American Coin-Op - June 2019

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With these late additions, the number of companies and organizations that have reserved exhibit space in New Orleans was approaching 440 at press time.


Seasoned in real estate construction, first-time store owner Cindy Thompson added some personal touches to her technology-driven Georgia laundry.


Laurance Cohen glimpses the industry from the perspective of a shopping cart instead of a laundry cart on an e-commerce journey to all things Laundromat.



Joel Jorgensen, chairman of the Coin Laundry Association (CLA) Board of Directors, sees an industry evolving into multi-service laundry hubs that cater to people from all walks of life.




A healthy drop-off service can pay for your employees’ salaries, really boost your bottom line, and more, says Paul Russo, and it’s all about earning customer trust.
Laundry Systems’ Jamie Sewell says the era of connected machines is here and that intelligent machine control technologies now make the laundry business a scalable venture.
appropriate, staying open around the clock offers added revenue opportunities and serves to generate goodwill among shift workers and other ‘night owls’ in your area who can appreciate
the ability to do laundry on their schedule.
and Fold Laundromat miniature offers a sight-and-sound show that dares scaredycats to step inside.
image:©iStockphoto/mevans) COVER STORY
18 32 26 6
A legendary brand. A vision to elevate the customer experience to new heights and redefine perceived limits of profitability. Are you reimagine?


I work a regular “9-to-5” schedule every day and am usually in bed by 10 (yes, I admit it, I’m old), so I don’t really have a need to do my laundry in the wee hours of the morning.

But there are a whole host of second-shift workers, millennials and other “night owls” who welcome the opportunity to do their laundry on their schedule, not the schedule of the world at large.

For this issue, I visited with owners of several 24/7 operations from around the country and took a look at how they organize their resources, how they monitor their store while away, and why it’s important to them to keep the lights on around the clock. Check it out starting on page 6.


Elsewhere in this issue, Pointers from Paulie B’s Paul Russo talks fine-tuning your drop-off service, Goin’ with Cohen’s Laurance Cohen takes a virtual shopping tour looking for all things Laundromat, there’s a profile of new investor Cindy Thompson and her store called The Washroom, and Coin Laundry Association Board Chairman Joel Jorgensen of Continental Girbau and Alliance Laundry Systems’ Jamie Sewell pen guest columns.


After months of preparation, the Clean Show finally opens its doors in New Orleans on June 20-23. We previewed the event from virtually every angle in our May Clean Show Guide issue, so check that out if you haven’t.

The exhibitor list was approaching 440 as this issue went to press. On page 18, you’ll find an addendum with another 20 or so companies that have bought space since our May issue. And there may be even more in the offing but you’ll have to consult the show’s website,, for those final updates.

If you’ll be attending the show this month, please stop by Booth 4645 and say hello. See you in N’awlins!

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American Coin-Op (ISSN 0092-2811) is published monthly. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $46.00; 2 years $92.00. Foreign, 1 year $109.00; 2 years $218.00. Single copies $9.00 for U.S., $18.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Coin-Op, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 60, number 6. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Coin-Op is distributed selectively to owners, operators and managers of chain and individually owned coin-operated laundry establishments in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.

© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2019. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Coin-Op does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Coin-Op or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.


24/7 Store Operations

Owning and managing a vended self-service laundry has its share of challenges. And making the decision to keep your business open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, introduces still others.

There are costs related to staying open around the clock, including utilities, evening/overnight help, and problemsolving. And leaving stores unattended at times, especially during the overnight hours, presents opportunities for vandalism and for homeless people to use a store as shelter.

But under the right circumstances, “keeping the lights on” offers up added revenue opportunities and serves to generate goodwill among shift workers and other late-night or early-morning patrons in your area who can appreciate having the ability to do laundry on their schedule.

Here’s a look at a handful of 24/7 stores and how their owners approach operating a business that never closes:




Rich Peot acquired his 24-Hour Meadowthorpe Laundromat in Lexington, Kentucky, in 2010. The 1,850-square-foot store located in a small strip mall on one of Lexington’s main downtown arte-

rial roads offers 27 washers and 28 dryers. Two convenience stores nearby means police are patrolling the area every night. It wasn’t until he purchased new laundry equipment several years ago that he first entertained the idea of staying open 24/7.

“I just started out doing it gradually in the spring of 2014,” Peot says. “We had the normal ‘Last wash at 9:30, doors close at 11.’ But people were too rushed, in too big of a hurry. My staff wanted to get out the door at 11 o’clock, that kind of thing. It

just seemed more customer-friendly to stay open all night.”

After a successful two-month trial period staying open 24/7 on weekends only, Peot shifted the operation to being open around the clock full-time.

“The first year or so, it was pretty much unattended through the night. Business was really slow to build up. We were doing some advertising, that kind of thing. Today, I’ve got seven part-time attendants and myself; my Laundromat is less than ▼

Taking the steps needed to run a vended laundry smoothly around the clock
(Photo: ©iStockphoto/mevans) Rich Peot approached around-the-clock operations gradually, trying it out for a couple months (left) before shifting to it full-time. Today, he promotes his always-open stance through his 24-Hour Meadowthorpe Laundromat store name and signage. (Photos courtesy Rich Peot, 24-Hour Meadowthorpe Laundromat)
Call today and provide your customers with more payment options. CryptoPay is a Cost E ective, Secure, and Simple Solution. 719-822-0294 Cost E ective Complete credit card system for 5 washers and 5 dryers: $4725.00. Visit CryptoPay at The Clean Show, Booth 4700, June 20-23, New Orleans, LA

a mile from my home, and a mile from what I call my day job (as a cattle dealer).”

The attendants work staggered schedules, with only one on duty at a time. The store is unattended from 5 to 10 a.m. daily, and Peot relies on the security cameras he can access from his computer or smartphone to monitor the store then.

“Anytime there are issues that come up, questions about, like somebody left a cell phone on a table one day and then they said it went missing. I can go back through and pinpoint when something happened, if there’s a dispute, or I can keep an eye on my employees. It’s just a lot of peace of mind knowing that I can go back and double-check something.”

Peot maintains a no tolerance policy about people loitering in the store: “If they’re not doing laundry, they’re asked to leave very quickly. I don’t know if that word gets out among the homeless community or what but we have—knock on wood—very little problem with people hanging around or causing any kind of trouble.”

How much autonomy does Peot give his attendants to handle issues as they arise?

“As much as I absolutely, possibly can. And they pretty much handle it. I’ve got some people who’ve been totally dedicated, totally loyal. I leave a bucket of quarters in the back room. If someone needs a refund, give them a refund and write it down.”


New Orleans’ Wash World, developed by Scott Wolfe Sr. in 2012, benefits from being physically connected to a Melbas Po’boy shop (as profiled in Goin’ with Cohen in our January issue). This busy, 4,000-square-foot 24/7 laundry, and other stores that Wolfe sold years ago, “always had sister businesses that I operated to share the labor and oversight costs,” he says.

In a trio of back-to-back bulkheads running perpendicular to the Wash World dryer, card-operated front loaders occupy four of the six sides. The remaining two are set aside for booth seating and folding. Washers range from 20 to 77 pounds capacity, and dryer pockets are either 30 or 45 pounds.

“Most customers just walk over to the Melbas Po’boys if they encounter a machine problem, and the Melbas management makes sure the Laundromat is always clean. The restrooms for the Laundromat are located inside Melbas.”

Wash World is so busy at times, it offers free drying from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily. “Our sales went up with this marketing concept,” Wolfe says, “and we shift a good amount of traffic to overnight.”

The Drop A Load Laundry in Sierra Madre, California, features a patio entrance (above) that looks out to the San Gabriel Mountains. The store was already a 24/7 operation when Sharon Sager (right) acquired it, and she believes its location in an upscale Los Angeles suburb helps keep problems to a minimum. (Photos courtesy Sharon Sager/Drop A Load Laundry)

He’s always been a proponent of staying open around the clock.

“All my retail businesses over the past 40 years have been 24/7,” says Wolfe. “I find it easier than opening at 7 a.m. and closing at midnight. By the time staff closes and cleans up, it’s really a business that runs from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m., leaving only five hours to spare. (Being open) 24/7 tells the public we’re open anytime, don’t even think about it.”

His two brothers run the day-to-day operation, and Wolfe visits the store weekly for management meetings. Running what Wolfe says is the busiest Laundromat in New Orleans means there are always people coming and going, and security cameras record it all.

“We are now considering upgrading our camera system with facial recognition just to open office doors, closets and machines, along with (tracking) loitering,” Wolfe says. “Once we input a person who loiters outside or inside our store and mark them as trouble, the cameras will text us every time that person comes back.”


Sharon Sager’s Drop A Load Laundry is in Sierra Madre, California, a suburb of Los Angeles.

“We’re right in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. We’re in one of the smaller communities up here, and it’s a fairly upscale area, pretty high-rent district. There are a lot of older apartments in the area.”

The former school teacher believes having a police station right down the street makes it easier for her to operate a 24/7 store than someone in a “rougher neighborhood.”

When Sager acquired the 2,000-squarefoot store in fall 2016, it was already open around the clock. Washers range from top loaders to 60-pounders, and there are 11 55-pound stack dryers.

She employs three attendants. One works 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily, and the other two alternate working 4:30 to 8. The store is unattended from 8 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.

