516.752.8008 • www.setomaticsystems.com Does your Laundromat accept NFC Mobile Wallet Payments? Only with Setomatic Systems' SpyderWash can your customers take advantage of all the latest payment options, and so much more! • COIN, CREDIT, DEBIT AND NFC MOBILE WALLET ACCEPTANCE • REPORTING, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND LOYALTY CARD PROGRAMS • SEAMLESS INTEGRATION WITH ANY MACHINE MAKE OR MODEL Contact your Setomatic Sales Rep today to learn how you can bene t from adding Debit Card and Credit acceptance to your Coin Operated Laundromat. IS YOUR LAUNDROMAT READY FOR 21st CENTURY PAYMENTS?
When American Coin-Op first crossed the Pacific back in 1995 to profile the Southeast Asia self-service laundry industry, the scene was almost non-existent. Today, the concept has been embraced by the region’s laborers, heads of households, and domestic helpers — another sign of the expanding global community of vended wash-and-dry patrons.
Important as the federal elections are, your business operations will likely be impacted more profoundly by decisions made at a much lower level of the political food chain: your city.
The spring season ushers in various opportunities for owners and operators to attend distributor special events, open houses and service schools.
Discover what business conditions, sales and utilities cost were like in 2015 for self-service laundry operators across the country in our annual State of the Industry survey report. Do you think your store’s performance measured up favorably to your peers?
14 22 28 36
laundry customers vie for machines on a typical Saturday morning. (Cover
A CLOSER LOOK 18 Singapore
2015-2016 State of the Industry
For the past 120 years, Dexter has been helping people realize their dreams. We build only high-quality, commercial-grade washers and dryers in the heart of America, and we’re doing everything we can to make a positive impact on our customer’s lives. We offer industry-leading warranties, lifetime technical support and DexterLive controls that allow owners to run their business with any connected device from anywhere in the world. This gives our customers the freedom to live the life they want to, not the life they have to. Contact
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Charles Thompson, Publisher
E-mail: cthompson@ATMags.com Phone: 312-361-1680
Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director E-mail: bbeggs@ATMags.com Phone: 312-361-1683
Roger Napiwocki, Production Manager
Nathan Frerichs, Digital Media Director
E-mail: nfrerichs@ATMags.com Phone: 312-361-1681
Glen Phillips, a consultant who works on the institutional/industrial side of the textile care industry, has always preached that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. As long as I’ve known him, he’s always been big on benchmarking.
Benchmarking your business against industry standards and your competitors demands accurate, timely information. American Coin-Op’s annual State of the Industry survey report is a time-tested tool to use for that purpose.
What percentage of store owners saw their coin business increase last year? What’s the most popular price for a 30-pound washer? How many operators purchased or are planning to purchase new equipment this year? Our analysis begins on page 6.
Laurance Cohen, who once served as this magazine’s editor, recently traveled to Southeast Asia to revisit the vended laundry industry that he had written about 20 years earlier. Much has changed, he writes, thanks largely to the arrival of more sophisticated equipment. Check out his tale of laundries in Malaysia, Singapore and elsewhere, beginning on page 14.
As I write this, the final results of the March 15 primary elections are coming in and the identities of the apparent Democratic and Republican nominees for president are becoming clearer. As it does every four years, the upcoming presidential election will play a huge role in the direction and future of our country.
But as important as the federal government may be, it’s your local government that stands to have the greatest impact on your business, writes Phillip M. Perry. Interviewing attorneys, political consultants and others, Perry has penned a primer for how you can “pull the strings” your way to protect your interests. Find out more starting on page 22 and be prepared to make your voice heard, no matter who ends up in the White House next.
Bruce Beggs Editorial Director
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American Coin-Op (ISSN 0092-2811) is published monthly. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $46.00; 2 years $92.00. Foreign, 1 year $109.00; 2 years $218.00. Single copies $9.00 for U.S., $18.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Coin-Op, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 57, number 4. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Coin-Op is distributed selectively to owners, operators and managers of chain and individually owned coin-operated laundry establishments in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2016. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Coin-Op does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Coin-Op or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
Bruce Beggs
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Get a Load of This! Annual Analysis Charts Continued Growth
By Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director
Do you believe your self-service laundry business measured up favorably to others in the industry last year?
Did you have a good year or a bad year in 2015? How does your pricing compare with others?
American Coin-Op’s annual State of the Industry survey offers store owners and operators the opportunity to compare their operation to others in the industry.
This year’s survey focused on 2015-2016 business conditions, pricing, equipment, common challenges, turns per day and utilities cost.
In instances where respondents were asked about 2015 business results, they were given the opportunity to state whether their results were up, down or unchanged. This is a departure from surveys compiled in 2011 and earlier, when respondents were asked only if their business was up or down. Keep this in mind as you’re making comparisons to previous years’ results.
This survey is an unscientific electronic poll of American Coin-Op readers who operate stores. Some percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding or other factors.
2015 BUSINESS VS. 2014
Roughly 64% of respondents own just one self-service laundry, while 35.7% are multi-store owners (28.6% of total respondents own two or three stores, 7.1% own four or more stores).
For 2015, 71.4% of operators say their overall coin laundry business increased
from that of 2014. Specifically, these operators reported an increase in business (gross dollar volume) last year compared to 2014.
In last year’s survey, 58.8% of respondents reported an increase, while 55% reported seeing sales growth in the survey prior.
The average 2015 business increase was 9.6%, up from 8.9% in 2014. Other past average business increases were 9.6% (2013), 11.7% (2012), 11.5% (2011), 10.8% (2010), 7.9% (2009) and 14% (2008).
Following is a breakdown of 2015 business increases (the figures relate to those reporting increases, not all respondents):
• Operators with a business increase of less than 10%: 53.3%
• Operators with a business increase of 10-14%: 30%
• Operators with a business increase of 15% or more: 16.7%
Roughly 17% of operators faced a decrease in business (in gross dollar volume) in 2015, down from approximately 29% in 2014. The percentage was 25% in 2013, 30% in 2012, 35% in 2011, 58% in 2010 and 59.8% in 2009.
The average business decrease in 2015 was 16.3%, a sizable jump from 6.6%
(Infographic images licensed by Ingram Publishing) ▼
(Photo: © iStockphoto/blackred)
Survey Snapshot ■ Average business increase, 2015: 9.6% 2015-2016 State of the Industry
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in 2014. Prior average decreases were 8.7% in 2013, 9.5% in 2012, 10.2% in 2011, 11.2% in 2010, 13.7% in 2009 and 14.3% in 2008.
Here’s a closer look at 2015 business decreases (again, the figures relate to those reporting decreases, not all respondents):
• Operators with a reduction of less than 10%: 14.3%
• Operators with a reduction of 10-14%: 14.3%
• Operators with a reduction of 15% or more: 71.4%
Slightly more than 14% of respondents say 2015 business was unchanged compared to 2014 business.
These figures reflect a continued growth in business, on average. The percentage of respondents reporting an overall increase in business in 2015 jumped nearly 13 percentage points from 2014. The average business increase was greater than the previous year’s for the first time in three years.
While the 2015 average business decrease (16.3%) was significantly higher than 2014’s, the share of responding operators who saw business decline dropped from roughly 29% in 2014 to 16.7% last year.
Drop-off service—making the most of customers’ predilection for convenience— bounced back in a serious way from its slowdown the prior year, according to the
latest industry numbers.
Roughly 52% of operators reported that drop-off service business (in gross dollar volume) increased for them in 2015. This figure is nearly triple the 2014 share of approximately 18%.
The average increase in drop-off service business last year was 13.7%, up slightly from 2014’s 12.3%. The figure had declined each of the prior two years.
Approximately 15% of respondents saw a decrease in drop-off-service business, down some 12 percentage points from 2014’s 27%.
The average decline in drop-off-service business in 2015 was 16%, down from 11.3% in 2014. Previous average declines in drop-off-service business were 9.0% in 2013, 18.1% in 2012 and again in 2011, 18.8% in 2010, and 24.2% in 2009.
Roughly 36% of respondents say their 2015 drop-off-service business was unchanged from the previous year. That’s compared to approximately 55% reported in 2014.
Current drop-off-service pricing (in dollars per pound) ranges between 50 cents to $2, based on the survey responses.
Following is a breakdown of the most popular drop-off-service prices (per pound), followed by the percentage of operators who use them:
1. $1 (31.8%)
2. 99 cents or $1.15 (tie, 13.6% each)
Overall prices for drop-off service remain consistent with previous years’ figures. In total, 11 different drop-off-service prices were reported in this year’s survey.
Roughly 51% of operators who took the annual survey offer drop-off service, compared to the approximately 66% who responded to last year’s poll.
