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Laurance Cohen visits Hawthorne, California, and the Coast Laundry-Coast Fitness tandem of Jerry Jamgotchian, who’s expanding further by adding a separate wash-dry-fold facility in the same shopping plaza.
lighting options can brighten a laundry’s environment, improve security and generally make customers cheerier. Four store owners from across the country describe their lighting improvement projects and how they have benefited.
(Cover images: © deepblue4you/iStockphoto and © VitalikRadko/Depositphotos.com) MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Most general upkeep requires no training, but leave electronics and heavy-duty jobs to the professionals, experts suggest. Equipment manufacturer reps answer some key questions. GOIN’ WITH COHEN: PUMPING WATER & IRON 24/7 IN SOCAL
Wouldn’t it be great if your equipment never broke down? That it always worked perfectly? Yes, but it’s time to wake up from that fantasy, says industry veteran Paul Russo. The most you can do is keep things nicely humming along as best as possible, and he offers some tips for doing just that.
14 22 COVER STORY 6 A CLOSER LOOK 14 Owner Jerry Jamgotchian’s laundry-gym tandem pumps water and iron all day, every day. DEPARTMENTS 4 VIEWPOINT 30 CLASSIFIEDS 27 PRODUCT NEWS 31 AD INDEX 28 NEWSMAKERS
Bruce Beggs
Charles Thompson, Publisher
E-mail: cthompson@ATMags.com Phone: 312-361-1680
Donald Feinstein, Associate Publisher/ National Sales Director
E-mail: dfeinstein@ATMags.com Phone: 312-361-1682
Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director
E-mail: bbeggs@ATMags.com Phone: 312-361-1683
Roger Napiwocki, Production Manager
Nathan Frerichs, Digital Media Director
E-mail: nfrerichs@ATMags.com Phone: 312-361-1681
The New Year traditionally is a time when one resolves to make changes in his or her life. For 2020, my resolution is to lose some weight prior to my daughter’s wedding coming up this fall.
For store owners, perhaps their resolution could be to sharpen their focus on equipment maintenance. Columnist Paul Russo, himself a retired store owner of more than 40 years, is critical of owners who neglect maintenance while hoping customers don’t mind the “Out of Order” signs.
In my cover story, Equipment Maintenance & Repairs, reps from four manufacturers suggest the common maintenance tasks that virtually any laundry personnel can perform (while relying on equipment manuals or troubleshooting guides, of course) and the larger, more involved projects that are better left to professionals. Start reading on page 6.
Russo offers his own take in Ensuring Your Store’s Equipment Stays Reliable (page 24). Keeping a repair logbook, storing extra parts and protecting against power surges are among his pointers.
If you feel your maintenance program is up to snuff, great. But if you think there’s room for improvement, I hope that you’ll resolve to work harder and smarter. After all, it’s one New Year’s resolution that you don’t want to “break.” • • • • •
Also in this new year, we welcome our magazine’s new Advisory Board: Jaimie Johnson, Dexter Laundry; Douglas Pratt, Gold Coin Laundry Equipment; Tony Regan, Eastern Funding; Sharon Sager, store owner from California; Michael Schantz, Setomatic Systems; Luke Williford, multi-store owner from North Carolina; and Andy Wray, ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment.
The Advisory Board provides independent guidance, information and perspective on industry issues based on their professional experience and education. I count on them to help me recognize trends as well as identify at-large issues that could impact the industry.
And with this changing of the guard, we say goodbye to the previous Board members—Kurt Archer, Western State Design; Ann Hawkins, NIE Insurance; Wayne Lewis, ESD; and Kathryn Rowen, Huebsch. I thank you all for helping me make American Coin-Op the best it can be.
Bruce Beggs Editorial Director
Main: 312-361-1700 SUBSCRIPTIONS
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American Coin-Op (ISSN 0092-2811) is published monthly. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $46.00; 2 years $92.00. Foreign, 1 year $109.00; 2 years $218.00. Single copies $9.00 for U.S., $18.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Coin-Op, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 61, number 1. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Coin-Op is distributed selectively to owners, operators and managers of chain and individually owned coin-operated laundry establishments in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2020. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Coin-Op does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Coin-Op or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
www.americancoinop.com VIEWPOINT
Jaimie Johnson Douglas Pratt Tony Regan Sharon Sager Michael Schantz Luke Williford Andy Wray OFFICE INFORMATION
Equipment Maintenance and Repairs
Most general upkeep requires no training but leave electronics, heavy-duty jobs to professionals
by Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director
Not every equipment matter may require a service call, so it’s important that a store owner/operator understands what they’re able to maintain and repair on their own and what tasks they should leave to a professional. American Coin-Op asked some equipment manufacturer reps to weigh in on equipment maintenance and repairs.
Q: What equipment maintenance tasks should a laundry’s personnel be able to do without contacting a distributor or repair service for assistance?
Tony Berton, field service manager, Alliance Laundry Systems: That’s relative to a person’s mechanical experience and laundry experience.
Alliance Laundry Systems offers troubleshooting guides on equipment to assist with repairs.
Russ Cooper, manager of technical support, Dexter Laundry: General maintenance such as cleaning, vacuuming and basic lubrication can all be accomplished by untrained personnel. There are also a number of easy ser-
vice items that can be handled by the owner or someone else at the store. Service on drain valves, pressure switch hoses, water valves, and even some smaller “no heat” issues on dryers can all be accomplished with very little technical knowledge and basic tools.
We include service videos on our website to walk owners through most of these basic procedures as well as offer lifetime technical support to those that want to tackle these items themselves. I would estimate these simple repairs comprise 75% or more of service work needed in the average store.
Nick Koukourakis, senior product development manager, Maytag® Commercial Laundry: Following the equipment’s recommended maintenance schedule and checklist of items outlined in the machine’s manual is
the most important consideration for all maintenance tasks. Typically, the manual’s checklist will include items that do not require special tools or knowledge in order to complete, along with items that will help keep the machine running as designed.
Shannon Rose, commercial technical service manager, Continental Girbau: Most laundry personnel should be able to handle general and preventative maintenance. General maintenance covers the replacement of components, such as water valves, drain valves, door locks, etc. Anything related to the inverter drive or microprocessor should be left to a trained technician.
Also, laundries should adhere to a preventative maintenance program. For washers, staff should clean the area around and under washers, cabinet area, soap compartment/drawer, gravity pump drain and the door seal. For dryers, staff should clean the area around the dryer and the cylinder/drum plus remove lint from the lint compartment and screen.
6 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
(Images: ©deepblue4you/iStockphoto and ©VitalikRadko/Depositphotos.com)
Cooper Koukourakis
For generations, Maytag has stood for something in the minds of your customers. Toughness. A powerful clean. A machine that can endure the daily grind. With Maytag® Commercial Laundry in your store, you carry the brand that helps lead customers through your door. Visit us at MaytagCommercial.com
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Q: What maintenance or repair work is generally too advanced for the average store owner and should be left to factorytrained or qualified personnel?
Cooper: For some owners, anything involving the electrical circuits is where they start to feel uncomfortable and draw the line as to what they can service themselves. Additionally, bearing jobs, trunnion replacements and a thorough cleaning of the exhaust runs on dryers are jobs that most owners see as too labor-intensive or needing specialty tools and expertise that they may not have. These jobs are usually best left to the professionals.
Koukourakis: Some equipment and maintenance issues may require special expertise. It’s best to contact a licensed professional for electrical and gas components, for areas that require a special tool, or for a complete part replacement. It is also a good idea to consult with the authorized distributor and their factory-trained technicians anytime an owner is not sure about a maintenance or repair procedure.