“That’s a little bit of a nail biter, because nighttime is probably when the vandals would come out,” says Sager. “I’m in a unique situation and I’ve had very little trouble. People are, overall, pretty respectful.”

She visits the store four to six days a week, as needed. And when she’s not around, she relies on technology to keep her connected.

“I was kind of amazed at how much technology we’ve got in there, and how much help it is,” Sager says. “I have security cameras that I can access through my cellphone. If I have a customer making a complaint, I can get on and see what’s going on. If I just want to check the store at 3 in the morning, I can.”

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Luke Williford (below, on right) poses with a police officer. The Wash House laundries run by Williford and other family members utilize off-duty officers to patrol groups of stores during overnight hours. Williford also relies on security cameras, like the ones seen mounted near the ceiling in the store at left, to monitor activities. (Photos courtesy Luke Williford/The Wash House)

Smart technology also enables her to adjust and operate the store’s air-conditioning system and attic fan remotely.

Those types of systems benefit a 24/7 business owner but can also come at a personal cost, she says.

“I would say it is more of an investment in responsibility because you never unplug,” Sager says. “I have that phone with me 24/7. If I’m having a party, I have to have that phone with me, and if I get called, I’ve got to deal with it. … You have to be willing to accept that, if it’s open at 3 in the morning, you might get a call, and you have to be ready for that.”


Victor Racicot has owned and operated Suds Appeal in Concord, New Hampshire, the entire 30-plus years he’s been in the industry. The unattended, 1,800-squarefoot coin store is on street level in a building that also houses six apartments and is located near the University of New Hampshire School of Law.

Suds Appeal offers 17 washers and 17 dryers to residents of the area, which Racicot says is mostly residential rentals and some single-family homes. The store hasn’t always been open 24/7.

“I used to have it on timer switches that would shut the door at 10 (p.m.) and autolock,” Racicot says. “I lived next door, but I moved in ’93. Then it went to 24/7. I didn’t want to drive in every night and close it.

“You’re running over there to close up and somebody’s just coming in, ‘Ah, I just got off work.’ I’d say, ‘Well, go ahead, you can always get out but you can’t get back in.’ Then I thought, well, it’s on timers, so why don’t I just move [closing] to midnight? Then I thought, why don’t I just

leave it open all night?”

Nothing has deterred him from staying open 24/7, he says, adding that any vandalism that’s occurred took place during the daylight hours.

Racicot visits the store each morning to check on things. He employs a part-time cleaning person who lives in one of the apartments in the building. A surveillance system keeps watch.

“I like having the security cameras, and I think the women customers who come in at night enjoy having that as backup,” he says.

THE WASH HOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA Luke Williford is a third-generation operator who runs a group of 31 stores branded The Wash House with brother Lee, father Marshall and other family members. The partially attended stores dotting The Triangle area of North Carolina range from 2,000 to 6,200 square feet (stores 30 and 31 are opening soon) and feature largecapacity washers and dryers.

Of the 31, 28 are open 24/7. Stores are attended either 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, depending on location. How a store is staffed outside those hours varies by location.

He says around-the-clock service is the ownership group’s “default” approach to laundry operations.

“We always try to put ourselves in the customer’s shoes,” Williford says. “Whether we realize it or not, if we’re opening and closing, people are pulling up to our facility to do laundry with money and dirty clothes in hand and they have to leave and go to another 24/7 store … my father started [staying open] years ago.

“We’ve found from a financial perspective that the revenue generated far out-

weighs any negatives, as far as vandalism or anything like that.”

Williford’s company staffs local offduty police from Fayetteville and RaleighDurham, North Carolina, to check on stores in their areas during the overnight hours. Standard off-duty rate is $35 per hour, with a minimum of four hours, he says.

“I couldn’t justify that on one store, or even two, but I’ve got ’em going around to four to six stores at night,” Williford says. “It makes for great rapport with police in the area, and my customers really love it when they see them come by.”

There are also surveillance systems in place and Williford often finds himself checking camera feeds during the earlymorning hours.

“When you catch someone doing wrong in your store, that word spreads,” he says. “And vice versa, when things happen and people steal or rob out of your change machine and get away with a few hundred bucks, that spreads, too. You have to make sure you’re catching them and following up.”

Not everyone lives their life in the 9-to5, Williford says, and they have laundry needs, too.

“Just from a customer standpoint, that is one of the biggest compliments we get, besides our people, our equipment and our cleanliness, is that we’re always open.” ACO

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A healthy drop-off laundry service can pay for your employees’ salaries, really boost your bottom line, and more. Some localities that have a lot of working professionals can be fertile grounds for a well-run drop-off service, but you’ll have to work much harder to get a good flow of drop-offs in other areas.

It’s all about trust.

Trust is the biggest factor that convinces a customer to leave their laundry (actually, their property) with you at your establishment.

Drop-off service is not for everyone. You will never capture more than a fraction of your local population. Many people do not have the extra money. They see it as a luxury they can’t afford.

Others simply don’t want any “strangers” handling their personal clothing. They may also see it as something that they can do better themselves.

That said, we all know that there are lots of people who want and need a quality drop-off service, and there’s a nice market out there!

So how can you convince the doubters that your place can do their laundry better than they can? Simple. Just do it better.

Here’s how:


People with disposable income will search for a quality drop-off service first (think 5-star ratings in their searches).

Sure, everyone wants a deal here and there. That’s what your promos and sales events are for. So make sure you charge a fair price for high-quality work, and give new customers a deal on their first couple of drop-offs to get them in the habit of using your service.

To achieve quality, you must present to the customer a series of pleasant surprises.

Having friendly, smiling em-

ployees gets you halfway there. I’ve always said that if the customer likes the crew, they will tend to like the quality of the work. Customers want to like the person who is handling his/her laundry. (Remember, you are handling their personal effects.)

However, the finished product is very important. Whites must come out white, and most stains should be automatically removed, because both of these conditions are the most obvious to the customer’s eyes. Folding is also an important factor, and it must be better than what the customer can do themselves.

If they can see that their favorite shirt came back with the spaghetti sauce stain removed and they didn’t even ask you to remove it, you just may have a customer for life. This is also true if they see their whites come back whiter than ever.

I always kept two top loaders in each of my mats solely for employees to wash whites in. Yes, top loaders! Most (not all) brands will allow you to open the lid and stop the cycle to allow your crew to soak the whites in lower concentrations of bleach, and to allow them to open the washer to work a stain or two, then drop the lid and let the cycle continue. If soaked correctly, the

Having your employees appear well-groomed while dressed in a standard uniform will help your business gain the trust of drop-off customers. (Image licensed by Ingram Publishing)

Paul Russo



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whites will come out looking terrific!

Some mats will soak the whites in a 5-gallon bucket. This works, but it’s messy and not nearly as convenient for stain removal and whitening as using a top loader can be. I did really well with this because all my competitors used only front loaders. I highly doubt that any of my competitors were doing any soaking at all, so we had a unique system for getting whites really white that our competitors could not or would not be able to match!

My problem-solving mind says you may be able to rig a toggle switch to a circuit that simply stops a front loader’s motor and timer from operating, yet keeps the drain valve shut to hold the water in. Should you attempt this, it should be done only on washers that are dedicated solely to employee use.

Also, as far as whitening is concerned, I always chose a quality detergent, and one that was usually a blue color so we could get an optical whitening effect. Whites tend to look less yellow and more white with a touch of blue. The same applies to softener.


Don’t let your customers lug their laundry very far. If you are in an active drop-off market and can install a drop-off window in your storefront, along with a doorbell to alert you when someone needs service, you can easily double your drop-off business from this one tip alone!

A great thing about the window is that people passing by can actually see a drop-off transaction taking place right in front of the store! This creates a powerful subconscious endorsement of your Laundromat from the customer at the window in the eyes of passersby, one more powerful than any sign or written message can create.

Second best is to locate your drop-off counter in the front of the store, not in the back where I saw so many mats in New York City place it.

What’s next best? If you can’t install a window, and you can’t locate your counter at the front of the store, then install some automatic sliding doors (all of your customers will love this).

In lieu of any structural changes, you may still want to install a doorbell (with a sign, of course) to alert your crew when a customer needs help bringing in laundry. To have your employees meet the customer even just halfway and call them by name is powerful customer service! And don’t forget to tell them to smile when they do that.


Your crew should look professional and well-groomed. This look will help to gain customer trust.

We bought some nice, short-sleeve polo shirts with our company logo and name embroidered over the heart. Get solid white so the shirts don’t show chlorine bleach stains. Polo shirts seemed to be widely accepted by my crew.

The only hitch with uniforms? Some of your crew will be a

little picky about what size fits them the best. Make them happy, because they have to wear them all day. Keep in mind that you will have to buy at least two shirts for every worker.

If you are dead set against shirts, you can order customembroidered baseball caps in any color. They’re cheaper than shirts, and there will be no sizing problem. We used a company called Queensboro but many apparel companies sell these types of products.


As I mentioned, the finished product is very important! Bags should look square and tightly packaged.

Years ago, we would just pack the laundry in the customer’s nylon bag. However, the laundry inside would often loosen up by the time the customer got home. We realized that if we first packed the laundry in a clear plastic bag, then placed that bag inside the nylon one, the bag could be bounced around without anything loosening up inside.

In addition, the plastic bag would retain the fragrance of any softener we used, so when the customer first opened it, they got a nice whiff of our fresh-smelling softener.

