516.752.8008 • www.setomaticsystems.com Does your Laundromat accept NFC Mobile Wallet Payments? Only with Setomatic Systems' SpyderWash can your customers take advantage of all the latest payment options, and so much more! • COIN, CREDIT, DEBIT AND NFC MOBILE WALLET ACCEPTANCE • REPORTING, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND LOYALTY CARD PROGRAMS • SEAMLESS INTEGRATION WITH ANY MACHINE MAKE OR MODEL Contact your Setomatic Sales Rep today to learn how you can bene t from adding Debit Card and Credit acceptance to your Coin Operated Laundromat. IS YOUR LAUNDROMAT READY FOR 21st CENTURY PAYMENTS?
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Population growth, urbanization and a growing middle class have increased demand for food, goods and services, placing an unprecedented strain on the world’s limited fresh water supply. Ecolab shares the latest water trends and suggests conservation opportunities, including using a new financial modeling tool that enables businesses to factor current and future water risks into decision making.
6 GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH CASHLESS Consumers’ increasing acceptance of cashless payment, especially when paying for small-ticket purchases and personal services, is having an impact on the self-service laundry industry.
Howard Scott profiles Rick Rome, creator
WashClub, a laundry pickup and delivery service that is driven by an app.
all, the customer wants convenience ... If you can provide a service that frees up their time and attention, you’ll win business,” Rome tells Scott.
The WashClub app enables smartphone users to easily order laundry service meeting their specifications. (Cover Image: ©iStockphoto/PhotonStock) Payment Cashless Systems
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Over the last month, during the time I wasn’t preparing this issue of American Coin-Op, I was shopping for Christmas presents.
Well, not all of the time, but you get the idea.
I’m not a big brick-and-mortar shopper; I prefer to do most of my shopping online. But there are times when it’s necessary to step out from behind your computer monitor and actually interact with other humans.
I’m not big on carrying a lot of cash with me, so I’m a frequent debit-card user. For big purchases, I tend to use a credit card so that I’m protected should my information somehow fall into the wrong hands and someone tries to buy a catamaran or a tanning bed.
And I must admit that I’ve not tried Apple Pay yet, but I hope to soon.
Now, my wife and I are perfectly happy with our home washer and dryer, but it wasn’t so long ago that our old washer gave up the ghost. Until we could get a new machine, we had to use a local Laundromat. We were happy to see that it accepted cards as well as coins.
While the majority of self-service laundries remain coin-based, the share of stores that accept either cash or card, or card only, is growing.
The advent of mobile wallets means there is another way out there for me to pay without dipping into my coin jar when it’s time to do laundry.
I took a brief look at cashless payment in this month’s cover story, Getting Comfortable with Cashless. As long as cashless payment remains convenient and secure, I think it will continue to grow in popularity, among both consumers and merchants.
Will our country one day become a cashless society? I don’t know, but can you spare a quarter?
Bruce Beggs Editorial Director
Charles Thompson, Publisher
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American Coin-Op (ISSN 0092-2811) is published monthly. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $39.00; 2 years $73.00. Foreign, 1 year $89.00; 2 years $166.00. Single copies $7.00 for U.S., $14.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Coin-Op, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 57, number 1. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Coin-Op is distributed selectively to owners, operators and managers of chain and individually owned coin-operated laundry establishments in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2016. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Coin-Op does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Coin-Op or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
Bruce Beggs
by Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director
onsumers are growing increasingly more comfortable with making cashless payments using credit or debit cards or even their smartphones.
In the United Kingdom, cashless payments have overtaken the use of currency for the first time there, according to the Payments Council; the use of cash by U.K. consumers, businesses and financial institutions fell to 48% of payments in 2014. The industry body says that consumers are moving toward debit card, contactless and mobile payments and away from cash.
Closer to home, 80% of U.S. consumers use debit cards to pay for everyday purchases such as gas, meals and groceries, according to American Credit Consumer Counseling.
The prevalence of smartphones and their computer-like capabilities have led to the creation of mobile wallets, which are “digital versions of traditional wallets that someone would carry in their pocket,” according to Chase Paymentech, a mobile wallet offered by JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Variations exist, but usually they can hold digital information about credit and debit cards for making payments; store coupons and loyalty programs; and more. Consumers just activate an app,
with Cashless
credit/ debit cards, contactless and mobile
payments rather than cash
tap an NFC-enabled (Near Field Communication) payment system with their phone and enter their PIN to complete the transaction.
ApplePay and Android Pay are two well-known examples of mobile wallets. Now, there are reports that major retailers like Walmart and Target may be developing their own.
This increasing acceptance of cashless payment, especially when paying for small-ticket purchases and personal services, is having an impact on the self-service laundry industry.
While industry surveys continue to show the vast majority of U.S. self-service laundries are still coin-based, there’s no denying that the share of cashless stores—“coinless” may be a more appropriate term—is growing larger by the year.
In the most recent State of the Industry Survey, published by American Coin-Op in April 2015, the shares of card-only stores and stores that offer both payment types (“hybrid” stores) had increased since the previous year’s survey.
Approximately 66% of respondents to the unscientific survey said they operated coin-only stores, 7.9% operated card-only stores, and 26.3% operated both in 2014. In the survey for 2013 business, the percentage of hybrid stores was only 12.7%.
There are a number of companies that market cashless payment systems to self-service laundries.
Since summer 2013, Setomatic Systems and USA Technologies Inc. have teamed to accelerate cashless payment adoption in the nearly $5 billion market.
Their agreement joined two solutions—Setomatic’s SpyderWash® technology and USAT’s comprehensive ePort Connect® service platform—to bring cashless payment value to laundry operations as consumers increasingly opt to use their credit/debit card or mobile phone to pay for such services.
SpyderWash is an advanced, wireless payment system that accommodates credit, debit, loyalty cards and NFC-enabled mobile payment, as well as coin.
At the 2015 Clean Show, ESD introduced its Synergy Wireless
6 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Consumers increasingly use ▼
(Photo: ©iStockphoto/PhotonStock)
Comfortable Getting
PERFECT CHOICE EMPLOYEE OWNED | MADE IN THE USA | SINCE 1894 DEXTER.COM 2211 WEST GRIMES AVENUE, FAIRFIELD, IOWA 52556 USA 1.800.524.2954 New energy efficient motors reduce electrical consumption and save on energy costs. EFFICIENT DexterLive controls offer a variety of PLUS cycle features and promotion options to help you maximize revenue generation. FLEXIBLE DexterLive controls work with DexterLive.com to allow you to manage your business anytime, anywhere, from any device. CONNECTED We stand behind every dryer you invest in with lifetime technical support and an industry leading 5-year limited warranty. RELIABLE With heavy-duty bearings in cast iron bearing housings, fully welded and painted cabinets, and screw resistant tumblers, Dexter dryers are built to last. DURABLE The Dexter C-Series line is our smartest, most powerful lineup yet, featuring DexterLive connected controls, flexible cycle options, and energy efficient motors. All of this paired with our durable design and reliable service makes Dexter dryers add up to the perfect choice for your business. PROFITABLE $ COMPETITIVE FINANCING AVAILABLE THE NEW T-30x2 Express Dryer
Card System, which utilizes wireless communication to locally connect card-slide readers mounted on washers and dryers to an on-site server/computer.