Vending sales business (in gross dollar volume) declined from the previous survey. Approximately 38% of respondents reported their sales increasing in 2015, down from 51.9% of respondents in 2014. Ten percent reported a decline in vending sales business in 2015, while 52.5% say vending sales were unchanged last year.
The average vending sales increase was 11.2%, up from 2014 (7.4%). The average vending sales decrease in 2015 was 15.5%, significantly larger than 2014’s 6.8% average dip.
Respondents were also asked to report how much they charge for a variety of washes.
Approximately 67.4% of operators offer top loaders at their store(s). The price range for a top-load wash is $1.25 to $3.
Here are the most popular top-load prices, followed by the percentage of respondents using them:
1. $2 (25.0%)
2. $1.50 (21.4%)
3. $2.50 (17.9%)
Prices for a top loader are fairly similar to most popular prices last year, as the $2 price is once again the most popular price for a top-load wash.
Operators seem to be charging less, however, as $1.50, the fifth most popular price last year, moved up the ranks to second. The price of $2.50, which was not among the most popular prices reported last year, is now No. 3.
For the first time in six years, no operators who took the annual survey reported charging more than $3 for a top-load wash.
The most popular prices for some of the small front loaders are:
• 18 pounds: $2 and $2.25 (tie)
• 20 pounds: $2.50
• 25 pounds: $3.25
The lowest price reported in this group
8 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com ■ 51.5% experienced higher drop-off service business (in gross dollar volume) in 2015 Survey Snapshot ■ Most popular 30-pound front loader prices, current: 1. $4.00 2. $3.00 3. $3.50/$4.25 (tie) Survey Snapshot ▼
®/™©2016 Maytag All rights reserved
is $1.25 (18-pound washer) while the highest price is $5.50 (25-pound washer).
The price range for a 30-pound wash is $2 to $5.50. Following are the most popular 30-pound prices, along with the percentages of operators who use them:
1. $4 (25%)
2. $3 (16.7%)
3. $3.50 or $4.25 (tie, 12.5% each)
The most popular price for a 35-pound wash is either $3.75 or $4.50 (tie). The current price range for a 35-pound wash is $3.50 to $5.50.
Operators who responded to the survey charge a variety of prices for a 40-pound wash. The most popular, charged by onethird of respondents, is $4.50. Next in order are $5 and $4. The price range for this grouping is $3 to $7.
There is also a fairly wide range of prices charged for a 50-pound wash. The majority of operators charge either $5 or $5.50, followed by $5.25, $5.75 or $6. Prices for a 50-pound wash range between $4.50 and $6.25.
Prices for a 55-pound wash currently range from $5.25 to $8.50.
The most popular price for a 60-pound wash is $6.50, so there’s been no change there since last year. Other popular choices among the respondents are $5, $6, $6.25, $7.25 and $8.
For an 80-pound wash, the most popular price is $8.50, followed by $9 or $9.25. Prices charged by operators today range from as low as $7 to as high as $9.39.
Other prices reported include $6, $8.25 or $11.25 for a 75-pound wash; $9.75 for a 90-pound wash; and $11.50 for a 100pound wash.
Operators who respond to our survey vary year to year, which may reflect upon the variety of prices reported.
Respondents were asked to provide prices for front-loaders of 14 different capacities. However, no prices were logged for a 150-pound wash.
Operators were asked to provide their current prices for their dryers in cents per minute. As in previous years, a variety of responses was reported.
The 25 cents-for-10 minutes price, once an industry staple but not reported in last year’s survey, has made a resurgence. It tied with 25-for-7 (or 7.5) as the current most popular price. In comparison, last year’s most popular price, 25-for-5, was reported by less than 10% of respondents this year.
Another popular price currently is 25-for-8 (or 8.3).
American Coin-Op asked respondents if they have already raised washer and/or dryer prices in 2016, or if they plan to do so before the end of the year.
Regarding washer prices, the majority of respondents (54.8%) say they have already raised prices, or intend to do so, by the end of the year. Close to 29% say they have no such plans, while 16.7% are undecided.
Regarding their decision to raise washer prices, many operators say they implemented the increase to cope with higher utilities cost, particularly water.
One respondent gave a dire prediction if his/her higher washer prices don’t generate enough additional income.
“I’m at the point of not being able to meet fixed expenses,” this operator writes. “If increased washer prices (do) not improve the financial situation, I’ll close.”
Regarding dryer prices, more than twothirds of respondents (67.4%) say they have not raised prices, or do not have plans to do so by the end of the year. Roughly 21% say they have such plans, while 11.6% are undecided.
Among those who have raised, or plan to raise, dryer prices this year, higher utilities cost, installation of new equipment or the desire to keep up with competitors were among the reasons cited most often.
Roughly 67% of respondents operate coin-only stores, 7.0% operate card-only stores, and 25.6% offer both, according to the survey results.
The breakdown of payment types in 2016 remained constant when compared to the previous year’s survey: in 2015, approximately 66% of respondents operated coin-only stores, 7.9% operated cardonly stores, and 26.3% offered both.
Roughly 58% of respondents purchased at least one piece of equipment (washer, dryer, water heater, vending machine or other) in 2015, up from last year’s 50%.
Following is a breakdown of 2015 purchases. (Editor’s note: Percentages do not total 100% because some buyers purchased equipment in multiple equipment categories.):
• 20.9% of respondents purchased at least one top loader. The average purchase was 6.0 machines.
• 37.2% of respondents purchased at least one front loader. The average purchase was 8.9 machines.
• 25.6% of respondents purchased at least one dryer (regular or stack). The average purchase was 9.1 machines.
10 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
■ 54.8% have raised washer prices, or intend to by end of this year Survey Snapshot ■ 58.1% purchased at least one piece of equipment (washer, dryer, water heater, vending machine or other) in 2015 Survey Snapshot ▼
• Equal shares of 9.3% of respondents purchased some type of water heater, vending machine or “other” types of equipment, like bill changers or security systems.
Operators were asked if they purchased, or plan to purchase, new equipment in 2016.
Roughly 51% of respondents plan to add some type of equipment (washer, dryer, water heater, vending machine or other) to their mix, or have already done so, in 2016. By comparison, in last year’s survey, approximately 29% had added equipment in 2015 or planned to do so.
Following is a breakdown of purchases operators have already made in 2016, or plan to make by the end of the year. (Editor’s note: Percentages do not total 100% because some buyers purchased/plan to purchase equipment in multiple equipment categories.):
• 2.3% of respondents have purchased, or plan to purchase, a new top loader this year. The average purchase is (or will be) 6.0 machines.
• 30.2% of respondents have purchased, or plan to purchase, a new front loader this year. The average purchase is (or will be) 9.8 machines.
• 18.6% of respondents have purchased, or plan to purchase, a new dryer this year. The average purchase is (or will be) 7.5 machines.
Approximately 47% of respondents say their stores are fully attended, up 8% from last year. Roughly 26% say their stores are partially attended, while 27.9% say their stores are unattended.
Overall, 72.1% of operators currently employ one or more attendants at their stores.
More than two-thirds of those respondents (67.7%) have four or more employees, while 25.8% employ two or three. Just 6.5% have only one employee.
What are some common challenges facing self-service laundry store owners and operators? Here are the top three, according to this year’s survey responses:
1. Labor (its cost and the work necessary to find and keep “good” employees were both mentioned)
2. Utilities cost
3. Store/equipment maintenance
Turns per day refers to the number of cycles (turns) that each of a store’s machines completes each day. For each machine class (top loader or front loader), you can calculate it using total cycles for a one-week period divided by the total number of machines in the class, then dividing that number by seven.
Currently, the average turns per day for top loaders amongst respondents is 3.8, up from last year’s survey (2.8). For front loaders, the number is 4.1, down slightly from last year’s survey (4.3).
Operators were asked about their utilities cost (as a percentage of gross). The responses ranged from 10% to 40%.
At the time of our survey in February, operators were paying an average of 20.2% for utilities (as a percentage of gross), down slightly from 21.4% last year.
The most common individual response was 20%, whereas it was 30% in last year’s survey. Nearly 63% of respondents reported a utilities cost of 20% or less this year.
Utilities account for the largest store expense for the majority of respondents (45.2%), while insurance is the smallest expense (55.8%).