For customers who don’t have nylon bags, we would simply double-bag their laundry. You don’t want a bag to rip open as the customer is carrying it to their car.

We also found that some people do not like clear plastic bags, saying that they don’t want other people to see their laundry as they are carrying it. So, we used a clear-plastic inner bag, and a white-plastic outer bag.

Hanging items are hung and bagged just as a dry cleaner would do it.

Sock wrappers are a great way to package socks as well as

Russo installed this walk-up window for drop-off and pickup service, manned here by employee Jay, in one of his New York City stores in 2008. (Photo: Paul Russo)
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small garments like underwear or kid’s clothes. I got this idea while driving into work one day. I thought, “How can I present a customer’s laundry as if it were just like new?” Then I realized that new socks always come in a wrapper.

I went to my local printer and had him print messages promoting our services on 11-by-17 card stock that was the same thickness as a business card (but you may be able to get away with a thinner stock). After printing, I had him cut the sheets lengthwise into six strips, each about 1.75-by-11 inches, which we then used as wrappers.

Doing this should cost you less than a penny apiece if you buy in sufficient quantity.


You need a stain remover that is effective at removing most stains while also being safe to use on any laundry.

After many, many trials and formulas over the years, we settled on a simple, effective and inexpensive stain remover: liquid Tide.

I think it’s one of the most effective detergents out there because it contains all the standard surfactants plus has the best formula of enzymes. Simply put, enzymes “eat the stains.”

So, all you need to do is mix one part Tide to four parts water. Put it in a spray bottle and spray the stains a few minutes before loading the washer to allow the enzymes to do their work. That’s it! Nothing better or safer to use than liquid Tide.

We posted a sign in each mat’s window that read “Most Stains Removed.” None of my competitors had a sign like that or even offered stain removal, so we had a little edge. If you were a potential drop-off customer, wouldn’t you consider the Laundromat that removes stains over one that doesn’t?


The first time a customer picks up their laundry from your store, they will be in high “judgment mode,” so make sure that first pickup is perfect!

Not only is the folding perfect, the smiling attendants call the customer by name, the stains have been removed, the socks and undies are wrapped, packaging is perfect, and the plastic bag is holding the laundry and its fragrance in place. But how about a nice little first-time surprise on top of all that?

For first-time customers, we also placed a “Welcome” envelope inside the plastic bag on the top of the laundry. Inside was some wrapped candy, a business card thanking them for their business, and a dollar lottery scratch-off ticket.

The customer is pleasantly surprised, and may think they’ll get another “Welcome” kit if they come back again. For a more personal touch, your crew member can sign the envelope, welcoming them personally.


Quality and great service are extremely important, but even

people who have the extra money to drop off their laundry enjoy getting a deal from time to time.

We found success by raising our drop-off prices and simultaneously creating a 10% drop-off discount Monday through Friday (the Saturday-Sunday service remained full price).

This accomplished a couple of things. First, it gave the customer the ability to choose the deal or not. If they wanted to save a couple of bucks, they could drop off during the week to get a deal. If the weekend was still more important to them, then they could continue to come then.

For us, it took some pressure off the busy weekends and gave us more work during the week when it’s easier to call in extra help. This helped to level out the peaks and valleys in our drop-off business.

It was so successful that we ended up doing a series of base price increases and went to 20% off Monday through Thursday. Our base price eventually grew to triple what our competitors were charging, yet we were doing three to four times the volume of our closest competitor.

Use your imagination to create your own promotions. How about Wacky Wednesdays? Offer a free lotto scratch-off ticket with every drop-off on Tuesday? How about a free nylon laundry bag with any drop-off over 20 pounds?

Here’s wishing you all the best in fine-tuning your drop-off business!

Paul Russo owned and operated multiple Laundromats in New York City for more than 40 years before retiring in 2018. He’s a regular on the Coin Laundry Association’s online forum, posting under the pseudonym “Paulie B.” He invites comments from readers at

A customer of Russo’s took this photo of his drop-off order and posted it on Yelp years ago in appreciation for how the items were packaged. (Photo courtesy Paul Russo)
Many Coin Laundries Has Your Insurance Agent Handled? One or Two? Three? We’ve personally handled insurance for hundreds of coin laundries! We’ve already dealt with most any issue your business is likely to face. If you have any questions about insuring coin laundries, we can and will give you a prompt, clear answer. Skeptical? Call us with a question and find out for yourself. There’s more: We’re just three members of NIE’s team of experts. NIE has been handling fabricare insurance since 1915! Quote Request .............................................................. ............................................................ Coin Laundry Dryclean Plant Dryclean Drop Store Attended? Gross Sales Hours of Operation Coin Laundry Dryclean Plant Dryclean Drop Store Coin Laundry Dryclean Plant Dryclean Drop Store NIE Insurance • 6030 Bancroft Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63109 • 1-800-325-9522 • fax (314) 832-6775 • “Insuring Small Businesses Since 1915” Ann Hawkins Vice President Director of Korean Operations 강 명순 입니다. 지금, 연락만 주십시요.
Fabricare Specialist
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Amy Russell
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The following companies and organizations reserved exhibit space in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, for Clean 2019 during the 30-day period ending May 6, according to show manager Riddle & Associates.

At press time, the total number of exhibitors was approaching 440 (see our Clean 2019 Show Guide issue published in May for the initial list); it’s possible more exhibitors will be added in the final weeks leading up to the June 20-23 event.

Where available, the descriptions of products and/or services provided here are general in nature and should not be considered all-inclusive.

Listings are subject to change without notice. Check for any updates.

❏ A.I. Care LLC 1109

Boutique organization focusing on providing healthcare solutions to healthcare facilities and individuals.

❏ ClickHeat 4904

Reusable instant heat packs.

EEagleby International 4920 Supplier of laundry and drycleaning consumables, including poly bags/film, hangers, paper products and pins.

GGoDaddy Social 4111 Social media networks management.

linen dispensing equipment for healthcare providers.

❏ Ningbo Dasheng Daily 4919 Products Co. Ltd. Manufactures plastic and wire laundry hangers.

J❏ Jiangsu BE-SAFE Medical 4921 Technology Co. Ltd. Research, production and sales of protective medical textiles, including reusable surgical gowns and surgical drapes.

❏ Mat Master Technology LLC 4900 Mat processing system with RFID route building.

❏ Mayfield Group 1208 Advertising Bureau Advertising and marketing services for dry cleaners and laundries.

A❏ My Shoe Hospital 4906 Shoe repair service.

S❏ Suzhou Lingwei Textile Inc. 1210

❏ SWECO 4905

Vibratory separators for laundry applications.

TM❏ Tecni-Quip Carts 2603 Laundry carts.

❏ Tektem Makina San. 4908 Ve Dis Tec. Ltd. Sti.

❏ TexTrax 4912 Software for laundry operations, linen management and route accounting.

C❏ Newhouse Specialty Co. 4874 Maker of specialty products for the laundry, drycleaning and garment manufacturing industries.

VN❏ Vendors Exchange 1111 Vending equipment and parts. ACO

HHarmony Cleaning Systems 3765

Professional wetcleaning system.

Highland Capital Corp. 4911 Equipment financing solutions.

IPA 4901

Automated surgical scrub and

(American Coin-Op file photo by Bruce Beggs)
• Bluetooth • Laundry • Remote • LaundryAware • Financing • Warranty available © ESD Inc., All rights reserved Phone: 270 Flexible. Convenient. Secure. Ask the and pricing
Bluetooth and WiFi capable Laundry payment is fast, simple and secure price changing (Ask for details) LaundryAwareTM Financing options available Warranty and software upgrades available with terms of agreement Phone: 215-628-0860 • Toll Free:800-523-1510 • Fax: 215-643-4623 270 Commerce Drive, Suite 101 • Fort Washington, PA 19034 the ESD Team about detailed information pricing solutions for your business needs.


The vended laundry industry is quickly evolving from simple, coin-operated and unattended stores to complex, multi-service laundry hubs that cater to people from all walks of life. Here are my thoughts on the laundry hub concept and its potential impact on the community.


Serving its demographic to the fullest, the hub offers multiple services, including wash/dry/fold, residential and commercial laundry services, pickup and delivery, and drop-off dry cleaning. Every demographic group, income level and family unit is a target of the laundry hub and its diverse service offering. Fully attended, it not only operates extremely efficiently in terms of water, energy and natural gas usage, it features large-capacity washers and dryers to better serve families and commercial accounts. The hub provides time-saving conveniences that attract customers, and distinctive offerings to make it stand apart from “Laundromats” of the past.

Advanced technologies and machine controls enhance management, marketing and customer convenience. Finally, learning areas and community outreach programs create a better world and a grateful customer base, while strengthening community partnerships.


The laundry hub provides services that appeal to more than self-service customers. It draws business from homeowners, professionals, singles and nearby businesses. By offering solutions that

appeal to its entire demographic, it better penetrates its market; creates multiple, diverse revenue streams; and grows store revenue and profits – all while better utilizing equipment and labor all week long.

Types of services include drop-off wash/dry/fold, pickup and delivery of both residential and commercial laundry, drop-off drycleaning, and, in some cases, textile care processing.