Customers load value onto their magnetic stripe loyalty cards using a Value Transfer Machine (VTM) at the laundry. They can load value using cash, debit/credit cards, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards, smartphone “tap-and-pay,” and EMV.
The FasCard™ system from Card Concepts Inc. works with existing coin laundry machines and allows store owners to accept credit, debit or loyalty cards in addition to coins on their washers and dryers.
TheLaundryPass.com offers still another cashless payment system, designed to enable customers to load value on a card that they would then tap on a system-equipped machine to start a cycle.
A quick Internet search can produce results that include these companies and others trying to capitalize on consumer embrace of cashless payment.
Even as cashless payment is taking greater hold among consumers, instances of retailers having their networks compromised and customer data stolen has caused credit card companies to develop EMV, a security standard for payment cards and mobile payments.
Named for founders Europay, MasterCard and VISA, EMV defines a set of security standards for credit/debit card transactions as well as NFC mobile payments, according to digital security firm Gemalto.
EMV cards use a smart chip instead of a magnetic stripe to
hold the data needed to process a transaction (the card retains a magnetic stripe for use at retailers unequipped for EMV, but it’s unknown how long card issuers will continue to include it).
Prior to a major liability shift that took place on Oct. 1, monetary losses resulting from fraudulent credit card use were absorbed by credit card issuers and payment processors, not merchants. Now, merchants accept some liability for fraud losses if they fail to implement EMV chip card terminals, according to Paychex, a provider of integrated human capital management solutions for payroll, human resources and more.
According to the latest Paychex Small Business Survey, 56% of business owners across all industries are aware of the liability shift and 29% are equipped to accept EMV chip cards. Those numbers increase significantly in the retail and restaurant/F&B spaces— those industries most likely to feel the greatest impact.
Of the respondents in those two industries, a combined 69% are aware of the liability shift and 47% report having the necessary payment acceptance equipment in place.
Laundry owners are under little pressure to accept EMV cards because “fraud in the small-ticket, unattended markets [is] really nil,” according to Michael Schantz, president of Setomatic Systems. For example, VISA has announced that small-ticket, unattended merchants, including those in vending and laundry services, are not forced to accept the chip cards, he says.
There’s no telling if the U.S. will ever truly become a cashless society. But as businesses like self-service laundries offer easy-touse, secure payment options that don’t directly involve coins or currency, there’s reason to think it’s possible. ACO
8 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
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The Legend in coin flow® • Replaces Munzprufer on old Speed Queen • Accepts single or multi coins in one coin slot, no need for two coin drops side-by-side • Designed to withstand harsh environments that may affect the performance of a coin drop • Accepts tokens and/or world coins • Multiplier/Pricing Board • Optic Sensing eliminates coin switch problems • IMONEX® upgrade needed before credit cards • Upgrade your debit card store to IMONEX® • Reduces coinage by 75% • Stainless steel on all metallic parts • Increase gross when going from debit to IMONEX® • Most reliable payment system • Increases machine revenue • Longer time between collections “Buying New Equipment? Ask to have IMONEX® Dollar Value and Quarter Coin Drops Installed!” IMONEX and The legend in coin flow are registered trademarks of IMONEX. Let IMONEX® solve all your coin Laundry payment system needs, contact us today! (800) 446-2719 www.imonex.com IMONEX® Coin Drops Features & Benefits: AMERICAN DRYER DEXTER CONTINENTAL WASCOMAT WHIRLPOOL SPEED QUEEN PRIMUS IPSO HUEBSCH MAYTAG MILNOR ELECTROLUX FITS 98% OF ALL COIN LAUNDRIES MACHINES. MADE IN THE U.S.A DOLLARVALUED ANDQUARTERS IN ONE DROP! CLEAN. SIMPLE. WORKHORSE. * Some Alliance and Continental need cuts to install IMONEX® Drops
The industry model is that you set up a Laundromat and wait for people to come. Rick Rome might be redefining the model. His notion is to create a backend component. That is, he believes in getting additional business through pickup and delivery service.
“The industry average is four to five turns, right?” Rome says. “Thirty-minute cycles adds up to three hours usage. So if the store is open 12 hours a day and its machines are utilized three hours, that’s operating at 25% of capacity. Twenty-five percent spells doom in most industries. It shouldn’t be accepted in the Laundromat industry.”
The second part of Rome’s theory rests with the customer.
“Above all, the customer wants convenience,” he says. “I’m not just talking about upper-income fami-
lies, but single parents, busy career people, folks who have large family commitments. All sorts of people. If you can provide a service that frees up their time and attention, you’ll win business.”
Rome marries the two notions by setting up a service of pickup and delivery for laundry and dry cleaning. To this end, he has created an app, called WashClub. The customer downloads the app to his/her smartphone, requisitions clothes to be picked up for laundering and/ or dry cleaning, specifies any special treatment, and dictates the terms of delivery.
The question is, does it work?
Three and a half years ago, Rome got tired of the Wall Street grind, quit his executive position, and bought a Laundromat in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn. Quickly, he built up business, to where he
10 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
ONE APP, NO WAITING ▼ Save loads on your coin laundry insurance. Save loads on your coin laundry insurance. loads laundry insurance. Hub International is a leading global insurance brokerage that provides a broad array of property and casualty, life and health, employee benefits, personal lines and risk management products and services. Coin Laundry Insurance Program Jodie Millino | 916-945-5070 Standard_half_horz.indd 1 11/9/15 2:32 PM
Howard Scott
THE LESS ATTENTION OUR MACHINES NEED, THE MORE THEY SEEM TO GET. Finance rates as low as 3.49%* Up to 36 months. Low fixed financing rates, terms up to 96 months available. Subject to credit approval and individual’s credit profile. This promotion is valid through March 31, 2016. For over half a century, dependable Maytag® Commercial Laundry machines have stood up to daily use that would have lesser washers and dryers crying for a repairman. To learn how we can help you with revenue generation, energy-effi cient features, connective online services and comprehensive warranties, visit maytagcommerciallaundry.com services and comprehensive warranties, visit ®/™ ©2016 Maytag. All rights reserved.
now has 15 truck routes bringing in business. Two-thirds of the truck volume is laundry; one-third is dry cleaning (up from 10% drycleaning volume three years ago).
