on the couch or rather, not being able to sit still in the same position for more than thirty minutes a day with a colleague of mine, tennis teacher, we decided to ask for information to be able to use a golf game. It is easy to see that from the day I was hooked. Fun, competition, friends, sun, sea and many amozioni: this is what can make you live that little pitch marked on the beaches. Almost all sports to be practiced at a competitive level require continuous training. It’s easy, then, to think that is practiced throughout the year. The beach tennis now, not only for those who make racing but also for the many enthusiasts and newbies who come to the discipline is practiced twelve months a year. It is clear that in regions such as ours, the weather allows you to play on the beaches almost all year round but, unfortunately, there are no facilities covered in Sardinia and this allows you to get the right consistency of play during the colder months and rainy. It is hoped, however, that in the future things will change soon and that we can achieve indoor courts, because the players from year to year increase and the fields begin to no longer enough. In addition to the role of player coating also that of the instructor. A passion that is likely to become your profession. I would say yes! I started about two years ago, a bit ‘for fun and ... and so the adventure began. Today I have so many projects and I sincerely hope that this sport can grow, with new recruits who are capable of making beach tennis their sport, and with an induced widening of new practitioners. Beach tennis is a sport that allows you to easily reach a good level of play and above all it is a discipline that encompasses different age groups, demonstrating a sport so adaptable to different needs physical / athletic. Since I started teaching I can assure you that those who have not started he was hooked. I read your resume. In 2012 you won the whole winnable at regional level. 2013 What do you bring? The year 2012 was the year that gave me the “hat-trick” that is, the three titles of the championships Sardinian: single women’s doubles and mixed doubles. A year of great satisfaction, especially for the victory of the individual who is not thought to be able to reach. The year 2013 I hope you bring me a lot more out of Sardinia, to have new experiences, to reach new goals and to grow sportingly. Elsewhere in Italy there are many schools, so many players and players who can teach you so much. We say that projects and the desire there hope to find some small sponsors who can help us. If I asked you a sentence can represent you like sports? Do not think about the pain, do not think anything like it. Think ahead to stay there, not to retreat. Use your fear, make the most of. Use your heart and mistress of yourself
Slow at food
Gravlax o gravad lax TEXT OF ANDRE MASCI PHOTO http://www.idinner.it/
I speak to you today about a dish of Scandinavia. Gravad or marinated salmon. Since 1600 has been handed down the recipe, which owes its name to the method of preparation. In fact, the salmon, was prepared and then placed in a hole made in the ground, covered with earth, so that he could ferment.
Since I’m dealing with a Swedish girl, I thought to prepare this recipe. The salmon after marinating, generally, is served thinly sliced accompanied by mustard Scandinavian (Hovmästarsås). I serve on slices of apple ad a splash of lime or on slices of bread, salted butter, lettuce and boiled eggs.
Ingredients for 8/10 persons: • 1 Kg divided into two large salmon fillets already cleaned • 100 g of fine sea salt • 130 g of caster sugar • 2/3 crushed juniper berries • 25 grains of ground pepper • 3/4 Tbsp Gin • a clump of wild fennel or dill
Preparedness Place in a mixing bowl salt, sugar, white pepper mix the ingredients until the mixture is smooth. At this point, cover the inside of the salmon fillets with the mixture, massaging until completely cover them. Now pour the gin over the fillets and place above the juniper berries and fennel finely chopped. Place one fillet on top of the other and keep in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for storage of food, preferably with closure. Putting it all into a baking dish that will avoid leakage of liquids. If you have a big cutting board place it on the threads, so that they can stay compact. Turn every twelve hours. Spend 48 hours to empty the liquid that has formed and put it in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Finally the marinated salmon or Gravad lax is ready, with the use of a knife with the blade end of the cut into thin slices and serve with mustard Swedish (Hovmästarsås).
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Ingredients for the sauce (Hovmästarsås): • 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar • ½ teaspoon white pepper • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar • 2 tablespoons lemon juice • 3 tablespoons mustard • 1 ½ dl oil sunflower seeds • 1 handful of chopped dill or fennel selavati • Sale q.b
Preparation sauce
In a mixing bowl, add sugar fennel selavatico stir until creamy, add all ingredients except oil and stir. At this point, add the oil, stirring constantly with wire until the sauce.
at culturam !
Dear friends, this time we find ourselves in Murano, near Venice, where we said goodbye last time. Also this area is the guardian of ancient crafts not entirely disappeared that can not be waved for short. Today we will talk, in fact, a trade that has not disappeared, indeed quite the opposite. Going back in time, we discover the art of “fioleri” (from “fiole”, “vial”, “bottles”) together with that of blown glass, which, at the end of 1200, it was moved to Murano to protect the city Venice by fires arising from the use of the furnaces (at that time the houses were made of wood). It was a decree of the Most Serene Republic, in fact, to transfer the furnaces from Venice to Murano. But from ancient documents it seems that for some time on the island were present numerous glass factories that passed from father to son. It was forbidden to leave the country for fear of craftsmen who could move elsewhere their art. Murano is an island in the Venetian Lagoon lying north-east of Venice and, like the latter, is composed of small islands. His name has become famous throughout the world for its glass and is also remarkable the induced tourism. The art of glass reached its peak in 1600, with rapid expansion throughout Europe, then, with the crisis of the Venetian Republic was in crisis even this activity. Only in the nineteenth century there was a real recovery and today we can say that it has reached its highest expression, so that, in addition to tourism, Murano can base its economy on the
ph. © http://www.sognidicristallo.it
production of beautiful glass objects among which the famous pearls glass. These have spread to many shops and represent perhaps the need to imitate precious stones. Legend has it that Marco Polo, returning from the East, to propose glassmakers to reproduce glass pearls precious Eastern countries. The processing of these beads were of two types, that blown to the flame and that performed with an instrument called a spit. Finally, to shape them, were placed in a hot oven. The end result was represented by a large production of beads of various sizes, those of larger size were shaped and decorated rooms. Among these are the pink pearls, lampwork and those with blown glass. The most famous are the ‘Murrine’, small thumbnails of glass which represent one of the most interesting works of the Venetian glass masters and who contributed to the revival of Murano glassware. The murrine, more precisely, vases and bowls are glass mosaic that they present abstract or figurative designs such as flowers and animals. Little known detail is that most production takes place in the winter when it’s colder. This is because the temperature of the furnaces can also reach a thousand degrees, not allowing to work there in the summer. The skill of the master glassblower lies in its creativity. He with a long metal barrel extracted from the furnace a glowing ball of paste and after essersela reach the mouth, blowing into them, expands the dough, shaping it into a form. Interestingly, in order to appreciate closely the history of glass in these places, is the visit to the museum of Murano glass. Situated in the old palace of the bishops of Torcello, was established in 1861 in order to collect all the evidence of that ancient craft. The museum soon enriched with the numerous donations of glass produced on the island over the years, and, attached to this, a school was established by the master glassmakers, who, after a period of crisis at the end of the nineteenth century, were at work again in full swing. With the passage of Murano under the jurisdiction of the city of Venice, the glass museum became part of the Venetian Civic Museums and collections were enriched by priceless pieces. Today, along with a world class manufacturing, but almost always in series, which has seen factories devote himself to the creation of glass from objects, is of considerable interest in the development of glass creation as an expression of absolute art by many artists who come to the island to use the kilns just to create their works of art. And so, the island of Murano is projected to be more and more an important cultural center and tourist attraction for the many visitors who are fascinated. And at this point, as always, I wish all our friends tourists a good trip. See you next episode.
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Edizione IT/UK/ES Mensile - Anno I Nr. 8 - Giugno 2013