Laundry hubs give back to the community. Millions of people across the country — many in underserved communities — visit Laundromats each week to clean clothes. The Coin Laundry Association (CLA) and its members established the LaundryCares Foundation in 2006 as a means of focusing the industry’s support to these communities through its network of laundry owners and their facilities. In the last few years, it has greatly matured.

In addition to the organization’s flagship events, free laundry days that have helped thousands across the nation with complimentary laundry services, the LaundryCares Foundation also teams with other organizations, including Too Small to Fail, Libraries Without Borders and Current Initiatives, to deliver educational programs promoting children’s literacy and family interactions at the Laundromat.

I see the laundry hub as a place with in-store literacy centers (literacy center modules for your Laundromat are available from as well as a place that provides a helping hand via events that might include free laundry days, organized story times, holding blood drives, supporting Coats for Kids collections, etc.


It goes without saying that the laundry hub is highly efficient, technologically advanced and environmentally friendly in every way — from equipment and lighting to heating and cooling systems. Construction materials are often eco-friendly.

The hubs also harness other ways to conserve resources, including water reclamation systems, ozone, washers with automatic chemical injection and high extract speeds, and alternative methods for cleaning laundry. By

Joel Jorgensen (Photo: © londondeposit/

cutting utility costs, the laundry hub benefits the environment and improves profit potential.


No one enjoys laundry day. Making the laundry process quick, easy and enjoyable is a primary focus of the laundry hub. Owners seek to make life easier and more convenient for their customers through:

• Equipment controls offering cycle choices and add-ons;

• Machines that automatically inject detergents and softeners;

• Payment options that allow customers to choose how they want to pay;

• Large-capacity washers and dryers for quickly processing multiple laundry loads;

• Ozone injected into the wash cycle in order to sanitize laundry;

• Washers featuring high-G-force extraction that removes more moisture and shortens dry time;

• Multiple store amenities, from free Wi-Fi, TVs and massage chairs to children’s learning areas, snack areas, and access to store-owned tablets or computers; and

• Full-service laundry offerings.


They also smartly utilize equipment and space to maximize profit potential. From the get-go, laundry hubs are designed with designated space to process full-service commercial work and encompass commercial on-premise washers, dryers and flatwork

ironers. Meanwhile, the self-service side utilizes large-capacity machines, soft-mount equipment and tight installation clearances for more production per square foot. Children’s literacy spaces are also designated during the laundry planning stages.


Hub owners tend to be dedicated to networking within the industry through local involvement with industry-related associations. On a national level, they also value their participation in organizations like the CLA and LaundryCares, and utilize tools and products that impact business profit and growth. In short, they embrace a best-practices approach to running their businesses, which benefits the industry as a whole.

Thanks to the trending laundry hub, a new legitimacy and credibility halos the laundry industry. Community laundries are actively supporting their customers and surrounding neighborhoods, harnessing eco-friendly and efficient operations, catering to people from all walks of life, and providing spaces where laundry, learning and entertainment coincide in harmony.

Our industry is transforming for the betterment of all. And, it’s very exciting.

Joel Jorgensen is chairman of the Coin Laundry Association (CLA) Board of Directors. As vice president of sales for laundry equipment manufacturer Continental Girbau Inc., Jorgensen has 25 years of industry experience in vended laundry development and operations, as well as the commercial, industrial, textile care, multi-housing and on-premise laundry channels. JUNE 2019 AMERICAN COIN-OP 23
ACO Standard_half_horz.indd 1 5/1/19 1:03 PM


When I got my start in the laundry industry six years ago, as director of marketing for the Coin Laundry Association, I was surprised at the lack of technology being used by the industry.

To someone in her late 20s then, the idea of a technology-enabled experience for owners and customers seemed like a no-brainer. Even today, a large percentage of stores keep operations “low-tech” and stick to coin payments. In the age of “mobile everything,” this is an interesting dichotomy — especially, when compounded by the high number of millennial and Generation X households using Laundromats.

For industry veterans, the high number of coinonly locations and low implementation of technology is not surprising, given the length of time that equipment lasts, the cost and return on investment of many payment systems, and the wide array of customers who use Laundromats.

In the past few years, however, there has been an explosion of modern technologies for both machines and payments introduced into our industry — some by equipment manufacturers — with demand being driven by the new equipment replacement cycle and the growing number of new investors from outside the business. This trend was clearly demonstrated at the 2017 Clean Show, and I expect we will see even more technology at the 2019 show.

Similar to the automotive industry, commercial laundry has gotten the memo — the era of connected machines is here.


This confluence of technologies is serving to make the prospect of investing in and operating a multi-store laundry business increasingly viable and enticing to new investors. Intelligent machine controls, featuring Wi-Fi connectivity and cloud-based management systems, now make the laundry business a scalable venture.

Owners can gain business insights and maximize revenue by monitoring and controlling several operations (down to the machine level) remotely, and in real time, from anywhere with an Internet connection. They can also see how much revenue (via coin, electronic pay-

ment, card, etc.) each machine generates and what cycle modifiers are being used.

They can gauge throughput as well, by examining the stop times of wash cycles in relationship to start times of tumblers, and other data. If an owner is operating more than one store, these management systems allow them to compare performance across stores and to set goals accordingly. In effect, owners now have access to data that they can leverage to increase efficiency and revenue, strengthen their store’s value proposition and boost their customers’ overall experience.

In addition to monitoring and managing their equipment fleet, owners can utilize fully integrated mobile payment apps that provide a convenient and costeffective alternative to coin and card. When evaluating payment systems, owners often realize that there are a lot of other things they would like to do with technology. Some of these activities can be somewhat satisfied by third-party payment systems, while other requests are impossible without writing all of the machine programming.

These activities often include:

• Easily and quickly changing prices or reward programs;

• Having a single source of data that connects machines, revenue, and customer information;

• Accessing customer trends like which customer is using each machine, how many machines they use when they visit, and how much they spend in a month’s time;

• Being able to receive real-time notifications about a slow drain, a machine stuck in cycle, or a customer who never came back for their clothing; and

• Remotely viewing and modifying programming presets for features like water levels, time-of-day pricing, or low power mode.

Operationally, it has never been easier for owners to run their business the way they want to and intimately understand their store’s overall trends.


Today’s technologies don’t just enhance the ownership experience, they serve as a key building block to

Jamie Sewell

elevating the in-store experience — primarily by making it easy for customers to pay through laundry payment apps.

The most important component of these apps is the associated reward programs that serve to enhance customer loyalty and encourage adoption. Done correctly, reward programs can drastically increase a store owner’s float, encourage higher customer spends per visit, and shift weekend customers to weekdays, helping to balance machine utilization throughout the week.

When taking into account the convenience of app payment systems; the ability to view machine availability before arriving at the store; cycle completion alerts; personalized marketing based on customer usage history; and the ability to resolve machine issues for customers remotely in unattended stores, technology-enabled laundries are truly delivering an elevated experience.


In terms of the intelligent controls and cloud-based management systems, the data is only as good as what can be accessed, understood and used. Accordingly, owners

should put a premium on data that can be easily viewed and acted upon. Remember, a major driver in deciding to go for a fully integrated system is the idea of scalability.

If the data is cumbersome or difficult to understand, the system loses its punch.

Leveraging the data also allows owners to employ a more targeted approach to marketing. Owners can use payment apps to carry promotional offers and increase spend per visit by promoting other services, like wash-dry-fold. For additional revenueenhancing tactics, these systems can be leveraged to send e-mails to customers who haven’t visited in some time, offer discounts for slow days, or encourage specific machine usage.

Most importantly, payment apps serve as the vehicle by which owners can develop personalized customer relationships by thanking patrons for their business and rewarding them with incentives that lead to strong store loyalty.


This is an exciting time to be in the laundry business and an opportune time get a leg up on the competition via tech-

nology before these trends become more widespread. Owners who do a good job of branding their store, training employees, promoting their payment system/reward program, upgrading store aesthetics, and marketing their store online are seeing outstanding results — both in the form of increased revenue and operational efficiencies.

In the future, we will see system data applied to predictive and intelligent features so that owners can receive timely infomation like, “On days that it rains, the store will see an X percent drop in revenue,” as well as when to replace parts before machines go down.

Bottom line: Set yourself up for success by embracing technology — or at least utilizing connected machines — and futureproof your business, your way. ACO

Jamie Sewell is director of technology engagement at Alliance Laundry Systems and is passionate about building valuable technology solutions to help commercial laundry operators reach new levels of profitability. She can be reached at jamie. JUNE 2019 AMERICAN COIN-OP 25
EMPLOYEE OWNED | MADE IN THE USA | SINCE 1894 DEXTER.COM 1.800.524.2954 DEXTER STANDS UNITED. ACO Standard_half_horz.indd 1 5/1/19 12:50 PM

The Washroom Celebrates First Anniversary

Owner Thompson adds personal touch to tech-driven Georgia laundry

In May, The Washroom Laundromat celebrated its first year of serving the community of Cartersville, Georgia, about an hour’s drive northwest of Atlanta. The 3,500-square-foot, attended self-service laundry is owned and managed by Cindy Thompson.

Thompson came into the industry with an ample business background. She worked 15 years in outside sales for a residential lighting company before transitioning into an administrative role for a construction business that enabled her to work from home while also raising her children.

Familiar with the Laundromat business thanks in part to a family friend who owned some stores, she explored getting into the industry herself several years ago. But when the U.S. economy went south, she decided the timing wasn’t right.