Of the laundry volume, half is home and half is commercial. Moreover, his business
has 15,000 accounts. These days, he picks up and delivers all over Brooklyn and into Manhattan.
As business began to take off, Rome got the idea that he could help other operators expand their volume. He created a busi-
ness app that allows other operators— Laundromat owners, etc.—to do what he does. The operator buys his technology and becomes a licensee.
The customer portion of the app is called “front-facing.” This allows the customer to order pickup. The business portions of the app are order processing/management, marketing, and logistics (how to route vehicles in the shortest amount of time). With this app, claims Rome, operators can pump up volume, gain higher capacity usage, and earn more profits.
Tri-State Technical Services and TLC Equipment have rebranded. We are the same reliable company, dedicated to serving our clients needs and are now doing business as TLC Tri-State Laundry Companies. Please visit our website at www.tlctristate.com.
territory expands seven (7) states along the East Coast. We represent the finest lines of new and preowned equipment. Our market includes Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Hospitality, Health Care, Dry Cleaning, Coin Operated Laundries and more.
So far, he has sold his package to 12 licensees, and eight more are in various stages to becoming members. So far, licensees do business in Chicago; Dallas; Atlanta; Virginia Beach, Va.; South New Jersey/ Pennsylvania; Cleveland; Washington, D.C.; Birmingham, Ala.; and Tuscaloosa, Ala. Rome believes his idea is the next wave of innovation in an industry that sorely needs new ideas.
If an operator wants to become a WashClub member and use all of WashClub’s programs, the operator pays an up-front fee of $15,000. If an operator wants to do it himself, and just use Rome’s technology, the up-front fee is $7,500. In addition, both groups pay 5% of all volume generated from the app or website.
Rome is willing to gamble that his program is successful. “If the operator doesn’t do any business, I don’t make a cent,” he says. “So I am very fussy who I encourage to be partners.”
One key to this is cooperation. The organization has periodic round-table meetings, Rome says. During the last one, one operator shared his success of going to a college and winning uniform business. But at the same time, he picked up student volume. So it has become a twofer. Many operators have followed his lead.
WashClub provides blueprints for marketing its service. The organization suggests talking points for all sorts of situ-
12 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
We have a host of seasoned Professionals in every division, to assist you in area of design and layout, equipment, service, parts and installation. Please call our office at your earliest convenience and be sure to say hello to our most recent additions, to include David Chadsey, Vice President of Sales and Bill Kelson, Director of Vended Laundry Sales, responsible for new store development It is all about YOUR needs. Give us a call and “we’ll help you do it right" Have you heard? Proud distributors of 800-241-5459 www.tlctristate.com
ations, from unmanned apartments to manned apartments, from small commercial operations (massage parlors, hairdressers, etc.) to large businesses, from managed properties to unmanaged properties.
“It is a matter of conveying the added value for customers,” he says. “It’s time-saving. It’s a release from worry. It is reduced effort.”
For property managers, Rome suggests this approach. One goes in and suggests that offering this service adds value to the property manager’s offering. Yes, he has on-site washer/dryers, but they aren’t enough to service the population. It might be easier to use a pickup and delivery service, if the service provides quality work in a problem-free environment.
Another thing the licensees receive is conversations about reimbursing route people. Rome says, “All my people receive commissions every week. They receive points for showing up for work. They receive points for making sure orders get in the system. They get points for delivering on time. We can’t dictate anything because minimum wage is different in every state, but we emphasize commissions as part of the pay package.”
Collection is a simple merging of a swiping system with Braintree processing, a subsidiary of PayPal. Because WashClub is a large user, it can bargain down cost. Rather than being charged 4% on transactions, the operators pay 3% or 3.5 %, depending on area.
Rome charts licensee progress. “Of my licensees, July-August revenue is up 17%. AugustSeptember volume is up 25%. Traditionally, these are slow months, and still, volume is up considerably.”
Rome claims his approach works in suburban as well as urban locales.
Recently, he hired a general manager to run his Brooklyn business and has taken on a partner. This frees up his time to focus on licensing and to expand commercial volume.
“Building up a back-door business gets you out in the market,” Rome says. “You see things. It’s so much better than just standing around, waiting.” ACO
Howard Scott is a long-time business writer, small-business consultant, and author of four books.
14 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Standard_half_horz.indd 1 12/7/15 4:52 PM
(Photo: WashClub)
How Many Coin Laundries Has Your Insurance Agent Handled? One or Two? Three? We’ve personally handled insurance for hundreds of coin laundries! We’ve already dealt with most any issue your business is likely to face. If you have any questions about insuring coin laundries, we can and will give you a prompt, clear answer. Skeptical? Call us with a question and find out for yourself. There’s more: We’re just three members of NIE’s team of experts. NIE has been handling fabricare insurance since 1915! Quote Request .............................................................. ............................................................ Coin Laundry Dryclean Plant Dryclean Drop Store Attended? Gross Sales Hours of Operation Coin Laundry Dryclean Plant Dryclean Drop Store Coin Laundry Dryclean Plant Dryclean Drop Store NIE Insurance • 6030 Bancroft Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63109 • 1-800-325-9522 • fax (314) 832-6775 • www.NIEinsurance.com “Insuring Coin Laundries and Dry Cleaners Since 1915” Ann Hawkins Vice President Hawkins@NIEinsurance.com Director of Korean Operations Kang@NIEinsurance.com 강 명순 입니다. 지금, 연락만 주십시요. Christine Carlin Fabricare Specialist Carlin@NIEinsurance.com
“We wanted a card system that would give us a competitive advantage, but we also wanted a company that was as celebrated for their service and customer care. ESD is the gold standard in the industry because of superior products, well-trained personnel, and outstanding customer service.”
Brian Holland & Tyrone Akins
The Laundry Café - Philadelphia, PA
Owner Deechen Horton knows that the versatility of the ESD payment system has attracted many new customers into her laundry. The ESD reports that track the card and coin income from each individual machine give her exactly the information she needs, and the reliability of the ESD LaundryLink® software is exceptional.
“We decided on ESD because they industry. ESD has provided us with in getting the Crosslink TM system
& Peter Herbein Family Wash Day Super Laundry
“We’ve owned and operated over 200 laundromats and the only card system we buy is ESD.”
To learn more about ESD Payment your local ESD distributor or ESD
Alexander Katsman Clean Rite Centers New York
Our Beautiful Launderette - Los Angeles, CA
they have a great reputation in our with excellent service and assistance system up and running smoothly.”