Slightly more than 51% of respondents are optimistic that their 2016 total business will be better than 2015’s. Roughly 42% expect business to be about the same, while just under 7% say it will not perform as well in 2016 as it did in 2015. ACO
12 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Survey Snapshot ■ Average turns per day, current: Top loaders: 3.8 Front loaders: 4.1 ■ Operator outlook: 2016 51.2% expect business to increase in 2016 41.9% expect business to be about the same as 2015 7.0% expect business to decrease in 2016 Survey Snapshot ■ Average utilities cost (% of gross), current: 20.2% Survey Snapshot
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Southeast Asia’s New on an American Concept SPiN
Intro of commercial laundry equipment triggers ‘exponential’ growth
By Laurance Cohen
When American Coin-Op first crossed the Pacific back in 1995 to profile the Southeast Asia self-service laundry industry, the scene was almost non-existent. Fast forward two decades: The do-it-yourself concept has been embraced by the region’s working-class laborers, heads of households, and domestic helpers — yet another sign of the ever-expanding global community of vended wash-and-dry patrons.
Growth has been exponential in Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines, where East meets West at hundreds of scaled-down versions of a classic American business model. The evolution of the industry in Southeast Asia is remarkably similar to our own as both transitioned from utilization of small, simple machinery to larger,
more sophisticated equipment to capture a broader cross-section of end-users.
While self-service laundries have long been a fixture in other parts of the Pacific Rim, development in Southeast Asia lagged behind. The early coin-ops that did come online often mimicked the then-trailblazing laundry route operations by offering small-capacity machines to a washhungry public. That all changed as commercial machines — designed specifically for the rigors of public use — were introduced to the market.
One of the companies riding the new wave is Cleanpro Laundry Holdings. Its 200-plus Cleanpro Express store network extends from its Kuala Lumpur base south to Singapore and north to Bangkok, Thailand.
On the heels of a successful launch of prototype coin-ops in 2009, the firm attracted expansion-minded franchise partners who shared a common vision rooted in the purist self-service laundry model: a small, 24-hour, unattended operation designed to minimize labor and maximize cash flow.
“Starting around 2007, Malaysia’s reliance on domestic helpers had diminished and laundries at the time were only equipped with top-load models,” observes Cleanpro Chief Executive SK Goh, who believed that the wash-load burdens facing heads of households would usher in a new age for coin-ops.
His timing couldn’t have been better as the cultural labor shift coincided with the advent of balcony enclosures at newly constructed residential towers — a blow to traditional outdoor clothesline-drying ▼
14 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
A warm, inviting décor welcomes Filipino families to the upscale Quicklean in Quezon City, Philippines. (Photos: Laurance Cohen)
Price is subject to change without prior notice.Order received before 3PM EST will be shipped out same day. Free shipping excludes heavy items Please contact us for details ! Web: www.KingsLaundryGroup.com Email: parts@kingslaundrygroup.com Tel:1-844-727-8740 Business Hours [EST]: Monday ~ Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00PM Sunday: Closed Free Shipping Over $199 Shipping Flat Rate $7.95 “ Quality Laundry Parts at Low Price! ” Call us Now: 1-844-727-8740 www.KingsLaundryGroup.com Limited Time Sales Ends at 4.30.2016 For Alliance Roller 70298701P $ 9.95 ea $ 8.95/10+ 100% Satisfactioin Brand New Design Great Quality!!! For Alliance 3’’ Drain Valve F038062800 (120V) F038062900 (220V) $ 95 ea $ 89.95/3+ For Alliance Idler Wheel 70050401 $12.95 ea $11.95/3+ For Alliance 32DG Idler Wheel 430619 $11.95 ea $10.95/3+ For Alliance Cylinder Roller 430019 $9.95 ea $8.95/6+ For Alliance Dryer Relay 70210901 $20.95 ea $19.95/3+ For Alliance Door Switch F340200 $6.95 ea $5.95/3+ For Alliance Micro Switch F200203200 $8.95 ea $7.95/3+ For Alliance Power Supply Board F370411-1P (110V) $125 ea $115/3+ For Alliance Coin Blocking Coil F160466 (110V) $85 ea $80 /3+ Hot ITem For Alliance 3’’ Drain Valve 803292 (220V) 803293 (110V) $ 69.95 ea $ 65/3+
and a boon for storefront self-service laundries.
Luring customers away from top-load-dominated facilities meant “an emphasis on the high quality and productivity of the outlet,” remarks Freddie Lau, who heads Cleanpro Express operations.
The challenge for Lau’s team was coming up with a design that considered both functionality and scarcity of space. It found the answer by utilizing stack 30-pound front-load washers boasting 200G high extract with matching load-capacity dryer tumblers, imported from Dexter Laundry, to maximize throughput in smallfootprint stores.
With space at a premium in Malaysia and, most notably, highrent Singapore, bill changers and soap venders were combined, and walls were transformed into message centers to both educate and promote — taking patrons step-by-step through the process, detailing prices and loyalty card incentives, and summarizing the benefits of using the facility in English, Malay and Mandarin languages. Productivity and profitability were further enhanced by instituting two practices previously unknown to the regional laundry scene: round-the clock operations and no staffing.
Last year, a proprietary value-added card system dubbed “Touch the Sky” was introduced and has proven to be an effective management tool to obtain real-time sales, reports Cleanpro’s Chief Marketing Officer Chan Huei Ning.
Water is treated onsite with an ionization system to encourage customers to forgo the use of detergents and cleaning additives to help the environment and their pocketbook.
Cleanpro Express stores in Malaysia and Singapore accept coin
or loyalty card. Washer vend prices are linked to water temperature settings and range from the equivalent of US$1.15-$1.65 in Malaysia and US$2.85-$4.25 in Singapore for a 20-pound load; US$1.50-$2 in Malaysia and US$3.55-$5 in Singapore for a 30-pound load; and US$2.55-$3.50 in Malaysia and US$5.70$8.55 in Singapore for a 50-pound load. A 23-minute full-cycle dry in Malaysia is US$1.05 and an additional five minutes at US$0.25, while dryers in Singapore vend for the equivalent of US$0.70 for six minutes.
One of Cleanpro Express’ franchise partners is Lu Xunguang, a 26-year-old with a dozen Singapore stores under his belt. After relocating to the island nation from China to further his studies, Lu became intrigued by the self-service concept and approached
16 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
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Wall signage in three languages helps guide new users at Cleanpro Express in Malaysia.
regional distributor Cleanpro Machinery’s Koh Say Young with his ambitions. What followed was a building spree that, at its peak, launched seven locations in a three-month span.
At 650 square feet, a recently opened store in Singapore’s Yishun neighborhood is Lu’s largest to date, boasting six 30-pound frontload stack washer-dryers, along with two 50-pound and two 20-pound front-load washers.
The chain’s loyalty card has been well-received, with load transactions increasing fivefold just three months after its debut, Lu reports. As an incentive, customers reloading S$10 receive S$3 in extra machine credits, while S$50 and S$100 loads see S$20 and S$50 bonus credits added, respectively.
Like his counterparts in the U.S. market, Lu acknowledges that rent and utility expenses pose challenges, noting that he has to contend with rent factors of 20-50% of gross income, and that volatile LP gas rates account for the lion’s share of his utility expense.
The young operator remains bullish on the self-service concept. “Singapore’s laundries have advanced, and we are ready to keep growing,” Lu says. “The goal is 200 to 300 outlets in the market. This is our dream.”
A surge in new-store activity is occurring simultaneously to the northeast in the Philippines. One prominent player is Manila businessman Martin Veerayah, who sold his stake in e-cigarette stores to oversee a chain of 30 laundries.
“My initial target was attracting lavanderas [hired, domestic wash laborers] out of the home,” recalls Veerayah of his startup barebones laundry operations that offered just machines and plastic chairs. “But I soon noticed that end-users of all classes were coming in and I shifted gears to cater to them all.”
Veerayah linked up with Manila-based Tysons Global ▼
Lu Xunguang (right) provides helpful tips to housemaid Edelisa Tinonas at his newest Cleanpro Express outlet in Singapore.
Exchange, which imports and distributes Speed Queen commercial equipment in the Philippines, one of the world’s fastest growing economies and home to 100 million across the archipelago.
The distributor had already made a name for itself by parlaying its success in student housing laundry rooms into development of some of the country’s first storefront operations.
Two models emerged to serve greater Manila: an upscale Quicklean and the no-frills Quicklean Labavendo. What the 850-square-foot Quicklean Labavendo lacks in amenities, it makes up for on the bottom line. With foot traffic generated in some of the most densely populated neighborhoods on earth, a number of stores average double-digit turns per day, Veerayah reports.
The Labavendo machine mix typically includes eight to 10 20-pound front loaders vending at the equivalent of US$1.35$1.75 based on cycle selection; two to four 30-pound front loaders at US$2-$2.65; and three to four 30-pound stack dryers with full-cycle dry starting at US$1.55. Larger-capacity washers and dryers are increasingly making their way on to the floor in response to customer demands, and token-operated payment is being phased out in favor of a remote activation system
operated by counter attendants.