Once the outlook improved, Thompson

saw the opportunity to build something that would enable her to work outside the home.

“It was something we’d really always looked into,” she says. “The economy was better. This side of town needed something like this. It kind of just gave me my own thing.”

The Washroom was built in a strip center that also includes a liquor store. The project began in December 2017 and was completed in roughly six months.

“I’m in a little

two-suite strip that is right beside probably one of the busiest Ingles (grocery stores) in the Southeast,” Thompson says.

Hawkins Construction served as general contractor, and Thompson acquired the store’s Speed Queen wash/dry equipment from distributor TLC Tri-State Laundry.

There are 30 front-load washers and 16 dryers (total of 30 pockets). Breaking down the capacities, there are 10 20-pounders, 10 40-pounders, eight 60-pounders and two 80-pounders. On the drying side, there are 10 45-pound stacks, four 30-pound stacks and two 75-pounders.

Speed Queen Insights is integrated into the equipment, which enables Thompson to monitor and control the machines using a website and to build customers’ store loyalty by offering a mobile payment app; The Washroom gives a customer putting $20 in their account another $5 in rewards, for example.

“When I opened, the first three or

The Washroom occupies one end of a two-suite strip center in Cartersville, Georgia, not far from a major grocery store serving the community northwest of Atlanta. (Store photos courtesy The Washroom/Desmond Jones)
Cindy Thompson (right) poses with daughter Paxton (left) and son Reece. (Photo courtesy Cindy Thompson)
CONTACTOR C16 220V GLOBAR SENSOR PUMP KIT HANDLE P/N F730155 P/N 201566P ELECTROVALVE, DANFOSS $22 .00 Each. List Price $388. 1 PROGRAMMER TIMER $3 .00 Each. List Price $6 . 1 DRAIN VALVE $11 .00 Each. List Price $ .1 DISPENSER LID KNOB $8.50 Each. List Price $1 8 P/N 116277 P/N 348524 P/N 600551 P/N F330177P P/N 510184P KEYBOARD $ Each. List Price $111.38 P/N 348979 $ Each. List Price $1 . P/N 323287 SOLENOID (4 WIRE) P/N F300124P OUTPUT CCA BOARD P/N F037044860-1 WWW.LCPARTS.COM (800) 845-3903 Call Us At 1-800-845-3903 | These Prices Are Also Available At Our Web Store | Open Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm | Sales price cannot be combined with any other o er *Prices subject to change without notice, O er valid until June 30th. During June, most orders received by 3pm CST will be shipped same day. Phone orders only. Up to 20 lbs. Does not include oversized items. *Free shipping excludes baskets, trunnions, some motors and oversized packages. Please call for details (Some sale items limited to quantities on hand) WE SELL PARTS FOR : HUEBSCH, SPEED QUEEN, CONTINENTAL, DEXTER, ALLIANCE, WASCOMAT, GE, UNIMAC, MAYTAG AND MORE $7.99 FLAT RATE SHIPPING EVERY THURSDAY SE HABLA ESPANOL All Orders Over $250 RECEIVE FREE DELIVERY UP TO 20 LBS* EXPIRES 06/30/2019 JUNE LC WASHER ID NUMBERS $1 .99 Each. Regular Price $15.00 Complete Sheets Available Only 1-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100 DL2X30 SCREEN $7.00 Each. List Price $12.22 P/N 9555-057-002 DOOR HANDLE $9.95 Each. List Price $21.18 P/N 9244-082-001 THERMOSTAT BURNER $18.99 Each. List Price $31.93 P/N 9576-207-008 SOAP BOX $31.99 Each. List Price $53.22 P/N 9122-005-004 DOOR GASKET $25.99 Each. List Price $46.73 P/N 9206-164-009

four months, I had coins only,” she says. “You know and I know, everything is on your phone these days. So I take coins and, through the Insights app, I can operate the machines through an iPad I have, or I can operate from my standalone computer, or I can operate my machines from my phone.

“If I’m not here and there’s a malfunction anywhere, I’m going to know about it.”

Thompson employs four attendants who work staggered schedules, plus she’s in the store “pretty much every day.” Staff members log into Insights via iPad and start machines for customers or for their own wash-dry-fold processing needs.

Store hours are 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday.

A veteran of flipping houses, Thompson put those talents to use when helping to design and decorate the facility.

“For instance, I have a little bar area because I’ve got some window frontage. I said, ‘Well, I’ll just make that into a bar area.’ Underneath that, I put stone on the walls.”

She decided against using tile in her store, choosing instead to stain the concrete floors and to use tin and stained wood trim in and around the bathrooms.

It’s fair to say that The Washroom has her touch: “Look, I have a chandelier in my Laundromat,” she adds, laughing.

Flatscreen TVs, free Wi-Fi and vending machines help complete the air-condi-

tioned store.

She was quite accustomed to the requirements of a residential construction project but Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations added another layer when working on the commercial business.

“Sinks, water faucets, mirrors, even down to my coin machine, have to be

TOLON FOR THE WORLD TWE Coin-Operated Washer-Extractors: Compact with Maximum Efficiency Manufactured with the latest technology in order to tolerate a continuous workload, the coin-operated models are built with the most compact dimensions possible so that adjacent placement of machines provide businesses with limited space the ability to work with maximum capacity. The washer-extractors are easy to install, operate and service.
stand-alone laundry equipment manufacturer with a leading market share
brand. TOLON is going from being the local
Come and visit us at Clean Show, booth #3355! ACO Standard_half_horz.indd 1 5/3/19 9:23 AM ▲
An overview of the 3,500-square-foot store that offers 30 washers and 30 dryer pockets, all Speed Queen brand. Washload capacities range from 20 to 80 pounds.
the most innovative
in heavy-duty laundries worldwide through the JENSEN
market leader to becoming a global brand in OPL and
YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL OF YOUR LAUNDRY NEEDS WE SELL PARTS WORLDWIDE PARTSKING.COM • 3729 CHARLOTTE AVE • NASHVILLE, TN 37209 • 1.800.462.4814 * Mobile Application available for free download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store * This o er excludes large motors, trunnions, cylinders, changers, vending machines, soap and ancillary items and applies only to the contiguous lower 48 United States. ON ORDERS OVER $100* FREE GROUND SHIPPING 2019 CLEAN SHOW PROMOTION Take an additional 5% off on-line orders in the months of May & June At Checkout Use Coupon Code: CLEAN19 Check Out our New & Improved IT makeS finding the parts you need easier and faster

at a certain height,” she says.

The Washroom’s wash-dry-fold business draws from a county of 60,000 people, plus industry that frequently brings visitors from out of town. Thompson estimates that wash-dry-fold represents one-quarter of her business.

“We have a lot of contractors in this town, because we have a Georgia Power plant,” she says. “When Georgia Power goes on a shutdown, they have more contractors in town doing maintenance on the equipment. For instance, the past month, we’ve had probably 2,000 extra contractors. They have a lot of work shirts.”

The LakePoint Sporting Community also brings a lot of visitors to Cartersville to play in or watch team sporting events, plus The Washroom has become a regular stop for drivers working for two large trucking companies, according to Thompson.

She says the first year of operation at The Washroom exceeded her expectations.

“The feedback that I get from people, it makes you feel so good when they pat you on the back and say, ‘Omigod, I love your place. I’ve been telling all my friends about you.’ I know I still have a ways to go but business is good. I cannot complain.” ACO

30 AMERICAN COIN-OP JUNE 2019 Run and Grow Your Laundry Business From Anywhere Flexible POS software accessible anywhere on a tablet, smartphone, or desktop Plant management, order tracking, and powerful productivity reporting Fully integrated customer ordering apps, SMS & email automation, and delivery optimization Dedicated training and customer support available 7 days a week via chat, email, or phone Transparent integrated payment processing or use your own Flat rate pricing starting at $99/month, no up-front cost, unlimited users Come see us at Clean 2019 Booth 4804 ACO Standard_half_horz.indd 1 5/10/19 9:22 AM
Thompson made sure her store has some feel-at-home touches, including a “little bar area” and this comfy-looking seating accented by a chandelier above. The Washroom offers a drop-off wash-dry-fold service, usually with same-day turnaround, Thompson says.






Prices good with trade in only.
All orders must be placed and signed by July 31, 2019, with agreed payment terms/financing/deposit.
All equipment must be delivered, installed and funded to CSC no later than August 30, 2019.
included in introductory pricing offer.
Freight, removal, disposal of old dryers, delivery and installation including card readers or coin boxes are NOT
Final pricing to be determined after location visit with Super Laundry representative.
Castle DE, IN, Northwest KY, Southwest MI, NJ, NY, OH, PA, Northern West VA. Don’t wait! Call or email Stephanie today. Prices good through August 30, 2019. Cell: (216) 217-5665 Email: INTRODUCING the NEW 2019 Alliance Classic Speed Queen 30lb White Stack Dryers Super Laundry is offering a very competitive introductory pricing on the Speed Queen Classic White Stack. BUY 5 GET 1 FREE* Get a Super Price...On a Super Product...Only at Super Laundry. Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to upgrade your dryers.
Prices good with trade in only.
All orders must be placed and signed by July 31, 2019, with agreed payment terms/financing/deposit.
All equipment must be delivered, installed and funded to CSC
later than
Freight, removal, disposal of old dryers, delivery and installation including card readers or coin boxes are NOT included in introductory pricing offer.
Final pricing to be determined after location visit with Super
wait! Call or email Stephanie today. Prices good through August 30, 2019. Cell: (216) 217-5665 Email: INTRODUCING the NEW 2019 Alliance Classic Speed Queen 30lb White Stack Dryers Super Laundry is offering a very competitive introductory pricing on the Speed Queen Classic White Stack. BUY 5 GET 1 FREE* Get a Super Price...On a Super Product...Only at Super Laundry. Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to upgrade your dryers. FREE*
* This special offer is only available in the following authorized Speed Queen territories: CT, New
August 30,

Sometimes highlighting coinop’s unconventional side takes you off the grid. Like my recent journey to the Amazon. No, not the river — the Amazon — e-commerce’s way to all things Laundromat.