“As inexperienced first time owner / operators, we chose ESD to get us and our new 6,000 sq. ft. laundry up to speed in a hurry. We were right, it has exceeded all of our projections.”
“In my opinion, there is no better payment system available on the market today, especially if you are seeking to develop more stores, create operational efficiencies or enhance your stores overall control and reporting systems.”
“My experience with ESD has been a total positive experience. I do not believe my store would be as successful as it has been so far without the ESD CyberLaundryTM system and the company and the people that stand behind it.
Vladimir Bakers Centre Laundry Philadelphia, PA
Payment Systems contact sales representative.
Ed McCobb, Angelica McCobb, Richard McCobb Lavanderia El Gringo - Canoga Park, CA
Laundry - Reading, PA
Jerry Jamgotchian Coast Laundry - Los Angeles, CA
Brian Holland, Partner - The Laundry Café
Solutions for Reducing Water Usage Every Drop Counts
duce water consumption is increasing
4. Violations will be costly
Water prices will increase
As water scarcity and the demand for water both increase, other states will follow suit in mandating reductions in water use, increasing water prices and calling for greater transparency into water use.
Commercial laundry operators should stay abreast of the water trends because the rates are rising.
make the investment in water-saving washers. Work with your equipment and chemical providers to optimize wash formulas, and to see what additional opportunities may exist to further reduce water use.
Another viable option for water savings is to implement a water reuse system. There are a number of technologies today to help laundries recycle their drain waters back into reusable wash waters.
This article was submitted by the Textile Care division of Ecolab. While portions reference laundry operations that process goods for customers in bulk, owners of vended laundries may find the information useful in assessing their own businesses.
—Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director
Population growth, urbanization and a growing middle class have increased demand for more food, goods and services, placing unprecedented strain on the world’s limited fresh water supply.
The World Bank predicts that by 2025, water demand will exceed supply by 50%. According to the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, severe water scarcity is already a problem across the United States. Forty out of 50 states have at least one region that is expected to face some form of water shortage within the next 10 years.
The ongoing drought in California has led to a water reduction mandate. On April 1, 2015, California Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order directing the state’s Water Resources Control Board to reduce statewide water use by 25%.
What does this mean for businesses in California?
1. Water suppliers will rely on both residential and non-residential (commercial, industrial and institutional) user reductions to meet the mandate
2. Water use reporting is required on a monthly basis
3. Regulatory and public pressure to re-
“Initially, a commercial laundry could see annual increases of 5-15% in water and sewer rates, but those figures could go even higher,” says John Schultz, senior manager of water, energy and waste solutions for Ecolab’s Textile Care division. Schultz works on the municipal side of the business in terms of regulations that affect the laundry industry. With the current drought conditions in parts of the U.S., he says laundry operators will begin to see annual water rate increases of 20% or more.
The elevated annual rate increases will be driven by the fact that water and wastewater utilities are having a difficult time paying for capital improvements. Most municipalities do not have the needed funding.
Because of increasing water rates and regulatory mandates to reduce water usage, it’s advantageous for commercial launderers to discuss water conservation and recycling technologies with their suppliers. Often, water conservation can be as simple as checking your laundry operation. Check to see if there are water leaks occurring not only in production areas, but in all areas of the building.
• Are washer drains leaking?
• Are fixtures in the rest rooms leaking?
• Check each hose connection to ensure there are no leaks.
• Do you use water for equipment cooling, such as hydraulic pumps or air compressors? These clean waters should be diverted to the tempered water tank and not down the sewer.
If you’ve done your due diligence in checking the plant for potential areas where water may be leaking, and you’re still seeing elevated water usage, it may be time to
Some laundries are starting to install potable water pretreatment systems, in addition to water softeners to improve the incoming fresh water sources. Other laundries are installing green sand filters to reduce iron and manganese concentrations which cause yellowing or browning of textiles. Reverse osmosis filters are being installed to decrease TDS concentrations.
It’s important to stay well-informed of how the municipality governing your laundry plant is treating the water you are using, so you can effectively alter your processes and programs to maintain the textile quality your customers expect.
In addition to specific solutions to help reduce current water use, there are tools available to help laundries determine future impacts of water scarcity to their operations. The Water Risk Monetizer (www. waterriskmonetizer.com), developed by Ecolab and Trucost, is industry’s first publicly available financial modeling tool that enables businesses to factor current and future water risks into decision making.
Available at no cost to businesses throughout the world, the Water Risk Monetizer helps water-dependent businesses better understand the full value of water to their operations and identify revenue at risk, based on current and projected water scarcity. The tool assesses the potential cost or impact of water risks in ways similar to how other risks are considered in planning and capital allocation to help businesses make informed decisions to enable growth in this new era of water scarcity. ACO
18 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
(Image licensed by Ingram Publishing)
Price is subject to change without prior notice.Order received before 3PM EST will be shipped out same day. Free shipping excludes heavy items Please contact us for details ! Web: www.KingsLaundrygroup.com Email: parts@kingslaundrygroup.com Tel:1-844-727-8740 Business Hours [EST]: Monday ~ Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00PM Sunday: Closed Free Shipping Over $199 Shipping Flat Rate $7.95 $10.99 EA $10.50/3+ $9.99/6+ # 9379-183-001 Water Valve $29.99 EA $28.50/3+ $26.99/6+ # F730455B Mixing Valve Body $9.95 EA $8.95/3+ $7.95/6+ # 005604 Water Valve Nipple $95 EA $89.99/3+ # 887133 / # 128937 24V Ignition Box $15.95 EA $14.95/3+ $13.95/6+ # 8650-012-004 Lint Drawer 6101 Lock & Key $265.73 EA $245/3+ # # F0370410-10P CCA Coin Counting Board $6.95 EA $5.95/3+ $4.95/6+ # 080317 W74, W124, W184 Top Panel Lock & Key $17.95 EA $16.95/3+ $15.95/6+ # 880225 1/2’’ Bolt Flange Bearing $79.99 EA $75/3+ $69.99/6+ # 9379-177-009 2’’ Drain Valve $135 EA $125/3+ # F370411-1P Power Supply Board 110V $289 EA $275/3+ # 305632 Door Lock Board W75-185 (220V) $9.95 EA $9.50/3+ $8.99/6+ # 880214 5/8’’ Flange Bearing $10.95 EA $9.95/3+ $8.95/6+ # 9586-001-001 Thermoactuator $295 EA $285/3+ # 991372 Gen-6 Door Lock Key & Harness $79.95 EA $74.50/3+ # F775801-01P Coin Drop Optical Switch $11.75 EA $10.75/3+ # 160015 MK100 Lock & Key “ Quality Laundry Parts at the Lowest Price! ” For Dexter For Dexter For Dexter For Dexter For Huebsch Speed Queen For Wascomat For ADC For ADC For ADC For ADC For Wascomat For Wascomat For Wascomat For Huebsch Speed Queen For Huebsch Speed Queen For Huebsch Speed Queen Call us Now: 1-844-727-8740 www.KingsLaundryGroup.com 01.01.16 ~ 01.31.16
Maytag® Commercial Laundry recently recognized Robert Small, senior manager of global commercial customer relations, for 25 years of dedicated service.