At the other end of the spectrum, the newest upscale Quicklean model in Quezon City just north of Manila offers 14 20-pound front loaders, six 40-pound front loaders, as well as six 30-pound and two 45-pound-capacity stack dryers in 2,100 square feet. All washers and dryers, which are priced slightly higher than at the minimalist Labavendo stores, are remotely activated at the counter to eliminate coins and tokens.
Quicklean’s décor is decidedly upscale with faux greenery, padded benches, ceramic flooring and color-coordinated, custom folding tables accenting the bold, stainless steel lines of the washers and dryers.
“We wanted to have a younger, more
vibrant feel,” Veerayah explains. “Our goal was to offer a place that added style into daily life.”
The venue attracted Deanna Dejoya, who travels 20 minutes and bypasses her old drop-off store to do the weekly wash.
“It’s faster than waiting days to get your clothes back and well worth the drive over,” she explains. “We enjoy family time folding clothes together.”
Her comments were music to Veerayah’s ears. “There’s always going to be a niche for coin laundries, and a lot of people who need to wash,” he predicts. “We’ll be there for them.”
Laurance Cohen is a Florida-based freelance writer and former American Coin-Op editor.
18 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Entrepreneur Martin Veerayah is at the forefront of the self-service laundry industry’s growth in Manila, Philippines.
A proprietary value-added card system is weaning customers off coins in Singapore and Malaysia.
Singapore laundry customers vie for machines on a typical Saturday morning.
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How to Pull the Strings Your Way
By Phillip M. Perry
ith the 2016 elections quickly approaching, business owners everywhere are wondering who will win the presidential race and how the political makeup of Congress will change. And no wonder: The decisions of the voters will determine the passage of legislation that helps or hinders the economy over the coming four years.
Important as the federal elections are, though, your business operations will likely be impacted more pro-
foundly by decisions made at a much lower level of the political food chain: your city.
“It’s all too easy to focus our attention on legislation and regulations from the federal government,” says Sean W. Hadley, a Moorestown, N.J.based attorney active in government relations. “But the reality is that businesses are more affected by ordinances passed by their local communities than by anything that goes through — or doesn’t go through — Congress
Complete lines of laundry equipment and products in PA, NJ, DE, & MD. We offer support throughout – lowest financing available, store design, free installation, priority service and authorized parts! REGISTER TODAY for the Only Commercial Laundry Trade Show & Service Seminar in the Mid-Atlantic Area! Call (800) 223-1376 visit LaundryTradeShow.com to register or speak with a sales representative! THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM HELD AT: EQUIPMENT MARKETERS, 100 MELROSE AVE, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 • over 20 vendors • seminars all day • free service advice • over $10K in prizes • free food all day • live entertainment 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mention offer “COINOP”and get a FREE gift Special 0% Financing Equipment REBATES up to $1,200 Parts & soap SALE Standard_half_horz.indd 1 3/3/16 8:56 AM 22 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
(Photo: © iStockphoto/OSTILL) W
The good news is that you can make your voice heard.
“The small-business owner can have the greatest effect at the local government level, where the politicians can be the most approachable,” says Marc H. Pfeiffer, assistant director at the Bloustein Local Government Research Center, New Brunswick, N.J. “Politicians do not get reelected by saying ‘no’ to people. They want to be able to say ‘yes.’”
Local governments typically control a host of mission-critical “quality of business” issues. Among them are business licensing and expansion, the design of storefronts and building exteriors, parking, billboards, and any activities that affect the environment.
An unfriendly ordinance passed in any of those areas can throw a monkey wrench into your own business engine. Consider especially the control that local governments have over roads, including their quality, their cleanliness, and the placement of navigational signs making it easy or dif-
ficult for customers to find a business. Even the direction of traffic depends upon local regulations. Imagine waking up one morning to discover the street in front of your coin laundry has been changed to a oneway conduit—in a direction not favorable to your customer pool.
Business ambitions can often be stymied by apparently arbitrary regulations.
“Zoning issues are a local concern and an issue many people don’t worry about until they start to expand or make business improveme nts such as installing new signs or larger and brighter windows,” says Hadley. “Then they can run into problems with a requirement to preserve structural elements or utilize certain themes or colors.”
Business-government conflicts can also arise when measures are passed that affect employment practices — paid sick leave and minimum wage laws among them.
When you try to resolve your own issues in any of these areas, points out Hadley, you’ll get no help from politicians at the national level.
“Changes to city and state regulations can only be addressed by your local rep-
resentatives, not by Congress or the president,” he says.
Given the realities of local politics, how can you protect your Laundromat from damaging regulations? First, you need to be informed about what’s going on in your town hall, including pending legislative initiatives.
“Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to local laws and regulations,” says Nancy Bocskor, a political consultant in Arlington, Va.
Second, you need to set up your own early-warning system so you hear about harmful regulatory changes before they are so far advanced that you can no longer effectively counter them.
“When a story about a new regulation appears in your local press, it’s too late for you to make an impact,” says Fairfield, Conn.,-based attorney Cliff Ennico, author of the Small Business Survival Guide from Adams Press. “A lot of debate occurs before votes are taken on a proposed measure, and you need to get your voice heard early in the decision cycle. If there’s ▲
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a hearing in three weeks about rezoning the downtown business district, and that’s where your business is located, you want to be at that hearing.”
So, how do you set up an early-warning system? One way is to take advantage of existing resources.
“Most municipalities have a website,” says Pfeiffer. Many local agencies now post their calendars online, making it easy to check their activities. Is a meeting scheduled for the near future? Obtain a copy of the agenda to see what topics might impact your business.
“Your town website may offer news feeds, e-newsletters, Facebook pages, or Twitter posts,” says Pfeiffer. All are conduits for news about proposed regulations. “Also, look for ‘hyperlocal’ websites where people write blogs or maintain online newspapers about local government affairs.”
n Know the Rules
Respect ethical boundaries when you deal with politicians. “You have to follow the rules regarding expenditures or gifts,” says Sean W. Hadley, a Moorestown, N.J.-based attorney active in government relations. “This is true even for smaller, social gratuities.”
You might be tempted to invite your local mover and shaker to lunch, for example, given that meal’s traditional role as a business negotiation ice-breaker. Bad idea. You do not want to offer a favor with a financial component, no matter how modest.
Offering to treat the politician to lunch (or even a cup of coffee), warns Hadley, can put the individual in the awkward position of having to turn down a social offer. You don’t want to start your relationship on a sour note.
Plugging into these information sources can provide you the alerts you need to take action to make your voice heard on proposed legislation.
Making your voice heard at town meetings is one way to influence your local political establishment. Another way is to reach out to local politicians, make your presence known, and become a trusted source for feedback on how proposed legislation might affect the small-
business community.
Start with the council person who represents your specific neighborhood. Call that person’s office and make an appointment to discuss topics of interest to the business community. While there, ask for the names of other local movers and shakers with whom you should initiate a dialogue.
You can also invite your representatives to visit your place of business.
“Let the politicians see what you do and how many people you employ and how much tax revenue you generate,” says
“Even if a luncheon is not technically bribery, politicians are very suspicious of anything that might be misinterpreted that way by a third party,” says Fairfield, Conn.,-based attorney Cliff Ennico, author of the Small Business Survival Guide “In today’s world, a politician is only one scandal away from being worthless.”
24 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Jr half_spread.indd 1
Bocskor. “You need to be proactive in making sure they understand the value you bring to your community.”
Whatever the venue, establish a dialogue rather than a one-way diatribe. Consider emphasizing your potential to help the politician do a better job, by making a statement such as this: “I have my finger on the pulse of small business. I can be a friendly resource for you. Call me whenever you have any question about the impact of proposed legislation on small business.”
This plants an important seed that can
flower into a measure of influence: The politician will see you not only as a spokesperson for your own interest, but also for those of the business community at large.
Helping a politician do a better job promotes the kind of win-win relationship that goes a long way toward building your power base.
“Politics is all about back-scratching,” says Ennico. “Tell the politician how you will help him or her in exchange for
support for your position on proposed legislation.”
If the politician supports a bill you want passed, will you invite him or her to speak before your civic group on the topic? That can help garner more voters.
While you can employ the process described for as many politicians as you like, your time is limited, so you will need to be selective.
“Find out who the powerful people are,” suggests Ennico. “In every community, there are people who are effective in making things happen, and people who are not. And the former might not be the people with the biggest offices. In one town, for example, it might be the head of the local Democratic party rather than the mayor.”
Your informal talks with local politicians will reveal the names of these power players. Those are the ones you want to cultivate.
Your first contact with a politician should be to establish a dialogue. Avoid making a request right away.