Seeing the industry from the perspective of a shopping cart rather than a laundry cart offers a glimpse into our culture’s fascination with that oh-so-public place to get your clean on.

Tapping the keystrokes l-a-u-n-d-r-o-m-at, the computer screen is awash with results showcasing a dizzying array of laundro-centric finds ready to be packaged and shipped right to your front door.

We’re not talking mesh laundry bags and electric coin sorters here. No, these discoveries are out of the box, going beyond a coinop’s four walls.

From imported woolens to knock-your-

Amazing Finds

Online journey to discover all things Laundromat

socks-off art and everything in between, when it comes to the Laundromat on Amazon, they keep the lights on round-theclock so everyone can spend some coin.

The online platform involves a variety of sellers vying for the buy box, so you might want to check the websites of first-party manufacturers before checking out. (And take note that this article is for informational purposes only—no product promotion is made or implied.)


Dominating the search results is clothier Laundromat, a Canadian manufacturer of fine woolens with a brand name that is sure

to give store operators a warm and fuzzy feeling.

The Laundromat Men’s Oxford sweater, featuring faux-suede patchwork detailing on the shoulders and elbows, will turn heads at the distributor parts counter or during a weekly Home Depot run. The garment is part of a wide selection bearing the Laundromat name, which also includes ladies sweaters and accessories designed to weather the elements when it’s time to hit the store.

While there’s no giant Laverne-style cursive “L” embroidery — and picking out the stitched label requires a trained eye — Laundromat proudly trumpets a name that all too often has been put through the wringer. For company owner Francis Dubé, the moniker was the perfect vehicle to market his line of knitwear.

As a university student, Dubé stood guard as he laundered garments in public facilities, ensuring his fashionable wardrobe never

Laundromat’s Ballad Beanie with overstitch flower detailing and crochet finishing. (Photos courtesy Laundromat) Laundromat’s Eva Handbag features traditional Tibetan design in a two-toned pattern. Laundromat’s Men’s Oxford Sweater featuring faux-suede patchwork detailing.

walked out with strangers. Laundromat would come to symbolize the love and protection people accord clothing, something the Canadian manufacturer weaves into each item.

A complete selection of the latest styles along with bargain closeouts can be found at the clothier’s own website, laundromat

Novelty tees and sweatshirts have long put the Laundromat theme front and center. Amazon’s online offerings by My Family Tee add some love in big bold letters by announcing to the world, “Some call me laundromat operator, the most important call me dad.”


Filling an online cart is as easy as a rolling one, and costs about the same. E-tailer Nana the Noodle is ready to decorate those who keep the joint running with a unisex aluminum bracelet hand-stamped with “#1 Laundromat Manager” and priced at $25.

For a few dollars less, there’s a Laundromat-inspired cherrywood tie bar sporting a laser-engraved washer symbol to complete the look of the most dapper

coin-op exec. The designer, Wooden Accessories Company, also sells a $15 lapel pin it says is “perfect as a wedding gift, gift for dad, groomsmen gifts, or just an amazing conversation starter.”

Scrolling down, you won’t break the $15 mark picking up either the “I Kissed a Laundromat Operator and Liked It!” pop socket smartphone grip or matching case. The same holds true for the novelty “man cave” aluminum sign warning “Laundromat Parking Only — Violators Will be Spun Dry.”


If you need proof the Laundromat is an endearing part of the American landscape, look no further than the collectible village miniatures from Lemax and their whimsical take on the corner coin-op.

Standing just over 8 inches, the pint-size Coin-O-Matic Laundromat’s illuminated storefront is a nostalgic look at the quarter wash.

Their Spooky Town Fright and Fold Laundromat offers a sight-and-sound show

that dares all those scaredy-cats to step inside. If you don’t heed the audio warning, be prepared for legs spinning out of the top loaders and another unlucky soul tumbling away inside the front loader. The wolfman handles cart duties at this sinister coin-op, ably assisted by a witch and mummy holding up the clothesline. JUNE 2019 AMERICAN COIN-OP 33 ▼ Authorized Dealers for: • Vend-Rite • Sol-O-Matic • Card Concepts • All other accessories phone: 800.362.1900 • web: e-mail: • fax: 215-364-4699 Local Service, Parts and Equipment Available in PA, NJ and DE Commercial Laundry Solutions 77 Steamwhistle Drive, Ivyland, PA 18974 The Best Equipment Available at the Best Prices Industry Leading Distributors For Over 43 Years! AC POWER COMPANY Inc. CALL US to UPGRADE! CHECK OUR Contact us today for new Equipment and Parts. Endofyearequipmentandfinancingdeals.Lockin2017pricing.Callusforinformation. Call 800-362-1900 to Schedule Your Service Appointment for your Machines. deals. CONTACT US ABOUT UPDATING YOUR EQUIPMENT BEFORE THE SUMMER. Ask about our latest deals on equipment and financing. 800-362-1900 0519aco_AC Power color.indd 1 4/1/19 4:51 PM
You won’t break the bank picking up either the “I Kissed a Laundromat Operator and Liked It!” pop socket smartphone grip or matching case (pictured). (Photo: Laurance Cohen)


Lemax’s company website features a video offering a 360-degree view of the Fright and Fold, as well as particulars on the one-of-a-kind laundry collectibles.


The creative team at Westlake Art offers up a gallery of Laundromat scenes on Amazon to dress up walls or anywhere the scene calls for an unorthodox look at one of life’s mundane chores.

Available in stretched canvas, hanging tapestry, poster print and other formats, the visual works employ the coin laundry’s sleek lines and monochromatic machinery as the perfect backdrop for capturing stunning models striking a pose or showing off their physical dexterity.

Amazon also offers a glimpse of the Laundromat through the eyes of fashion photographer William Dey, whose Lonesome Launderer limited edition portrait delivers a storefront peek of a bronzed California male model slipping off his pink pants to reveal Gucci floral underwear in front of the Horizons at a Palm Springs coinop. The 2017 work, measuring 18-by-22 inches with borders, carries a $325 price tag.


While coins hitting the money box is music to any store owner’s ears, all that iron on the floor and families jockeying for

Wondering if the Laundromat is an endearing part of the American landscape? Look no further than the collectible village miniatures from Lemax and their whimsical take on the corner coin-op. (Photo courtesy Lemax)

position drums up a cacophony of whirling motors and wound-up kids. To put all that noise behind, click on Songs From the Laundromat, a 15-minute series of tracks from Drivin N Cryin.

Described by one Amazon reviewer as “masters of the southern rock grunge,” these veteran Georgia musicians have been striking a chord with audiences for over three decades.

Their first five-song extended play release received 5-star ratings from three-quarters of online buyers, with one singing the praises that “the sounds are powerful” — words reverberating all the way to the CD cover depicting a shattered laundry storefront.

For something mellower, there’s Laundromat, a single by artist Nivea featured in her eponymous album and sung with singer-songwriter R. Kelly. Available in streaming, MP3 and audio CD formats, the lyrics might not be the cleanest, but then again, infidelity never is.

If you’re Nivea, you hang up on your man and wash away the memories with the chorus: “Soap, powder, bleach, tow-

els, fabric softener, dollars, change, pants, socks, dirty drawers / I’m headed to the Laundromat / And let’s not forget the food stains, dirt spots, headsets, chips, pop, pay phones, clean house / I’m headed to the Laundromat.”

Step back in time by adding The Many Faces Of The Detergents to the shopping cart and give a listen to Leader of the Laundromat. The song by The Detergents, a ’60s trio best known for their parodies, took aim at the well-known Shangri-Las hit Leader of the Pack and reached number 19 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart after its release in 1965.

Amazon offers digital and vinyl formats of this classic tune that revs up with “And that’s when I fell in love with the Leader of the Laundromat.”


It comes as no surprise that the best place to soak up Laundromats is within Amazon’s book categories. After all, it’s where the iconic online retailer rewrote the buying experience 25 years ago.

Its vast selection of laundry titles could line a library shelf. Hardcovers, paperbacks and Kindle e-books immerse readers young and old into a mixed basket of coin meets laundry, animal meets suds and boy meets girl.

For would-be entrepreneurs looking to get their feet wet in washand-dry, the offerings are more extensive than ever. While some books present a general overview of the industry, others are nuts-and-bolts.