“Team members like Robert give our service department its well deserved reputation,” says Kevin Steinbraker, senior marketing manager and product business team lead at Maytag Commercial Laundry. “He works tirelessly to meet and exceed customer expectations, while helping to expand our business.”
Since starting at Whirlpool Corp. in 1990, Small has played an integral part in many of the company’s industry-leading efforts, Maytag says. As his role progressed over the years, Small earned many responsibilities that helped mold him into the “wellrounded, skillful leader he is today—one his co-workers look up to,” it adds.
When asked about what motivates him after two and a half decades of service, Small says that his zeal and drive for the industry are direct results of the unique relationships he’s developed with customers.
“I am consistently motivated by helping customers and am always looking to improve the way Maytag Commercial Laundry provides service,” Small says. “I hope in the future, we continue to learn from our customers and listen closely to what they are asking for regarding sales, service and support.”
Continental Girbau Inc. recently partnered with two new vended laundry distributors: Commercial Laundry Systems of the Rockies, based in Johnstown, Colo., and T&L Equipment Co. Inc., based in Charlotte, N.C.
Both companies will represent the ExpressWash®, ExpressDry®, L-Series
Washer, G-Flex Washer, Econ-O-Wash, Econ-O-Dry, and LG Platinum Washer/ Dryer lines, as well as the Express Laundry Center® brand.
Commercial Laundry Systems of the
Rockies is a full-service distributor of Continental vended and on-premise laundry equipment throughout Colorado, Montana and Wyoming. Established in 2015 by Pete Valconesi, the company’s team holds years
20 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Jr half_spread.indd 1
of industry knowledge directly related to vended laundry development and construction.
“Clients rely on Commercial Laundry Systems of the Rockies for unrivaled cus-
tomer care, high-performance laundry equipment, replacement parts, and technical service after the sale,” says Valconesi. The company works closely with vended laundry investors and owners to renovate
and develop highly profitable businesses.
“Pete, Tom and the Commercial Laundry staff bring premium services to new and existing customers throughout their service area,” says Joel Jorgensen, Continental vice president of sales and customer services. “They deliver the kind of expertise that sets vended laundries up for success.”
To find out more about Commercial Laundry Systems of the Rockies, visit www. clsrockies.com or call 800-270-8539.
T&L Equipment is a full-service distributor of Continental vended laundry equipment throughout North Carolina. Founded in 1976 by Lamar Thomas, it offers vended laundry investors and owners turnkey services dedicated to profitability.
The best part about family is that you can count on them to be there when you need them most. That’s the kind of trust we strive to build with our customers. In fact, the Huebsch distributor network earned the highest reliability and trust scores in the vended laundry industry,* with outstanding marks for prompt response and expertise of sta . So when you have questions or challenges, you can trust that we’ll be right there with immediate answers and solutions rooted in unmatched industry knowledge. Because dedication to your success is what the Huebsch family is all about. Learn more about how Huebsch distributors are the trusted partners you’ve been looking for and how Huebsch Financial’s personal approach to lending makes it easier at Huebsch.com/WillDo.
“We consult closely with vended laundry investors on site selection, financing, equipment mix, demographics and more,” says Thomas. Additionally, T&L Equipment handles vended laundry construction.
“T&L Equipment offers complete vended laundry services and is highly experienced in both laundry development and renovation,” says Ed Ziegler, Continental sales manager – Eastern U.S. and Canada. “The T&L Equipment team is dedicated to unrivaled customer care, and Continental is thrilled to be working with them.”
Supporting vended laundries after the sale is also a critical component of T&L Equipment’s business. The company provides same-day shipping on 90% of all parts orders and delivers routine maintenance and equipment repair, promptly and efficiently, Continental says.
To find out more about T&L Equipment, call 800-423-7937 or visit www.washcycle. com.
WASH Multifamily Laundry Systems, a laundry facilities management service, has made a handful of personnel moves in recent weeks, the company reports.
It appointed Pete Aronchick as district sales manager for its South Florida region. In this new role, he is based in the com-
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12/21/15 1:14 PM (continued on page 32)
*According to an August 2014 Leede Research Customer Value Analysis.
The Maytag® Commercial Laundry RigidMount High-Speed Washers, available in 20-, 25-, 30-, 40-, 55- and 65-pound models, tout large cleaning capacity for customers and 48 revenue-generating wash cycles for store owners, the company says.
The high-speed extraction of up to 200 G-force removes more water, resulting in faster dry times and helping increase a store’s bottom line. The company’s proprietary TurboWash™ system combines specially designed spray baffles and programmed tumble patterns to provide exceptional cleaning performance.
To create a seamless customer experience, Maytag® Commercial Laundry Rigid-Mount Washers are equipped with easy-to-use controls. The washers also have built-in USB ports for easy uploads and downloads of machine settings and software.
The larger door opening and 180-degree door swing allows for easy loading and unloading, and the heavy-duty integrated door hinges add to the lineup’s durability, the company says.
The units’ new rubber-lid dispenser is located on top of the machine and is easily accessible. Designed with four detergent and bleach compartments, the technology behind the dispenser ensures aggressive chemicals are not deposited directly onto the wash load.
All Maytag® Commercial Laundry Coin Washers are backed by a five-year limited warranty—all parts covered—and a 10-year limited warranty on the outer shell; drum and shaft assembly; inner welded frame; and bearings and seals. www.maytagcommerciallaundry.com 800-662-3587
Continental Girbau Inc.’s ExpressWash highperformance washer-extractors are engineered to significantly reduce gas, water and energy consumption at vended laundries. Available in 20- to 90-pound capacities, they are freestanding, energyefficient, simple to install and highly programmable, the company says.
“ExpressWash Washers cut utilities and the time it takes customers to do laundry,” says Joel Jorgensen, Continental vice president of sales and customer services. “With ExpressWash, customers wash, dry and fold laundry in 60 minutes or less. That keeps customers coming back and assures quicker customer turnover.”