Rose: The level of maintenance laundry personnel can perform is based on both their electrical and mechanical skills. These tasks can include:
Washers — Clean pump; remove and clean soap box; check for leaks and noise; check electro valve filters and fill hoses; clean inverter drive; check belt condition and tension; check mounting bolts (if hard-mount); tighten all cabinet bolts and screws; check for structural damage; check and clean main drain system; and verify all component operations via test program.
Dryers — Remove lint and debris from inside exhaust duct; check lint screen for tears and blockage; clean all limit thermostats and thermistor; clean blower fan, motor grills and lint from all thermostats; check airflow, exhaust and belt condition; check cabinet bolts and screws; check gas and electric supply connections; remove all panels and clean dryer of lint buildup; check cylinder and panel seals, and inner panel insulation; clean burner tubes and orifices; remove cylinder and clean around
rear seal and trunnion; and remove burner tubes and clean.
Generally speaking, when you get into anything electrical or mechanical, they should contact their local dealer.
Berton: Experience and knowledge play a factor on this issue. A seasoned laundry owner can possibly do many repairs by themselves. For larger projects like a complete breakdown of a washer-extractor for bearing and seal replacement, owners tend to lean on distributors for assistance.
Q: With an understanding that not all machines are alike, what are some basic service tips you can offer for the following?
Koukourakis: It’s important to follow the recommended maintenance schedule provided in the machine’s installation guide to help prevent unnecessary repairs and downtime. Be sure to leave the loading door open during extended periods of nonuse to allow the wash drum to dry out. It is also helpful to check washer hose attachments for leaks and loose connections, and to clean out soap dispensers on a regular basis to help prevent buildup.
Rose: Top-load washers sometimes like to move out of position, referred to as “walking.” They need to be re-leveled, which is accomplished by adjusting the front legs and tightening the lock nuts. Then reset the back self-leveling legs by momentarily tilting the washer forward and off the rear
legs and then tilting it back. To completely eliminate walking, install a floor track channel for the rear legs to sit in.
Fill times should be observed every three months to determine if the fill rate is acceptable and confirm that the water fill screens are not plugged.
Remove the front panel once a year and inspect the condition of the drive belt.
As for front loaders, the same “walking” issue that affects top loaders can occur, and the same procedure I described can be done to ensure the machine doesn’t walk.
The soap dispensers should be cleaned regularly.
Cleaning the front seal with a mild soap and water solution will reduce any potential odors and ensure the front door seal makes proper contact with the front of the machine. This will reduce the likelihood of door leaks.
Berton: A top loader and front loader are generally the same items. Check that fill valve screens are in place and clean. Check for leaks and cracks on hoses. On the frontload washers, inspect and clean the door seal area.
Clean the machines and edges properly, and remove dirt buildup. Check the cylinder for debris or excessive dirt from use.
I also suggest that owners/staff listen to washers, especially when equipment is new. All equipment generates some noise, of course, and if you’re a seasoned laundry owner, you become accustomed to the hum of equipment working. But even with all the kids running and yelling in the laundry, you can tune in on listening to your equipment, which might provide some valuable insight:
“When the washer was filling, the water used to be strong and the machine would fill within two minutes, but now it’s slow and takes forever to fill.” At this point, check your screens at the fill valve.
“I hear a thumping noise during spin on my top load.” Pull the front panel and see what’s happening on the belt against the idler. Or is the main pulley loose?
For front loaders,
8 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
there should
“It’s best to contact a licensed professional for electrical and gas components, for areas that require a special tool, or for a complete part replacement.”
—Nick Koukourakis, Maytag
“Experience and knowledge play a factor on this issue. A seasoned laundry owner can possibly do many repairs by themselves.”
—Tony Berton, Alliance Laundry Systems
Maximum revenue Utility cost savings More satisfied customers Ability to manage machines remotely with Huebsch Command™
be daily cleaning of cabinet and door glass gaskets; annual cleaning of drain valves and pressure switch tubes; annual cleaning of water inlet screens; and annual vacuuming of areas inside of the washer to remove lint and debris, including the cleaning of inverter drive cooling fins and/or fans.
Rose: If your clothes are not drying properly or if the laundry is really dusty, you might have a ventilation issue. To dry any linen, you need airflow and heat. Many times laundries associate the improper drying of linen to lack of heat, when actually it is an airflow problem. If there is a ventilation concern, refer to the equipment’s installation manual for the proper ducting and/or static pressure reading.
Berton: Be sure (the exhaust is) clean and maintained properly. Make sure the cylinders are clean. Clean the air filters; damaged ones should be replaced. Same as the top loader and front loader, keep an ear open for the hum.
Cooper: There is daily cleaning of the cabinet and lint screen; replacing any screens that are torn or permanently clogged; monthly vacuuming of lint from the surfaces and areas behind the dryer; and annual cleaning and lint removal of the internal ducting of the dryer, dampers, and burner chambers.
Koukourakis: Conduct standard checks on wearable items such as belts and seals. Make sure seals on panels and doors are in good condition. Test the machine to ensure that it is performing and working as designed. Cleaning both the interior and exterior of the equipment is also important, from the lint screens to the tumblers.
Work with an authorized service representative to regularly clean the dryer or tumbler every year. Cleaning schedules, including that of lint screens, may vary depending on machine use and are up to an owner to establish, but should be regular.
Cooper: Coin drops should be blown out with compressed air on a monthly basis
to dislodge lint and debris, especially on dryers. More intensive cleaning may be required if the drop stops functioning.
Rose: Dust is the usual culprit for issues related to money handling. Use only a light soap-and-water mixture to clean non-electronic money-handling equipment. Never use any lubrication on these devices, as doing so will cause more problems.
Rose: It is important to follow the pump and chemical manufacturers’ PM program/ suggestions. Many chemical pumps are systolic pumps. These pumps apply pressure to squeeze tubes that pushes the chemical from the dispenser to the washing machine. They also prevent excess chemical from dripping into the machine when not in use. Over time, those squeeze tubes can become hardened and may not pinch as they were designed to. As a result, chemical will drip into the washer. This undiluted chemical can cause premature failure of components. Using drip loops and installing the pumps/ reservoirs below the distributor manifold will reduce this likelihood.
Q: What kind of regular maintenance do today’s advanced equipment controls require, if any?
Berton: Advanced equipment actually does not require maintenance. One clear benefit with advanced controls is the integration of equipment maintenance tips and suggestions right on the screen. There’s no
need to look up manuals—it’s all there.
Cooper: The controls themselves should not require maintenance other than general lint removal once a year. The most important factor is to set the machines up properly at installation. This includes measuring voltage at the location and setting the control transformers accordingly. It is also recommended that surge suppression and transient voltage suppression is used at the main power panels to protect all the downline electronics at your location. This can be one of the best insurance policies that you can buy.
Rose: We recommend that any owners or service technicians know how to perform the test mode on our equipment; all Girbau-built equipment has a test mode that will help you troubleshoot 95% of the problems that you might encounter on your piece of equipment. Videos explaining this mode can be found on our company website and YouTube page.
Q: How extensive are the service schools or seminars offered by your company (or your distributors)?
Cooper: Our Dexter Authorized Distributors offer service training events along with their open houses or as standalone events. Many distributors offer these a couple of times a year at various locations. The material covered is customized to the event, with information ranging from general maintenance all the way up to electrical schematics and troubleshooting. We hear from owners everywhere that they continue coming back year to year to pick up new things that they either missed, or didn’t have the frame of reference to understand at previous events.
Koukourakis: Ongoing training in the form of service schools and seminars remains an important part of our business. We work to provide our distributors with the resources and tools they need to host open houses or scheduled training for their customers. We believe these types of events give customers opportunities to reconnect as well as gain new insights on new ▼
“A bad preventative maintenance program is easy to identify. Facilities with poor PM programs generally have more equipment routinely broken down.”