The best part about family is that you can count on them to be there when you need them most. That’s the kind of trust we at Huebsch® strive to build with our customers. In fact, the Huebsch distributor network earned the highest reliability and trust scores in the vended laundry industry,* with outstanding marks for prompt response and expertise of sta . So when you have questions or challenges, you can trust that we’ll be right there with immediate answers and solutions rooted in unmatched industry knowledge. Because dedication to your success is what the Huebsch family is all about. Learn more about how Huebsch is the trusted partner you’ve been looking for and how Huebsch Financial’s personal approach to lending makes it easier to reach your goals at Huebsch.com/WillDo
“It’s never good to start a relationship with your needs at the forefront,” says Hadley. “Remember, you will need this person’s assistance over the long term.”
Once you have cultivated a growing relationship, though, you can feel free to approach the politician with your own ideas. Perhaps you want to block a proposed regulation. Or perhaps you want to promote an entirely new business-friendly ordinance. At this point, you will be happy that you have a friendly person to call.
Despite the relationship you have established with the politician, you want to present your case as benefiting the community at large rather than your business in particular. That requires doing your homework.
When speaking about how a proposed regulation will affect your revenues or your employment activity, do so in the context of how your activities, and those of other businesses in your town, help the region grow and prosper. Calculate the numbers.
“Back up your story with data,” says Bocskor. “Show the official how a certain proposed regulation will affect X, Y and Z. People need to know the consequences of government actions that too often sound good before you do the math.”
Speaking of numbers, few are as
www.americancoinop.com APRIL 2016 AMERICAN COIN-OP 25
9/10/15 9:12 AM ▲
*According to an August 2014 Leede Research Customer Value Analysis.
important as the ones in your town’s budget. You may not ordinarily give much thought to that arcane document, but it can have an outsized influence on your Laundromat.
“Budget issues are really issues of priority,” says Hadley. “Suppose you need improvements to the roads leading to your place of business, and you were able to convince your town to pass an ordinance requiring that. You think you have accomplished your goal, but if the town budget does not allocate the requisite funds, you will see no road improvements over the coming year. Without the money to fund it, an ordinance is only worth the paper it’s written on.”
Vital as it is, involvement with the town budget is a long game.
“You have to start small, by getting to know your town officials,” says Hadley. “You can’t just walk into your town hall and say, ‘I want to know everything about the budget and want to influence it.’ Your town officials will not be forthcoming. You have to get to know them first on a personal level as a small-business owner.”
These suggestions have championed the political power of the small-business owner acting alone. But there’s no doubt that scheduling constraints can hamper the most well-intentioned effort.
“Any kind of community work is a time vampire,” says Ennico. “We are so busy running our shops and working 24/7 that taking time out for civic involvement is a lot to ask. It’s easy to let things slide because you are too busy.”
Reach out to your fellow business owners for assistance. When they see you have blazed a trail, they will be more willing to
lend a hand. Join your local chamber of commerce or business council.
Small-businesspeople working together can improve the local business climate for everyone. “If you don’t reach out, you will become invisible to local politicians,” says Ennico. “And when you become invisible, bad things can happen.”
Award-winning journalist Phillip M. Perry, who resides in New York City, is published widely in the fields of business management, workplace psychology and employment law, and his work is syndicated in scores of magazines nationwide.
26 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com Authorized Dealers for: • American Dryers • Vend-Rite • Card Concepts • Internet Kiosks • Sol-O-Matic • All other accessories phone: 800.362.1900 • web: www.acpowerco.com e-mail: info@acpowerco.com • fax: 215-364-4699 Local Service, Parts and Equipment Available in PA, NJ and DE Commercial Laundry Solutions 77 Steamwhistle Drive, Ivyland, PA 18974 The Best Equipment Available at the Best Prices Industry Leading Distributors For Over 38 Years! AC POWER COMPANYInc. Contact us today for new Equipment and Parts. Please join us in April for a FREE SERVICE SCHOOL and OPEN HOUSE where we will have discounts and Rebates Available. Call 800-362-1900 for details. 0416aco_AC Power.indd 1 3/1/16 11:46 AM
“Let the politicians see what you do and how many people you employ and how much tax revenue you generate.”
—Nancy Bocskor, political consultant
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• Equipment on display: Special pricing on all Equipment • Factory personnel on hand to answer questions: Speed Queen, ESD, NATCO, and others • Special nancing available • Presentations with guest speakers: Michael Sokolowski: COO, Coin Laundry Association, Bob Eisenberg: Regional VP, Super Laundry
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With Electrolux Professional dryers, distributed in North America by Laundrylux, store owners will use up to 40% less gas and see goods dry faster than with competing brands, the company says. Pairing the dryers with Electrolux high G-force washers can create an even stronger competitive edge: increased load capacities, faster drying, less wear and tear on garments, lower energy consumption, and time savings.
Customers will love the fast drying and user-friendly controls, Electrolux says, while store owners will appreciate the “green” engineering, cost savings, easy operation, and years of low maintenance.
Electrolux dryers come standard with unique innovative features that include:
• Compass Pro – Easily customize programs, with more than 20 languages available and diagnostics at one’s fingertips.
• Real-time clock for time-of-day pricing and promotions.
• Reversing Drum — Minimizes tangling and wrinkling and improves dryer efficiency. Sheets and towels dry faster, saving time and energy, the company says.
• Eco Power – This exclusive technology determines when garments are dry and then automatically lowers the dryer temperature, saving on gas and resulting in less wrinkling and garment wear.
• Lint Screen that Electrolux says is the fastest to clean in the industry.
Electrolux Professional dryers are available in 35-pound and 50-pound stack models and 35-, 67and 83-pound single pockets.
www.laundrylux.com 800-381-7222
Primus®, well known for its commercial laundry equipment in Europe, now offers products in North America, including the PTT30 – a 30-pound stacked dryer. The stackable model offers the features and options desired by customers while maximizing profit per square foot for Laundromat owners, the company says.
The PTT30 stacked dryer doubles the capacity in the same footprint, and its axial airflow and separate fan motors reduce drying time. Built for durability, the 30-pound model features patented cylinder holes, allowing drywall screws to pass through without damage.
Two intuitive microprocessor controls allow customers to select different dryer settings based on their unique laundry needs. This model also touts a large door opening for easy loading and unloading and a sleek, modern design.
The stacked dryer is highly customizable and includes four drying programs, Primus says. Laundromat owners can choose between gas and electric heating, and the model’s axial airflow and powerful exhaust blower reduce dry times and lower operating costs. Multiple payment activation options are available, such as dual coin drop, which reduces labor associated with coin collection.
www.primuslaundry.com 877-724-0187
PRODUCT SHOWCASE 28 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
THE BEST JUST GOT PartsKing.com is the leading supplier of parts and supplies for the commercial and residential laundry industry. We have 130,000 items available for all the top brands: Speed Queen, Milnor, Unimac, Continental, Wascomat, Dexter, General Electric, Ipso, Maytag, Cissell, American Dryer, Whirlpool and More! 1-800-462-4814 • www.PartsKing.com Our New and Improved Website Makes It Easier Than Ever To Find What You Are Looking For & Place Your Order We Gladly Accept: Social Media: We Are Your One-Stop-Shop for All of Your Parts Needs Better! OrderFindit, Done!it,
The Whirlpool® Commercial Laundry High Efficiency Electric Dryer features a large lint screen, an extra-large 6.7-cubic-foot-capacity drum and a side-swing reversible door. The dryer is equipped with a highvelocity blower system to increase air flow, providing improved energy efficiency and heating element life, while reducing dry times. The high-velocity blower also allows for venting up to 100 feet, with three elbows and one angled hood, to assist with tough installations, Whirlpool says.
In addition, the dryer features userfriendly microprocessor controls, which display the cost, cycle option and time remaining in the cycle. The large-capacity metercase accepts a wide range of payment options, including card, coin slide and coin drop.
The high-efficiency dryer features an industrial-grade cabinet with porcelain finish, helping to reduce chipping and scratching, and comes standard with a three-year limited parts warranty.
www.whirlpoolcommerciallaundry.com 800-662-3587
Huebsch says it provides vended store owners the ability to create an appealing environment while increasing revenue with the HT075, a 75-pound tumble dryer.
The HT075’s user-friendly Galaxy™ 600 control system combines intuitive operation with features that reduce utility costs and increase profits, the company says. Store owners can modify the dryer’s cycle, temperature, price and time, as well as manage peak customer usage with customizable “time-of-day” pricing. The machine’s high-performance heater box combined with a concentrated airflow pattern also helps to lower utility usage and get satisfied customers out the door quickly, according to Huebsch.