ExpressWash Washers use less water than traditional front-load washers, Continental says, and offer highspeed extract reaching 384 G-force. By comparison, conventional hard-mount washers reach extract speeds of 75-200 G-force. As a result, ExpressWash Washers remove more water from each load, cutting resulting dry time by up to 50%, according to Continental. In turn, vended laundries cut dryer gas consumption considerably. By lowering operational costs, ExpressWash Washers improve vended laundry profit potential.
“Continental ExpressWash Washers give store owners a competitive advantage because customers crave a 60-minute wash-and-dry,” says Jorgensen. “Using ExpressWash Washers, vended laundries can cut utility costs, boost customer turnover and profit potential, and differentiate themselves from their competition.”
www.continentalgirbau.com 800-256-1073
PRODUCT SHOWCASE 22 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
The Whirlpool® Commercial Laundry Front-Load Washer offers robust utility savings and user-friendly features, the company says.
It features a high-efficiency design that offers significant utility savings as reflected by its compliance with ENERGY STAR® requirements.
In addition, the large-capacity wash basket measures 3.1 cubic feet, making the washer ideal for handling family-size loads, Whirlpool says. Its door can be opened 130 degrees for easy access, and features heavy-duty die-cast hinges.
The washer features a combination of nine cycle options and variable motor speeds, Whirlpool says. Its high-speed spin extracts more water from the wash, therefore reducing dry time.
It is built with an industrial-grade cabinet that resists chip-
Huebsch® front-load washers with Galaxy™ 600 controls provide vended store owners with the ability to lower utility costs and maximize profits while ensuring the best customer experience, the company says.
The front-load washer features a cutting-edge balancing system, providing best-in-class vibration control and quiet operation, Huebsch says.
The machine’s durable washtub is 20% larger than previous models, while improved water and energy efficiencies help store owners realize maximum efficiency by keeping utility bills low.
A 440 G-force extraction speed removes more moisture from each load, reducing drying time and getting customers in and out quickly, and a 10-degree tilted panel provides an “effortless” user experience.
Advanced Galaxy 600 controls allow store owners to retrieve and analyze performance data from any Internet-connected device.
Built with premium materials and tested to meet the demands of the harshest vended environments, the Huebsch front-load washer is engineered for maximum performance and comes with the brand’s standard three-year warranty.
www.huebsch.com 800-553-5120
ping and scratches and features an integrated backsplash on top. Push-button microprocessor controls are easy to use and display time remaining.
The large-capacity metercase reduces frequency of collections and accepts a variety of payment options, including coin slide, coin drop, card reader and non-coin payment configurations.
The washer comes standard with a two-year limited parts warranty.
www.whirlpoolcommerciallaundry.com 800-662-3587
Electrolux Professional offers a full range of solid- and soft-mount washers designed with the latest technology and unique money-, water- and energy-saving features, says distributor Laundrylux. The washers are precisionengineered to increase store profits and generate customer loyalty.
They come standard with these features:
(Automatic Water Savings), which saves as much as 50% on water usage
• Compass Pro, offering customizable wash programs, including water levels, temperatures and drum action. The control displays two languages simultaneously.
• Real-time clock for time-of-day/”happy hour” pricing
• Sanitizing Rinse for generating additional store revenue
• Voice Guidance and Text Messaging Systems generate customer loyalty and provide unique marketing opportunities
Electrolux Professional washers are available in capacities ranging from 18 to 135 pounds. Its soft-mount washers spin out at 450 G-force extraction, which results in savings in time and gas in the dryer.
Electrolux store owners report utilities at 9-11% and lower construction costs, Laundrylux says.
www.laundrylux.com 800-381-7222
24 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
ully employee-owned, Dexter Laundry Inc. offers a complete line of front-loading washers and dryers made in the USA.
Headquartered in Fairfield, Iowa, Dexter annually reinvests millions of dollars into continually improving the laundry experience for its customers, the company says, manufacturing durable and reliable equipment.
Dexter C-Series Express washers are built with highquality materials and are engineered to show up for work in even the harshest laundry environments, the company says. They are powered by DexterLive controls and come with free access to DexterLive.com, Dexter’s new web app. The
The ADC EcoWash Rigid-Mount 60-pound, rapid-spin, 200-G-force washer-extractor offers the reliability and durability that owners expect, along with the simplicity customers are looking for in a commercial washer, the company says.
Featuring four standard cycles and two revenueenhancing cycles, the rigid-mount washer maximizes options for customers and helps boost a store’s bottom line, it adds.
The washer features a cast aluminum counterweight along with an imbalance-detection system providing maximum stability and gentler movement. The durable, ergonomic design of the door handle—combined with an Easy Lock™ door lock—provides convenience and safety, ADC says.
The large supply dispenser allows customers to conveniently load detergent, bleach and fabric softeners before starting the wash cycle.
All EcoWash washers feature a standard quick disconnect for immediate power shutoff to the washer, and Intuitive Micro Controls (IMC®) offer a customizable, easy-to-program and -use microprocessor.
www.adclaundry.com 508-678-9000
dynamic pair will help a store owner customize equipment for maximum revenue generation and supplies the ability to track and manage a vended laundry business anywhere, anytime, on any device, the company says.
Dexter Express washers feature 200 G-force extraction, are available in capacities from 20 to 90 pounds, and are backed by lifetime technical support and 10-year warranties, Dexter says.
www.dexter.com 800-524-2954
Heavy-duty Speed Queen® front-load washers with Quantum™ controls provide long-lasting performance and feature dynamic balancing technology, delivering uninterrupted cycles and improved water efficiency, the company says.
The stainless steel washtubs are 20% larger, allowing customers to wash bigger loads and the store to set a higher vend price.
Patented baffles cascade water throughout the entire load. The 440 G-force extraction speed removes more moisture from each load.
Further enhancing the customer experience are the 10-degree tilted control panel, allowing greater control visibility; a large, 180-degree swinging door that makes loading and unloading fast and easy; and a redesigned four-compartment soap dispenser.
The suspension system produces noticeably less vibration and noise, creating a comfortable environment.
The Quantum controls system gives store owners complete management over their businesses, Speed Queen says. They can set cycle modifiers, time-of-day pricing and adjustable water levels to boost profits, while in-depth reports provide insight into how to drive revenue, lower utility/labor costs, and maximize equipment efficiency.
www.speedqueencommercial.com 800-590-8872
26 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com PRODUCT SHOWCASE
Pellerin Milnor Corp.’s MCR27E5 (60 pounds capacity) washer is an ideal choice for any vended laundry, the company says. The washer’s 9.0-cubic-foot cylinder volume allows for oversized loads.
The durable, stainless steel cabinet design; easyto-use control; and comfortable door handle are designed for continued use.