—Shannon Rose, Continental Girbau
“I cannot stress enough following the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation whether it’s new or you’re replacing equipment that was previously installed.”
10 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
—Russ Cooper, Dexter Laundry
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products and services. In addition, ongoing training and education allows our distributors and customers to keep up to date on existing products as well.
Rose: We currently only offer service schools to our distribution. In 2020, Girbau North America (GNA) is going to provide some regional service schools for our distributors. GNA is also developing service-related webinars for broadcast.
Berton: Service schools conducted at the factory offer a hands-on approach, electrical wiring breakdown, and provide attendees the opportunity to review the production process on equipment. Service schools at the distributor level are time-limited, so it depends on time and equipment what topics are covered and how extensive the class will be.
Q: What are the signs that a store has— or doesn’t have—a good preventive maintenance program in place?
Koukourakis: One thing to note may be the cleanliness of the store and the equipment. This can help signal how seriously an owner takes maintenance. Clean barrels, dryer screens and hoses would also indicate a regular maintenance schedule. Beyond the general aesthetic of a store, the number of machines out of order at any given time may also indicate that an owner is slow to
maintain equipment. A store with a good maintenance program endeavors to have all of their machines up and running at any given time.
Rose: A bad preventative maintenance program is easy to identify. Facilities with poor PM programs generally have more equipment routinely broken down. These facilities usually are dirtier with more dust accumulation.
Berton: The number of machines out of order or not performing correctly.
Cooper: Generally, you can tell what effort is being put forth by how clean a store is. If they are cleaning regularly, then the dryer lint screens and door glass gaskets are clean. Someone is observing the equipment and investigating symptoms such as reduced water levels or slow drains which indicate a cleaning is needed before the problem becomes an issue.
Q: Anything else related to maintenance or repair that you’d like to mention?
Rose: GNA is in the process of creating service-related videos and bulletins to better assist both end-users and distributors to help diagnose common service-related issues.
Cooper: I cannot stress enough following the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation whether it’s new or you’re replacing
equipment that was previously installed. This goes a long way in preventing future issues and eliminating maintenance complications in your store. Installation deficiencies can cause owners more maintenance and service issues and can negatively impact the customer’s experience.
For dryers, proper makeup air, exhaust ducting and gas pressures should be planned for and checked beforehand. Poor makeup air or back pressure issues can cause excessive lint accumulation in the dryers and potential overheating issues.
When installing washers, proper concrete thickness, bases construction and grouting procedures prevent shaking issues that will slowly damage your equipment. It is also important to make sure that voltages are checked and that the controls have been set accordingly.
Finally, properly sizing your water inlets and drain line outlets can prevent nuisance issues as well. A proper installation will ensure that your equipment will run fast and efficiently cycle after cycle.
Koukourakis: Regular maintenance, combined with a routine schedule that includes cleaning and inspection tasks, can help keep the machines running smoothly as designed and help reduce downtime—a win for customers and owners alike. ACO
12 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
Most popular stories from AmericanCoinOp.com for the 30 days ending December 10 — (WE) denotes Web Exclusive TOP FIVE NEWS STORIES • Alliance Now Offering Speed Queenbranded Laundromat Franchises • Distributor EVI Sets Records for Quarterly Financials (WE) • Laundry Owners Warehouse is Expanding Facility Again • CSC ServiceWorks Adds Paine to Staff • Eastern Funding Hosts Women’s Business Leadership Conference COLUMNISTS/FEATURES • Pointers from Paulie B: Identifying Your Laundry’s Safety Hazards • Neighborhood Laundry Offers Unique Spin on Typical • You Planned Your Start, but How About Your Exit? • Shaping the Landlord-Laundry Tenant Relationship OUR SISTER WEBSITES From AmericanLaundryNews.com: • Zeroing In on Transit Advertising • Gurtler Completes Phase I of Headquarters Expansion, Renovation From AmericanDrycleaner.com: • Better to Give: Cleaners, Engage Your Team! • Helping Cleaners Succeed — For the 376th Time! WEB UPDATE
Iby Laurance C ohen
t’s not every day that you shake hands with a store operator who owns almost as many thoroughbred race horses as laundry machines. And when those washers and dryers are housed at a Laundromat-gym tandem pumping water and iron 24/7, you know that guy is one of a kind.
Owner Jerry Jamgotchian calls out as I walk through the main entry of his Coast Laundry, a 7,000-square-foot behemoth just south of Los Angeles International Airport. Little did he know I’d already spent the better part of this early Sunday morning washing a load while admiring the neighboring Coast Fitness and its footprint nearly seven times that of the Laundromat.
Much as I was tempted to talk about
Iron Pumping Water
& 24/7 in SoCal
bets on clean and fit trifecta
the sport of kings with this prominent and outspoken figure in the racing community, today would be all about Jamgotchian’s clean and fit trifecta.
The genial host ushers me to an inline space between the plaza’s anchors for a sneak peek at his soon-to-debut freestanding wash-dry-fold facility, where finishing touches to a former dry cleaner are under way in preparation for the first laundry bundle.
Make that the second bundle. Gutting the old plant and readying the brandspanking-new 1,600-square-foot drop-off laundry is a nearly $500,000 package.
“It’s not for the faint of heart,” Jamgotchian says of the price tag as we stride past the dozen front loaders and 14
dryer pockets poised to tumble behind the decidedly upscale foyer.
Front and center at the service counter is Coast Laundry Wash + Fold’s promise: “Your clothes deserve the very best! We’ll handle them with care!”
The new venture will capitalize on an impeccable reputation earned over the years in the South Bay community, says Jamgotchian: “We have really good brand recognition in this area. They know it’s going to be clean, professionally done, and we will provide them the service they expect.”
And while details on same-day, nextday or rush service were still pending, the operator insists he’ll stand behind the turnaround time of each and every order: “It will be ready or it’s free.”
A glance around the 64-washer/62-dryer Coast Laundry steps away begs the question as to why there’s even the need for a standalone drop-off venue. The answer is simple: demand.
Leasing a corner space inside Coast to an independent wash-dry-fold provider may generate rent for the store owner, but it often shortchanges self-serve patrons competing for machines in his bustling facility.
“It takes washers and dryers away from the public and impacts the customer experience,” he says of the current arrangement. “I recognized that and said we can do a lot more flow and a lot more business moving over there.”
The expansive Coast Laundry venue was jointly designed by Jamgotchian and well-known industry veteran David Horton, and equipped through PWS - The
14 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
Jerry Jamgotchian’s Laundromat-fitness club tandem pumps water and iron all day, every day. (All photos by Laurance Cohen unless otherwise noted)
(continued on page 18)
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Laundry Company. The layout is a textbook example of maximizing throughput and minimizing congestion.
Occupying a wide storefront with unobstructed sight lines from the arterial roadway, the store enjoys access to 300-plus shared parking stalls and provides both front and rear entry for patrons.
Twin 80-pound washers — with variable vend pricing starting at $8.80 and rising to $10.15 for a hot water/heavy cycle setting — serve as front endcaps on the three main back-to-back bulkheads.
Along the west side of the facility and adjacent to a loyalty card-loading station stands a trio of 100-pounders commanding vends from $10.80 to $12.25 per load, all within easy reach of four 75-pound single-pocket tumblers priced at $0.79 per
10 minutes.
The store’s mainline bulkheads house the remaining 55 washers, including 21 20-pounders variably priced from $2.40 to $3.65; 20 40-pounders from $4.60 to $5.85; and 14 60-pounders from $6.60 to $7.85 per load.