When equipped with Galaxy 600 controls, the stainless steel HT075 features three control panel overlay design options – Cityscape, Citron and Slate – as well as a Halo chrome door ring option. The overlays and chrome accents allow store owners to customize their store’s look and differentiate themselves from competitors without sacrificing durability, efficiency or intuitive controls, the company says.
www.huebsch.com 800-553-5120
Dexter Laundry has been providing laundry solutions to customers for well over a century. Having learned a thing or two about laundry and what is important to store owners, it designed its Express Stacked Dryers to be fast, efficient and reliable so that store owners can maximize profits and give them the power of two dryers in the space of one, the company says.
Available in 30-pound and 50-pound capacities, Dexter Express Stacked Dryers come standard with DexterLive controls to provide easy PLUS cycle programming and network capability for remote store management.
All Dexter dryers are built with highquality materials and are engineered to operate in even the harshest laundry environments. These machines feature screw-resistant tumblers, balanced radial airflow, and the right amount of air recirculation to maximize efficiency, the company says. With heavy-duty bearings in a cast iron bearing housing and a fully welded and painted cabinet, Dexter dryers are built to last and backed by a five-year warranty.
www.dexter.com 800-524-2954
30 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
The Maytag Commercial Laundry® Energy Advantage™ Multi-Load Stack Dryer lineup helps address utility and energy costs and comes in 35- and 50-pound models to meet varied needs of the coin laundry market, the company says.
The dryers’ fast-drying axial airflow system, completely sealed drum and double-paned glass door keeps heat contained in the basket, enabling clothes to dry faster with some of the lowest Btu usage on the market, Maytag says.
Engineered for both owners and end-users in mind, the Multi-Load Stack Dryers are equipped with a single payment system, a front access panel for easy selfservice, two large-capacity lint drawers, extra-large door openings and “time remaining” digital display. The dryer also features Diagnostic Microprocessor Controls and single-phase reversing. Loaded with durable features, the dryers have heavy-duty enclosed motors and a four-point roller system and are backed by a five-year limited all parts warranty.
www.maytagcommerciallaundry.com 800-662-3587
Speed Queen® offers the ST075, a heavy-duty, 75-pound-capacity tumble dryer. Equipped with Quantum® technology and advanced features, the machine gives store owners complete control of their business while maximizing turns per day and profitability.
Thanks to an axial air flow pattern, newer tumble dryers feature faster dry times and thus present the opportunity to increase turns per day and revenue, Speed Queen says. Not only will a store owner receive more quarters per hour with an efficient, large-capacity dryer, but they will also see more profit because energy bills are lower. Store owners can boost their bottom line and increase customer satisfaction because clothes are evenly dried in less time, the company adds.
Additionally, when equipped with Quantum technology, the ST075 provides store owners with customizable cycle modifiers with the added benefit of tailored vend prices, Speed Queen says. These advanced controls help store owners reduce utility costs further while increasing revenue, and can be wirelessly networked to monitor and program machines from anywhere in the world.
www.speedqueen.com/replace 800-590-8872
Value-oriented Milnor dryers provide gas-saving, fast-drying units for coin laundries of any size, the company says. Available in either single-pocket or stack models, they deliver high performance and dependability in a small footprint.
The M333 is a 30-pound stack model that features high airflow and heat input
levels, which keep customers happy with fast dry times, Milnor says.
The dryers are coin- or card-readercompatible, and their large doors make loading and unloading easy. Service access to the machines is easily made through the front or rear of the units.
www.milnorcoin.com 800-469-8780
WASCO 185’s 220/1 & 220/3 $3,500
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Our Parts Department has thousands of products on over an acre lot.
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We can help you with specifications, dimensions, illustrations of commercial and on-premise laundry equipment.
We are able to offer competitive rates and low, affordable monthly payments for financing coin laundry and laundromat facilities.
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The AD Series from American Dryer is built with an engineer-driven approach, equipped with innovations and offers superior design, the company says, making this combination an excellent choice for coin-operated laundries.
Available in 30-, 50-, 75-, 115-, 120- and 170-pound capacities, the AD Series is built for high production, fast drying and rugged use, the company says. Radial air flow makes the machine more adaptable to mixed loads and helps with uniform drying for a variety of load sizes.
The dryer doors are constructed of one solid piece of steel with gasketless glass, which adds to the machine’s durability, and eliminates the potential rubber transfer to the laundry, American Dryer says.
All AD Series Dryers are available in gas and electric, with select models also available in steam heat. www.adclaundry.com 508-678-9000
Continental Girbau Inc. ExpressDry® Dryers deliver a quicker dry using fewer Btu per load, the company says. Engineered to bolster productivity, enhance programmability and deliver ease of use, ExpressDry Dryers are available in 30-, 50-, 55- and 75-pound-capacity single-pocket models and 30- and 45-poundcapacity dual-pocket stacks. Durably constructed, they are backed by a ContinentalCare warranty.
ExpressDry Dryers, which feature separate coin vaults and microprocessor controls for each tumbler pocket, are designed to make the most of available space. They feature streamlined dimensions for more productivity and profit potential per square foot, the company says.
ExpressDry Dryers require one exhaust connection and one gas connection, and run using a simple 120V/15-amp breaker. They feature a highly programmable control that allows owners to control cycle time, temperature, cool-
Wascomat commercial coin dryers, distributed in North America by Laundrylux, have features designed to save coin laundry operators money and increase their profits, the company says.
Wascomat dryers display two languages at one time and feature the easy-to-use Compass Pro controller. One knob can do it all: program selection, diagnostics, and custom programming. Owners will also appreciate the real-time clock for time-of-day pricing and promotions, Wascomat says.
Whether you need a special dry program for sleeping bags, horse blankets or rugs, Compass Pro makes it simple to create programs to meet the specific needs of your market, according to the company.
There are 40-year-old Wascomats still working in laundries today, the company says, adding that its Gen 7 line maintains its reputation as the “work horse” of the industry while delivering powerful results, precision engineering, and cost savings.
www.laundrylux.com 800-645-2205
down, time-of-day pricing, customer bonus cycles, and much more. The 50- and 75-pound models also feature a reversing option that helps eliminate wrinkles.
ExpressDry Dryers feature dual motors, durable kick plates, cart bumpers and door bars, Continental says. Oversized doors are constructed of premium steel and secured with heavy-duty hinges. Cylinders feature stainless steel mirror-polished back plates.
www.continentalgirbau.com 800-256-1073
PRODUCT SHOWCASE 34 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Water Recycling System Tianium lter and stainless steel water tanks Are you ready to cut your water, sewer discharge fee and gas bill? CALL US TO LEARN MORE 1800-423-8045 Automated Laundry System 428 N. MOSS ST. BURBANK, CA. 91502 www.automated-laundry.com Water Recovery Percentage: 70% Heat Recovery Percentage: 70% The ULTRAPURE system is a fully automated, modular, chemical free, MOF system that is engineered speci cally for laundry wastewater treatment and energy recovery. The ULTRAPURE system shall recycle 60-70% of the water and balance of the water goes to the sewer. System will operate 24/7 and will be fully automated utilizing industrial PLC and Touch Screen PC technology. The system is exclusively designed & manufactured for ALS. We can service customers nationwide. Info@5758 Water Recycling System Titanium lter and stainless steel water tanks
Spring Brings Calendar Full of Open Houses, Service Schools
The arrival of spring can only mean one thing for self-service laundry operators—a calendar full of opportunities to attend distributor open houses, service schools and other special events.
Here is a brief rundown of events from the American Coin-Op calendar through May 12.
Call, or visit the website listed for registration information. In many cases, space is limited.
April 5 — Western State Design Dexter Service School, Hayward, Calif.; 800-6337153, ext. 301, www.westernstatedesign. com.
April 6 — Statewide Laundry Equipment Open House, Hialeah, Fla.; 305-624-5169, www.statewideusa.com
April 7 — Western State Design Dexter Service School, Cerritos, Calif.; 800-6337153, ext. 301, www.westernstatedesign. com
April 9 — Coin-O-Matic Service School: Speed Queen Front Load Washer-Extractors, Alsip, Ill.; www.coinomatic.com
April 13 — HK Laundry Equipment
Annual Sales Extravaganza, Norwalk, Conn.; 800-229-4572, www.hklaundry.com
April 13 — Laundrylux Level II Technical Service School Seminar, Inwood, N.Y.; 800645-2205, www.laundrylux.com.
April 17 — Dynamic Sales & Service Open House, Lacy, Wash.; 425-823-4300, www.dynamicss.com.
April 18-20 — Alliance Laundry Systems Service Training Seminar, Ripon, Wis.; www.alliancelaundry.com
April 20 — Texas Laundry Service Company Open House, Pasadena, Texas; 713-472-4083, www.txlaundry.com
April 21 — Texas Laundry Service Company Open House, San Antonio; 210946-1000, www.txlaundry.com
April 22-23 — Martin-Ray Laundry Systems Open House, Denver; 720-3598252, www.martinray.com
April 26 — Great Lakes Commercial Sales 2016 Product Expo & Service Schools, Lansing, Mich.; 800-821-8846, www.great lakeslaundry.com.