The MCR27E5 comes with pre-programmed formulas, and each formula can be configured with a different vend price.
Financing is available through Milnor Capital. www.milnor coin.com 504-712-7656
Wascomat says it has a long heritage of reliability, value and solid performance, with 40-year-old Wascomats still working in laundries today. The company believes its Gen 7 line, distributed by Laundrylux, maintains its reputation as the “workhorse” of the industry while delivering new features designed to save money and increase profits.
Wascomat washers come standard with the Compass Pro microprocessor. Simple to use, one knob does it all, the company says: program selection, diagnostics, and custom programming. Store owners will appreciate the real-time clock for time-of-day pricing and promotions.
Whether an owner needs a wash program for sleeping bags, horse blankets or rugs, Compass Pro makes it simple to create one to meet specific market needs. It also displays two languages at one time.
www.laundrylux.com 800-645-2204
PRODUCT SHOWCASE 28 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
WASCO 185’s 220/1 & 220/3 $3,500
WASCO 184’s 220/1 & 220/3 $2,700
WASCO 125’s 220/1 & 220/3 $2,400
WASCO 124’s 220/1 & 220/3 $1,850
WASCO 74’s 110 v & 220/3 $ 975
WASCO 75’s 110 v & 220/3 $1,200
WASCO 620’s 110V $1,600
Our Parts Department has thousands of products on over an acre lot.
If we don’t have what you want, ask us, and we’ll find it for you.
From initial site inspections and recommendations to equipment purchase and installation, we are here to help with every aspect of your project.
We can help you with specifications, dimensions, illustrations of commercial and on-premise laundry equipment.
We are able to offer competitive rates and low, affordable monthly payments for financing coin laundry and laundromat facilities.
We have a coin laundry financing solution to meet the needs of new store owners, and veterans alike.
30 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com CLASSIFIEDS EQUIPMENT WANTED WASCOMAT WASHERS & WASCOMAT DRYERS 888-815-0754. USED LAUNDRY PARTS Wascomat, Continental, Huebsch, Speed Queen, and many more brands Oren (954) 537-1643 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ELECTRONIC REPAIRS DRYER BOOSTER & EXHAUST FANS www.greatlakeslaundry.com NEED PARTS? Call US First! SAVE $$$$ Check us out online for Specials • Maytag • Whirlpool • Bock • Wascomat • Hamilton Heaters • R&B Carts • American Dryer • Electrolux • ESD • Greenwald • Standard • Vend-Rite • Continental Girbau • Soap & MORE Brookfield, WI 1-800-236-5599 St. Clair Shores, MI 1-888-492-0181 Wyoming, MI 1-800-821-8846 Dayton, OH 1-888-877-4382 Indianapolis, IN 1-800-577-7103 www.facebook.com/ greatlakeslaundry www.twitter.com/ grtlakeslaundry VENDING MACHINE SALES—Nationwide. In business since 1960. Machines, coin changers, soap venders. Place machines near your business & grow. 100% Financing. Vending Replacement Parts. Call the rest, then call the best. Phone 800-313-1821. www.vendingpriceline.com BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Repair Front Load WASHER Bearings. Rebuild drums available. Call Tony: 516-805-4193 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Advertiser Page Advertiser Page AC Power ......................................................................... 8 Card Concepts ................................................................. 13 Continental Girbau ........................................................ IBC Dexter Laundry .................................................................. 7 ESD Inc. 16, 17, BC FrontecStore.com 31 Gold Coin Laundry Equipment 25 Great Lakes Commercial Sales ....................................... 30 HHC Electronic Service .................................................. 31 HUB International Insurance Services ............................. 10 Huebsch FC, 20, 21 Imonex Services 9 Kings Laundry Group 19 Laundry Concepts .......................................................... 27 Maytag Commercial Laundry ........................................ 11 Monarch Coin & Security 14 Mountain Electronics ...................................................... 30 NIE Insurance 15 New York Laundry Equipment ....................................... 29 Progressive Insurance 3 R&B Wire Products ......................................................... 1 Royal Basket Trucks 28 Setomatic Systems ......................................................... IFC TheLaundryPass.com 23 Tjernlund Products .......................................................... 30 Tri-State Laundry Companies 12 Vend-Rite .......................................................................... 5 ADVERTISERS’ INDEX
WASHER AND DRYER COMPUTER BOARDS REBUILT Igniters repaired Washers: $70 - & up Dryers: $40 - & up Igniters: $25 - & up Rebuilt Timers - Wascomat, Huebsch, Speed Queen, IPSO, Laundry Center, Maytag Call for exact price which includes free return shipping METRO LAUNDRY TECH CORP. 1490 Boston Rd., Ground Floor, Bronx, NY 10460 ONE-YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL REPAIRS Please call 718-742-4137 Or 718-733-4313 Or Visit our website at www.metrolc.com e-mail us at metrolc@hotmail.com www.americancoinop.com JANUARY 2016 AMERICAN COIN-OP 31 WASCO GEN 5 DOOR LOCKS & TIMERS REBUILT Door Lock $75 • Gen 5 & 6 Timer $85 WASCO Gen 4 Timer $85 • Continental Timer $95 DRYER COMPUTER BOARDS ADC Stack $60 • Single $45 Huebsch SQ Board $45 Huebsch Old Style Board $55 Stack Dexter/Continental $75 Washer Coin Boards $65 Some prices may vary!!!! JECON INC. PMB #272 / 5 CONTINENTIAL AVENUE STE.#2 • FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 One-Year Warranty on All Parts Send Core Unit with S&H Fees Call Toll Free: 1-888-532-6677 (888-JECON77) Local: 718-525-3733 • Fax: 212-656-1913 718-525-2266 Visit: JECONINC.COM We Now Accept All Major Credit Cards WASHERS and DRYERS COMPUTER BOARD REPAIR Dexter VFD Inverter (Delta Motor Control) All Models (9375-xxx-xxx) $245.00 VFD-A & VFD-B (9732-237-001) call Stack Dryer (9875-xxx-xxx) $65.00 Coin Accumulator $55.00 Wascomat / Electrolux Inverters (MotorControl) All $245.00 471977101,105,115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call Compass Control Assembly Gen. 6 $175.00 Selecta II Dryer PCB Assembly .... $175.00 Maytag Computers $65.00 23004118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call W10343020 call 33001129 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00 ADC 137213, 137234, 137240 $65.00 137253,137274,137275 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call Igniters (Fenwall only) $30.00 Speed Queen / Huebsch Computers $65.00 Motor Control $95.00 IPSO 209/00440/70 (Micro 20) $115.00 Volume Discounts • One-Year Warranty Free Return Shipping El - Tech, Inc. 26 West St. Colonia, NJ 07067 For Complete Price List Please Call: 732-381-7620 or 908-510-6520 or visit us at www.eltechlab.com EQUIPMENT WANTED I BUY LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT 954-245-2110 COMPUTER BOARDS FIXED HHC ELECTRONIC SERVICE 1338 Electra Ave., Rowland Hts., CA 91748 626-961-8678 • 800-820-9888 E-mail: hhc168@hotmail.com Repaired & Rebuilt to Manufacture Specs. Shipped Anywhere. • American • Dexter • • Easy Card, ESD • • Huebsch • Speed Queen • POSITIONS AVAILABLE SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES PARTS FOR SALE • Drain valves And MORE! FRONTEC STORE www.frontecstore.com For more information or custom orders contact us: info @ FrontecStore.com • Door handles • Door locks • Print boards • Bearing kits TIMERS REBUILT — IPSO main & reverse, Milnor, Dexter, Primus, Whirlpool, Speed Queen, Maytag & Continental Girbau, Wascomat Generation 4 and 5. Call for price sheet. Reeco Timer Co., 2860 Kirby Circle, N.E., Suite 14, Palm Bay, FL 32905, 888-952-1889. Contact classified sales to place your ad! classifieds@ americantrademagazines.com High Quality Laundromat Product seeking for professional sales people in the East Coast. Please email resume (include past experience) to: sales_experience99@gmx.com
pany’s branch office in Miami and focuses on providing customer service while expanding revenue and sales growth in the region.