In a departure from equipment mix norms, the majority of tumblers ringing
Coast Laundry’s perimeter are high-capacity, single-pocket models, including 28 50-pound models vending for $0.79 per 15 minutes, as well as six additional 75-pound units.
A row of a dozen 30-pound stacks — representing fewer than four out of 10 pockets — round out the spacious dryer department, and are priced at $0.79 per 20 minutes.
Folding space is abundant and positioned within close proximity of dryer doors. The custom countertop runs are divided, effectively carving out nearly three dozen personal compartments. Upper-tier shelving at the stations ensures maximum working surface area.
Laundry carts are in ample supply, with a rolling basket for each of Coast’s 64 washers, many decorated with imprinted tote bags that are free for the taking. Jamgotchian estimates over 80,000 of the cloth premium giveaways have been grabbed up since the store’s debut.
Lounge areas, free Wi-Fi and charging stations, 14 big-screen TVs, natural skylights, central air and twin 12-foot overhead fans add comfort.
Karen Howard is one of the regulars who pass up other stores to frequent Coast.
“It’s cleaner, it’s 24 hours, and it’s easy to get in and out,” she tells me after loading up eight machines. The 50- and 75-pound dryers and debit card-pay option receive a big thumbs-up from Howard, who says she spends $40 or more per visit.
The flagship laundry’s nearly three tons of combined self-service wash/dry capacity will be complemented by machinery inside the dedicated wash-and-fold space. The mix boasts nine 20-pounders, two 40-pounders and one 60-pounder — capable of 400-g
One of two loyalty card stations is positioned near the front of the store adjacent to three 100-pound front-load washers.
Tandem anchors Coast Laundry and Coast Fitness operate around-the-clock in the Hawthorne (Calif.) Plaza.
The majority of tumblers ringing Coast Laundry’s perimeter are high-capacity, single-pocket models, including 28 50-pound machines vending for $0.79 per 15 minutes.
Pairs of 80-pound washers serve as end caps to the three main bulkheads just inside Coast Laundry’s front entry. 18 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
(continued from
page 14)
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force extract before loading into the seven 45-pound stack dryers.
All that iron on the laundry floor might be no match for the weights, barbells and dumbbells over at Coast Fitness.
Jamgotchian pumped $7 million into the complex following the departure of his former tenant, LA Fitness, and built up a membership base 5,000 strong with state-of-the-art exercise apparatus and a diverse menu ranging from boxing and boot camps to hot yoga and Zumba.
The dual-level gym also boasts a juice bar, kids club, outdoor sports field, and other amenities spread over 45,000 square feet.
On an average day, the owner reports hosting 1,500-1,800 exercise enthusiasts, with males edging out females 55% to 45%. And all those bodies translate into a healthy boost at the Laundromat: “It’s a natural extension,” Jamgotchian explains. “Members come in, do their laundry, work out and come back.”
Coast staff will transfer completed wash loads to dryers upon request as an accommodation to those multitasking during a single visit to the plaza.
Jamgotchian is focused on using the club
as a catalyst to expand personal washand-fold trade at his new outlet. To him, clothing is very much a part of the fitness routine, where extra garments are packed at home and pulled out of the car. He’s betting his dedicated storefront will entice members to load more: “They’ll say, ‘Why don’t I just take all my clothes?’”
E-mail blasts and other incentives to acquaint members with Coast Wash + Fold are in the works.
“I would think the guys don’t want to do laundry or don’t know how to do it,” he says with a smile.
And beyond his built-in fitness clientele are markets to the east and west of Interstate 405, teeming with workers at
aerospace, technology and logistic firms — all potential walk-in regulars or pickupand-delivery candidates.
Cleaners and valets catering to the area’s lucrative corporate parks charge $3 to $4 per pound to process loads, notes the owner, whose game plan is for Coast to compete on price, quality and convenience.
Traffic generated by the 24-hour laundry-fitness duo overlaps occasionally on Monday and Tuesday evenings, Jamgotchian reports, filling up most of the lot, but not to the point of congestion.
Parking is critical, he says, gesturing to a striped area at the plaza’s west end, where a building was razed to add stalls not only for the shopping center tenancy, but for overflow generated by a Burger King outlot and his adjacent sports pub.
Jamgotchian owns the dirt beneath his businesses and knows real estate. Decades ago, he traded mortgage banking for a career in commercial property development and leasing at a top national mall operator.
He later built up a personal retail portfolio and pursued his other passion with stables of professional racehorses.
The Hawthorne site where Coast calls home caught his attention when a Safeway grocery pulled out, leaving the balance of a 25-year lease up from grabs. He bought it, secured new tenancy, and later parlayed that success to acquire the entire center.
Among those occupying space was a neglected 4,000-square-foot laundry causing security-related issues and endless headaches.
Coast Laundry’s Wash & Fold was established as a standalone facility between the main self-service laundry and fitness club earlier this fall. It employs a dozen front loaders. (Photo courtesy Jerry Jamgotchian)
20 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
Custom folding table countertops are divided, carving out dozens of personal compartments, while upper tier shelving ensures maximum working surface area.
“One of the things that disturbs me most about this business is that, as a landlord, it’s a disaster to have a bad tenant or a tenant that has no experience in running a Laundromat,” he says. “As a landlord, I recognize it’s critically important to have good and experienced operators or you’ll have issues.”
Jamgotchian eventually evicted the tenant, rehabbed the space, and later expanded the operation to its present state.
With his reinvestment in the Laundromat and fitness anchors, rebranding of a local watering hole into a trendy sports-themed
craft beer bar, and the recent cleaners makeover, Jamgotchian now finds himself operating three-quarters of the enterprises on-site.
“I believe in the area and I believe in the businesses,” he tells me as we walk the plaza. Corporate titans like SpaceX continue to invest in the corridor, bringing with them more commerce to this stretch of El Segundo Boulevard.
The 405 Freeway leads patrons to his doorstep, evidenced by Yelp online rating reviews that the operator monitors and promotes in his marketing campaigns. “We
make four-and-a-half out of five people happy and that’s what is important to me,” he says.
Jamgotchian credits Horton with sharing his vision for Coast Laundry: “He and I embarked upon developing the best laundry we could. We did everything we believe the customer deserved and the customer deserves the best 24/7, 365.”
Horton also played a pivotal role in designing the new drop-off facility.
Respecting patrons and providing them with clean, functioning equipment keeps Coast humming, the owner says, adding that he’s especially proud to draw regulars from as far as 20 miles away.
While I didn’t find anyone shuttling between the Laundromat and fitness club on this particular morning, I did get a comment from a patron named Julia who tells me she’s getting plenty of exercise: “You see all these baskets of clothes I’m doing? That’s enough of a workout!”
Laurance Cohen crisscrosses the country seeking out the most unique vended laundries. He served as American Coin-Op editor in the early 1990s and currently operates Laundry Marketing Concepts based in Hallandale Beach, Fla. He can be reached at goinwithcohen@outlook.com.
www.americancoinop.com JANUARY 2020 AMERICAN COIN-OP 21
The Coast Fitness complex boasts state-of-the-art apparatus and a diverse menu ranging from boxing and boot camps to hot yoga and Zumba.
Have You Seen the Light?
Store lighting options can brighten environment, improve safety, cheer up customers
by Bruce Beggs, Editorial Director
The light-emitting diode (LED) is an energy-efficient and rapidly developing lighting technology. Quality LED light bulbs last longer, are more durable, and offer comparable or better light quality than other types of lighting, according to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
Their high efficiency and directional nature make them ideal for many industrial and commercial uses. In a self-service laundry where interior lighting could be on for 16 hours a day or longer, it’s important to utilize lighting that gets the job done at the lowest energy cost.