It comes as no surprise that the best place to soak up Laundromats is within Amazon’s book categories. Tomes available there include (from left) Love at the Laundromat by Rona S. Zable, Socks the Laundromat Cat by Debra Steil, Secrets Revealed to Opening Laundromats by Victor R. Nichols, and Laundries - Are They a Good Business to Get Into? by Ben Russell. (Photos courtesy Laurance Cohen, Page Publishing, Victor R. Nichols, and Ben Russell, respectively)

It takes a rare breed of laundry operator to collect their thoughts along with the coins. Over the years, some of those well-known in laundry circles have gone on to pen guides, and Amazon puts them all a mere click away.

Among the veteran roster are Sally Collins’ paperback Happiness Is Owning a Laundromat, Brian Brunckhorst’s Secrets of Buying and Owning Laundromats, Ben Russell’s Laundries - Are They a Good Business to Get Into?, along with Coin Laundries—Road to Financial Independence by Emerson Higdon.

Those longstanding resources were joined by recent books, including Laundromat Ownership Step-by-Step by Joseph Haywood and Victor Nichols’ Secrets Revealed to Opening Laundromats.

In his 112-page guide, Nichols shares the ups-and-downs of his acquisition and retooling of a pair of coin-ops an hour south of Chicago. He relies on shoe leather to pursue opportunities, taking on the lion’s share of legwork — and headaches — normally reserved for brokers and distributors.

Readers are there when the new operator shakes hands on a new lease, as well as the time he’s shaken by a storefront drive-thru after being handed the keys.

Nichols self-published his work by uploading through Amazon’s CreateSpace platform to offer up both paperback and Kindle versions. The 35-year-old is now expanding his digital presence with the YouTube channel LaundromatSecrets, where he posts videos on a variety of topics.

In a phone call, he shared his advice to those looking to take the plunge into laundry: “Dream big, but start small.”

The Amazon children’s book section includes titles that entertain tykes and young readers with plenty of sudsy tales. There are perennial favorites Curious George at the Laundromat and Paddington at the Laundromat, as well as a trio of lesser-known selections, Wiggle to the Laundromat, Vamos a la Lavanderia and Aunt Lilly’s Laundromat.

One of the newest to hit the scene is Debra Steil’s heartwarming tale, Socks the Laundromat Cat. The illustrated paperback and e-book, published last year, depicts the “purrfect” relationship that develops between 7-year-old Kaylin and an abandoned feline she discovers one day at her family’s coin-op.

At the other end of the bookshelf, the e-commerce site also offers a few bizarre titles, including Laundromat at the Edge of the Universe and Punk-o-Matic Laundromat

And then there’s a whole genre that’s a definite no-go at the coin-op book nook — writings that tell the tale of chance encounters along the wash aisle that turn into torrid affairs. The adultoriented collection, typically offered in e-book format, is a reminder that some prefer to steam up the dryer glass without plunking in another coin. For them, there’s Dirty Brat at the Laundromat, Getting Lucky: The Laundry Mat Girl and Sock Pervert at the Laundromat.

Yours truly got turned on by an obscure title hidden at the end of the search results which, unfortunately, was unavailable: a rare copy of the Westinghouse Laundromat Service Manual. Now, getting my hands on one of those would indeed be amazing. ACO

Laurance Cohen crisscrosses the country seeking out the most unique vended laundries. He served as American Coin-Op editor in the early 1990s and currently operates Laundry Marketing Concepts based in Hallandale Beach, Fla. He can be reached at

JUNE 2019 AMERICAN COIN-OP 35 (970) 587-9044 Add power where it’s needed in tables or bars We’re still your source for Bulkheads and Drain Troughs Like us on facebook High-end elements to complement your brand Customize to your specifications — Visit us in Clean Show booth 1824 Stylish, sturdy, contemporary furniture for your every need


Continental Girbau Inc. reports it has made some recent personnel moves, transitioning Eric Novak to inside sales associate and hiring Geanie Wilson as shipping receiving specialist and Joanne Wilson as accounting assistant.

Novak had served as customer care associate since May 2016. In his new role, he’ll interface closely with Continental customers, distributors and staff; manage lead qualification processes; and handle inside sales and customer relations responsibilities.

“Eric brings a big boost to this inside sales position and is a great first contact to any new lead coming into Continental,” says Pam Kuffel, finance services manager and international sales manager. “He can quickly qualify a lead and get customers in touch with their local distributor. Eric will continue to grow in this position, bringing added value to all aspects of his new job responsibili-

ties. He fits seamlessly into inside sales thanks to his extensive customer care experience. I am very excited to have him on our team.”

“During my time at CGI, I’ve had the opportunity to get my feet wet in the laundry industry – developing valuable skills and relationships along the way,” says Novak. “In my new role, I look forward to expanding on those things from a new perspective.”

Novak has two associate degrees in Applied Science—one in paralegal and the other in criminal justice/law enforcement—from Fox Valley Technical College, in Appleton, Wisconsin.

As a shipping receiving specialist, Geanie Wilson assists with receiving and the fulfillment of equipment and parts orders, in addition to a variety of other tasks, including basic parts repair, forklift operation and clerical duties.

She served 14 years with Generac

Eric Novak
Dedicated Hands-on Distributors voted “TOP-RATED DISTRIBUTOR NETWORK” in Commercial Laundry * Let us help with your Laundromat BEST WEST IN THE East WA, N.E OR, ID, MT 509-459-4300 Southern CA 877-630-7278 AZ 602-248-0808 UT, MT, NV, WY 801-912-0061 Central CA 800-488-2526 STAY CONNECTED. RUN YOUR BUSINESS FROM ANYWHERE...ANY TIME. *According to an August 2014 Leede Research Customer Value Analysis on Overall Distributor Quality Your SMART Laundry Partner 0619aco_Distributors Network_rev.indd 1 4/29/19 1:45 PM
Joanne Wilson Geanie Wilson

Mobile before moving to Oshkosh.

“I am pleased to join the Continental group,” she says. “I like the small-company feel and friendly, welcoming atmosphere.”

Joanne Wilson handles a number of accounting functions, including accounts payable for Continental and accounts payable, invoicing, and accounts receivable for California distributor Continental Girbau West

Most recently, she served eight years as senior accounts payable specialist at a holdings company in Bethel, Missouri. In May 2020, she expects to earn her bachelor’s degree in business administration finance-human resources management, from Liberty University, in Lynchburg, Virginia.

“When I accepted my position with Continental, I had already done a lot of research on the company,” she says. “I found Continental had a solid vision and a foundation of integrity. This is what sold me on the company.”


There’s been a change of management at commercial laundry equipment distributor Southern Automatic Machinery Co. (SAMCO), the Fayetteville, Georgia-based company reports.

Longtime employees Adrienne Gibbs and Melissa Roberts have assumed management of day-to-day operations of SAMCO with a future plan of total ownership, according to a company press release.

Roberts tells American Coin-Op that she and Gibbs have entered into a process to acquire the company from President/ CEO John Sugg as he enters retirement. It could take two or three

years to complete, she says.

Gibbs has been with SAMCO since July 2000. She started answering phones and performing general office functions before progressing into learning all aspects of the company and stepping into various roles as needed.