May 3 — Great Lakes Commercial Sales 2016 Product Expo & Service Schools, Miamisburg, Ohio; 888-877-4382,
May 5 — Equipment Marketers 23rd Annual Trade Show & Service Seminar, Cherry Hill, N.J.; 800-223-1376, www.laundrytradeshow.com.
May 5 — Star Distributing of Tennessee Open House, Nashville; 615-298-5547, www.stardistributing.com.
May 7 — Great Lakes Commercial Sales 2016 Product Expo & Service Schools, Wauwatosa, Wis.; 800-236-5599, www.greatlakeslaundry.com
May 10 — Star Distributing of Tennessee Open House, Knoxville, Tenn.; 615-2985547, www.stardistributing.com
May 11 — CG West Conference of Champions Profit Symposium, Santa Fe Springs, Calif.; 866-950-2449, www.cgwest. com/symposium
May 12 — Star Distributing of Tennessee Open House, Chattanooga, Tenn.; 615-2985547, www.stardistributing.com.
May 12 — Super Laundry Open House, King of Prussia, Pa.; 866-444-0809, www. superlaundry.com.
Distributors, e-mail Editor Bruce Beggs (bbeggs@atmags.com) to have your company events added to our calendar.
36 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
MAY Features: Dryer DIY How to maintain your laundry’s dryers and guarantee you’re properly insured against the potential for fire damage. Product Showcase: Vending Equipment Editorial Submission Deadline — March 15
Feature: Sprouting Branches Is your laundry business ready to open its next location? And if you’re already a multi-store owner, would opening another location be a viable business strategy? Staffing 101: Attendants Take steps to ensure that you’re hiring the best attendant, and apply these best management practices during their training.
Submission Deadline — April 15
Exhibit in Print Don’t pass up this 2-for1 deal! Your display ad appearing this month also reserves your company a spot in a unique advertisers-only product exhibition.
Submission Deadline — May 15
Perfecting Equipment Mix How can you make certain that your operation’s equipment mix is just right to reap the maximum revenue per square foot? Slow-Day Turnaround Gain insight from industry/ store-owner experts on employing marketing tactics to pick up business on your “slow” days.
DEPARTMENTS: • Product Showcase • Your Views Survey Results • Product News • Web Update • An Outsider’s View • Newsmakers • Ad Index • Classifieds Want to send a press release or submit a story? Contact Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director TODAY! Phone: 312-361-1683 • E-mail: bbeggs@atmags.com DON’T MISS OUT &MUCH MORE! H ERE ’S W HAT ’S CO MI NG UP I N AMERICAN COIN-OP... 0416aco_EditCal House_halfhoriz.indd 1 3/15/16 2:38 PM
Submission Deadline — June 15
Body Copy First Paragraph Body Copy First Paragraph Body Copy First Paragraph Body Copy. Body copy body copy Body Copy. Body copy body copy BODY COPY SUBHEAD Body Copy First Paragraph Body Copy First Paragraph Body Copy First Paragraph Body Copy. Body copy body copy Body Copy. Body copy body copy Author information Author information Headlinem Subhead Headline Subhead Howard Scott www.americancoinop.com APRIL 2016 AMERICAN COIN-OP 37 Most popular stories from AmericanCoinOp.com for the 30 days ending March 10 — (WE) denotes Web Exclusive TOP FIVE NEWS STORIES • R&B Wire Products Marks 70th Anniv. • Distributor Belenky Expands Vended Laundry Offerings as IPSO Dealer • Clean Show Management Relocates to New Offices • Western State Design Promotes Hyrn to Vice President • Motivational Speaker Shepard to Keynote SDA Cleaners Showcase COLUMNISTS/FEATURES • Clearing Up Some Tax Misconceptions • Moving from Dry Cleaning to Vended: Cares Family Business Evolves • Revamping Rubalcaba Bros Coin Laundry • Profiting from a Captive Audience
From AmericanLaundryNews.com: • Survey: Laundry Managers Mostly Positive About Upper Management • Standard Textile Product Earns ‘Innovative Technology’ Designation... From AmericanDrycleaner.com: • ‘Institution’ Target Cleaners Closes Doors After 63 Years • NextCleaners Rolls Out On-Demand Service WEB UPDATE
38 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com CLASSIFIEDS EQUIPMENT WANTED WASCOMAT WASHERS & WASCOMAT DRYERS 888-815-0754. I BUY LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT 954-245-2110 USED LAUNDRY PARTS Wascomat, Continental, Huebsch, Speed Queen, and many more brands Oren (954) 537-1643 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE POSITIONS AVAILABLE SERVICES AND SUPPLIES ELECTRONIC REPAIRS DRYER BOOSTER & EXHAUST FANS www.greatlakeslaundry.com NEED PARTS? Call US First! SAVE $$$$ Check us out online for Specials • Maytag • Whirlpool • Bock • Wascomat • Hamilton Heaters • R&B Carts • American Dryer • Electrolux • ESD • Greenwald • Standard • Vend-Rite • Continental Girbau • Soap & MORE Brookfield, WI 1-800-236-5599 St. Clair Shores, MI 1-888-492-0181 Wyoming, MI 1-800-821-8846 Dayton, OH 1-888-877-4382 Indianapolis, IN 1-800-577-7103 www.facebook.com/ greatlakeslaundry www.twitter.com/ grtlakeslaundry VENDING MACHINE SALES—Nationwide. In business since 1960. Machines, coin changers, soap venders. Place machines near your business & grow. 100% Financing. Vending Replacement Parts. Call the rest, then call the best. Phone 800-313-1821. www.vendingpriceline.com Used commercial coin operated laundry equipment: 11 Whirlpool, top-load washers, $300 ea. 6 Continental front-load 30 lb. washers, $800 ea. 4 Continental stack dryers, $800 ea. 1 Speed Queen stacked dryer, $800 1 Continental dryer, $500 2 Continental front-load 20 lb. washers, $600 ea. 1 soap dispenser, $200 Tables & carts Or ALL FOR $10 K 256 524-2871 OR 256 523-1212 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PARTS FOR SALE www.AmericanCoinOp.com • Door Handles • Door Locks • Print Boards • Bearing Kits • Drain Valves • Shocks • Heating Elements • Inlet Valves and more! QUALITY LAUNDRY PARTS, GREAT PRICES For questions and custom orders email info@FrontecStore.com (941)726-0808 • Door Handles • Door Locks • Print Boards • Bearing Kits • Drain Valves • Shocks • Heating Elements • Inlet Valves and more! QUALITY LAUNDRY PARTS, GREAT PRICES For questions and custom orders email info@FrontecStore.com (941)726-0808 TIMERS REBUILT — IPSO main & reverse, Milnor, Dexter, Primus, Whirlpool, Speed Queen, Maytag & Continental Girbau, Wascomat Generation 4 and 5. Call for price sheet. Reeco Timer Co., 2860 Kirby Circle, N.E., Suite 14, Palm Bay, FL 32905, 888-952-1889. NEW PARTS LOW PRICES HUEBSCH 30LB DRYERS WASCOMAT GEN FOUR DEXTER & AMERICAN DRYERS PHONE 205-856-6246 Repair Front Load WASHER Bearings. Rebuild drums available. Call Tony: 516-805-4193 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Laundry Mechanic Wanted (954) 537-1643 High Quality Laundromat Product seeking four professional sales people in the East Coast. Please email resume (include past experience) to: sales_experience99@gmx.com For Sale • 15 Extra Large Laundry Carts $1,500 $100 ea. • 1 Standard Series 6 Double Coin Changer $2000. • 2 Standard Series 6 Single Coin Changer $1500 ea. All three Coin Changers are Backloaders Located in Detroit, Contact Bill Hall 313-590-0868
includes free return shipping
www.americancoinop.com APRIL 2016 AMERICAN COIN-OP 39
Lock $75 • Gen 5 & 6 Timer $85
Gen 4 Timer $85 • Continental Timer $95
• Single $45
We Now Accept All Major Credit Cards WASHERS and DRYERS COMPUTER BOARD REPAIR Dexter VFD Inverter (Delta Motor Control) All Models (9375-xxx-xxx) $245.00 VFD-A & VFD-B (9732-237-001) call Stack Dryer (9875-xxx-xxx) $65.00 Coin Accumulator $55.00 Wascomat / Electrolux Inverters (MotorControl) All $245.00 471977101,105,115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call Compass Control Assembly Gen. 6 $175.00 Selecta II Dryer PCB Assembly .... $175.00 Maytag Computers $65.00 23004118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call W10343020 call 33001129 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00 ADC 137213, 137234, 137240 $65.00 137253,137274,137275 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call Igniters (Fenwall only) $30.00 Speed Queen / Huebsch Computers $65.00 Motor Control $95.00 IPSO 209/00440/70 (Micro 20) $115.00 Volume Discounts • One-Year Warranty Free Return Shipping El - Tech, Inc. 26 West St. Colonia, NJ 07067 For Complete Price List Please Call: 732-381-7620 or 908-510-6520 or visit us at www.eltechlab.com SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES Contact classified sales to place your ad! classifieds@americantrademagazines.com Advertiser Page Advertiser Page AC Power 26 American Dryer 13 Automated Laundry Systems..............35 Coin-O-Matic ....................................19 Continental Girbau ..........................IBC Dexter Laundry ....................................3 ESD Inc. ............................... 20, 21, BC Equipment Marketers ........................22 FrontecStore.com ...............................38 Gold Coin Laundry Equipment .........11 Great Lakes Commercial Sales 38 HHC Electronic Service .................... 39 HUB Intl Insurance Services 23 Huebsch ................................. FC, 24, 25 Imonex Services ...................................7 Kings Laundry Group ........................15 Laundry Concepts ............................ 31 Maytag Commercial Laundry 9 Mountain Electronics ........................ 38 New York Laundry Equipment ......... 33 PartsKing.com ....................................29 Progressive Insurance .........................16 R&B Wire Products ............................1 Royal Basket Trucks ..........................37 Setomatic Systems ............................ IFC Super Laundry ...................................27 TheLaundryPass.com .........................17 Tjernlund Products ............................38 Vend-Rite .............................................5 ADVERTISERS’ INDEX CARD READERS FIXED HHC ELECTRONIC SERVICE 1338 Electra Ave., Rowland Hts., CA 91748 626-961-8678 • 800-820-9888 E-mail: hhc168@hotmail.com