Daniel Ahlbrand II owns Hoosier Family Laundry, a 2,150-square-foot self-service store with drop-off service in west-central Indianapolis, Indiana. His store had 20 standard drop ceiling tube fixtures that pulled 3,200 watts in total to operate but he recently installed 20 LED shop light fixtures that pull a total of 900 watts, effectively lowering his lighting expense to less than one-third.
“I was generally unhappy with the
amount of light that came from the old store lighting,” Ahlbrand says. “It was pulling a lot of power and still left several areas of the store dimly lit.”
Ahlbrand spent about three hours completing the project by himself. The cost: a little less than $500.
“The advantage of drop ceilings is that they can be changed by simply replacing the solid tiles with clear panels,” he says. “The new LED fixtures are linkable, so all I had to do was place the lights and run the plugs from the previous light in the row.”
Clothes come out looking cleaner, the environment is brighter, and store security is improved, according to Ahlbrand.
“Customers have stated that they feel safer,” he says. “I also purposely chose lighting that has 5000k (daylight) color profile. Studies have shown that there is a psychological correlation between light color and customer satisfaction. ... Happy customers spend money.”
In Wyoming’s Dubois Laundromat & Car Wash, owner Chuck Bryant recently changed his 1,800-square-foot facility’s lighting from 4-foot T8 fluorescent tubes to 4-foot T8 LED. Bryant estimates it took
about 20 hours for him to do the project himself, but he spent less than $200.
Bryant says he thinks that converting to LED is easier than replacing a defective ballast. You may or may not need new tombstones (sockets), depending on what kind of LED retrofit replacement lamps you choose and whether your existing tombstones are shunted or non-shunted, he adds.
Why did Bryant make the change?
“Energy savings, plus knowing we will never have to replace a fluorescent ballast ever again.”
Yvette Morton Williams owns multiple stores. Wash & Spin Coin Laundry in southwest Atlanta, Georgia, was the first, and is the largest at 5,000 square feet.
“Four and a half years ago, we took advantage of the incentives from the power company and updated all of the T12 fluoroscent lights to LED tubes,” Williams says. “We changed the bulbs and bypassed all the ballasts. At that time, we also added motion sensors in the bathrooms and in employee-only areas.
“In the newer facilities, we made these changes during the buildout. We have a couple of the flat panel LED lights installed
22 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
(Image licensed by Ingram Publishing)
Before: In the Hoosier Family Laundry, Indianapolis, Indiana, 20 built-in hardwired fluorescent fixtures drew a total of 3,200 watts, says owner Daniel Ahlbrand II. (Photos courtesy Daniel Ahlbrand II)
After: Today, each of the Hoosier Family Laundry’s 20 LED lighting fixtures draws only 45 watts, for a total of 900 watts. That’s less than one-third of the laundry’s previous lighting energy consumption using fluoroscents.
as well. These look very contemporary and fit directly in the ceiling grid space without separate fixtures. At Wash & Spin, our electric bills decreased 25%.”
The conversion there was completed by a team of professional installers in three days. The project cost several thousand dollars after rebates at the time but she notes the cost of LED tubes has decreased substantially since then.
“Customers all commented on how
nice and bright the store appeared after the conversion,” Williams says. “Everything seemed new. We received many compliments. Time spent changing bulbs has plummeted; we have replaced only one since the conversion.”
Over the last few years, Alexander Sakla, who owns Babylon Laundromat in New Orleans, Louisiana, has been working with LED Supply in nearby Metairie to systematically replace all exterior and interior lighting across all his buildings to more efficient LED solutions.
“LED lighting is easier to maintain because the life of the lamps is significantly longer because they put out less heat and (are) more cost-efficient,” he says.
The scope of the project prompted Sakla to enlist some professional help.
“In this situation, to update the existing 8-foot T8 fluorescent fixtures, the ballasts in all the lights had to be removed and the lights rewired to full voltage, so I had an electrician come after the lights had been delivered,” he says.
It took the electrician roughly three hours to install 32 bulbs and rewire 16 fixtures, Sakla says. Cost for bulbs and installation was approximately $750. He’s seen the same benefits as described by others.
What advice would these store owners offer about installing LED lighting?
“Do it,” urges Ahlbrand. “It’s inexpensive, and the benefits far outweigh the cost.”
“There are a lot of options, (so) find one that best suits your needs,” says Sakla. “For residential, I find 3,000-4,000 Kelvin as high as I’ll go. In commercial, the 5,0006,000 Kelvin is fine but be prepared for a blue tint if you go that high.”
“My advice is if you can replace a fluorescent ballast, you can convert your fixtures to LED,” says Bryant.
“We would advise anyone considering the change to do it now,” offers Williams. “Your only regret will be that you didn’t do it sooner.” ACO
www.americancoinop.com JANUARY 2020 AMERICAN COIN-OP 23 Dedicated Hands-on Distributors voted “TOP-RATED DISTRIBUTOR NETWORK” in Commercial Laundry * Let us help with your Laundromat BEST WEST IN THE NV 800-915-4311 W TX & NM 800-750-1841 westequip.com East WA, N.E OR, ID, MT 509-459-4300 cozzettocommercial.com Southern CA 877-630-7278 acelaundry.com AZ 602-248-0808 cpec-laundry.com UT, MT, NV, WY 801-912-0061 rhinolaundryequipment.com Central CA 800-488-2526 alcoservices.com STAY CONNECTED. RUN YOUR BUSINESS FROM ANYWHERE...ANY TIME. *According to an August 2014 Leede Research Customer Value Analysis on Overall Distributor Quality Your SMART Laundry Partner 1119aco_Distributors Network_rev.indd 1 9/23/19 9:19 AM
Babylon Laundromat owner Alexander Sakla says he has been working with a local LED supplier to systematically replace all exterior and interior lighting across all of his buildings with more efficient LED solutions. (Photo courtesy Alexander Sakla)
Wouldn’t it be great if your equipment never broke down? That it always worked perfectly? Yes!
Now let’s wake up from that fantasy and agree that the most we can do is to keep things nicely humming along as best as possible.
The biggest factor behind equipment failure, I believe, is owner neglect. Some owners will simply do nothing until there is a problem, figuring that if a couple machines go down, they have others the customers can use. But when a customer walks into a busy mat and all the machines are taken, the last thing a customer wants to see are machines they could have used if they were working
Out-of-order machines are bad visuals. If customers see too many “Out of Order” signs, they will watch their own machines more closely and then tend to complain more about minor things.
Ideally, you want all your equipment up and running well when it gets busy.
So, let’s look at solutions:
Each piece of equipment is given its own page. This will help you identify performance patterns or parts failures. It also helps with tracking warranty dates and stocking the proper parts.
Don’t forget to do the same for your boiler, HVAC system, etc.
By the way, you can easily keep a dynamic logbook on your smartphone nowadays for quick, easy reference.
Equipment makers sometimes ask for more routine checks and maintenance than you may like to perform, so balance that with your own reality of time available.
This inventory should include parts that fail often and especially those for crucial equipment such as change machines or VTMs (value transfer machines) that can affect your operation. It seems that equipment often fails when you need it most, like on a weekend. It’s nice to have that extra part on hand.
The better quality of the part, the less often your equipment will fail. It’s that simple.
They can certainly help you with that. A distributor may recommend some things you never thought of, such as cables for your electronic parts.
If you find that you are getting drain line backups every year, then have your drains snaked every nine months. Sluggish drains put an unnecessarily heavy load on washer motors during extraction.
This is a personal choice, of course, and has somewhat to do with the quality of the brand, and the number of turns in your mat.
You should be prepared to replace your most troublesome machines, the ones that are giving you unacceptable failures and/or requiring high-priced repairs such as tub bearing jobs. You can use your repair logbook to help you see the performance trends and track the money spent for each group of machines.