With experience in both distribution and laundry ownership, she is now responsible for running the entire office, from ordering equipment, scheduling installations, taking service calls, billing, JUNE 2019 AMERICAN COIN-OP 37 ACO Standard_half_horz.indd 1 5/9/19 1:26 PM
(continued on page 40)
Longtime employees Adrienne Gibbs (left) and Melissa Roberts have assumed management of day-to-day operations of Southern Automatic Machinery Co. (SAMCO) and begun a process to acquire the company from President/CEO John Sugg as he enters retirement. (Photo: SAMCO)
38 AMERICAN COIN-OP JUNE 2019 CLASSIFIEDS EQUIPMENT WANTED I BUY LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT 954-245-2110 BIG BUCKS (800) 446-2719 IMONEX.COM The Legend In Coin Flow® EQUIPMENT FOR SALE LAUNDRY SCALES POSITIONS AVAILABLE ELECTRONIC REPAIRS DRYER BOOSTER & EXHAUST FANS NEED PARTS? Call US First! SAVE $$$$ Check us out online for Specials • Maytag • Whirlpool • Bock • Wascomat • Hamilton Heaters • R&B Carts • American Dryer • Electrolux • ESD • Greenwald • Standard • Vend-Rite • Continental Girbau • Soap & MORE Brookfield, WI 1-800-236-5599 Livonia, MI 1-888-492-0181 Kentwood, MI 1-800-821-8846 Dayton, OH 1-888-877-4382 Indianapolis, IN 1-800-577-7103 greatlakeslaundry grtlakeslaundry BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PARTS FOR SALE Repair Front Load WASHER Bearings. Rebuild drums available. Call Tony: 516-805-4193 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Laundry Mechanic Wanted (954) 537-1643 2019 RATES: One- to five-time rate: $2.75 per word, boldface $2.80 per word. Minimum charge: $25.00 per ad. Call or write for our three- and 12-time rates. If box number is used, add cost of 5 words. Display classified rates are available on request. All major credit cards are accepted. DEADLINE: Ads must be received by the 1st of the preceding month. For example, for a June ad, the closing date is May 1st. PAYMENT FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Must accompany Check Out More Listings ONLINE Professional Laundry Scales from Summit Measurement NTEP Digital Bench, Portable, Commercial Floor and Coin Counting Scales The Single Best Place to Buy Laundry Scales Online! ON SALENOW! * Pillar Optional LAUNDRY SCALES LAUNDRY SCALES NTEP DIGITAL LAUNDRY SCALE APM-60 Bench Scale Capacity 150 lbs. Legal For Trade 818-561-2626 Summit APM Laundry Scale Ad for May/Sept 2019 Summit Scales Multiple Scale Ad for April/June 2019 0319aco_Summit.indd 1 1/31/19 18 Select Laundry Center Vending Machine Sales 515-480-4613 Add pro t to your establishment by vending your patron’s favorite laundry goods. SERVICES AND SUPPLIES
(818) 561-3636 JUNE 2019 AMERICAN COIN-OP 39
Door Lock $75 • Gen 5 & 6 Timer $85 WASCO Gen 4 Timer $85 • Continental Timer $95 DRYER
Single $45 Huebsch
prices may vary!!!!
One-Year Warranty on All Parts Send Core Unit with S&H Fees Call
We Now Accept All Major Credit Cards WASHERS and DRYERS COMPUTER BOARD REPAIR Dexter VFD Inverter (Delta Motor Control) All Models (9375-xxx-xxx) $245.00 VFD-A & VFD-B (9732-237-001) . . . . . . . . call Stack Dryer (9875-xxx-xxx) . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Coin Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Igniters (Fenwal only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00 Wascomat / Electrolux Inverters (MotorControl) All $245.00 471977101,105,115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call Emerald Selecta Gen. 6 Washer Main Computer PCB $175.00 Emerald Selecta Washer Door Lock Control PCB $75.00 Compass Control Assembly Gen. 6. $125.00 Selecta II Dryer PCB Assembly . . . . $155.00 Maytag Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 23004118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call W10343020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call ADC 137213, 137234, 137240 . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 137253,137260,137274,137275. . . . . . . . call Igniters (Fenwal only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00 Speed Queen / Huebsch Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Motor Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call IPSO 209/00440/70 (Micro 20). . . . . . . . . . $125.00 Volume Discounts • One-Year Warranty Free Return Shipping El - Tech, Inc. 26 West St. Colonia, NJ 07067 For Complete Price List Please Call: 908-510-6520 or visit us at SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES CARD READERS FIXED HHC ELECTRONIC SERVICE 1338 Electra Ave., Rowland Hts., CA 91748 626-961-8678 • 844-846-0371 E-mail: www. AmericanCoinOp .com TIMERS REBUILT — IPSO main & reverse, Dexter, Primus, Speed Queen, Maytag & Continental Girbau, Wascomat Generation 4, 5 and 6. Reeco Timer Co., 2860 Kirby Circle, N.E., Suite 14, Palm Bay, FL 32905, 888-952-1889. AC Power .............................................. 33 ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment 36 American Switch 39 BDS Laundry Systems 15 CSC Serviceworks ....................................31 Cleaner’s Supply 39 Continental Girbau 1 CryptoPay 7 Dexter Laundry Inc........................... 23, 25 ESD Inc. 20-21, BC 38 Gold Coin Laundry Equipment ...............19 Great Lakes Commercial Sales ................38 HHC Electronic Service 39 High Mark Manufacturing 35 Huebsch .....................................................9 Imonex Services .......................................38 Kargi Fabric 38 Laundry Concepts 27 LG Electronics .......................................IBC Low Cost Manufacturing.........................37 Maytag Commercial Laundry 13 Metro Laundry Tech Corp. 39 Mountain Electronics...............................38 NIE Insurance 17 PartsKing 29 Setomatic Systems IFC Speed Queen .............................. cover tip, 3 Starchup...................................................30 11 TOLON 28 Tjernlund Products ..................................38 Vending Machine Sales 38 Vend-Rite...................................................5 Advertiser Page ADVERTISERS’ INDEX
Stack $60 •
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team member management and more. Gibbs also spends time in the field, meeting with customers and helping them improve their business.

Roberts has worked for SAMCO since 1998, and her story is similar to Gibbs’. She started answering phones and performing general office duties. From there, she progressed into accounts payable, receivables, parts, and installation of apartment card systems when those hit the market.

After learning those roles, and armed with an ability to engage customers, she went into sales in 2005 and has been developing customer relationships ever since.

SAMCO offers Speed Queen, Huebsch, Continental Girbau and Whirlpool Commercial Laundry products to customers throughout Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina.

to have them represent the Speed Queen brand in their markets.”

In addition to posting strong sales numbers in 2018, Laundry Solutions continued to reinvest in its team through hiring and additional training, Speed Queen says. The company also was a leader in embracing the Speed Queen Insights system and Speed Queen app.

“This award is a great honor and one I accept on behalf of the entire team,” Luzecky says. “I can say, without a doubt, each of us is dedicated to maintaining a high standard of excellence in every facet of the business.”

With offices in Missouri and Oklahoma, Laundry Solutions is a full-service distributor. Its offerings include equipment sales, service/support, laundry design/layout, supplies, and a large parts department.


Statewide Laundry Equipment, a regional laundry equipment distributor serving Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas, has launched a new video series about the investors and owner/operators that utilize its services.

The Investors Talk Series focuses on the investors’ experiences when opening their own Laundromats, and educates other potential investors on the benefits of opening their own.

The first video in the series premiered in April and focuses on Xiaoyan Shao and her Oasis Laundry, which she opened in Sanford, Florida, in 2015. In the brief clip, Shao discusses the Speed Queen laundry equipment in her store, the location buildout, customer experience, and how Statewide assisted in making the process a smooth one for her.

Statewide consultant Rusty Parks also appears in the video, explaining the step-by-step process behind preparing for and working with investors like Shao to open Laundromats in the Southeast.


Speed Queen awarded its highest distributor honor — 2018 Distributor of the Year — to Laundry Solutions Company at an April ceremony in Chicago. It marked the third time in six years that the company has won the honor.

Springfield, Missouri-based Laundry Solutions has a rich history with the Alliance Laundry Systems brand, dating back to the distributor’s founding in 1976, and prides itself on delivering a full-service approach to its customers.

“[Laundry Solutions President] Nick Luzecky and the entire Laundry Solutions team have not only been great advocates of the Speed Queen brand, but they are committed to helping vended laundry owners leverage the industry’s most cutting-edge technology,” says Steve Bowie, North American sales manager for Speed Queen. “Laundry Solutions has cultivated a high level of professionalism that pervades the entire company. I couldn’t be prouder

Statewide says the video series is a forward-thinking way to provide educational content on its services while bringing more awareness to a technologically changing industry. ACO

(From left) Posing after the Speed Queen Distributor of the Year award presentation are (from left) Hannes Saeubert, Alliance Laundry Systems vice president of sales and marketing, North American Commercial; Nick Luzecky, president of Laundry Solutions; Dan Schulte, Laundry Solutions sales manager; Kevin Frye, Laundry Solutions regional sales consultant; Brad Harris, Laundry Solutions regional sales consultant; and Steve Bowie, national sales manager, Speed Queen Commercial. (Photo: Alliance Laundry Systems)
(continued from page 37)
Oasis Laundry owner Xiaoyan Shao (center) poses in her Sanford, Florida, business with (left) David Chadsey, vice president of Statewide Laundry Equipment, and (right) Rusty Parks, Statewide consultant. (Photo: Statewide Laundry Equipment)

• Designed to deliver more strength, storeowner control & servicing ease.

• Advanced programmability of water temperatures, fill levels, cycle times, spin speed & vend prices.

• Individual sensors are removable & replaceable.

• New twin spray water-delivery system ensures a quality wash.

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per square foot.

LG Platinum is available only through the Continental Girbau family of distributors. Call
or visit Clean Show
for more info!
BRAND YOU KNOW. THE BRAND YOU TRUST. The LG Platinum Commercial Laundry System offers vended laundries unrivaled energy-efficiency, programmability, installation flexibility and durability. Offering 22.5 pounds of capacity, the LG Giant C Fast Platinum Washers are configurable to meet the needs of nearly any vended laundry application — card or coin.
Booth #2021

Why did you choose an ESD system?

We obviously wanted a state-of-the-art card system that would give us a competitive advantage, but we also wanted a company that was as celebrated for their service and customer care as they are for their most successful products. ESD is the gold standard in the industry because of superior products, well-trained personnel, and outstanding customer service.

What is your experience in the laundry industry?

In the purest sense of the word, we are “newbies” to the vended laundry arena - excited to be here, eager to play, hungry for knowledge, and humble enough to learn from anyone who is willing to offer guidance. At the same time we have seasoned experience and battle scars from both corporate- and small business experiences in unrelated industries. While the industries are completely unrelated, the foundational business principals that they taught - Customer Service, Finance, Marketing, Sales, People Management, HR, Operations - are all directly relevant. Maybe we’re newbies with a little seasoning.


The Laundry Café is located in a fantastic destination location, but it is in a an internet challenged area of the city. ESD exceeded all our expectations by creating a wireless network even though none of the major internet providers were available. ESD has an internal team of IT professionals who customized our system to meet our needs, from design to installation.

Is there anything that surprised you about the ESD system?

I was pleasantly surprised at the managerial utilities. The reports are thorough, comprehensive,and seamlessly integrated. I can produce performance reports that track nearly everything. These are great for tracking your business and making informed adjustments for improvement.

Brian Holland & Tyrone Akins of The Laundry Café
are the unknown challenges that you faced with your new store? How has ESD’s system helped you to overcome these challenges? Contact your local ESD distributor or ESD sales representative for more information.

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