“With 17 years of experience at WASH, we are confident Pete will be successful in his new role,” says Ross Van Horne, WASH regional vice president of sales. “His professionalism, hard work and understanding of the needs of our customers will be invaluable to our expansion efforts in the South Florida market.”
Aronchick has had various sales-related positions at WASH during his 17-year career there, including district sales manager in California and Arizona. He previously resided in Florida and has a deep familiarity and affinity for the region.
“Common laundry rooms—whether they are coin-operated or smart-card system-optimized—are an important source of revenue for multifamily property owners and managers,” says Aronchick. “I’m really looking forward to returning to Florida to partner with the region’s current and new customers and serve their specific laundry needs.”
Mona Almanza has been appointed district sales manager for the Los Angeles metropolitan area and the San Gabriel Valley.
“Based on her 20-year career at WASH where she worked in various departments and capacities, Mona brings valuable knowledge and expertise to her new role as district manager,” says Tracy McMahon, regional vice president at WASH.
Most recently, Almanza worked as an accounts manager and inside sales representative at WASH for the Los Angeles area, giving her a deep familiarity of the region and its customers’ needs.
John Krause is relocating to Arizona to become its district sales manager, WASH reports.
“John has been instrumental in achieving our sales expansion goals during his career at WASH, most recently as the district sales manager in the Sacramento region,” says Steve Jungclas, regional vice president at WASH. “He will be a valuable asset to our customers and in our expansion efforts within the Arizona market.”
Prior to working in the Sacramento region, Krause served as district sales manager in Arizona. Throughout his career, he has received recognition for his leadership in sales and customer service to apartments, condominium complexes, hotels/motels and RV/mobile home parks, WASH says.
Finally, Pete Aronchick Jr. has been promoted to district sales
manager for the San Fernando Valley in Southern California.
“Pete is a highly motivated sales professional who has consistently excelled in his position as an inside sales representative at WASH,” says McMahon. “We’re confident he will continue on a path to success as district sales manager.”
Aronchick Jr. comes from a background in sales and possesses knowledge of property management, financial markets and corporate finance, WASH reports. Previously, he served as an analyst at an investment and strategic advisory firm, and as an outside sales representative at a retail landscape supply company. At WASH, he has worked with customers in Nevada, California, Arizona and Hawaii.
WASH is a privately held company that operates in 16 U.S. states and all Canadian provinces. Through its subsidiary Coinamatic Canada, WASH also has a commercial laundry distributorship and ParkSmart, a division that manages parking facilities.
Equipment distributor Taylor Houseman Inc.’s Profit Symposium in November engaged approximately 40 Northern California vended laundry owners and investors, according to Randy Houseman, owner of Taylor Houseman.
During the Symposium, which focused on helping vended laundries improve profits and revenue, several laundry industry experts shared experiences, ideas and tips. The event also featured specials on equipment, parts and financing.
“Attendees came away from the Symposium armed with pertinent information to better vended laundry sales while lowering overhead costs,” says Randy Houseman. “We are grateful to the numerous expert speakers who presented on a variety of topics, including energy-efficient equipment, financing, lease negotiation and marketing.”
Symposium presenters and topics included CLA President Brian Wallace, Trends in Today’s Business; Elite Business Investments’ VP of Sales and Marketing Carol Dang, Creating Resale Value for your Store; Continental Girbau President Mike Floyd, Seven Ways to Make Your Laundry More Profitable; Hamilton Engineering President Jeff Deal, Ozonate Your Checkbook; Continental Director of Marketing Tari Martin, Marketing Must Do’s; Eastern Funding National Business Manager Jennifer Whitney, Retooling, Store Financing and Valuation; Advantage Laundry and Golden State Coin Laundry Association President Brian Brunkhorst, Opportunities to Grow Your Business; and Card Concepts Inc. President Dion Marcionetti, The Great Debate: Card or Coin. Co-sponsored by Taylor Houseman and Continental Girbau, the Profit Symposium is being planned again for 2016. “We’re excited about making this a yearly event to benefit our customers,” says Randy Houseman.
32 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2016 www.americancoinop.com
(continued from page 21)
Aronchick Jr.
IT’S WHAT’S NEXT IN G-FORCE. 100 | 140 | 200 G-Flex Washer-Extractors – Continental’s most advanced hard-mount washers – deliver six programmable speeds up to 200 G-force, offer a highly programmable ProfitPlus® Control packed with customer-craved extras, and deliver superior results using less water and energy. Contact Continental Girbau to find out how G-Flex can immediately affect your store’s bottom line. GIRBAU (800) 256-1073 • www.continentalgirbau.com
ESD leads the industry in bringing a wide selection of time tested and proven slides, money boxes, locks, key shafts and cams for any laundry or vending application. ESD products are available for Immediate Delivery ESD Inc. Phone: 215-628-0860 Fax: 215-643-4623 Contact Your ESD Distributor or visit us at www.esdcoin.com SV5 V4 V8 V14 Money Boxes CoinSlides Extensions Cams, Locks & Shafts Locks & Keys ESD has 45+ Years of designing and manufacturing superior mechanical payment system products for the World. It Takes Years To Build A Legacy It Takes Years To Build A Legacy