There are other factors that can influence your decision to replace old, worn-out machines such as unusual
24 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
Paul Russo
Here is a dryer drum bearing that has been greased (see “Oil and Lubricate,” page 26). Zerk fitting with cap can be seen on lower left. (Photo: Paul Russo)
failures that require hard-to-find parts, and the higher costs of these repairs.
Also consider that most new equipment comes with at least a three-year warranty on all parts (some brands offer up to 10 years for certain parts such as frames, tub bearings and shafts). The distributors will usually give you a couple of months of on-site service as well, or maybe more in certain circumstances.
The new equipment will potentially lower your utility bills substantially (if you are replacing really old equipment). Axial airflow dryers are generally more efficient, for example. Washers now use inverters to lower electric bills. And new washers now offer easier ways to program water levels and number of baths.
And there’s the real biggie: If you program the new machines correctly, you can charge more per wash than your old equipment and draw lots of new customers, all the while saving on your utilities!
I’m a believer in K.I.S.S. aka “Keep it simple, stupid.” Do you really need to incorporate all the bells and whistles in your equipment? The more active and working components your equipment has, the more things that will eventually fail, thereby increasing your service calls. It’s a mathematical certainty! So always consider if a new machine function is worth it in the long run.
Power fluctuations can play havoc with any equipment that is computerized, and Laundromats have lots of computerized equip-
ment. Something as simple as a poor ground can impact your TVs all the way to your high-priced ATMs, VTMs, HVACs and change machines.
Sometimes your utility will have problems delivering consistent, quality power, in the form of surges and fluctuations. This can happen in a couple of ways: a lightning strike anywhere near your mat (no, a good ground wire will not be enough), or a tree knocks down power lines coming into your building.
Ask your distributor if your mat can benefit from a surge protection device, or SPD, at your main panel, usually installed by a licensed electrician to protect your entire mat.
Keep in mind that SPDs can’t protect your equipment from brownouts.
While you want your customers to be satisfied that your water is hot enough to clean their laundry well, water that is too hot can cause problems.
Unless your local codes force you to do otherwise, I would keep the hot water where it enters the washers at no more than 125 F. Water hotter than this will cause premature failures of your hot water intake valves and hoses. Simply put, the hotter the water, the sooner your valves and hoses will fail.
To stop this before it starts, help a first-time customer as soon as they come in. Your crew should automatically show new customers how to properly and safely use the machines. ▲
www.americancoinop.com JANUARY 2020 AMERICAN COIN-OP 25
Authorized Dealers for: • Vend-Rite • Sol-O-Matic • Card Concepts • All other accessories phone: 800.362.1900 • web: www.acpowerco.com e-mail: info@acpowerco.com • fax: 215-364-4699 Local Service, Parts and Equipment Available in PA, NJ and DE Commercial Laundry Solutions 77 Steamwhistle Drive, Ivyland, PA 18974 The Best Equipment Available at the Best Prices Industry Leading Distributors For Over 43 Years! AC POWER COMPANY Inc. HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ALL OF US AT AC POWER COMPANY INC. CHECK OUR WEBSITE for Contact us today for new Equipment and Parts. Endofyearequipmentandfinancingdeals.Lockin2017pricing.Callusforinformation. Call 800-362-1900 to Schedule Your Service Appointment for your Machines. Are you purchasing the right laundry equipment? Retool your store for 2020. Our standout features can separate a decent machine from a great machine. Call us today to speak with a Laundry Sales Specialist. 800-362-1900 0120aco_AC Power color.indd 1 12/9/19 11:39 AM
Clearly worded signs help prevent abuse, but I recommend investing in a great video surveillance system that you can stream to your phone.
Make sure the system uses plenty of high-definition cameras. The cams should be partially facing each other in addition to their coverage area so one cam will protect another. Make sure you get a system with public address capabilities, where you can speak and listen to the store from your cellphone.
My No. 2 tool is more prevention-minded. People normally don’t pay attention to signs but if you have a couple of monitors that show, say, 36 camera feeds in full public view, your warning sign attached to the monitors will carry much more weight!
Russo routinely added a sad face to any “Out of Order” sign because it was “universally understood by any culture.” (Graphic: Paul Russo)
If you want to cut down on dryer bearing failures, then you should find the bearing closest to the dryer drum. Hopefully, its housing will have a zerk fitting (aka grease nipple) for you to pump three to four shots of grease from a grease gun.
If the housing doesn’t have a zerk fitting, then look to see if they simply left it out. You can often find a screw hole on the housing for you to simply screw one in; you can buy kits of zerk fittings on Amazon.
Once I started greasing the bearings, my dryer bearing jobs evaporated to near zero!
Once a year is all it will take.
Your sign should also state that “Anyone who causes any damage to this Laundromat will be easily identified, arrested, and prosecuted.”
If you want fewer problems in the long run, before buying new equipment, make it your mission to use the same due diligence you did when you bought your mat.
Go further than just comparing warranties. Make it a point to spend a few months researching the different brands. Visit other mats and ask their owners what they like and what they dislike about their store’s machines. Would they buy that brand again? Are any issues they deal with easy to diagnose and repair? Bring some laundry and use the machines yourself!
When shopping distributors, ask brand A what it doesn’t like about its competitor, brand B.
Also, keep in mind that a good distributor that stands behind its equipment and wants a long-term relationship with you could cancel out the one or two issues that a brand might have.
Machines that start making strange noises should be immediately placed out of order before that noise gets worse and the cause does significant damage.
Each machine should get two “Out Of Order” signs: one on the door, and one covering the coin drop/card reader to prevent a customer from accidentally starting a faulty machine. Always shut power to a machine that is out of service.
Besides “Out of Order,” the signs I used also depicted a sad face, universally understood by any culture. I printed and laminated them, then affixed them to machines using adhesive tape.
Oil and lubricate anything that spins. Heck, anything that moves will need to be lubricated from time to time!
There is a trick to preserve noisy motor bearings, even without a zerk fitting, but it’s temporary, to buy you a few months so you can correct the issue by changing the bearings.
Get some lithium spray grease and some turbine oil. Spray the grease along the axle as close as you can to hit the bearing; most of the grease will not get past the bearing shield, but some will.
Next, spray the turbine oil over virtually the same spot. This will liquefy and carry more grease into the bearing through capillary action.
I’ve done this to motors right in the machine; there’s no need to remove the motor.
The more that machines are used, the sooner they will break down from overuse. While it’s great to have a busy mat, have you thought that it might be too busy? If your store is averaging more than six turns per day, it might be time to increase vend prices.
Call your distributor for help with stubborn technical issues. Many times, they have already worked out a solution. If not, the manufacturer’s technical support line is just a phone call away.
If you can, try removing a rinse and spin on a select group of washers and note customer feedback, if any. Many customers will not notice. Not only will you save on water usage, those washers will become more reliable simply because they will be operating less. Tub revolutions are like mileage on a car: the less it spins, the longer it will last. ACO
Paul Russo owned and operated multiple Laundromats in New York City for more than 40 years before retiring last year. He’s a regular on the Coin Laundry Association’s online forum, posting under the pseudonym “Paulie B.” You’re welcome to direct any questions or comments for Russo to Editor Bruce Beggs at bbeggs@ atmags.com.
26 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
Speed Queen® has introduced a new aesthetics package for its vended laundry products, including washer-extractors and tumble dryers. The products are currently available for order on models equipped with the Quantum Gold control.
“Store owners were already familiar with our quality engineering and components inside; now, the outside of our machines matches that modern performance pedigree,” says Kathryn Rowen, general manager of the North American Laundromat segment for Alliance Laundry Systems. “I’m confident the upgrades will help owners merchandise their stores as the most modern and
premium in their market areas.”