COMPUTER BOARDS REBUILT Igniters repaired Washers: $70 - &
Dryers: $40 - &
Igniters: $25 - &
Rebuilt Timers - Wascomat, Huebsch, Speed Queen, IPSO, Laundry Center, Maytag Call for exact
METRO LAUNDRY TECH CORP. 1490 Boston Rd., Ground Floor, Bronx, NY 10460 ONE-YEAR
REPAIRS Please call 718-742-4137 Or 718-733-4313 Or Visit
website at www.metrolc.com e-mail us at metrolc@hotmail.com
ADC Stack $60
Huebsch SQ Board $45 Huebsch Old Style Board $55 Stack Dexter/Continental $75 Washer Coin Boards $65 Some prices may vary!!!! JECON INC. PMB #272 / 5 CONTINENTIAL AVENUE STE.#2 • FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 One-Year Warranty on All Parts Send Core Unit with S&H Fees Call Toll Free: 1-888-532-6677 (888-JECON77) Local: 718-525-3733 • Fax: 212-656-1913 718-525-2266 Visit: JECONINC.COM
Equipment distributor Western State Design Inc. (WSD) has promoted Todd Hyrn to vice president, the company reports.
Hyrn had been director of operations for the company, and has served on the WSD management team for 25 years.
“The company has made substantial changes that will benefit all of us at Western State Design, and Todd has played a very important role in the company’s growth and success,” says Tom Marks, executive vice president.
“This promotion recognizes his contributions and all of his accomplishments to the company,” President Dennis Mack says of Hyrn’s service to WSD. “Todd has demonstrated great leadership in the company, and his exceptional experience has led to our success.”
Pellerin Milnor Corp., Chicago Dryer Co., Dexter Laundry and American Dryer are among the brands that WSD represents.
PartsKing.com, the parts division of Star Distributing Inc., is now one of the laundry industry’s largest online businesses following the launch of its upgraded website, consolidation of online sales platforms, and potential international opportunity through United Parcel Service, Star Distributing says.
PartsKing.com boasts a $1 million average daily inventory, according to D. Michael Davis, its president. The website, originally launched in 1999, sells parts for many brands, including Speed Queen, Milnor, UniMac, Continental Girbau, Wascomat, Dexter, General Electric, IPSO, Maytag, Cissell, American Dryer, and Whirlpool.
Clear navigation, expanded search engine optimization, handy search filters, crisp text, bright images, and streamlined checkout and payment procedures are just some of the enhancements Davis and his staff have made to the website.
“To be honest, our old site was somewhat dated,” Davis says. “We were first in our industry with the website in 1999. However, to remain first requires you to stay ahead of the curve, technologically speaking. We think we have done that.”
The new site consolidates the online Star Distributing parts web page with PartsKing.com, reviving Star’s “one-stop shop for all your laundry needs” motto.
“Our goal is to make it easy to find and order the laundry equipment parts and accessories you need to keep your business running,” says Billy Sisco, parts manager. “We carry more than 130,000 parts for all equipment manufacturers, and our new website allows us to deliver to 105 countries around the world.”
Star Distributing serves Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and Virginia, but with PartsKing considering an e-commerce venture powered by United Parcel Service (UPS), the company may soon
see its reach extend well beyond those states.
UPS has created a package of services to help retailers manage e-commerce across international borders. Davis has reached out to the worldwide shipper to utilize those services for PartsKing.com.
“Since Star Distributing is open during business hours five days a week, I knew laundry owners needed to be able to buy parts and supplies around the clock, seven days a week,” says Davis. “Now, just knowing that PartsKing can connect with, and sell to, customers all over the world with this website is a humbling and gratifying experience, and the future’s wide open.”
N.S. Farrington & Co. Inc. reports that it has acquired the business assets of Fuller Supply Co. Inc., Concord, N.C. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.
Founded in 1951, N.S. Farrington is a wholesale distributor of industrial laundry and drycleaning supplies serving North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Georgia. The company says it prides itself on its comprehensive in-stock product lines and a customer-first focus.
Founded in 1946, Fuller Supply has served laundry and drycleaning customers throughout the Carolinas for 70 years.
As a part of the acquisition, Tom Little, owner of Fuller Supply since 1985, will join N.S. Farrington as a leader on its business development team.
The Cumberland Area Economic Development Corp. has been awarded a low-interest loan on behalf of Classic Drycleaners and Laundromats for the latter to buy and install new laundry equipment in three of its nine locations, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).
Through the Pennsylvania Industrial Authority (PIDA) program, the business will receive a $100,000, eight-year loan at a 2% fixed rate to assist in purchasing and installing 32 high-efficiency top-loading washers and five high-efficiency shirt washers at its stores in East Pennsboro Township, Mechanicsburg Borough and Carlisle Borough. Total project cost is projected to be $152,387.
Classic’s loan was one of seven approved statewide in January, totaling more than $3.7 million.
CSC ServiceWorks has appointed Jay Epstein, currently CSC’s chief financial officer, as its interim CEO. Epstein is to assume the new role on April 1, the start of CSC’s fiscal year. CSC ServiceWorks, based in Plainview, N.Y. provides multi-family housing and commercial laundry solutions plus other services.
Epstein succeeds Robert M. Doyle, who is retiring from CSC ServiceWorks at the end of CSC’s fiscal year on March 31. Epstein will be part of a formal search that will be conducted by CSC’s board of directors.
40 AMERICAN COIN-OP APRIL 2016 www.americancoinop.com
Continental has been marketing the advantages of washers touting extract speeds greater than 200 Gforce since DAY 1! Why should on-premise laundries be the only ones to benefit from high-performance washers with high-speed extract capabilities? Thanks to Continental, vended laundries began enjoying the high-speed benefits of lower operational costs, greater customer turnover and improved profit potential. We lead the industry in market-unique, creative innovations that positively impact vended laundries. NO WONDER THE OTHERS FOLLOW OUR LEAD … Call (800) 256-1074 to make your laundry more attractive, flexible, profitable, convenient and unique!
AT CONTINENTAL, WE ARE INNOVATORS. GIRBAU INC. (800) 256-1073 • www.continentalgirbau.com
ESD leads the industry in bringing a wide selection of time tested and proven slides, money boxes, locks, key shafts and cams for any laundry or vending application. ESD products are available for Immediate Delivery ESD Inc. Phone: 215-628-0860 Fax: 215-643-4623 Contact Your ESD Distributor or visit us at www.esdcoin.com SV5 V4 V8 V14 Money Boxes CoinSlides Extensions Cams, Locks & Shafts Locks & Keys ESD has 45+ Years of designing and manufacturing superior mechanical payment system products for the World. Secure. Reliable. Affordable. Secure. Reliable. Affordable.