Speed Queen washer-extractors will feature embossed front panels, a recessed control panel and a simulated carbon fiber control overlay. Single and stack tumble dryers boast ergonomic door handles, as well as fastener-less fronts and sleek lint drawers that combine for a far cleaner look to customers. They also will have carbon fiber-look control overlays to match the washerextractors.
“We are excited to introduce these new aesthetic changes to the marketplace,” Rowen says. “We know that customers choose a Laundromat for a number of reasons, but a bright, mod-
ern look with new equipment certainly ranks near the top. These products will help owners position their laundries for success.”
www.speedqueencommercial.com | 800-590-8872
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Speed Queen Laundry Franchise LLC, a subsidiary of Alliance Laundry Systems, is now offering Speed Queen-branded Laundromat franchises in nearly all of the United States via select distributors and its internal sales team.
The comprehensive package includes “everything entrepreneurs need to open, operate and grow a vibrant Laundromat business,” Alliance says.
Franchisees will benefit from in-house financing, equipment selection and layout, Speed Queen-branded store design (including store fixtures) and signage, a marketing playbook, training, business coaching and more.
“Our Speed Queen Laundromat franchises will leverage our industry-leading technology and collective experience, alongside of the brand awareness that Speed Queen has built over more than 110 years,” says Justin Tripp, president of Global Retail for Alliance Laundry Systems.
Tripp says the franchise model elevates the vended laundry by focusing on providing the safest, cleanest and most customerfriendly environment, one that takes the chore out of the task.
“I really see us at the forefront of a movement,” he says. “Through our approach and Speed Queen’s advanced technology, we are creating an environment that will serve as an example for the industry and spark additional efforts to raise the customer experience to new heights. That’s truly exciting.”
Distributor Laundry Owners Warehouse is expanding its facility to 18,000 square feet to further strengthen and enhance its operation, the company reports.
The move marks the sixth expansion for the distributor, paying the way for more sustainable and centralized operations and better solutions for its partners. It allows the company to offer better service to customers and deliver more products across the country, says Joshua Prager, president of the company.
“Our aim with this expansion is to strengthen our operations
and services to provide state-of-the-art solutions to ‘Laundroteurs’ and customers alike,” he says.
The company plans to use the facility to further expand its used equipment refurbishing process.
“Many of our Laundromat partners are now choosing to buy refurbished equipment because it comes at a comparatively lower price but with trust and assurance from Laundry Owners Warehouse,” says Prager. “Our commitment to quality and sustainability is being realized with this expansion.”
CSC ServiceWorks, which provides commercial laundry solutions and air vending services, has hired Brad Paine to be its chief digital officer, a newly created role at the company. He will report directly to CEO Mark Hjelle and serve as a member of the Executive Leadership Team.
Paine’s team will lead and accelerate the continued digital transformation at CSC, which is focused on delivering best-in-class user experiences for consumers and clients alike.
He will directly oversee CSC’s Connected Machines initiatives. Supporting this and other digital initiatives, Paine will manage a newly formed business unit that will lead application design, software development, data optimization, and client and consumer adoption of CSC’s new technology offerings.
Previously, Paine served as vice president and general manager for Connected Homes and Cities at Eaton Cooper Lighting.
“As we lead the charge for integrating technology to provide best-in-class consumer and client experiences, Brad’s unique skillset and strategic thinking are the perfect complements to our dynamic team,” says Hjelle. “With Brad’s expertise and unrivaled experience in bringing connected machines to life, we’re well-
NEWSMAKERS 28 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
(continued on page 32)
Laundry Owners Warehouse is expanding its Fort Lauderdale, Fla., facility for a sixth time, paving the way for more sustainable and centralized operations, the distributor says. (Photo: Laundry Owners Warehouse)
Alliance Laundry Systems distributed this photo as an example of what its bright, modern Speed Queen franchising concept looks like. (Photo: Alliance Laundry Systems)
Brad Paine
Every FREE monthly episode offers:
• Topics of specific interest to self-service laundry owner/operators like you
• Engaging industry-specific conversation with an expert
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• Information and insight to get a leg up on competitors – give us a listen!
NEW! Attended vs. Unattended
There’s no magic formula when it comes to choosing a coin laundry’s operational model but certain factors can affect the call. Mike Enz from equipment distributor Laundry One weighs both approaches.
Maximizing Your Coin Laundry’s Value
When it comes to boosting a store’s value, certain factors have stood the test of time.
Industry veteran John Vassiliades, who’s brokered the sales of over 1,000 coin laundries, explains
Having a Disaster Recovery Plan
With such a plan in place, a laundry can be ready to cope with fire, severe weather or other incident and return to operation as quickly as possible.
Robert “Bo” Steiner, district director at the U.S. Small Business Administration, talks planning strategy and execution.
Staffing Your Laundromat
Michael Finkelstein, whose Associated Services Corp. operates a large chain of laundries in the Southeast, discusses techniques for hiring and keeping good laundry attendants.
Listen in at: americancoinop.com/podcasts
TO PLACE YOUR AD: CLASSIFIEDS@ATMAGS.COM 30 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com WASCO GEN 5 DOOR LOCKS & TIMERS REBUILT Door Lock $75 • Gen 5 & 6 Timer $85 WASCO Gen 4 Timer $85 • Continental Timer $95 DRYER COMPUTER BOARDS ADC Stack $60 • Single $45 Huebsch SQ Board $45 Huebsch Old Style Board $55 Stack Dexter/Continental $75 Washer Coin Boards $65 Some prices may vary!!!! JECON INC. THE UPS STORE 204-17 HILLSIDE AVE. # 394 HOLLIS NEW YORK 11423 One-Year Warranty on All Parts Send Core Unit with S&H Fees Call Toll Free: 1-888-532-6677 (888-JECON77) Local: 718-525-3733 • Fax: 212-656-1913 718-525-2266 Visit: JECONINC.COM We Now Accept All Major Credit Cards CLASSIFIEDS EQUIPMENT WANTED I BUY LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT 954-245-2110 Why haven’t laundry owners added credit card acceptance on their washers and dryers? • They Say It’s Unaffordable • They Think There Are Too Many Choices • They Heard It’s Difficult to Install and Use CryptoPay answers ALL of these concerns. To see how, give us a call! 719-822-0294 www.getcryptopay.com/laundry.php (800) 446-2719 imonex.com COIN DROP for a Buck & a Quarter EQUIPMENT FOR SALE PAYMENT SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE SERVICES AND SUPPLIES ELECTRONIC REPAIRS DRYER BOOSTER & EXHAUST FANS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Repair Front Load WASHER Bearings. Rebuild drums available. Call Tony: 516-805-4193 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 2020 RATES: One- to five-time rate: $2.80 per word, boldface $2.85 per word. Minimum charge: $25.00 per ad. Call or write for our six- and 12-time rates. If box number is used, add cost of 5 words. Display classified rates are available on request. All major credit cards are accepted. DEADLINE: Ads must be received by the 1st of the preceding month. For example, for a June ad, the closing date is May 1st. PAYMENT FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Must accompany order. 18 Select Laundry Center Vending Machine Sales 515-480-4613 www.vendingmachinesales.com Add pro t to your establishment by vending your patron’s favorite laundry goods. Professional Laundry Scales from Summit Measurement NTEP Digital Bench, Portable, Commercial Floor and Coin Counting Scales The Single Best Place to Buy Laundry Scales Online! (818) 561-3636 www.summitmeasurement.net ON SALENOW! * Pillar Optional COIN LAUNDRY FOR SALE LAUNDRY SCALES LAUNDRY SCALES NTEP DIGITAL LAUNDRY SCALE APM-60 Bench Scale Capacity 150 lbs. Legal For Trade Summitmeasurement.net 818-561-2626 Summit APM Laundry Scale Ad for May/Sept 2019 Summit Scales Multiple Scale Ad
www.americancoinop.com JANUARY 2020 AMERICAN COIN-OP 31 WASHERS and DRYERS COMPUTER BOARD REPAIR Dexter VFD Inverter (Delta Motor Control) All Models (9375-xxx-xxx) $245.00 VFD-A & VFD-B (9732-237-001) . . . . . . . . call Stack Dryer (9875-xxx-xxx) . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Coin Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Igniters (Fenwal only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00 Wascomat / Electrolux Inverters (MotorControl) All $245.00 471977101,105,115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call Emerald Selecta Gen. 6 Washer Main Computer PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175.00 Emerald Selecta Washer Door Lock Control PCB $75.00 Compass Control Assembly Gen. 6. $125.00 Selecta II Dryer PCB Assembly $155.00 Maytag Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 23004118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call W10343020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call ADC 137213, 137234, 137240 . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 137253,137260,137274,137275. . . . . . . . call Igniters (Fenwal only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00 Speed Queen / Huebsch Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Motor Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call IPSO 209/00440/70 (Micro 20). . . . . . . . . . $125.00 Volume Discounts • One-Year Warranty Free Return Shipping El - Tech, Inc. 26 West St. Colonia, NJ 07067 For Complete Price List Please Call: 908-510-6520 or visit us at www.eltechlab.com SINGLE-COPY SALES To order any current or back issue of American Coin-Op by phone, or to subscribe, call our circulation customer service department at: 1-630-739-0600 www.AmericanCoinOp.com POSITIONS AVAILABLE SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES SERVICES AND SUPPLIES www. AmericanCoinOp .com www. AmericanCoinOp .com TIMERS REBUILT — IPSO main & reverse, Dexter, Primus, Speed Queen, Maytag & Continental Girbau, Wascomat Generation 4, 5 and 6. Reeco Timer Co., 1855 Union Blvd., Ste A Bay Shore, NY 11706 631-498-6999 Laundry Mechanic Wanted (954) 537-1643 AC Power ................................................ 25 ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment 23 American Switch 31 Card Concepts .......................................... 13 Cleaner’s Supply 31 Continental Girbau 1 CryptoPay 30 ESD Inc. ...................................... 16-17, BC Gold Coin Laundry Equipment 15 HHC Electronic Service 31 High Mark Manufacturing ....................... 11 Huebsch 9 Imonex Services 30 LG Electronics ........................................ IBC Laundry Concepts .................................... 19 Low Cost Manufacturing ......................... 21 Maytag Commercial Laundry 7 Metro Laundry Tech Corp. 31 Mountain Electronics 27 Setomatic Systems IFC Speed Queen 3 Tjernlund Products 30 Vending Machine Sales 30 Vend-Rite 5 WASH Commercial Laundry 30 Advertiser Page Advertiser Page ADVERTISERS’ INDEX COMPUTER BOARDS FIXED HHC ELECTRONIC SERVICE 1338 Electra Ave., Rowland Hts., CA 91748 626-961-8678 • 844-846-0371 E-mail: hhc168@hotmail.com Repaired & Rebuilt to Manufacture Specs. Shipped Anywhere. • American • Dexter • • Easy Card, ESD • • Huebsch • Speed Queen •
positioned to continue setting the bar for innovation.”
Paine has extensive experience in developing and deploying services and products for many industries, including electrical, heating, cooling, and utility for residential, multi-family, universities and more. Before his tenure at Eaton, he spent 11 years at Honeywell in progressive roles.
Paine has a bachelor of science degree in corporate finance from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a master’s in business administration from the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He holds 12 U.S. patents.
Huebsch recently named Glenn Catlin and Rowena Garcia its Store Owners of the Quarter. The married couple saved thousands of dollars revitalizing a Houston Laundromat with energyefficient Huebsch washers and dryers, the brand says.
Catlin and Garcia own and operate Las Lavanderia, a 7,000-square-foot Laundromat located on Telephone Road in Houston. Its success has prompted the couple to open a second location.
“I’m beyond excited to be named Store Owner of the Quarter,” Catlin says. “We’re proud to operate a business that also serves the community we’re honored to call home. We love our customers and are looking forward to serving them for many more years to come.”
Las Lavanderia is located in a heavily Hispanic community, so the Huebsch app’s ability to display controls in Spanish is a necessity for Catlin’s business.
“Glenn’s story is one we talk about all the time,” says Jeremy Hunt of Gulf States. “Within 12 months of taking over, it’s been extremely successful and we’re in the final stages of securing a second location for him.”
Other features that keep Las Lavanderia’s customers coming back are free Wi-Fi and coffee, massage chairs, a kid’s room, and regular cash-back incentives.
Eastern Funding hosted its first Women’s Business Leadership Conference Nov. 13 in New York City, bringing together academics, entrepreneurs and other business professionals with a goal of shining the spotlight on leadership that can empower women to gain greater career equity and success.
Las Lavanderia uses sleek, stainless steel machines that are operated through an app, which makes it easy for Catlin’s customers to do their laundry. Customers download the Huebsch app, select the desired machine and pay through the app. Catlin spends less time monitoring the washers and dryers, and more time driving his business forward.
The Laundromat is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and employs seven, including Catlin and Garcia.
Catlin worked with local distributor Gulf States Laundry Machinery to finance and install the brand-new Huebsch machines. In less than one year, the switch to Huebsch machines cut Catlin’s energy and water bills in half due to the machines’ energy-efficient features, Huebsch says.
Keynote speaker Dr. Syleecia Thompson drew from her experiences as an entrepreneur, author and business management professor at Berkeley College during what was described as a “high-energy” and “inspiring” presentation.
She offered tips that women can utilize daily in their individual journeys, from celebrating the little victories to creating daily reminders and to-do lists.
Panel discussions dominated the remainder of the conference. Janytra Brooks of Brookline Bank moderated as panelists shared their experiences and offered career enhancement strategies. Audience members posed questions on topics that ranged from the importance of a college degree to how to negotiate a raise.
“Sexism is often subtle because it’s based on societal gender roles that challenge women in leadership. Women can change the narrative by creating awareness and highlighting specific instances,” says Nancy Robles-Guess, executive vice president at Eastern Funding. “This event and others like it will help bolster the fight against biases and toward the goal of women being equal participants in business and career success.”
NEWSMAKERS 32 AMERICAN COIN-OP JANUARY 2020 www.americancoinop.com
Rowena Garcia (left) and Glenn Catlin are the newest Store Owners of the Quarter selected by commercial laundry equipment brand Huebsch. The married couple own and operate Las Lavanderia, a
Laundromat located in Houston. (Photo: Alliance Laundry Systems)
Nancy Robles-Guess (far left), executive vice president at Eastern Funding, speaks on a panel during the Women’s Business Leadership Conference. (Photo: Eastern Funding)
from page 28)
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BRAND YOU KNOW. THE BRAND YOU TRUST. The LG Platinum Commercial Laundry System offers vended laundries unrivaled energy-efficiency, programmability, installation flexibility and durability. Offering 22.5 pounds of capacity, the LG Giant C Fast Platinum Washers are configurable to meet the needs of nearly any vended laundry application — card or coin. cgilaundry.com/lg
ESD leads the industry in bringing a wide selection of time tested and proven slides, money boxes, locks, key shafts and cams for any laundry or vending application. ESD products are available for Immediate Delivery Contact Your ESD Distributor or visit us at www.esdcoin.com ESD Inc. All Rights Reserved